I’m The King

Chapter 1015: :East becomes the west (8)

Shang Kexi walked in front of the wounded soldier, deep in his heart full of suffering, retreating, compared to defending the city, it is actually not easy, especially since he has thousands of wounded soldiers.

Going to the deepest point, I saw Qian Ke Zhuang, who was so hurt that he could no longer crawl, and he was lying where he was panting.In the only one eye, he could no longer see the past look, and it seemed a little bleak. Light.

"Old Qian, can you stand it?" He sat cross-legged beside Qian Kezhuang.

"Hey, I can't die for the time being, but I'm afraid it won't last long!" Qian Kezhuang smiled hard, "I killed more than a dozen Qin Jun, and gave my unborn baby a little home. industry."

Shang Kexi turned her head a little sadly.

"What's the matter, Commander Shang, what's the matter with you?" Qian Kezhuang asked.

"Commander Helan issued an order to retreat, ordering us to abandon Shannan County City and retreat to Jishi City." Shang Kexi lowered his voice.

"What?" Qian Kezhuang cried out all of a sudden, "Shannan County is our home, where we have countless fertile fields and our villages, how can we give up?"

"The Qin people intimidated the State of Zhao to open up Shanggu County. Li Xin's 100,000 army came out of Shanggu and suddenly attacked Daijun. Daijun is now gone. The tens of thousands of Dongye army of Commander Helan cannot advance or retreat. If they don't retreat, they will It is possible to be surrounded by the Qin army." Shang Kexi explained: "The only plan now is to abandon the city of Shannan County and Daijun first, and then fight back in the future."

"How did the Zhao people do this?" Qian Kezhuang asked in shock: "They have just been killed by the Qin people in one breath, tens of thousands of soldiers, they have not yet dried their blood, did they bow to the Qin people?"

"Zhao Qi is not a spine guy himself." Shang Kexi spit, "Guanzhong Da Plain defeated his soul, and the group of generals from Zhao Guo died. Death, derogation, and now it is Zhao Qi's people who are in power. One hundred thousand elites have lost their lives. Zhao has already lost his spirit and spirit, and the people of Qin are probably using Daijun as the bait!"

"Zhao Ren didn't want to think, if we are defeated by the Qin, can we have them? I'm afraid that the Qin will clean up them when he turns around!" Qian Kezhuang said.

"The so-called mouse is short-sighted, but it is the same, or they are still expecting us to fight with the Qin people and hurt both sides. They can pick up the bargain!" Shang Kexi laughed.

"They won't be able to pick up their cartilage! I'm pooh!" Qian Kezhuang took a sip, but it affected the wound, and the pain was so painful." Commander Shang, the army is going to retreat, and the seriously wounded soldiers here are afraid to bring them. I won't go."

He looked at Shang Kexi and said straightforwardly.

Shang Kexi lowered his head. The slightly wounded soldiers can still be tied to the horse to retreat with the army, but the severely wounded soldiers cannot be taken away anyway. Even if they are tied to the horse, how can they endure the turbulence of the horse, and still kill them. .

Qian Kezhuang also fell silent. After a while, he raised his head and smiled, "Shangjun Commander, what is it? When I was in Liaoning Wei, I never thought I could come back alive. These years, I married. Wife, there is also an unborn son. This is enough. Let's go. The last defense of this Shannan County City will be given to us."

Shang Kexi turned his head to the side and tried his best to hold back the tears from him.

"Okay, Commander Shang, don't be like this kid, you said how many people died in this battle, and don't care how many of us are, if you really pity me, look back and find my wife and baby, a lot of Just take care of them."

"After we left, you surrendered to the Qin army, or you can survive," Shang Kexi said in a low voice.

"How is it possible, Commander Shang, you too underestimate us." Qian Kezhuang laughed and said: "We don't want to be slaughtered like those Zhao Jun, who can be slaughtered by them. Even if it is dead, I still want it. Take a bite of their meat. Commander Shang, this Shannan county city can't be left to the Qin army. Over the years, we have managed him too firmly. If this is left, when we fight back in the future, wouldn't it be better? It takes a lot of effort and death. Even if we leave, we have to burn him to white ground. Please one thing, when you are leaving, I will pile up all the flammable things. At that time, a big fire can not only burn Shannan County Town to white ground, but also block the enemy and help you withdraw farther."

Shang Kexi nodded silently.

The north gate of Shannan County City slid open silently in the dark night. Although a group of blood-stained soldiers was exhausted, they were still lined up and silently bowed to the city that they had guarded for nearly half a month. Turn around and disappear into the darkness.

Qian Kezhuang half propped his body, looking through the half-broken window above the tower, looking at the team that is gradually moving away from the city, he waved his hands vigorously, but the tears in his eyes did not earn any breath. It fell down, and around him, there were piles of firewood, and a torch was burning on his head.

At this time, in different places in Shannan County, hundreds of seriously wounded soldiers were almost doing the same thing, and they watched affectionately as their robes drifted away.

