I’m The King

Chapter 1048: :East becomes the west (41)

Li Xin's death was extremely shocking. Many years later, the generals and soldiers of the Han Empire were still unforgettable. When Li Xin smiled with a knife to his neck and squatted himself on the spot, nearly a thousand people who followed him finally followed him. The guards raised their knives one after another, and fell one by one next to Li Xin.With Li Xin as the center, the bodies of his guards were stacked into a circle, but they still surrounded him firmly in the center.

The female generals He Lanyan, Wula, and Sula couldn't bear to see this scene and turned their heads. The Han generals headed by Gao Yuan solemnly took off their helmets and expressed their highest regard to this once the world's first general. The etiquette.

Tens of thousands of Han soldiers silently watched their last enemy fall in front of them.With an order from Gao Yuan, the flag was raised and the weapons touched the ground, and tens of thousands of Han troops sent Li Xin farewell.

Enemies are hateful, but great enemies are worthy of admiration.

"Contain Li Xin's body well and send someone back to King Qin!" Gao Yuan turned his horse's head and whispered.

"Yes!" He Lanxiong nodded. Although ten years ago, it was under Li Xin's command that all the Huns had no homes, but this did not prevent He Lanxiong from respecting him.

The general of the Qin Army, Li Xin, led an army of 100,000 to attack Jishi City, the military town of the Han Kingdom, and went straight to the west of Liaoning, the capital of the high-rise building. However, he was wiped out on the prairie without even seeing the shadow of Jishi City. In fact, in this battle, Wang Xiao did not take down the Shannan County City in time and allowed He Lanxiong's tens of thousands of troops to safely withdraw from Dai County. This battle was almost doomed, but the Qin people placed their last hope on Chu. On top of the people's support, he continued to attack with a fluke, and finally suffered from the bitterness of himself.Li Xin used his troops cautiously in his life, and only took a risk, but ruined himself and the 100,000 army.

After Li Xin was defeated, Gao Yuan immediately integrated He Lanxiong's Eastern Field Army and Aguwaien's Donghu Independent Cavalry Division. The army marched in the direction of Daijun and Shannan County, vowing to retake these two military powerhouses and ensure that the rear of the Han Kingdom is not Be harassed by Qin people again.

Gao Yuan returned to Jishi City with the remaining 20,000 Huns herders.At this time, the two cavalry armies of the Youth Guards from Jicheng had just arrived in western Liaoning.

The Great Han Kingdom once again triumphed, and there was a thunderous cheering in the city of Jishi.The people in the city hung red silks and placed big cases at the door, and the big cases were filled with food, welcoming the warriors returning from the grassland.

However, for Wu Kai, the county guard of Jishi City, he was delighted, but there were more worrying things.Nearly 40,000 Huns herders brought their own weapons to the battle, causing as many as 20,000 casualties. Among them, the residents of Jishi City accounted for Two thirds, the rest came from Western Liaoning and other places. The casualties of more than 10,000 people have not only reduced the labor force in Jishi County, but also caused tens of thousands of families to lose their pillars, pensions, and future resettlement. Enough to make him a big three-pointer.

This is a large sum of money that must be taken out of the treasury, and it cannot be owed. This is related to the stability of the people, and it is also related to the centripetal force of the Huns towards the Han Kingdom. This time he Wu Kai can respond with a hundred responses, not because of him. How capable Wu Kai is, but because of the policies of the Dahan, these Huns see a bright future.They are willing to throw their heads and blood for this country, so this country naturally cannot let their families down.

However, Jishi County has never been wealthy. Over the years, Jishi County has basically been operating in debt, and Wu Kai has been well versed in business. This has allowed Jishi County to move forward despite difficulties. It has just turned this year. The hope of losing money to profit, but when this battle is fought, you will be in debt again when you see it.

"My lord, I'm bankrupt!" Wu Kai pointed to the thick account book on the big case. It was just calculated and needed money from the treasury. Seeing the huge amount, Wu Kai left and right. Even if he stopped all the projects under construction, including infrastructure construction such as roads and water conservancy, he couldn't afford it this year.

Looking at Wu Kai with a sad face, Gao Yuan laughed, "Don't worry, my Wu Junshou, the Huhu will not sit back and watch. This battle is not fought for you in Jishi County, but for my big man. Here you are. Do my best, I will ask Wang Wudi to allocate a batch of silver to you at that time."

Wu Kai's mouth flattened, "Wang Shang, I don't know the virtue of Wang Wudi. Letting him take out the money will make him more sad than digging his ancestral grave. Where can I get some money from him? There is no hope at all. This year, my big man went to war everywhere. Meng Chong, Bai Yucheng, and Zhang Hongyu's 100,000 army broke into the Kingdom of Chu. This money is only going to flow out like a flow of money. Yuyang was attacked by the Qin army and raged everywhere. Yang is a densely populated place, and it will inevitably suffer heavy losses. When the time comes to expel the Qin people, rebuild their homes, and restore and rebuild, they will also need a huge amount of silver. And Wei Guo, this time must also belong to my big man, these are all The anointed land, in Wang Wudi's opinion, the return on investing in these places is much greater than investing in me. I have more land and fewer people, and the Huns account for almost half of the population. That guy must be stubborn. Picking up again. I can't wait for a penny to not be given to me.

