I’m The King

Chapter 1034: :East becomes West (27)

The 20,000 cavalrymen of Pugu Huai'en were disguised in western Liaoning and scattered. The Han government imposed the highest-level secrecy system on this matter. All the spies from the Supervisory Yuan in western Liaoning and Jishi and other places were scattered. In the whole west of Liaoning, the wind in Jishi County was screaming, and I don't know how many hidden black ice platform spies were picked out.This time the Supervision Institute was extremely fierce, and it was dragged out for interrogation and chopped his head.

The fierce style of the Supervisory Institute forced the Black Ice Terrace to restrain the wind. In their opinion, General Li Xin was already in control, and the Donghu army that had arrived in western Liaoning unexpectedly slipped to the bullpen for some reason. Shan Daying, where the turtle has not come out since then, they have repeatedly analyzed, and they all think that the three generals of Donghu must have seen the situation of the big man, and they have the intention to protect their lives, not to mention, if General Li wins, they will inevitably self-defense. Departing from Niulanshan Daying, he went straight back to his hometown. You must know that the Dahan was in the original Donghu area, now Jilin, Liaoning, and Heilongjiang. The three "Pigs" Island "Novel www.zuhua county, but only a group of less than 10,000 people are stationed. The army is under the command of the veteran general Kumamoto.Once the Han army loses its chance, they can retake Liaodong and become their king again.

Naturally, the one who went to Niulan Mountain Camp was not the Donghu Independent Cavalry Division of Aguhuaien, but a forgery from the Han country. The purpose was naturally to hide the true whereabouts of the Donghu Independent Cavalry Division.

A black ice platform personnel who had been deeply in Liaoning and Tibet took a great risk to contact a general of the Donghu independent cavalry division who remained in Niulanshan. This general was responsible for purchasing and often went out. The contact between the two made this The members of the Black Ice Platform were overjoyed. Originally, he wanted to strategize the anti-Donghu independent cavalry division, but the general told him bluntly that now the 20,000 East Hu cavalry are watching tigers fight from the other side. If Li Xin wins, they will naturally beat back, but if Li Xin If they lose, they will not be polite to the Qin people.

Although the instigation was not successful, the spy still held great joy.It was precisely because of the attitude of these Donghu people that he was more affirmed of the true intentions of the Donghu Independent Cavalry Division, and he immediately reported to Shangfeng.

Naturally, this member of the Black Ice Platform didn't know. The general he had just contacted sold him to the Supervision Institute as soon as he turned his head. I thought that I would not see the sun soon, and when I accepted the order openly, I was already stared at by the Supervision Institute.

Of course, in order for this dear friend to send out this information that was beneficial to the big man, the Supervision Institute even gave up his entire line of spies and just carefully monitored it.

The herdsmen on the grassland are gathering more and more. According to the latest information gathered by the spies, there are more than 20,000 Huns herders gathered in the front of Danyu. This surprised Li Xin very much by He Lanxiong's influence on the Huns. At the same time, it was extremely strange that Gao Yuan was so relieved of his elder brother, that he took the entire corps to the new Hun's most influential man to take. In Li Xin's view, this is really incredible. One thing. If He Lanxiong intends to restore the former glory of the Huns, then his influence would be terrible.

Don't say that He Lanyan is a lofty wife, in the face of power and fame, all this is just a cloud.

Just like the judgment of Donghu Aguhuaien and others, Li Xin made a wrong judgment on this matter. The Huns have been naturalized in the Han country for a long time, and He Lanxiong is indeed a banner of their Huns. But in the eyes of these Huns now, He Lanxiong is just a sign of their status in the Han. The existence of He Lanxiong's brothers and sisters can guarantee that they will not be discriminated against in Han and will enjoy the same treatment as the Han people. And if He Lanxiong is gone, The Huns couldn't help but worry whether they would be able to be as free as they are now in Han.

How can their wealth now be the same as when they wandered in the prairie back then, except for the noble chiefs who came out of the tribe, the ordinary herders were actually extremely poor, and they had to deal with various donations and donations. For military service anytime and anywhere, you need to prepare your own horses, weapons, and armors in battle. If you win the battle, 30% of them must be handed over to the tribe, and the rest will belong to you. If you are defeated, it will be miserable, not only Nothing can be obtained, and even life will be lost. In a Huns family, if the pillar of the family is gone, it means the sky has fallen. The women, children and children left in the family will go to other people.

And now, not only is the family rich and rich, all kinds of past donations have also been abolished long ago. The taxes received by the government are not worth mentioning compared to the harvest. More importantly, if someone in the family is a soldier, they can be Enjoy all kinds of preferential policies, even if the male family member died in battle, the pensions and local policies given are enough to allow the family to enjoy a better life.

