I’m The King

Chapter 1035: :East becomes the west (28)

After hearing Gao Yuan's words, Guli's eyes shone brightly, "My friend is very good to me!" she whispered in a low voice. "As long as it is a Qin, the king points to where, Guli will be willing to fight wherever he goes!"

"You have a deep hatred with Qin Ren?" Gao Yuan asked.

Gu Li raised her head and looked directly at Gao Yuan, "Gu Li and her family all died under the sword of the Qin people, and there is no dead body."

"Understood!" Gao Yuan nodded, "I will give you this opportunity." Clap your hands and summon the generals on one side, "Let's discuss this battle with Danyu."

Looking around, he said: "The most important thing for us now is not to save Helan. Although he is trapped in the Ayagoura Grand Canyon, there is no problem in staying for a few days. As long as we win the battle before us, Helan’s encirclement was self-defeating. I have received information, and Li Xin has sent an additional 5,000 cavalry to Dan Yu, bringing Dan Yu’s cavalry to more than 15,000, which is almost all of Li Xin’s family. The army of 100,000 people has 20,000 fine cavalry. This configuration ratio is in the Qin army. The ratio of cavalry is already a lot. This is also because Li Xin will fight on the prairie. Ten years ago, Li Xin relied on it. Twenty thousand cavalry swept the Xiongnu clan and killed the Xiongnu royal court. Maybe he thought he could defeat us with twenty thousand cavalry in his hand? Let us have the facts to tell him that this is not what it used to be!"

There was a boiling cry in the big tent. Except for Agu Wine and a few Donghu people, most of the generals in the tent were Huns. Thinking of the tragedy ten years ago, everyone was full of hatred. That battle caused all the Huns to lose their homes and everything, if not for their high rise, or now they are still lonely ghosts on the grassland.

Gu Li lowered her head, a few drops of crystal tears fell, she wiped away the tears inconspicuously, her fists clenched kaka, He Lanyan had been staring at Gu Li, at this time she saw Gu Li's expression, and she was puzzled. Even more.

"The cavalry who defeated but Yu, Li Xin's remaining 80,000 foot soldiers, will not be covered by cavalry. On the long grassland, that is a piece of meat in our mouth. When do we want to chew him? , Just take a bite from him, from here to Shannan County, the old county, but it is nearly a thousand miles away, in this long long distance, we want Li Xingong to teach what a real cavalry is!"

"Kill, kill, kill!" The killing intent in the tent filled the sky.

"We are mobilizing soldiers and horses, but the rain is also mobilizing soldiers and horses. It is expected that the war will break out the day after tomorrow. At that time, you will still be the righteous people who will lead the battle. Here, I also want to tell the truth, whether it is equipment or combat literacy. , Compared to the Qin Army's iron cavalry, it is much worse. If you take the lead, there will definitely be a lot of casualties. Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, as long as we win, we are willing!" Gu Li was the first to call out, "I would like to petition as the vanguard."

"Don't be afraid, for victory."

"Han Wang Shengming, our family has no worries and no worries. Even if we die, there will be Han Wang taking care of our family. What is there to be afraid of."

"Okay!" Gao Yuan shook his fist heavily. "The day after tomorrow's battle, you have to resist your opponents for at least half a day to evacuate. We have assembled a large number of people. If you are touched, you will retreat. An experienced general like Dan Yu will definitely see Flaws, so we need half a day to dispel his doubts. This is the price of blood and life. After half a day, you retreat and run. This is your retreat route!" Gao Yuan turned around and He Weiyuan behind him He immediately supported a large map.

Gao Yuan pointed to a few black lines on the map, "Everyone is from the prairie. These lines are familiar to you. You are scattered and fleeing, but Yu will definitely divide the troops and chase them. In his opinion, the cavalry that has escaped, or The cavalry is no longer called, and on these routes, I will take the East Hu Cavalry Independent Division and wait for them."

"Kill all Qin people!" everyone shouted excitedly.

"When we handed over to the main force of the Qin people, you immediately detoured to the back of the Qin army, cut off the back of the Qin army's retreat, and cut off their connection with Li Xin. Li Xin doesn't have 5,000 cavalry in his hands!" Gao Yuan smiled and said, "Or he will throw it all alone."

"How many come and kill!" Gu Li was murderous.

Gao Yuan nodded at her with a smile, and turned to look at Tang He on one side: "Tang He, send your capable manpower, and let He Lanxiong break through the night after tomorrow. When you want to come, the war here is over. Li Xin should think about it. It's not how to annihilate him, but how to escape."


"Your Majesty, Wang Xiaoke, who is heading for Hetao, still has fifty thousand troops!" Aguwine reminded.

