I’m The King

Chapter 20: :East becomes West (13)

With bare feet, Tian Fucheng spread his legs and ran to the turret of the mansion.At this time, the inner city of Linzi that he could see, the fire was everywhere, the killing sound shook the sky, and in the fire, he could vaguely see the red scarf on his head. Gao Tangbing was advancing rapidly on various streets.With the flags of Gao Tangbing on each side of the important yamen along the way, the mansion rose, indicating that these places have been controlled by Gao Tangbing.

Linzi's inner city was originally guarded by five thousand garrison troops, but because the tiger's head deceived the inner city gate, this last line of defense for the Qi State no longer existed in front of the Qilu Army. The guards who were suddenly attacked were defeated, almost in a blink of an eye. In between, they were divided and surrounded by the influx of Qilu army soldiers.Except for some of them fled to the street where Tian Yuanyuan was located, the other part entered the palace, and the rest were either wiped out or surrendered with their hands raised.

Tian Fucheng's face was pale, he couldn't figure out what Gao Tanghou was going to do, could he still want to change the dynasty? It was his father who had been in Qi Guoquan for decades, but he hadn't taken this step. He is now in Qi. It is equal to the de facto emperor, but in front of King Qi, he still maintains etiquette. Gao Tanghou, a pirate-originated fellow, does he think that he will be able to secure his seat by taking Linzi? In these days with Gaotang Houbai During Cheng's contacts, Tian Yuanyuan discovered that this person was not a reckless and ignorant person.Of course, if he were such a person, the Red Turban Army would not have achieved the same level as it is today.

"He's crazy!" Tian Yuanyuan murmured.

On the street, the sound of killing was heard in waves, and another Linzi Guards fled here in a panic and entered the gate of Tianfu.Behind them, the Qilu Army headed by the red scarf had arrived at the tail.

With a bang, the gate of Tian Mansion was closed tightly, regardless of the fact that hundreds of guards did not enter the door. Tian Mansion was tall and strong, and for the defenders, it was not a fortress.

"Open the door, open the door!" There was a crazy sound of the guards beating the door, but at this time, how can the room open the door?

The guard outside the door hesitated for a moment, watching the large group of Red Turban troops approaching behind them, and finally yelled and dispersed.

The sound of horseshoes in the distance was so loud, and under the illumination of countless torches, Bai Yucheng, who was draped all over his body, appeared with a smile and appeared in Tian Yuanyuan's eyes.

"Gao Tanghou, what do you mean? I, someone in Tian, ​​can wait for you, why did you do such a thing? Do you still want to sit on the throne of Daqi?" Tian Yuanyuan stood on the corner. , Ignoring the pulling of the guard behind him, he opened his throat and shouted, above this distance, an arrow flew from the outside, and the Tian Da Young Master, who was in power, was about to die.

Bai Yucheng slowly rushed forward, looking up at Tian Yuanyuan above the corner, and smiling calmly: "Young Master Tian, ​​I have no interest in the seat of King Qi in Lao Shizi!"

"What is the reason for that image? Now our Daqi has gone through the most difficult time, it is thriving. When you show your skills, you will stop at this moment, and I will not blame it. You are still our Gaotanghou of Daqi. No, I will let you be the lieutenant of our Daqi, how about taking charge of the troops and horses of Daqi?" Tian Yuanyuan shouted.

Hearing Tian Yuanyuan's shout, Bai Yucheng burst into laughter.

"It's so good that Young Master Tian knows that my real name is not Bai Cheng, but Bai Yucheng. I wonder if the Young Master has ever heard of this name?" Bai Yucheng had a sarcasm smile on his face.

"Bai Yucheng, Bai Yucheng!" Tian Yuanyuan chewed the name carefully in his mouth several times, and suddenly remembered something, his face changed drastically.

"The old man remembered?" Bai Yucheng smiled.

"Bai Yucheng, Dahan Kingdom waits loyally and bravely!" Tian Yuanyuan murmured.

"Exactly!" Bai Yucheng laughed and said, "I have been operating for several years, and today I am finally done, Tian Gongzi, do you still want to persuade you to surrender now?"

Tian Yuanyuan's last glimmer of hope also vanished. Bai Yucheng, the loyal and brave waiter of the Dahan Kingdom, is also the most mysterious waiter of the Dahan. Compared with the commanders of the major army groups of the Dahan Kingdom, this guy who has been named as the waiter is extremely Little is known to outsiders, and has never brought an army to stand alone. Everyone only hears his name and does not see him. The only thing he knows is a horse thief he knew when he started his home. In the struggle between Gao Yuan and the Donghu people, he had made great contributions.

Inside Tianfu, there was silence, and I was obviously stunned by the news.The Gaotanghou of Daqi turned out to be the loyal and courageous waiter of the Dahan Kingdom, Qi’s greatest enemy. This joke is big, and it's not funny at all. .

After a long silence, Tian Yuanyuan suddenly yelled hoarsely, pointing his fingers at Bai Yucheng, "Shoot him, shoot him."

As soon as the voice fell, from above the corner, a few feather arrows flew towards Bai Yucheng. Several shields protruded at the same time, blocking the Bai Yucheng tightly. When the sound was repeated, the feather arrows fell on the shield, weak The ground fell to the ground. Almost at the same time, the Qilu Army's feather arrows were already raining toward the corner. Above the corner, Tian Yuanyuan screamed and shook, and his body disappeared from the turret.

