I’m The King

Chapter 1049: :East becomes the west (42)

"My friend, your Guli was seriously injured this time, did you come to me to settle the account?" Looking at Dayou He who was saluting in front of him, Gao Yuan picked him up, jokingly.

"It is the honor of my He family to be able to work for the king, I dare to have other ideas!" He Dayu whispered.

"Which is because Gulistan has broken her face this time, do you dislike her?"

"Even if Gu Li is broken, it is more than enough to match my cripple. How dare your big friend have such a heart?"

"Well, since it's not, what are you doing with a drooping face?" Gao Yuan asked with a smile: "I asked Ke Yuanshan. Although Gu Li was seriously injured, as long as he recuperated for a few months, his recovery would be no problem at all. "

"Your Majesty, Commander Helan met me earlier and told me that Gu Li's identity is a big problem. She, she might be..." He Dayou raised his head and looked at Gao Yuan with a very serious face. Ugly.

"Is it possible that it is the maternal daughter of the King Hun?" Gao Yuan sat down, raised the tea bowl on the table, twisted the lid of the tea bowl with two fingers, and gently floated the foam on the tea.

"Does the king know?" He Dayu's voice was three points lower, and standing behind Gao Yuan, He Weiyuan's nephew, his face turned pale. The Xiongnu's prostitute, this identity is more related.

"I asked her!" Gao Yuan dingdang closed the cover bowl and said: "Gu Li said that she is Dayou He's wife and Gu Li from Baiyang Village. I can't remember the past."

"She, she really said that?" He Dayou raised his head huoly, "You, don't you want to investigate her concealment?"

"Looking at your appearance, it's not that you dislike her, but that she is afraid that she will dump you!" Gao Yuan laughed loudly, "The past is gone, and the Huns are now fully integrated into our great Han country, this time the war You have also seen that the Huns suffered heavy losses for the great man. Forty thousand people came out of Jishi City and only half of them returned. They have already proved their loyalty to the great man. Therefore, Gu Li’s identity is fundamentally It's trivial. What am I going to pursue?"

"Thank you for the king's magnanimity!" After becoming a member of Parliament, He Dayou has grown a lot in politics, knowing that if he encounters such a thing in any other country, I am afraid that he will come to kill the roots and kill them cleanly. The most refreshing.

"Gu Li has a good military talent. If she intends to join the army and become a female general in the future, would you be willing?" Gao Yuan asked with a smile: "If she becomes a female general, you are a full-time dad. , We have to take on the important task of taking care of the two children."

He Dayou clasped his fists in his hands and hit the ground. "My He family can contribute to the king. That is the blessing I have accumulated in my eight lifetimes. I can't bear it."

"That's good, that's good!" Gao Yuan smiled.

"My friend, you are the most respected legislator in my Jishi County. In the future, our Jishi County will set up an office in Jicheng to communicate with the Great Council and the Political Affairs Hall. I intend to let you go to Jicheng to take up this position, you see. How?" Wu Kai smiled aside.

He Dayou was shocked at first, but immediately understood in his heart, "I am willing, I am willing."

"Well, very good, my friend, Wei Gao is now a cavalry commander of the Youth Guards. This time they passed by here, you must have seen it too, Wei Yuan, now he is the guard leader by my side. After a while, I will let him go out to take up the post. You, the He family, will be the general family of my big man in the future." Gao Yuan laughed.

He Dayou left with joy. Not only did he not think it was a distrust of letting him go to settle in Jicheng, but he believed that it should be the way it should be, and his identity as a woman is so sensitive that he can still become a general. My family has not been implicated in any way. I will look for such a generous king, and for myself, it is good to go to Baiyang Village or Jicheng. In short, it is for the king. Especially Gao Yuan finally promised that he will be treated. His two sons were received in the palace, and he taught him personally. It also made him happy with one Buddha ascending to the earth, and two Buddhas entering the earth. What does this mean? It means that in the future, his son is a disciple of the king. Speaking of which, that means winning at the starting line. Unfortunately, I don’t know where my ancestral tomb is, otherwise I have to go and put a few sticks of incense on the ground. It must be a treasure of geomantic omen, this is definitely a smoke from the family's ancestral grave!

After leaving the county guard house, He Dayou returned to his apartment with a wild laugh. After the seriously injured Gu Li was sent back to Jishi City by Ke Yuanshan, Tang He sent people to take He Dayu and his two sons to Jishi City. The above is to take care of Gu Li, but it also means seizure, it depends on how Gao Yuan handles the matter in the end.

He Dayou was laughing, and at this time, under Dayan City, far away from Jishi City, some people wanted to cry without tears, and this person was Wang Xiao who had experienced bad luck a few years ago.

Li Xin attacked Jishi City, Wang Xiao led an army of fifty thousand into the Loop, and attacked Dayan City, another important town of the Han Kingdom, and Dayan City was the residence of the Liaodong Capital of the Han Kingdom. It is the protector of the Donghu Fufu of Dahan Dong.