No one wants to go back to the past. But He Lanxiong must be rescued. This is the simplest appeal of the Huns in the Han Kingdom. In their view, to rescue He Lanxiong, what is guaranteed will be the interests of the entire Huns. Although Helan The princess already has a little prince, but the little prince must be too young.

As for the Donghu people, the reasons for serving the Han nation wholeheartedly now are roughly the same as the Huns. No one would give up the ready-made rich life and want to rebel. In their opinion, no king can match. Gao Yuan is more wiser and more benevolent.Even Miranda, who is known as the most wise king in the history of Donghu, is far behind.After all, although Miranda has unified Donghu, it has not allowed ordinary Donghu people to live a better life.

As Qin's general, Li Xin didn't understand this. What he believed in was Qin's national policy. He believed that Qin's national policy was the best in the world, and the lofty set seemed to be able in a short time. Gathering people's hearts, but it is extremely detrimental to gathering national power. It is even more contemptuous for Gao Yuan's advocacy of hiding wealth for the people and enriching the country and the poor. In Li Xin's view, the people are their mothers when they have milk. When the moment arrives, they will not hesitate to abandon the wise monarch who once created all this for them and switch to the more powerful ones.What they do is to preserve their own wealth and lives.

Therefore, when more and more herders gathered, Li Xin felt very strange, but he was also very happy. He was also very happy. It was a rare good opportunity to catch all these unsophisticated people in one go. In the past, Wang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief at the Holland Pass. Killing tens of thousands of Huns prisoners of war, it seems that these barbarians have not yet felt the deepest fear, so this time, let yourself make up another knife, it is best to kill all the Huns, this world will be peaceful.

When the Huns in front of Danyu exceeded 20,000, in order to protect his views, and to save his strength to the greatest extent, Li Xin once again sent 5,000 cavalry to Danyu, which made his main force only There are less than 5,000 cavalry left. For an army with 80,000 infantry, it is an extremely dangerous decision to have less than 5,000 cavalry. But in Li Xin's view, a group of lions are going to deal with a group of sheep. , How can the lion be in danger? Kill those sheep clean, and then it's not too late to look back.

Yan Haibo of Jishi City finally couldn't hold it back, and was about to move. This young opponent took 30,000 Han troops out of Jishi City and advanced toward him with a tortoise. The purpose was nothing more than to cheer and cover the gathered herdsmen. Li Xin could not help but sneer, lest his own army would support Dan Yu, but Yu possessed 15,000 powerful Qin army cavalry, dealing with more than 20,000 herders, should he support him by himself? It's rare for you to come out, I naturally I want to welcome you. Since you are out, don't want to go back.

Li Xin commanded his main force, divided into three groups, and greeted Yan Haibo.

For the first time, Gu Li met Han Wang Gaoyuan, the supreme controller of the Dahan Kingdom. He used to listen to his husband He Dayou praise and praise Han Wang for how wise and powerful, but for her, the superior was not. How curious, she used to see people who turned their hands for the clouds and the hands for the rain. Naturally, she would not respect the superiors as godly like He Dayou. However, she was still full of curiosity about Gao Yuan. How did the most low-level soldier become the master of this vast land ten years ago, become the **** of hundreds of millions of people, and become the **** of war in the minds of hundreds of thousands of soldiers. From this point of view, Gulistan believed that the king of the Dahan Kingdom Gaoyuan was indeed the most powerful monarch she knew.

What was different from what she had imagined was that the King of Han standing in front of her was lofty, wearing a costume of the Huns, and even the hair was braided into the most common style of Huns. It seems to be the masterpiece of the princess He Lanyan. At first glance, Gao Yuan doesn’t look like a king, but rather a amiable elder brother. Thinking of this, Gu Li couldn’t help feeling sour, and several of her elder brothers fell there one by one. In the battle of the blood-stained grassland, none of them survived.If the youngest fifth brother survived to the present, he would be as old as the Han King in front of him.

"I have seen the King of Han!" Gu Li bowed her knees to Gao Yuan and bowed a big gift. Under the agitation, she didn't notice that her etiquette was very different from that of ordinary Huns. He Lanyan, who was closely behind Gao Yuan, saw Gu Li's movements were immediately shocked, her eyes widened, her lips slightly opened, and her eyes were full of shock when she looked at Gu Li.

Gao Yuan naturally didn't understand these differences. Looking at Gu Li, he laughed and said: "I just got here, and I heard many stories about the female general Gu Li. He Dayou is an amazing person, and I can't think of his wife even more. Impressive."

"The king won the award!" Gu Li stood up, met He Lanyan's shocked and stunned gaze, her heart was shocked, she suddenly remembered her actions just now, her face couldn't help but change slightly.

"It seems that there will be one more female general in our army." Gao Yuan looked back at He Lanyan and said with a smile. "I just don't know that He Dayou is reluctant to let his wife go out. I heard that you have two. A son, are you willing?" (To be continued...)

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