I’m The King

Chapter 1019: :East becomes West (12)

Tian Zhi took a leisurely turn along the city wall, listening to the sound of the clappers of the second watch in the city, thinking that as long as he was boiled for one more time, the value would be lower. The decent little girl in the Zuichun Tower must have waited. I'm very anxious, thinking of the soft and watery eyes, Tian Zhi couldn't help but soften half of his body.

As a member of the traditional wealthy family of the Qi country, Tian Zhi has always lived a leisurely life, and he can live better than the gods, but this kind of good life went with Tian Xiang's defeat in the Yan country a few years ago. No longer, people like them are all conscripted into the army and become officers. Although they are not bad in their personal martial arts and academics, they have suffered from the army, and soon after entering the army, they all complained. , It can't tolerate them to have the idea of ​​deserting, and Qi state's form has deteriorated beyond control.At this time, even if they are allowed to retreat, they are reluctant to retreat. With an army, this may be a life-saving talisman in the future.At least when he escapes, there will always be someone who can command to help transfer the property.

After two years of trembling, the situation has finally changed for the better. The vicious and vicious man finally meets a strong enemy. Qin Chu rushes to the Han country. Seeing the man, he will be unable to resist it, and the Han country is about to be destroyed. , The imminent danger of the country's subjugation will disappear, and they can finally live the life of the gods before.

The so-called warmth and lust, when the current situation eases, this building in Linzili can be prosperous again. A few days ago, Tian Zhi soaked in a flower girl in Zuichun Tower, and that flower girl was both talented and beautiful. I was fascinated by Tian Zhi, and after the world was on duty, they were all soaked in the Zuichun Tower, so that when they were on duty, they were all hearted.

Walking back and forth in the city, while waiting anxiously for the next moment, speaking of the defense of the inner city, it is really tasteless and tight. The entire Linzi outer city is now handed over to the one from Gaotang A group of hillbillies are guarding, and the Linzi guards are all withdrawn to the inner city, and the inner city is not the high-ranking officials, or the wealthy businessmen, there is nothing worth guarding.

Although he looked down on those Gaotang country bullies, Tian Zhi said from the heart, he was a little afraid of them.These guys who were former bandits, one by one, were very fierce. Standing in front of people, the fierce and evil aura in his eyes. It can directly make people fight two battles, and the superior officer has repeatedly told not to provoke this group of gangsters.As long as they don't do anything too outrageous, they can just open one eye and close one eye.

Fortunately, although these guys look fierce, they don't cause trouble. They usually go to the inner city to play, although they are in groups, but whether they are shopping, eating or drinking, they pay the money in a regular manner, compared to Tian Zhi and the others. Soldiers, military discipline is much better.

Tian Zhi asked the soldiers to move a chair, put their feet high on the battlements, looked up at the stars in the sky, and counted the stars boredly. This life is really boring. After this period of time, we must Taking off his skin, he thought to himself in his heart. The drudgery of fighting and defending the city is more suitable for Gao Tang's gangsters. People like himself are more suitable for Fenghuaxueyue, Liuxia before the flower and the beautiful woman Qingqing, I, I, ah !

Thinking of the pride, I couldn't help but smile.

Suddenly there was a noise outside the city. Tian Zhi was furious and jumped up from his chair. After Linzi entered the night, he began a curfew. There should be no other people on the street except the soldiers patrolling. Where does this noise come from? Yes? I'm feeling upset, or I can catch a few offenders to have a good time.

Looking down from the battlements, Tian Zhi couldn't help but change his face.Toward the outer city, a large group of soldiers were fully armed, and a neatly arranged group was walking towards here. Each of these soldiers held torches high in their hands and walked like this. Come here.

"Open the door, open the door!" Gao Tang soldiers went to the city, waving torches, and a soldier and civilian who took the lead raised their fists and slammed the city gate.

"This general, it's the second watch now. The inner city is closed. It is not an emergency military situation. You must never open the door." Tian Zhi poked his head out and saw the leader of the general shiver. It was Gao Tanghou. One of the three murderers under his hand, Sun Scar. In the middle of the night, what does it mean that Sun Scar came here with someone to knock on the inner city gate.

"It is the emergency military situation. A thief sneaked into Gaotanghou's mansion and stole Gaotanghou's most precious things. He would have been ordered by Gaotanghou to pursue all the way and found that the thief had entered the inner city. Now we are going to enter. Search in the inner city. Open the door quickly, and the culprit is gone, so I won't rest with you." The tiger's head said fiercely.

"How is this possible?" Tian Zhi said silently: "After nightfall, the inner city has been closed tightly. How can the culprits get in? He must have fled elsewhere. General Sun, the culprits will never sneak into the inner city. Please also General Sun went to investigate elsewhere, lest he miss the opportunity and let the culprit get away."

"Bah!" The tiger's head spit on the ground fiercely. "Are you saying that Lao Tzu is blind? Lao Tzu saw the culprit running here. All around was sealed by Lao Tzu's army, instead of running. Going to the inner city, where else can you go? You kill the embryo, you are here to cover up, is it an accomplice with the culprit?"