Gao Yuan looked up to the sky with a long smile: "Wang Xiao? Kumamoto has already led a 10,000 soldiers and horses stationed in East to go to Dayan City. Does Wang Xiao have the ability to defeat Dayan City? Don’t forget, Dayan City is a replica of Jishi City, Li Believing in the 100,000 army, I didn’t have any confidence, and I tried my best to lure Yan Haibo out and beat him. Wang Xiao can take down Dayan City! When the news of our victory here reaches Dayan City, I would like to see it, Wang Xiaowang Where to run? Li Xin is afraid that he can't take care of him anymore. When Li Xin is driven away, we will slowly eat the fifty thousand army. They want to copy my lair, they are too naive. Li Xin should be there When Helan's tens of thousands of troops were not blocked in Daijun, he dispelled the idea of ​​attacking the city of Jishi. This might be able to preserve his strength, but he was lucky enough to hope that Chu's offensive could greatly consume ours. The strength makes me have no time to visit north. I am afraid he would never have thought of it. We will solve the Qi problem in such a short period of time and attack Chu in a big way. Now the mud bodhisattva of Chu crosses the river, it is difficult to protect himself, and the king of Chu Huai is simply I dared to use troops without being ready for a full-scale war with me. It was simply looking for a dead end."

The meeting lasted until late at night. Gu Li and other Xiongnu generals brought a few large carts of weapons back from Aguhuaien. These were the standard weapons of the cavalry of the Great Han Kingdom, including crossbows, etc., although Wu Kai had urged Helan before. A clan issued a call-up order, but he did not dare to open the arsenal to distribute weapons to these people.These herdsmen are basically weapons they have in their homes.They are more luxurious things like crossbow riding, and even the Qin army can't equip them. Where might I have it? Now that it is high, it is a question of one sentence, just go back and prepare the case in the Ministry of War and Industry.

With such a weapon, the confidence of these Xiongnu generals has increased. What's more, they are confident in this battle. For a long time, on the endless prairie, entangled with the Qin army for a long time, what is it?

Only Gao Yuan and He Lanyan remained in the big tent.

"Brother, Gu Li, I'm afraid that his identity is unusual." He Lanyan whispered.

"Oh, did you see anything? I also find it strange. An ordinary Huns woman, not to mention her kung fu, she still knows how to march and lead the cavalry in a straightforward way. When she departs from Baiyang Village, there are only a few hundred cavalry. Now his subordinates have gathered thousands of cavalry. According to Tang He, these unruly Huns herders are very convinced of Guli." Gao Yuan said.

"Ordinary Huns?" He Lanyan shook her head again and again, "I'm afraid that her background is very big. She saluted you earlier, have you noticed her etiquette?"

"Huh?" Gao Yuan looked at He Lanyan, "I really didn't notice this."

He Lanyan laughed, "You are really inexperienced and you are still the king of the big man!"

"I don't care much about these aspects of etiquette, you know, every time I see those old brothers about to bow to me, I feel uncomfortable." Gao Yuan laughed.

"You will get used to it slowly in the future." He Lanyan stood up and gave a big gift to Gao Yuan.

"What are you doing swallows?" Gao Yuan asked with a smile.

"Did Gulistan act such a courtesy to you before?"

"Right!" Gao Yuan nodded, "Is there anything weird, isn't this the etiquette of your Huns?"

"It is the etiquette of the Huns, but not the etiquette of the ordinary Huns." He Lanyan raised her head. "The person who can use this etiquette can only have one identity, and that is the direct family of the Huns."

Gao Yuan opened his mouth wide: "The direct family members of the Xiongnu royal court? Didn't they have been chased by Yingying and killed them all? Do you suspect that Guli is a direct family member of the royal court?"

"This etiquette is not something that ordinary Huns can use. Although the court of the Huns is gone, this thing is a rule that has been passed down for thousands of years. No Huns will overstep it. This is something that is immersed in the bones." He Lanyan said: "At that time, Gu Li was obviously agitated, and she unknowingly performed this etiquette, and when she left afterwards, the ceremony was exactly the same as other people. There is no silver three hundred taels!"

"It turns out to be a member of the family of the Xiongnu royal family. No wonder a woman can have this ability?" Gao Yuan suddenly realized.

"Big brother, aren't you worried?" He Lanyan asked.

"What is there to worry about!" Gao Yuan asked with a smile.

"The Royal Court of the Huns has been the leader of the Huns since ancient times. Although the times are up and down, it is always in name. It has great influence on ordinary Huns. If one day the identity of Gu Li is exposed, this will be for the great Han people. Ruling is not good for the Huns’ loyalty!"

"Aren't you also a Huns?" Gao Yuan smiled and took He Lanyan's shoulders.

"Can I be like them? I am your wife and your son's mother!" He Lanyan rolled her eyes at Gao Yuan.

"Don't worry, her name is Gu Li, Dayou He's wife, and both of her sons are named He!" Gao Yuan smiled.

"Are you going back to bring He Dayu and his two sons to Jicheng?" He Lanyan asked.

"Wait, do it now. It's too obvious. His two sons are too young. When they get older, they will take Jicheng to school. Isn't He Dayou a member of Jishi County? Let him stay long. Jicheng is just right. If Gu Li has done meritorious service, I will also be promoted to her position, and I will be transferred to Jicheng and let her serve in the Youth Guard Corps."

"This is a good idea. She went to the Young Guards Corps, but she can only lead the soldiers to fight honestly." He Lanyan clapped her hands and shouted, "It's still your tricky plan."

"You might as well say I'm insidious!" Gao Yuan laughed. (To be continued)

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