I’m The King

Chapter 1054: :East becomes West (47)

A heavy rain last night washed the black palace of the Black Ice Platform more clean. Standing under the steps, looking up at the black palace standing above, Tan Feng's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he took a deep breath. The smell of soil in it is very obvious, but it makes him a little calmer. Although he is acting as the deputy commander of the Black Ice Platform, he usually has a special office outside the office, and he is summoned alone like this. This black palace saw King Qin Wulie himself, but it was the first time.

The last time he was summoned by King Qin Wulie, it was after he and Zhou Yu brought Ji Ling to Xianyang, but that was just above the Great Court.

The black ice platform is extremely high, and it is different from other palaces surrounded by trees and flowers. The difference is that around this palace, there is nothing bare, and the open space does not make people feel lonely, but it has its own majesty. Inside.

Tan Feng stepped up the steps slowly, step by step, and reached the top, an old waiter with gray hair pushed open the heavy door for him, and a cold air rushed toward his face in the hall. The old waiter owed his body slightly. Others didn't know the identity of the old waiter, but he knew it. Although his position was not high, he was extremely powerful. The last time he gave the prince to death was the one who looked hunched and hunched. The masterpiece of the old waiter, it is said that after seeing him, the prince never struggled any more.

Stepping on the ground, looking at the huge Central Plains landscape, imagining that this picturesque landscape is being stepped on by himself, Tan Feng's heart can't help but beat violently.

"See King!" He squatted on the ground, kowtow to the supreme ruler of the Qin Kingdom who had been on the bed for a while.

"Tan Feng!" Above his head, there was a voice that was obviously lacking in breath.

"The minister is here!"

"Since you entered Qin, how has Da Qin treated you?"

"Enbi Tian is high, Tan Feng has fallen into the country and lost his family, and his face is suffocated. If it were not for the king to take in, I am afraid that there will be no bones left." Tan Feng said.

"Is there still Yan Country in my heart?"

Tan Feng's heart jumped, is there still Yan Guo in his heart? He asked himself repeatedly in his own heart, and then replied: "Going back to the king, Da Yan is gone, and the minister now only has Da Qin in his heart, and there is no Da Yan. The past will never come back again."

"Very well, if your answer is blurted out, this king really doesn't dare to use you, but you think and answer this king again and again. It can be seen that you are not a low-hearted person. Nostalgia is not a bad thing, but you can clearly judge. Out of reality, it is even more commendable."

"Thank you, the king for complimenting!" Tan Feng only felt that a layer of fine sweat oozes from his back. He had never felt this kind of fear before in front of King Yan, but now this one in front of him makes him feel great. The stressed person is actually an old man who will soon die.

The breathing on the bed was a bit heavy, and it took a while before King Qin Wulie's voice reverberated.

"How do you rate lofty?"

Tan Feng was a little surprised, but did not expect King Qin Wulie to ask him this question.

"You have been with him very early, first as a friend, then as an enemy, and even more because he lost his family and annihilated his country. I want to come to the person who knows him best. Tell me what you think of him."

"Yes, the king, in the eyes of Weichen, Gao Yuan is a person who is smart, tough, brave, impulsive in small things, calm in big things, and moves after everything is determined, never doing aimless things." Tan Feng's mind appeared. Gao Yuan had a nasty smile, but let him despise Gao Yuan, but he couldn't make it.

"Unexpectedly, you admire him so much!"

"Gao Yuan is the minister's enemy throughout his life. In order to defeat him, the minister is always trying to figure out this person, day and night." Tan Feng suddenly said.

There was a moment of silence on the couch again, "Tan Feng, you are on the Black Ice Platform. You are much more aware of the current situation than ordinary courtiers. In your opinion, what should we Daqin do now?"

Hearing this question, Tan Feng immediately became a little nervous, and he understood that this is only a test of Qin Wulie King. If the answer can be in Wang Xin, it will not be difficult for him to rise again. Otherwise, I can only stay in the black ice platform for a lifetime.

Lightning in his mind usually went through the information collected these days and his understanding of Gao Yuan, and then rationalized his thoughts, and then spoke.

"The king, from the point of view of Yichen, Da Qin has no immediate worries. Although General Li was defeated and the tens of thousands of troops were destroyed, Gao Yuan will definitely not have the thoughts of fighting against my Da Qin in the near future. Instead, he will accumulate strength. First take Wei, Han, Zhao, and even send troops to Chu."

"Why did you say this?" King Qin Wulie felt a little surprised, his upper body slightly straightened, and he sat up straighter, staring at the young servant of the subjugated country who was cast by the swallow. This man made his judgment extremely quickly. And it's the same as my and husband's thoughts last night.

