I’m The King

Chapter 1053: :East becomes West (Forty-six)

Fan Sui nodded again and again: "The king's concern is that instead of letting the rumors spread, we can confess to the announcement. On the contrary, it can arouse the people's desire to protect the family and defend the country. After the minister goes down, we will arrange it immediately!"

King Qin Wulie half closed his eyes, "Did Mr. Notice and Zhong Li?"

Yingying bowed her head and said: "The father and the king passed out before, and the son and the minister had not had time to inform Mr. and Zhong Hou for a while. He was also worried that the urgent recruitment of two people into the palace would cause others to speculate. ."

"Call them in!" King Qin Wulie said softly: "Fan Xiang, you go out to arrange the announcement, and at the same time announce the whole country, make a general mobilization, and prepare for the war."

&nb{Pig}Pig Island{小} said 3.zhu; "Wang, will the Han army come to attack?" Fan Sui asked.

"Not necessarily." King Qin Wulie shook his head: "No matter what the opponent does, we must always be prepared. Only if we have no gaps can we let the opponent return. Although Da Qin has been severely injured this time, my muscles and bones have been injured, but the foundation is still there. I believe Gao Yuan will see this too. His goal may not necessarily be us."

"The minister understands!" Fan Sui squashed his head, got up, and left the black ice platform.

In the huge palace, only Yingying and Qin Wulie were left.

"Father, it will take time for Mr. and Zhonghou to enter the palace. You can sleep for a while and raise your spirits!" Yingying persuaded.

"I will have enough time to sleep soon, and I won't wake up again, so now I don't want to sleep at all." King Qin Wulie stared at Yingying, "Yingying, how are you going to respond to this incident? "

Yingying thought for a moment," his son thought, in Weidi and Yuyang, General Meng and Lu Chao still have the upper hand, don't worry, what we need to pay attention to is He Lanxiong's attack on Shannan County, there are not many troops there. , And the fighting power is not enough. Father and son invite Ying to go to Shannan County. As long as the Han army is blocked, we can ensure that my Daqin mainland will not be violated."

King Qin Wulie looked at Yingying for a while before shook his head disappointedly: "I am in this situation, can you leave Xianyang? Today I close my eyes, and tomorrow I might never wake up again. I am dead. , But you are not here, what will Xianyang be like?"

"Father will definitely live a hundred years!" Yingying fell to the ground and wept.

"Really stupid, I, the great king of Qin, have not lived through the sixtieth year." Qin Wulie Wang laughed lightly." Yingying, this time seems extremely thrilling, but in fact, there is not much danger above it. It's not bad. Gao Yuan will never come to our Qin State at this time. His goal will definitely be more focused on Chu State."

"Father, if this is the case, you just asked Fan Xiang to carry out a national mobilization and prepare to fight the Han army for life and death?" Yingying said in shock.

"Because the king knows that he has died soon, so he wants to give you a clean state of Qin!" A deep and sad voice came from behind him.

Yingying turned her head and saw Li Ru dressed in white and Hou Zhongli in Guannei who followed him.

"Sir, Zhonghou, why did you come so fast?" Yingying asked in surprise.

Li Ru sighed: "Although Fan Xiang blocked the news, Zhong Hou naturally knew about it through some channels. Fan Xiang entered the palace for a long time, so Zhong Hou informed me that we stayed outside the palace. I want to come in, and I don't want the guards to be behind closed doors, but it makes me very worried about the king's body."

King Qin Wulie coughed: "Mister must have thought I went to see the ancestor, right?"

Li Ru silently walked to the bed and sat down cross-legged, while Zhong Li knelt down on one side with his hands on his knees, looking at King Qin Wulie with a heavy expression on his face.

Da Qin has now reached the most dangerous time, Li Xin of the two pillars has fallen, and no one can say how long Qin Wulie King can support.

"Zhong Li, how much force did Gao Yuan concentrate on Chu?"

"Going back to the king, after Qi state affairs, Gao Yuan concentrated his Southern Field Army and Qilu Army, that is, the unit of Bai Yucheng, plus Zhang Hongyu's new first army, and more than 100,000 troops invaded. Arrived in the territory of Chu Kingdom. After Qu had insufficient troops, he lost consecutive battles and retreated steadily."

"Where is the Han army in Korea?"

"The Han army in South Korea is the northern field army led by Xu Yuan. This is the main field army at a lofty distance. It has been fighting the Donghu people before and is the main force to defeat the Donghu people. Under his command, there are soldiers such as Yan Peng, Chen Bin, Luo Weiran, etc., In addition, Gongsunyi, Luo Lei and other Xiongnu cavalry generals, the cavalry of the northern field of the Han army were personally trained by the lofty third wife He Lanyan. They are good at group combat and are extremely tough!"

King Qin Wulie nodded and said: "The four lofty field armies, Dongye is on the grassland, and are now advancing towards Shannan County. However, Lu Chao and Meng Tian launched an offensive against Han. He actually only allowed Ye Zhen's Central Army and his descendants to attack. Two infantry armies of the Guards came to resist, but in the direction of Chu State, they have concentrated so many troops. It is actually self-evident what Gao Yuan intended to do."

"But in the northern field of the Han army in Korea, it is possible to turn at any time!" Yingying whispered.

