I’m The King

Chapter 998: : Huang Huang Han Wei (One Hundred and Twenty-Two)

Wang Pei stood in the rain, and the heavy rain poured down, hitting a bunch of turbid white flowers on the surface of the river. The water in the Liuhao River was slowly rising because of this heavy rain. The tidal flat where he blocked the enemy is slowly disappearing. If the rain continues for a day or two, the river will directly rise to the embankment. This is definitely not a good thing for the defenders, Red Scarf The army can draw countless wooden rafts directly under the river embankment and start his control of the river embankment.

What made him puzzled was that in the two days of fierce hand-to-hand combat, the morale and combat effectiveness of the Red Scarf Army was not inferior to the elite Qi army he led. But the other party was just one establishment. But the two-year-old bandit army, where did their fighting power and fighting will come from?

In the past few days of the battle, the casualty rate between him and the Red Turban Army has been maintained at a ratio of 1.5:1. It seems that he has taken advantage of it, but in fact, Wang Pei knows that the strength of the two sides is half a cat. The advantage is simply because of the advantage of taking advantage of the geographical position, defending by oneself, and attacking by the other party.Under such geographic conditions, the casualties of the other party are only slightly higher than those of himself.If you really want to talk about it, you have already lost.

Of course, the fighting between the two armies is not a personal argument. Wang Pei still firmly guards Liu Haohe, but his mood is not half happy. Tian Jingwen has already launched an offensive against Nanquan, and the Qi State court looks at Jimo's general offensive. The coming has already begun, and Chen Dai has no news as soon as he left.Could it be that Tian Yuanyuan didn't even bother with the second son's begging?

Wang Pei sighed. The river was still rising slowly and firmly. Across the rain curtain, he could vaguely see the opposite side of the river, and the Red Turban Army was pushing more wooden rafts to the edge of the river.

What if he can hold on here? The general trend is over. When the iron hoof of the Han army steps on Jimo, it is when all of its own army is destroyed. Wang Pei believes that the Han army has already raised a sharp-edged sword, just look at it. When did it fall.

The rain was a little bit lighter, and there were countless more flags in the Red Turban Army camp opposite, and one of the highest-raised generals was actually the bandit leader, the current Gaotanghou Baicheng. Has the main force finally arrived?

Wang Pei stood up and looked back at the barracks of his army behind the embankment.He would not have any reinforcements.

Was your original choice wrong?

No, my original choice was not wrong. Under the circumstances, if I led my troops to rescue Tian Xiang in western Liaoning, he would only become the next prey of Gao Yuan and fight for aid. Such tactics are not new. At the pass of the mountain, I am afraid that the end will be to accompany Tian Xiang to fish in Dayan Lake.

The time is also the trend! Wang Pei shook his head wordlessly. In this contest, the lofty man won, the great man lost, but it was not a crime of war. He did not make the slightest mistake in the military, only It's just losing to the general trend.

The dispute between Ertian and Daqi will finally be ruined. If Linzi were taken down quickly and aggressively, how could there be such a predicament as it is today?

Mu Qiu stood by the Liuhao River, looking at the river that was still as calm as before. At this time, like an angry madman, he rolled up huge waves, flew up from the river, and smashed into each other fiercely. It turned into a sky full of droplets and fell into the river. Although the river surface is not wide, the terrain is steep, the river bank is rugged, and the boats can’t get close. As for the wooden paizi, I’m afraid that it will be hit by the underwater reef as soon as it gets closer to this place. It's torn to pieces.

It was precisely because of the terrain here that Qi Jun didn't pay attention to this place.In the past few days, he searched along the coast of Mu Qiu and finally found such a hidden place without the enemy's attention.

It is called Luoniaoya, which means that only birds can stand on this place.

Mu Qiu was wearing a tight-fitting water lean, one foot in the water, bending over to pick up some water and pour on him, a huge wave surged, and slammed on a tall rock beside him, immediately Drowning him in it, the water splashed down, and Mu Qiu had become a rooster.

"Fuck it!" Mu Qiu looked at the roaring river, and felt a little guilty in his heart.After this went down, his life could no longer be controlled by himself.Perhaps a wave smashed himself on a rock, and he would die.

Looking back at the two companions next to him, they also showed fear on their faces.The companions farther away could not see their expressions, but they wanted to be similar to themselves.

"Brothers, how can some small winds and waves withstand me? Don't forget who you are? Follow me, come on!" Mu Qiu knew that he would never show any cowardice at this moment. Needless to say for sure.

After swallowing a swallow, Mu Qiu trot a few steps forward, and plunged into the roaring river water.Behind him, a thin rope undulated in the river water with his forward body.

