I’m The King

Chapter 1014: :East becomes the west (7)

He Lanjie stood by the creek, took a brush to wash his body vigorously for his horse, the horse lowered his head, shook his head and drank water, snorted his nose from time to time, and flicked his long mane. He Lanjie was also poured with water. From top to bottom, the entire stream was full of Han soldiers grooming their horses.

He Lanjie was anxious.Five days ago, they caught up with the infantry brigade, and then He Lanxiong used him and Hao Lianpo as the pioneers, with a group of ten thousand cavalry, and first rushed to Shannan County to rescue.

However, the war horse can't go on the road without stopping all day. After running for an hour, it has to stop and rest for a while. Otherwise, the war horse may be run and scrapped. The emergency messenger from Shannan County found them a day ago. Judging from the messenger's anxious look, the situation in Shannan County Town is already extremely bad.

Feng Fayong has already died on the battlefield. This news made He Lanjie feel very uncomfortable. Since the founding of the Han Dynasty and the conflict with the Qin people, it has been the second high-level general to die on the battlefield. The first is Han. Founding General Naha.

There is no doubt that the people of Qin are strong, but He Lanjie believes that Han is even stronger. The long-term non-stop victory has allowed Han generals to adopt a strong self-confidence. Although Naha and Feng Fayong fought one after another, However, in the eyes of all Han army generals, these two battles were not killed by their opponents in the battle of real swords and guns on both sides.Without exception, both of them were tricked by their opponents.

This time the cavalry finally caught the opportunity to fight the Qin on the battlefield, whether He Lanjie or Hao Lianpo, for them, the Huns, fighting the Qin's iron cavalry on the battlefield is even more extraordinary, the Huns. The king court of Qin was destroyed on the grassland by the Qin people, and He Lanjie followed He Lanxiong in the past when he witnessed tens of thousands of Xiongnu's surrendered cavalry being shot and killed by Qin General Wang Xiao.

And this time, it was Wang Xiao who led the army again. For He Lanjie, this was the best opportunity for revenge. He took a handful of beans from his pocket, stuffed it into the war horse’s mouth, and looked at the war horse. Chewing the beans quackly, He Lanjie fondly caressed the big mouth of the war horse, bent down, lifted the saddle, and put it on the back of the war horse.

The horse also seemed to feel that he was about to embark on the journey again, raised his head and hissed softly, and without waiting for Helan to lead it, he had already walked out of the stream automatically.

"Blow the trumpet, gather together!" He Lanjie said to the soldiers next to her.

The tick-t-t-t-tap rally horn sounded, and the rested cavalry put on their saddles at the fastest speed, turned on their horses, and began to return to the team.

"Go!" He Lanjie screamed, riding his horse and whip towards Shannan County and was about to move forward. In the distance, there was a thunderous sound of horseshoes, and dozens of war horses swept from a distance.

"Master Helan, wait a minute!" The cavalry immediately yelled: "The commander has ordered all the cavalry to stop advancing immediately and stand by on the spot."

Rushing in front of He Lanjie, the cavalry immediately said loudly.

"What did you say?" He Lanjie shouted sharply.

"Commander Helan, the commander has the order. The cavalry immediately stopped advancing and stood on the spot. The commander ordered you and Commander Helian to return to the Chinese army camp meeting immediately." The cavalry took out a command arrow from his arms and handed it. To He Lanjie.

Hao Lianpo and He Lanjie, who came after hearing the news, looked at each other, and their eyes were filled with unresolved doubts and worries.

He Lanxiong Chinese Army Camp, First Army Commander Yan Haibo, Second Army Commander Tang Yibiao, and Fei Qian and other generals gathered, when He Lanjie and Hao Lianpo stormed into the Chinese Army's account with sweat. At that time, what I heard was the fierce quarrel of everyone, and the commander He Lanxiong was looking at the map with his back to them.

"What's the matter?" He Lanjie leaned in front of Yan Haibo and asked in a low voice.

"Xiling City is lost," Yan Haibo whispered.

"What?" It was like a bolt from the blue sky, shaking Helan Jie a little horribly, "Xiling City is lost, what's the joke?"

"It's not a joke." Yan Haibo took a deep breath." The Zhao Guoren opened up their Shanggu County, causing Qin General Li Xintong's 100,000 army to drive straight in from the Shanggu County Chief. The army directly attacked the city of Xiling, and replaced the main force of the county soldiers. , But was deployed in Nanzhang. There was not much force in Xiling City. Li Xin came to Xiling City with a drum. Under Zhao Yong, the county guard, all our officials were captured. The information sent in a hurry, Li Xinbing is now divided into two routes, escorting Zhao Yong all the way to Nanzhang, I am afraid that he is threatening Qin Lei to surrender, while Li Xin is coming to us with the main force.

He Lanjie's lips were a little tingling. This is a big trouble. Ruo Dijun, their army of nearly 60,000, suddenly lost the logistics supply. This is not a trivial matter. There is no one day in the army. Food, I'm afraid there will be troubles.

"Kill back!" Hao Lianpo jumped up suddenly, "Fight Li Xin to the death and drive him out of Dai County."

He Lanxiong slowly turned around, and in the big account, there are not a few people who support this view.