"You can see this, it's a good point." Qin Wulie Wang nodded with satisfaction: "So we have to prepare for a battle, but it is more likely that Gao Yuan will end the war with us. I’m afraid it’s going to force us to negotiate."

"Negotiating?" Yingying said angrily: "We have suffered such a big loss, how can we give up easily? He wants to negotiate, what do we have to negotiate?"

"He has the upper hand now!" Li Ru sighed: "Gao Yuan didn't want to continue this battle with us, otherwise when he set off to the grassland, Xu Yuan's Beiye would have already turned to attack Lu Chao, but They didn't do this. This is Gao Yuan's willingness. If we don't negotiate with them, Xu Yuan's army will turn, and from the grasslands, it is not just He Lanxiong's soldiers."

"So, for the national mobilization, I will not only take this opportunity to leave you a clean Qi country, but also show my attitude to the Han country lofty. Negotiations are okay, but if he deceives too much, I will Da Qin is not afraid of a battle. Sir, this time the peace with Han, I can only trouble you to take a trip." Qin Wulie Wang said.

"As far as the matter is concerned, Li Ru will never let down the hope of the king, and will surely ensure that Qin's interests will not be lost." Li Ru sternly said.

"You have to do the negotiation. Fan Sui is in charge of domestic government affairs. The next step is military affairs!" King Qin Wulie sighed softly: "This is also the biggest problem. Zhong Li!"

"The minister is here!" Zhong Li hurriedly responded.

"Where are you going to Mengtian, Yuyang, tell him that I am going to die soon and want to see him for the last time." Qin Wulie Wang said indifferently.

Zhong Li's face changed drastically.

"You have been in friendship with him for decades, how to tell him, you know in your heart." Qin Wulie Wang said.

"The minister understands, but what if General Meng doesn't come back?" Zhong Li asked.

"Meng Tian is not a stupid person. He should know what I mean when he sees you." King Qin Wulie raised his eyebrows. "Let Meng Tian come back. He will be handed over to Lu Chao's command in Yuyang's army."


"My lord, what about the other 100,000 troops that Meng Tian stayed on the border between Qin and Chu?" Li Ruqing asked, "If this 100,000 troops are not handled properly, it will be a big problem."

King Qin Wulie closed his eyes for a while, "Yingying, let Tan Feng come to see me tomorrow. In the past two years, he has done a good job in the Black Ice Platform and Zhou Yu in Meng Tian's army!"

"The king wants the 100,000 army to be handed over to these two people?" Hearing this suggestion from King Qin Wulie, even Li Ru was shocked.

"These two people do have talents, but I think they can only be deputy in Qin, not righteous!"

"I have my own measures!" King Qin Wulie looked at Li Rudao, "Sir, don't worry!"

Tan Feng sat in front of the study window, staring at a green pine in the small courtyard that he planted after he came to Xianyang. Now this green pine has already been taller, with its branches and leaves growing, and its growth is very good. , He and Zhou Yu took Ji Ling to Xianyang. Ji Ling was imprisoned, but he and Zhou Yu were entrusted by the Qin people. Zhou Yu went to the Meng Tian army to serve as lieutenants, and he went into the black The ice platform is located just below Zhongli.

As the former head of Yan Guo Yan Lingwei, now the deputy of the Black Ice Platform, Tan Feng's source of information is no worse than that of the head of the Black Ice Platform Zhong.He has his own independent set of people to use at the Black Ice Platform.

Just as Zhong Li already knew the news of Li Xin's defeat, he also knew this information at almost the same time.Every victory of Gao Yuan was like a sharp knife that stabbed him in his heart, but now he is also He can only grit his teeth, because although he is still a high position in Qin, he has nothing to do with military power. Even if he intends to kill the enemy, he has no power. His battlefield is in the dark, which makes him very annoyed. .

Fighting against Gao Yuan once again on the battlefield was the only thing he thought of in the second half of his life. Originally thought that Gao Yuan must be a catastrophe this time, but he never expected that in the blink of an eye, the battlefield was changing, the hunter Instantly changed roles with the prey, and a hundred thousand army was destroyed. Not only did the lofty Han country not suffer a devastating blow, on the contrary, Da Qin, whom he had taken refuge in, was on the verge of danger.

Gao Yuan, can your luck always be so good? Tan Feng asked unwillingly in his heart.

A bright light flashed in front of him, Tan Fenghuo raised his head, dark clouds in the sky, and lightning from time to time pulled a long arc in the sky, illuminating the dark Xianyang, and the rumble of thunder followed, accompanied by the sound of thunder. , It is a bean-sized raindrop that will come down.

When a hero comes out in troubled times, he may not have the day to rise! Tan Feng stood up and closed the window. This is Qin’s catastrophe, perhaps, it is also his own turning point. Li Xin died, and Li Xin died together. Those were all the elite generals of the Qin State. Meng Tian has never been able to gain the trust of King Qin Wulie, only to see Yingying, the successor of Da Qin, worked in Li Xin's army and Lu Chao's army, except for those who did not go. , And only Meng Tian, ​​who holds the army in his hand, has fully explained the problem.

In the thunder of thunder, after Tan Feng sat down on the big case, he reached out from the bottom of the pile of files, pulled out a document, and read it carefully. (To be continued...)

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