I’m The King

Chapter 1055: :East becomes West (Forty-Eight)

The Liuxu Hutong in the southern city of Xianyang is a famous name in Xianyang. Because this Hutong has an alias, it is also called Proton Street. When the Qin State was at its strongest, most of the countries on the mainland sent Proton to Xianyang. And the place where they are placed is this catkin.

As the Qin army has successively wiped out those small countries over the years, the catkins seem to have completely deserted, and the mansions that are not bad are also taken back by the government, uninhabited, and they have gradually fallen into decline. , From the outside, it seems that the gatehouse mansion is still glamorous, and when you enter it, it may be a wild grass.

This decaying alley has also become a land of dirt and dirt in Xianyang.For those gentlemen on the beams and underground villains, it is an easy task to go over the wall or even make a hole into these houses.

As soon as night falls, this place has become the world of 魑魑, and no good people dare to come here after nightfall.

However, Liuxu Hutong, which has been defeated for a long time, has welcomed a new resident in two years, and he is the former Yanwang Ji Mausoleum.

Even if the country was still alive and even more powerful, the life in Liuxu Hutong was extremely unbearable, living like a year, not to mention the current Ji Ling is already a country and family, and the life in Liuxu Hutong is naturally very difficult.

When I came to Xianyang, Ji Ma was still carrying some valuable things, and there were still many loyal guards to follow, but in the past two years, people have been coming to fight the autumn wind, forced to take it, blackmailed, and valuable. The same things disappeared like this, and the guards around him couldn't bear it, and now there are only less than ten people left.

It would be good not to starve to death by relying only on the little bit of silver that Qin State gave him to live.

Fortunately, his two previous subordinates, Zhou Yu and Tan Feng, still mixed well.In fact, if it were not for Tan Feng's multi-faceted care, Ji Ling would have died silently in the Liuxu Alley. Feng's authority on the Black Ice Platform is growing day by day, and Ji Ling has only passed a peaceful birthday.

Zhou Yuyuan couldn't count on it at the border of Qin and Chu.In Xianyang, the only one that Ji Ling could count on was Tan Feng.

For Tanfeng, Ji Ma was hated before. If it were not for the Quwo mutiny, they might be able to support a longer period of time, and it might usher in a turning point, but as time goes by, this hatred has gradually faded. The power of the country and the lofty power made Ji Maung completely lose the idea of ​​rebuilding the country, and he was even a little lucky to have come to Xianyang.If he still stayed in Quwo, he might have been caught by Gao Yuan and cut his head.

Now, he just wants to live in peace.

When Tan Feng walked into this mansion and saw Ji Ling welcoming happily, he really didn't know what it was like. In the past two years, the status between the two has changed unconsciously, the former king. He has become a civilian with nothing, but he has climbed up step by step.From the highest point, he has still respected Ji Ma. Now when Ji Ma sees himself, he will first give his hand to Brother Tan.

There is no more vicissitudes of life than this. Tan Feng doesn't know what Ji Ling feels in his heart. He himself feels very uncomfortable anyway, but from another perspective, Ji Ling can also be regarded as a person who is comfortable with the situation, or it is just Because of his temperament, he could survive peacefully during the ten years of exile in Qi.

"Brother Tan!" Ji Ling smiled, "You are here!"

"Wang Shang!" Tan Feng leaned forward, clasped his fists, and repaid. "Some days have not come, are you okay?"

Ji Ling waved his hands again and again, "What is the name of the king, now I am just a commoner. But it is your brother Tan, who holds an important position in the country of Qin. If it were not for the power of brother Tan, my life would have been sad, since you last year After teaching a few people who don't open their eyes, I have been much calmer here in the past year."

Tan Feng smiled slightly and nodded, "I'm going to travel soon. Before I leave, I will come here to take a look. When you come, I will send the table to the lobby. "Turn around and look at Ji Ma." This is the table noodles made by Bichenglou, the best restaurant in Xianyang. I asked them to send a table to the king, no, goodbye to Brother Ji!"

"Are you going to travel?" Ji Ling stared at Tan Feng with wide eyes, but thought that if Tan Feng left Xianyang, he would feel sad again.

"Let's talk in the room!" Tan Feng stretched out his hand to please.

The guard made tea and looked at the tea foam floating in the teacup. Tan Feng was full of emotion. Even when he was in trouble, Ji Ling had never drunk such a grade of tea. It seems that his life is indeed too great. The embarrassment is near. Xinshou put down the teacup, Tan Feng said: "Brother Ji, I am afraid that you still don't know the battle between Daqin and Han, right?"

"The waiter took to the streets two days ago. I heard that Meng Tian, ​​Lu Chao and the two armies are advancing violently. General Li Xin has attacked Jishi City and has surrounded the Han Dynasty General He Lanxiong. General Wang Xiao's 50,000 troops have attacked Dayan City. It won't last long to come to Gaoyuan, hahaha, this rebel is finally going to lose." Ji Ma looked happy, with a smile on his face.

Tan Feng shook his head slightly, "These are all things in the past. The night before yesterday, the latest battle report has arrived in Xianyang, but it has not been announced yet, or today or tomorrow, there will be an announcement."