"Haibo, what do you think?" He looked at Yan Haibo and asked.

"Commander, Li Xin has an army of 100,000, and this person uses soldiers and is cunning and unpredictable. I am not afraid of him, but even if we return to the army, I am afraid that we will not be able to decide the victory or defeat in a short time. And our logistics, I’m afraid it’s definitely impossible to persist.” Yan Haibo said.” Zhao Guo’s defeat in the Great Plains of Guanzhong, but the defeat was so bad that they didn’t even have the backbone. They even opened up their land for the Qin Army to pass through. Next, they will even send troops to assist the Qin people in the fight. Maybe Li Xin doesn't have to throw any big bargaining chips, just say to them, and return it to Zhao Guo on behalf of the county. Coming to serve as a **** for them, this person has no spine at all. Guanzhong is defeated, and his reputation in the country has plummeted. If he can take it back to Daijun, it will be used to explain to the people."

"Hmph, will the Qin people return Daijun back to them so graciously? I'm afraid that they will hold them in their hands for two days. If they haven't covered the heat, they will **** them away again!"

"Zhao Guo has now become a dog without a backbone. Even if they know that the bun is poisonous, they will probably swallow it." Yan Haibo stood up, "Commander, I don't agree to return to the teacher, retreat, I'm afraid Li Xin is looking forward to our return to find him for a decisive battle!"

He Lanxiong nodded slowly," Haibo was right. Actually, the key is not here. But in Shannan County, I now finally understand the intention of the Qin people. They actually want to encircle us in Daijun, if not. Shannan County has been insisting until now, I am afraid that we have been blocked in Dai County, and it is impossible to advance or retreat. Shang Kexi's desperate battle has won us the opportunity to retreat."

Everyone heard He Lanxiong's words, and when they thought about it carefully, all of them were horrified. As He Lanxiong said, if Shannan County has been breached, Wang Xiao's tens of thousands of troops will seal their retreat, and there will be Li Xin one hundred thousand before that time. After the army, Wang Xiao blocked the road, and the 60,000 army of the Eastern Army was sealed in Daijun.

"Pass the order to Shang Kexi, let him also retreat, save his strength, and counterattack in the future." He Lanxiong sighed, "Qin has taken the lead in this game of chess."

"Abandon Daijun and Shannan County?" Tang Yibiao, Fei Qian and others were all in awe," Commander, in this way, the entire prairie can be completely exposed to the Qin people's military front, Jishicheng, Dayan The city and the entire Hetao Plain will become the targets of the Qin people, and we are now in these places, but there are not many soldiers and horses stationed. Would you like to ask Jicheng first?

"It's too late!" He Lanxiong said flatly: "It takes how long to come and go. Even if the whole army rushes to Shannan County at this moment, it doesn't make any sense to defend Shannan County. Once Li Xin's army catches up with us, it will be broken. If our retreat is done, then our Dongye tens of thousands of soldiers will really die without a place to be buried. I have made up my mind. If Jicheng will be held accountable in the future, I, He Lanxiong, will carry it. Now, I order!"

Hearing He Lanxiong's words, all the generals in the tent stood up suddenly.

"Yan Haibo, I order you to lead all the pawns to immediately destroy all the equipment. The whole army is lightly armed and retreats to the direction of Jishi City. There are not many soldiers and horses stationed in Jishi City, but Jishi City is absolutely impossible to lose. Therefore, you lead this. After the army arrived in Jishi City, they stood firm in Jishi City."

"Yes!" Yan Haibo took his command loudly.

"Wu Kai, the guardian of Jishicheng County, Master Wu is our old partner. He knows what to do. You send someone back to tell him the situation here. I believe that when you arrive, he will do all the things that should be done. Alright." He Lanxiong said.


"I will lead the entire eastern cavalry to retreat to Shang Kexi, who is in Shannan County City, and then Shang Kexi will also retreat to the direction of Jishi City." He Lanxiong said.

"Commander, what about you?" Yan Haibo asked.

He Lanxiong laughed, "The prairie is my home, and the Qin people are here again this time. I will have a good deal with him on the prairie. I want to see if it is the Qin army's iron cavalry or ours. The Han cavalry is mighty!"

Shannan County City, Shang Kexi led the soldiers to repel the Qin Army's attack in another **** fight. At this time, three days have passed since Wang Xiao's order to take Shannan County City, this pass is still Standing proudly in front of the Qin army, under the city, the corpse mountain and the blood sea, the defending army in the city has dropped to 5,000 people, and more than half of the casualties are in exchange for the cost of tens of thousands of Qin army deaths and injuries, Wang Xiao is already going crazy. Now, Li Xin's army has taken the Shannan County City, and he is still blocked here.Everything, I am afraid, will become a mirror in the moon, and it will be spent in the water. Once He Lanxiong's army slips away, such an opportunity will only I'm afraid there will never be again.

"What? Retreat?" Shang Kexi stared wide-eyed, looking at the messenger before him in disbelief.

"Yes, retreat. Daijun has already been taken by Li Xin. If you don't leave, there will be no chance. Commander He Lanxiong asked me to bring a word to the general. People who have lost land will have people and land." The messenger said loudly: "And Commander Helan asked me to tell Commander Shang that this is an order." (To be continued)

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