There are not many garrisons in Dayan City, only three thousand people, belonging to Sun Xiao's Dufufu.After the outbreak of the battle, Sun Xiao issued an urgent order to transfer the 10,000 garrison in Kumamoto stationed in Donghu back to Dayan City to assist in the guard.

However, things went far beyond the two's expectations.The Qin army's military operation to attack Dayan City had not yet begun, and news of Li Xin's defeat had already arrived.

Sun Xiao did not have the slightest worry about defending Dayan City. Although there are only more than 10,000 regular troops in Dayan City, for a big city like Dayan City, the manpower is indeed insufficient, but Sun Xiao has recruited enough young people. Zhuang, the immigrants who dared to immigrate to Dayan County were mostly desperate guys who tied their heads to the waistband and dangling. These people were unknown in the previous country, and finally got here, with fields, cattle and sheep, houses, Married a daughter-in-law, gave birth to a baby, and was planning to have an Ann birthday, but Qin Jun called. If he wants to live a stable life, he must fight the Qin people away. Therefore, these people's desire for war is more than that of the regular army. Strong, and most of these guys are ignorant and fearless.They don't understand the danger of war. This is not a fight of a group of gangsters on the street holding bricks and machetes.

Secondly, Dayan City is a replica of Jishi City.Sun Xiao, who has experienced the defense of Jishi City, has witnessed how powerful this city is in defense.

Three times, now in Dayan City, there are a lot of talents. The former Yan Guotai Wei Zhou Yuan, the former Qi Guo Guo Xiang Tiandan, plus the general Kumamoto, these people are all well-known figures, aside from Kumamoto, Zhou Yuan, Tian Dan's reputation is much stronger than Wang Xiao. With these people helping Sun Xiao, why is Sun Xiao afraid of the so-called famous general Wang Xiao? Tian Dan may not work hard, but Zhou Yuan will definitely take his heart out. Help yourself, his granddaughter is the daughter-in-law of the Great Prince of the Han Kingdom!

Sun Xiao completely left the matter of defending the city to Kumamoto. Anyway, there are two old men above who are making suggestions, and there is Kumamoto, a long-time veteran, who is directing the battle. It is enough to do the logistics for them. Commanding the army, Sun Xiao is very Knowing that it is not his own strength, if it weren't the case, then the king would not transfer himself out of the military system.

Wang Xiao lives in the manor where Kumamoto originally lived by the Big Wild Goose Lake. This manor has been enlarged several times because of the large number of Zhou family members who moved here. Dozens of houses surround Zhou Yuan's residence. In the center, as if the stars are holding the moon, Zhou Yuan now has a happy life. At this time, he is fishing, planting vegetables, and traveling freely. Compared with Ning Zecheng, who has lost his head, he really feels his luck. It is very good. At that time, Yan Guo's troika was the only one who could die well, or he was the only one.

However, the current owner, Wang Xiao, is in good shape. He has just received the news that Li Xin's defeat, and that the 100,000 army has been destroyed, and that he has been wiped out by Gao Yuan, he is really burned. Li Xin's defeat represents him. The back road has been cut off.

"Or was it the retribution that I slaughtered tens of thousands of Huns captives at the Holan Pass in one fell swoop?" Wang Xiao, with white hair, looked at his son Wang Jian and sighed: "God is destined to let me die on the grassland. "

"Father, although the situation is extremely sinister, but it has not yet reached the end of the poor, we still have 50,000 troops, and Dayan City cannot be defeated, we will not fight, let's move forward, go to Pioneer City, Tongwan City, and Donghu people. In the Liaodong Peninsula, I don’t believe that Han has just taken control of the Liaodong Peninsula. Wherever the Donghu people have fallen, there may be a lot of resistance. As long as our army arrives, these people will definitely rise. When the Liaodong Peninsula is in chaos, we have a chance." Wang cut.

"Your idea is good, but we can't go anymore!" Wang Xiao shook his head and said: "The scout reported back. The two cavalry armies of the high young guards totaled 20,000 cavalry. They were already on their way here. , It only takes half a month at most to reach Dayan City. But for us, how long will it take to go to Pioneer City, Tongwan City, and how long will it take to reach Donghu? Can the army’s food and grass support this long? These days, we The army has been raiding outside, and the food recovered is in vain, not to mention that we are going to Liaodong and have to spend the Liaohe River. The rainy season of the grassland is coming."

"No matter what, you have to give it a try." Wang Jian raised his head and said: "Or it can be successful, it is better than staying here and waiting to die. Once the Young Guards arrive, we can hardly escape."

Wang Xiao was silent for a long while, raising his head to look at his son, but his eyes suddenly became piercing: "Naturally, I have to go, but not to Pioneer City, nor to Tongwan City, nor to the Liaodong Peninsula. , But go to another place!" (to be continued)

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