"Which way did you lose?" Ji Ling asked tentatively, looking at his face.

"It's not just a simple defeat. General Li Xin's army was wiped out on the grassland. The 100,000 army was gone, and even the general himself was defeated and killed. Before I came here, Black Ice Terrace received the latest update. According to the news, Wang Xiao, who attacked Dayan County, was also defeated. Wang Xiao committed suicide. His son Wang Shear led his troops to escape. Now his whereabouts are unknown." Tan Feng looked at Ji Ling and said every word.

Ji Ling's smile condensed on his face, slowly turning pale, turning blue again, and finally turning into a distorted ferocious, "Why, why does this rebel always win? Even Qin Jun can win, he, he This evildoer, why didn't God accept him?"

"Now the Daqin offensive has been frustrated, and several generals have been killed. Therefore, the king is going to use Zhou Yu and me. Zhou Yu will be promoted to the general to command the 100,000 troops on the border of Qin and Chu. And I will also go to the other army as a deputy." Tan Feng continued.

"The defeat of Li Xin gave you and Zhou Yu this opportunity, which is not bad." Listening to Tan Feng's words, Ji Ling couldn't help but feel happy again. "Okay, very good. In this way, my life will be fine. It will be better again. Brother Tan, since you have been promoted again, you can speak in front of King Qin. Can you tell him to move me out of this Liuxu alley and change to another place. For more than a year, although no one has made trouble in the face, but the catkins alley is too gloomy. The thieves don't know anything. Last night, there were a few thieves who came in and tried to steal things. It was a shame to the guards. I found out that after a severe beating, I can only let it go. You also know my current situation. Even if I send them off to an official, those Qin people will only favor their own people."

Tan Feng nodded, "I see, turn around and ask the king to change your place!"

"That's great!" Ji Ling said cheerfully: "You have been promoted, and you are about to travel. The reason is that I want to celebrate and practice for you. I can't think of you even bringing the noodles over. Today, we two are in pain. Take a drink, you won’t be drunk or go home."

"Naturally or else get drunk or not return!" Tan Feng's face was a little stiff, and he nodded.

The noodles made by Bicheng Building, the best in Xianyang, are naturally extraordinary. Ji Ling has not eaten such a rich noodles in a few days. Sitting on the table and looking at the delicious noodles, I can't help it. After swallowing, he glanced at the wine on the table, his eyes widened.

"Brother Tan, is this the royal wine in the palace?" He looked at Tan Feng and asked.

"Yes, when I entered the palace yesterday, the king gave me an opportunity. When I was parting, he gave me two altars of royal wine to enshrine in the palace. I brought an altar over and drank with Brother Ji."

"Okay, okay. In the past two years, although I have drunk a lot of wine, there is no more good wine from the Wu family in Liaoxi. This should be the best bar of the Wu family in Liaoxi?" Ji Ling looked a little greedily Wine jar.

Tan Feng mentioned the wine jar and filled Ji Ma’an, "Brother Ji likes it, so drink more!"

"Okay, okay." Ji Ling smiled and raised the wine glass, drank it, closed his eyes, smacked his mouth with unfinished meaning, as if he was still recalling the taste of the wine, perhaps also recalling the glory of the original. . While the country of Yan was king, he never felt how rare this Wu's fine wine in Liaoxi was. At that time, he wanted as much as he wanted. And now, he wants to drink a glass of the best wine. , But I couldn't ask for it.

Seeing that Tan Feng filled himself with the glass again, but did not pour himself, Ji Ling couldn't help but smiled and said to Tan Feng: "Brother Tan, why don't you drink it? Also, you are in a high position now, so this wine is not rare. ?" He picked up the wine glass, swallowed it again, and closed his eyes. This time, tears slipped from the eyes.

"Wu's fine wine is extremely rare. Now that the Qin and Han Dynasties are fighting, the trade routes are cut off, and there is no market, I don't want to drink it, but I can't drink it!" Tan Feng put down the wine jar, sat down, and said *.

"Why can't you drink it?" Ji Ling looked at Tan Feng strangely.

Tan Feng didn't say a word, just staring at the opponent, looking at the look on Tan Feng's face, Ji Ling panicked. Suddenly there was a cramp in her abdomen. She was shocked. She covered her abdomen with one hand and pointed at Tan Feng with the other." This wine, this wine is poisonous, Tan Feng, you, you want to kill me?"

Tan Feng sat there blankly, looking at Ji Ling.Even though Ji Ling is not in the past, but today's affairs are over, the name of killing the Lord will be on his back forever.

"Why? Why?" Ji Ling overturned the table with a bang, and the colic in his abdomen made him feel pampered and slowly curled up into a ball.

"It's not that I want to kill you, but King Qin wants me to kill you." Tan Feng said in a low voice. "Brother Ji, you are better to die now, it is better to die sooner, die early and be clean!"

He stood up abruptly and walked out of the lobby.In the courtyard outside the lobby, the waiter of Ji Ma's lying on the ground all the way, he had been killed clean.

"Clean up!" Tan Feng walked out of the lobby without looking back, walking alone on the cold streets of Liuxu Hutong. (To be continued)

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