Baiyu Cheng Lema stepped back slowly, and whispered: "Damn, who let you shoot arrows, don't shoot him to death."

"It shouldn't be shot to death, I just saw his guard helped him down!" a general next to him whispered.

"Assault Tian Mansion, remember, Tian Yuanyuan wants to live, and I want him to be useful!" Bai Yucheng ordered.

"Understood!" The generals around him nodded heavily and turned around to give orders: "Feather arrows cover, hit the wood, slammed open the door, and rushed in. Remember, Tian Yuanyuan is not allowed to be killed, you must catch alive."

In the sound of the swish of feather arrows, the soldiers of the Qilu Army screamed and rushed towards the tall wall of the Tianfu. Without preparing the ladder, the soldiers set up the ladder, and the soldiers climbed along the ladder to the top of the wall. The Qi soldiers inside wielded spears and big knives, desperately assassinating and slashing. From time to time, soldiers of the Qilu Army fell from the wall. However, the soldiers on the wall were also among the feather arrows outside the wall, dropping like dumplings. Falling down the fence.

Dozens of soldiers carried the thick big log, chanted chants, and rushed towards the two thick vermilion gates. There was a loud bang. Although the gate was not knocked open, it was clearly recessed inward. There was a miserable howling inside, and it was obvious that just after the door was pushed by someone, but under the huge impact, only the person who was holding the door is now dead or alive.

The soldiers stepped back ten steps, shouted, and rushed forward again. When the rumbling sound sounded again, the two scarlet gates had flown back together, dozens of them. The soldier carrying the log staggered into the gate, and the first few had already lost the log and fell into a ground gourd.

The door opened, and the soldiers outside the door shouted and rushed inward.

Seeing that the gate was broken, he was originally standing on the wall. The Qi Jun on the corner immediately dropped his weapon, turned and fled. The soldiers of the Qilu Army immediately climbed up the wall, ran all the way along the wall, went up the corner, and walked on the ridge of the roof. , On the commanding heights of Tianfu, the soldiers of the Qilu Army were already standing. Feather arrows sounded from time to time, and the Qi Army who was running away from the yard fell one by one to the ground, until a wise man dropped his weapon and put his head in his hands. When he squatted on the ground, the feather arrow that had been chasing him immediately changed its direction.

In a way, more and more Qi Jun clasped their heads and squatted on the ground, letting the Qilu Corps rushing in from the outside push them to the ground one by one and tied them up.

Bai Yucheng strode towards Tian Yuanyuan's study room. Outside Tian Yuanyuan's study room, there were more than a dozen loyal guards standing. Seeing Bai Yucheng approaching, he screamed and rushed up with a knife. Bai Yucheng snorted coldly. , Took a step diagonally, and flashed a cold gleaming knife in front of him.The soldiers behind him rushed up and surrounded the dozens of guards. Amidst the sound of the continuous impact of weapons and the screams of falling to the ground, Bai Yucheng pushed Opened the door of the study.

Tian Yuanyuan was pale, facing the door, sitting on the big case, holding a cup in his hand, and raising it to his lips, but his hands trembled a little bit, and he leaned to his mouth several times, but fell weakly. Next, seeing Bai Yucheng coming in, Tian Yuanyuan gritted his teeth abruptly and raised his glass to drink the things in the cup.

Bai Yucheng raised his hand, and the scimitar with a sheath flew out.It was hitting Tian Yuanyuan's wrist. With a clang, the cup fell to the ground, and the liquid inside spilled all over the floor.

"Young Master Tian, ​​it's better to die than to live. Since you still don't want to die, then it is better to live well!" Bai Yucheng walked to the side of the big case, reached out to pick up the sabre that fell on the case, and looked at Tian Yuanyuan. , Tao.

"I will never fall into your hands and let you be humiliated!" He turned around and reached out to draw the sabre hanging on the side of the big case. The knife came out of its sheath, but he saw Bai Yucheng holding his arms in his arms and looking at him with a sneer. He couldn't help but threw the knife away.Bai Yucheng was a famous warrior, and he, just a scholar, used the knife in front of Bai Yucheng and took his own humiliation.

"Lord Tian, ​​the ants still cherish their lives, let alone humans?" Bai Yucheng said indifferently: "Old man Tian was not thinking about food and tea before, but after living on the shore of Dayan Lake for two years, he has gained a lot of weight and his face is full of red light. Going for a walk, horse riding and fishing every day, your little days have a good time. You are his son, don't you want to go to his knees to do your filial piety?

"Father Hero I, how would you like to see me become a bereaved dog and beg to live in front of you?" Tian Yuanyuan smiled sadly.

Bai Yucheng smiled, took out a letter from his arms and placed it in front of Tian Yuanyuan, "This is the old man's letter, read it for yourself! People will change, old man Tian is very different now from before. ."

Shaking his hands and opening the letter, there were only four powerful characters on the back of the paper: "It's better to go!"

"Father!" Tian Yuanyuan wailed. This familiar font was his father Tian Dan's autograph. A loose hand, the paper fell to the ground weakly, Tian Yuanyuan collapsed on the chair, "Bai Yucheng, what do you want me to do? To be continued)

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