"Gao Yuan knows very well that although he won this battle, the loss was not small. As far as the minister knew, He Lanxiong's Dongye and Donghu independent cavalry divisions suffered heavy losses, and Gao Yuan only used these two disabled divisions to force Shannan County. Cheng, it is obvious that he does not have the will to capture the Shannan County city and directly attack my rear of Da Qin. In his mind, I am afraid that he thinks that Da Qin has suffered this defeat, but the accumulation of hundreds of years at the end of the year is still there. Is there a reason to go down? Regarding the position of its main force, it must first stabilize the three counties of Han and regain the Wei state. After all, these places are anointed places with a large number of people. It is far more important to win these sites than to win the Shannan county city. And to stabilize this. After the two places, the first thing he had to deal with was Zhao Guo. This time, Zhao was allied with me and opened up to the valley. He was caught off guard. As far as the minister knew, Gao Yuan hated the betrayer the most. Therefore, he must first deal with the State of Zhao.Even if it is the State of Chu, the minister thinks that it is nothing more than a high-level appearance to scare the King of Chuhuai. Although the State of Chu is big and has many people, he does not have the heart to move forward, but is indifferent. Even with Huang Xie, Qu Zhong and other famous generals, it is still difficult to reverse this trend. Once a high and heavy army arrives, King Chuhuai will inevitably calm down and calm the anger of Gaoyuan."

King Qin Wulie nodded slightly, and Tan Feng's analysis was somewhat different from what they thought yesterday.Both he and Li Ru believed that Gao Yuan would take this opportunity to beat Chu country hard.

"Why do you decide that Gao Yuan will not take this opportunity to maimed Chu State?"

"My lord, just as Gao Yuan dare not fight a decisive battle with us now, he must have the same mentality when he treats Chu Kingdom. The land of Chu Kingdom is wider than our country, and the people are more numerous than I, Daqin, and wealthier than our country. If Urgently pressed, Chu State fought back. With his current strength, he may not be able to cope with it. What's more, he has to worry that we will take the opportunity to send troops here. If the power of Qin and Chu is to attack Han, How can he be undefeated?"

"Where is it possible for us to unite with Chu State and fight with all our strength?"

Tan Feng raised his head, glanced at the pale and bloodless face on the bed, and said, "If the king is in good shape, it is not impossible."

King Qin Wulie sighed, "Yes, it's a pity that God won't give me this opportunity. King Chuhuai is only looking forward to my life. Qin will be in chaos!"

Tan Feng was silent.

"Then what do you think will be Gao Yuan's next grand strategy?" Qin Wulie Wang sighed for a while, then asked.

"My lord, long ago, when Gao Yuan and I were very close friends, once talked to him about the way of war. This person told me that war, to the end, is actually national power. Fighting is the economy and money. Whoever is richer will be more durable, and whoever will win the final victory in the war. Although there are differences in this principle in the long river of history, it is not separated from the ten, and in this ten Since the middle of the year, Gao Yuan’s philosophy of governing the country has been practiced everywhere, so the minister believes that after this war, Gao Yuan will definitely not launch wars at will, but will immerse himself in the development of people’s livelihood. In this respect, this person is really incomparable to ordinary people. The talents of Jishi County and Liaoxi County, which were originally the poorest places in Dayan, under his governance, exceeded the anointed places such as Langya and became the core of the Han nation. After he took Han and Wei places, , I’m afraid that Han’s economy will soar to the sky. Only then will it be the time for him to start a war.” Tan Feng said.

"Economy, people's livelihood?" Qin Wulie Wang murmured: "Look at the lofty way of governing the country and my Daqin's way of governing the country, whoever is higher will be lower."

Tan Feng was silent for a moment," Wang Shang, Gao Yuan once said that the national policy of the Great Qin Dynasty, the poor people and the rich country, are like a fish in the river. If the goal cannot be reached in a short time, it will collapse, even without external forces. Invasion, the inside will fall apart."

"Looking at the lofty man, it's a little too late for me to understand this now. I am afraid that Qin will collapse faster!" King Qin Wulie shook his head and smiled bitterly. "As you see, how much time do we have?"

"Wang Shang!" Tan Feng stayed in a daze, and finally hardened his scalp: "Yichen estimated, according to Gao Yuan's development time in Western Liaoning and other places, this year does not count, if we Daqin can't defeat Han within five years China, then it will go from bad to worse in the future, and it will become more and more difficult."

"Five years?" King Qin Wulie raised his head and looked at the high dome.

"Tan Feng, you originally came from a general, and I am going to reinstate you to serve in the army, and join your old partner Zhou Yu to lead an army for this king, are you willing?" King Qin Wulie said suddenly.

Tan Feng was startled at first, then overjoyed, repeatedly kowtowing and saying: "The minister is willing to be the king and serve the great Qin."

"Very good, but before that, you still need to do one thing. After you have done this, you can go and take office. I have issued your appointment letter. It is now in Yingying's hands. When the time comes, he will It's for you." King Qin Wulie turned his head and looked at Tan Feng, with an inexplicable smile on his face. (To be continued)

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