After swimming forward only a few meters, Mu Qiu felt that his body could hardly be controlled by himself.The huge current pushed him, and he couldn't help but all the way down.He desperately waved his arms and tried to stabilize his own. In his figure, the rain in the sky was still falling, and his eyes could hardly be opened, but he was still desperately opening his eyes and paying attention to everything around him. There are huge boulders there, and if they are carried by the current, there is little chance of surviving.

Swim forward with difficulty, the impact of the current is greater, but the huge waves that soar to the sky are getting less and less, Mu Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, which means that he has swimed to the center of the river, the next period should be relatively easy, only When approaching the opposite bank, he will encounter danger again.

He looked around, trying to find the sound and shadow of his companion, but on the dark river surface all around, apart from water, there was still water, where could he see the shadow of a companion.

Taking a deep breath, Mu Qiu stretched his feet, followed the direction of the current, and swam towards the opposite bank.Now he must maintain his physical strength, and when he approaches the opposite bank, it will be another fight between life and death.

The tiger head stood on a huge boulder by the river with a awning in his hands. He wanted to see the situation on the river, but he could not see clearly, so he could not help but stomped his feet. In the dense forest behind him, three thousand Hu Ben stood silently.

"Can you really swim through such a big storm and such a complicated water regime?" Hutou asked, looking at the calm Zhao Yi'an beside him.

"It's up to people to plan, and it's up to the sky!" Zhao Yi'an didn't seem to see any joy or anger on his face, "General Hutou, don't you believe our soldiers?"

"This is not a question of believe it or not, but a question of whether or not they can, Zhao Yi'an, do you think they have a chance of success? Such a big storm, I am afraid that they will be washed away in some way when the water is hit. The underwater reef, that one is a terrible thing." Hutou said.

Zhao Yi'an didn't answer his words, but turned his eyes to the hands of twenty soldiers on the riverside. Each of them held a thin hemp rope. At their feet, there was a large coil of this kind of rope. The length is hundreds of meters, and the rope is rapidly extending forward.

Mu Qiu's hands clung to the protruding part of the rock, panting for breath, just now he was rushed here by a group of rapids, and when he saw this **** guy appear in his eyes, he was frightened. When his soul flew away, and when he was involuntarily hitting him, a huge whirlpool suddenly surged under the big stone, bringing his body aside, and avoiding the front of the big stone dangerously and dangerously. At this very moment, Qiu stretched out his hand to climb the protruding corner of the rock, his body was slapped by the water on the side of the rock, and his whole body was shot apart, but he let out a long breath, which was finally a blessing. Fate and survived.

Climbing up the rock and looking around, he was pleasantly surprised to see that in front of him, the rocks were connected to each other, and he had actually reached the shore.

Using both hands and feet, he jumped from one piece to another. When his feet finally set foot on the ground, Mu Qiu almost fell to the ground. Lying on his back in the shallow water, Mu Qiu opened his mouth wide, breathing desperately. In the fresh air, I got up for a while, carefully observing the surrounding situation. The target I was about to reach was deviated by a full 100 meters, and the huge falling bird cliff stood black in my eyes.

Mu Qiu tightened the rope tightly tied to his waist, and walked towards the Falling Bird Cliff.While walking, he put **** in his mouth while learning the bird's song.He was calling his companions.

In the darkness, the bird's response sounded, but Mu Qiu's face quickly became gloomy.When he set out, there were a total of twenty people, but now only Liao and Liao responded to him.

What about the others? He stopped, looked at the dark surface of the river, and bowed deeply.

Twenty outstanding scouts, including Mu Qiu, arrived on the other side alive, but only three.

The three people climbed up the cliff with difficulty, Mu Qiu took out a small bag that was tightly sealed with oily skin and wax from his arms, and tore it open.It contained a fire sickle and a stick of incense.

He hit the fire sickle, lit the incense head, and Mu Qiu slowly faced the opposite bank, drawing small circles one after another in the air.

On the other side, Zhao Yi'an's eyes widened suddenly, "General Tiger Head, they are here!" Zhao Yi'an's voice was a little trembling: "Look, firelight, firelight."

The tiger's head shouted and jumped off the boulder, "What are you still doing? Quick, get ready, get ready."

Zhao Yi'an also lit the incense head here and made a few circles in the air. Behind him, the soldiers quickly got busy. Behind the hemp rope, a thick rope was tied, and at the tail of the thick rope, The tightly fastened is a child's wrist-thin iron cable twisted with iron wires. The rope began to be pulled from the ground, driving the iron cable behind, and slowly submerged into the darkness. (To be continued)

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