Tian Zhi screamed in his heart, and said that Gao Tanghou was only a sea bandit before, and there is something worthy of coveting by a young master like himself. This is really a plantation on the spot, unscrupulous!

"Open the door to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will go in and search, and delay Lao Tzu's time, Lao Tzu is about to attack the city!" Tiger head jumped under the city and yelled. With a wave of his hand, the soldiers behind him backed back dozens of steps. He put a longbow on his back and a feather arrow, aiming at the soldiers in the city.

Shiraki Tianshi listened to the grandson yelling his soldiers to go back to greet the reinforcements, and brought heavy weapons such as bed crossbows, and came down in a cold sweat. These pirates are lawless, maybe they can really do it. If they really wanted to attack the city, the two sides fought, and they were held accountable afterwards, these thieves must be fine, but it is themselves, this black pot is back.

"General Sun, wait a minute, he can't be impulsive. Didn't he just enter the inner city to search for a few thieves? No problem, no problem, I will open the city gate." Tian Zhi shouted.

Down the city, Hutou's face showed a triumphant smile.The boss said that he was more fierce than the horizontal knife.Doing this kind of thing must be twice the result with half the effort, it seems to be really good.

The city gate opened a gap, and Tian Zhi squeezed out from inside, accompanied by a smile and said: "General Sun, the people living in this inner city are either rich or noble. If the general enters, you can't make noise, or you will startle those nobles. I can't afford to be guilty!"

Tiger head waved his hand, and the soldiers behind him rushed up and squeezed into the city gate. He grabbed Tian Zhi, and the two walked inward side by side, and sneered as they walked: "Hmph, you are laughing at the rudeness of Laozi. Right?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!" After being shook by the tiger head's big hand, Tian Zhi only felt that his hand was about to be squeezed off. Hearing Kaka's voice, the cold sweat came down. It really makes no sense to talk to these people. what.

"Where, where, General Sun is worried." Tian Zhi laughed with him.

The soldiers of the Qilu Army swarmed into the inner city and took control of the city gate in an instant. The soldiers who followed Tian Zhi hadn't reacted yet, they were all fired and driven into the tower and locked up. , Seeing all this, the cold sweat on Tian Zhi's face fell off again.

"General Sun, it's just a search for a few thieves. Don't do this, I can also help."

Tiger Head smiled happily, slipped Tian Zhi, and went straight to the tower. Standing behind the battlements, outside the city, more Qilu Army soldiers were rushing towards here.

"You really can't help with this!" he laughed.

Looking at Gao Tangbing, who was constantly rushing over from the network station outside the city, Tian Zhi's face slowly turned pale. Although he is a playboy, he is not stupid. Searching for a few thieves would cost thousands of people. Of soldiers?

A group of Qilu army soldiers rushed into the city gate, and under the leadership of various generals, they rushed to the previously scheduled targets.

"General Sun, are you going to rebel?" Tian Zhi screamed.

The tiger head laughed loudly, "You are right, it is about rebellion. No, no, this is not a rebellion." He put his mouth in Tian Zhi's ear and whispered, "I tell you one. Secret, would you like to listen to it?"

Tian Zhi nodded subconsciously, but immediately reacted, screaming: "I don't want to listen."

Tiger Head laughed, "Tell you kid, Lao Tzu is not a Gao Tang soldier, Lao Tzu is called Tiger Head, and the commander of the Qilu Army of the Han Kingdom."

Tian Zhi's face was pale, "You, you..."

"You want to know who Gao Tanghou is?" Tiger head grinned and said: "The so-called Gao Tanghou Baicheng, he is the loyal and brave waiter of the Great Han Kingdom, Bai Yucheng, a good brother of the King of Han, hahaha! "

Tian Zhida opened his mouth, and his whole body was plunged into a sluggishness, and he didn't even notice that a short knife in Hutou's hand was silently inserted under his waist.

Looking at the blood foam from the corner of Tian Zhi's mouth, the tiger's head snorted coldly, let go, and slapped, Tian Zhi fell to the ground like a dead fish, the tiger's head turned around, carrying the **** knife, "Go," Let's go to Tianfu."

When attacking the inner city, the first target is Tian Yuan's Tianfu. The second target is the palace.

In the outer city, the city gate was wide open, and the horizontal sword stationed outside the city led more than ten thousand soldiers to rush in.

In Tianfu, Tian’s celebration feast just ended, it’s not too much. After the end of the song, Tian Yuanyuan returned to his room. Under the service of the maid, he was scalding his feet comfortably. Everything is moving in a good direction. Qi Guo survived desperately, but he couldn't help but be unhappy.

The outside suddenly became noisy, mixed with shouts, screams, and horseshoes. Tian Yuanyuan was shocked, his feet were raised, and a basin of water crashed on the ground.

"What's the matter?" he yelled.

A general rushed in with a pale face: "Grand Prince, it's not good, Gao Tang is in trouble, Gao Tang soldiers have entered the inner city." (To be continued)

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