"Farewell, brethren!" Qian Kezhuang took off the torch on the wall above his head and took a nostalgic glance at the quiet city of Shannan in the dark night.

"My * Qin countryman!" He yelled, stretched out his hand, and set fire to the firewood beside him.

With a bang, a blazing fire suddenly appeared in the castle tower, and the tongue of fire sprang out from the door of the castle tower.In an instant, the entire castle tower was lit. As the castle tower fired, hundreds of fires in the city of Shannan County were caught at the same time. When it was lit, the fire spread throughout the city in a very short time.

"General, there is a fire in Shannan County!" A Qin general rushed into Wang Xiao's big tent, and Wang Xiao had apparently just received the news. He was putting on his armor while walking out, and waited. When he walked out of the camp, the Shannan County City he saw had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"Shang Kexi is going to run!" Wang Xiao's face was extremely ugly. In Shannan County, he had been fighting for more than half a month, and lost more than 10,000 soldiers, but he still hadn't done everything to stop He Lanxiong's soldiers. Ma, it was obviously a delusion.In the past two days, he had been thinking about how to face King Qin Wulie's question, but he did not expect that Shang Kexi, who had been desperately resisting, would actually ran away.

"Immediately attack the city, occupy the county city, send troops and horses to catch up with them, and none of them can get them off!" Wang Xiao said fiercely.

It is true that Shannan County City does not have a soldier to defend, but the fire that permeates the entire County City is more reliable than any defense. Qin Jun can't get close at all. If you get closer, the scorching heat wave will cause people's hair to curl up. , Even the breathing is a little uncomfortable, the entire city has been turned into a sea of ​​flames, how can you go into the city?

The helpless Qin people waited until the sky dawned and the heat subsided. Wang Xiao sent Wang Jian and took five thousand cavalry through Shannan County City, along the direction of Shang Kexi's retreat, and chased it all the way, since it is no longer blocked. The army that lives in He Lanxiong, it is still gratifying to win and wipe out the achievements of the thirty thousand mountain southern county soldiers, and you can barely break the merits.

The soldiers of Wuqianshan Southern County staggered across the vast wilderness. It was still gratifying that they did not have the slightest sense of relaxation. Although they walked for the whole night, for them, the whole stepper, the overnight march is nothing more than a rapid march. It's only fifty miles away. This is the speed they have after abandoning all their luggage. On the green grassland, the traces of their march are so eye-catching. With a large number of cavalry troops, it will not take long to catch up. they.

The scout behind him kept chasing him, reporting to him how far away they were from chasing the army.Qin Jun's five thousand cavalrymen led by Wang Jian were getting closer and closer to them.

"There are still ten miles away!" Shang Kexi listened to the last scout who had withdrawn, and looked up at the exhausted team. He knew that it would not take long for the enemy to catch up. And above the wilderness, In the field battle between infantry and cavalry, you can know the end of the battle. Instead of being chased by sheep while fleeing, it is better to fight a favorable terrain and fight the enemy to the death.

"Go to that beam, line up, and prepare to kill the enemy!" Shang Kexi looked at the beam of poplar trees in front of him, and ordered loudly.

After boarding the Liangzi, the poplar trees were put down to the ground in an instant. In a very short time, they were constructed into a simple fence and countless horses, and they were thrown away on the ramp. Just after finishing all this, Qin Jun's banner has appeared in his field of vision.

"Come on, I want to eat me, I want to bite you!" Shang Kexi hummed, looking around, but there is another expectation in his heart. Since Commander He Lanxiong has ordered him to retreat, Isn't there any manpower arranged to accept him? Or here, it will not be long before it will become the dream of the Qin people, thinking of the powerful Huns under He Lanxiong's army, Shang Kexi is full of expectations.

"Rush up and kill them all!" Wang Jian raised the iron spear in his hand high, and shouted sharply. What Shannan County left to their father and son is a strong sense of frustration. They will not drive this army to death, I am afraid that they will be killed in the future. There will be a shadow in the heart.

More than ten miles away from the battlefield, He Lanxiong sat silently on the ground, and scouts came from afar and rushed to him, reporting to him the location of the Qin Army cavalry. The infantry brigade led by Yan Haibo had already withdrawn. But he stayed with more than 10,000 cavalry. First, he responded to the evacuation of the still gratifying troops. Second, he wanted to leave an eternal mark on this prairie.

Whether it’s Li Xin or Wang Xiao, when you get to the grassland, you will find that the war on the grassland is by no means as they thought. And he, this Huns who grew up on the grassland and has fought on the grassland for many years, It is clear how to defeat the opponent. When it comes to the prairie, he still has many supporting places such as Jishi City, Dayan City, and Hetao. However, the Qin people need to transport grain and grass over long distances, and the advantages and disadvantages of the war will be It was quickly reversed.

"Commander, Wang Jian has already launched an offensive against Commander Shang's troops. Commander Shang has lined up to fight. There is no danger for the time being."

"Send the order to the entire army, attack!" Helan stood up humorously. (To be continued)

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