"If Wang Wudi really doesn't give you money, what are you going to do?" Gao Yuan asked with a smile.

Wu Kai leaned over and said with a sullen face: "The king, it is impossible for Wang Wudi to give me money. I don't bother to fight with him in this ring, and to compete with him, it is better to come to the king, as long as the king Let me give you a little policy, so I don’t have to worry about money here."

"Oh, what policy do you want?" Gao Yuan asked with a smile.

"I want to increase the price of all military products in Jishi City by 10%." Wu Kai stretched out a finger. It can solve my big problem in Jishi County."

With a scream, all the water that Gao Yuan just drank in his mouth spurted out, "I said, Wu Junshou, if you are correct in this method, Wang Wudi will definitely rush into my palace to hit the pillars, my big Han Kingdom Hundreds of thousands of troops, how many armaments to purchase in a year? A 10% increase, you can tell the loss, you just said the feather arrow, why don't you say that the **** machine crossbow will be put into production on a large scale soon? For a machine crossbow, you have to go up by ten taels of silver. A vehicle-mounted crossbow costs nearly fifty taels of silver. Your appetite is too big."

"My lord, the money raised is not unique to my Jishi County. Doesn't it have to be shared with the treasury?"

"The wool comes out of the sheep. You Wu Jun is good at calculations. Is Wang Wudi who eats dry food? You do share the accounts with him, but you are still collecting taxes on those military workshops in Jishi County, except for the state-run ones. , Aren’t you promoting the outsourcing of military workshops? Like armor and feather arrows, haven’t they already begun? I bet you will surely hold all of the rising part in your arms. Wang Wudi wants to share the account with you , That is only limited to state-owned companies, but now you have outsourced everything except for the extremely sophisticated and core technologies. How does the treasury divide the accounts with you? Don't mention it!"

Hearing Gao Yuan's mouth, he broke his plan, Wu Kai suddenly pulled down his face, but in his heart he cursed Tang He with a dog-blood sprayer.His outsourcing has just begun, but Wang Shang has already known clearly that it must be this guy. Eating inside and out, holding his salary in Jishi County, but leaking all of his family property to the king, I was planning to make a difference in time to make a fortune to fill this big hole, but now it seems that it has been done. The **** branch of the Supervisory Council, when this year's assembly of councilors begins, on top of the budget, it must instruct those councillors to smash their funds.

"Think of another way." Gao Yuan looked at Wu Kai with his head drooping and said: "Liaoxi was not seriously injured this time, and Langya will have a better life this year. You can discuss with Zheng Jun and Van Dengke so that their counterparts can be some of you. Support, get through this year, and you will have a hard time next year. If you don’t mention the millions of acres of arable land in Jishi County, it is the share of your military workshops in this city. The tax collection is enough to allow you to pay off your old debts. There is a surplus."

"That's it for Zheng Jun. Van Dengke, who was born in a small family, is accustomed to his anger. He has always only paid attention to his one-acre three-point land. Looking for him, then if my bone marrow is not knocked out, I might as well look for the river. Where's Wu Ci'an in the middle of the day!" Wu Kai said in an angry manner: "It's my home anyway."

"Then it's up to you, whoever you look for for assistance, that's your local matter, but at the Ministry of Households, you won't fight for it anymore? No matter how small a mosquito is, it's meat. Let's talk about your actual situation here. Wang Wudi is not so unkind." Gao Yuan laughed.

Wu Kai sighed: "Wang Shang, don't you know that Wang Wudi wanted to increase taxes on my military workshop last time, but was rejected by the councillors of Jishi County. That guy is upset. He took this opportunity. I must use this in exchange for increasing taxes and taxes. In the end, the bulk of the money will go to the central government. However, I have to bear the dissatisfaction of the people in Jishi County. This is not worth it. I really want to do this, the next election, I guess it won't be a county guard."

Gao Yuan laughed. It seems that the power of this council has begun to show up, "If you don't be the county guard, I will transfer you back to the political affairs hall. You are my veteran, and you must have a place in the political affairs hall."

Wu Kai's head was shook like a rattle. "I won't go to the Zhengshitang. There are more wrangling things there. I'm still on this three-square-meter area of ​​Jishi County. Anyway, I am also involved here. It started slowly."

"It's up to you, when you are selected by them, when I will transfer you back to Jicheng!" Gao Yuan laughed.

As he was talking, He Weiyuan strode in, "Sir Wang, please see Dayou He!"

"Oh, the village head of my World No. 1 Village is here, Wu Junshou, do you know that our village head has an amazing wife!" Gao Yuan smiled at Wu Kai.

"This matter, I heard He Lanxiong's mouth, Wang, is there really no problem? This Gu Li's identity is too sensitive!" Wu Kai was a little worried.

"As long as he is Dayou He's wife, Gu Li, and not the only remaining prostitute in the Xiongnu court, there is nothing to worry about, and I have also made some arrangements!" Gao Yuan shook his head and said to He Weiyuan: "Lang Dayou Come in!" (to be continued)

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