I’m The King

Chapter 1059: : The East is the West (52)

Hearing the book official's reply, Wu Qi sighed and put the already tasteless tea on the table, squatting on his waist, and nodded to the book official, staggering. The earth walked outside, looking at this old figure from the back, the book official couldn't help feeling sympathy.

Walking out of the political affairs hall, Wu Qihui looked at this seemingly inconspicuous side hall.He once thought that the Great Han Kingdom would be the side of the righteous cloud sky, but now it seems that in this world, there is no wolf that does not eat meat. In this partial hall, the attitudes of the few people who control most of the power of the empire towards him have fully explained their thoughts on Wei.

The Qin people's defeat on the grassland triggered their strategic retreat. In just one month, Ye Zhen led his troops to regain more than half of the Wei state. Wei Wang was once ecstatic, thinking that he had returned to the country and re-initiated. The political days are not far away, but now it seems that I am afraid that it is far away, and there is even no hope at all.

The Han State had no intention of resuming Wei Guo.

Although in Jicheng, Wu Qi still has some eyeliners in Wei State.After Ye Zhen regained Wei Di, he has now arranged for officials to resume rule, but those officials do not belong to Wei State, but Han Officials transferred from various counties in the country and some Han scholars who have just graduated from the intensive training of Jicheng University.

What his heart is, it is obvious.

But what can I do? Even the security guards of King Wei and himself in Jicheng are now being served by the reserve forces of the Young Guards of the Han Kingdom.

The sunlight crossed the side hall and shone on his face, making his eyes involuntarily squinted, and making the wrinkles on his face deeper, Wu Qi turned lonely and prepared to leave.

Suddenly there was a burst of silly laughter behind him.Wu Qi stopped and looked back and saw that from the side of the political affairs hall, in the grand palace decorated with golden walls, a group of people were happily Coming out of the inside, talking loudly about the military situation on the front line as they walked, the Han army is now steadily victorious, and these people are all blushing and dancing.

Wu Qi knew that these people were members of the Great Han Kingdom's Great Council and came from various prefectures in Han. These people should be representatives of various places stationed in Jicheng. Wu Qi has always felt a little strange about the Great Council, because with his From the perspective of political experience, the existence of this large council is simply an existence of overhead imperial power. I heard that this is still Gao Yuan regardless of the opposition of Jiang Jiaquan and others. My own authority is too great and I am asking for trouble, and I set my own restrictions.

For the king of the Great Han Kingdom, Wu Qi felt that he had never understood it.

"The Zhengshitang proposed to impose a special war tax this time to cover the cost of this war. Can you tell me, can the Great Council pass it?" a member of the Council said loudly.

"Jishi, Dayan, Yuyang and other places will definitely raise their hands in favor, because this time they are war zones, and they are seriously damaged. In particular, war taxes are not on their heads. Langya, Tianhe, Hejian, Cangzhou, Kunming The state and other places may not be happy, so this time there will be no more battles in the big council!" the other said with a grin.

"Hey, I said you don't stand and talk because your back hurts. What kind of attitude do you have in Liaoxi?"

"We in western Liaoning have paid a lot to support the accumulation of stones this time. Even if we have to collect war tax, we should not collect much. Anyway, I will support Jiang Yizheng's proposal based on the local wealth and the war. I firmly oppose Yan Yizheng’s proposal for equalization.”

"Cut, let's talk about it, isn't it just for you to pay less!"

"We are poor in Liaoxi, where you are in such a sacred place, the mud will give you oil if you squeeze it!"

"Go away, I used to say that you are poor in Liaoxi, but I still believe that now, are you poor?"

"Aren't we poor? We are still poor, with a weak foundation!"

"Don't make a noise, this time I don't think it's overwhelming. Don't talk about anything else. The representatives of the three counties of Liaodong are definitely in favor of raising their hands. The big geese, hetao, Jishi, and Yuyang are not to be mentioned, and the new The counties of Qidi, which are included in our Han territory, are now trembling. Let them pay, and they will never dare to say anything, so they will definitely have to raise their hands when the time comes. You count the votes by yourself, it's already over half. So let's here. Don't be a wicked person once, this special tax must have passed the king's approval. This time the war, our losses are a bit bigger, especially Yuyang, who was so badly harmed by Lu Chao, let us. The place has not suffered from the military chaos, and more money should be paid. If you want to come to the people, you can understand that if there is no sacrifice in these places, how can we live and work in peace and contentment, especially this time the Xiongnu herdsmen in Jishi County will die on the battlefield. There are more than 20,000 people, so many companies have no pillars."

"That is that is!"

Where Wu Qi stood in a daze, listening to these people discussing and going away, is this their congressman? A flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, yeah, congressman, the big council. Maybe he can go from this direction. Go up and find a way.

Wu Qi raised his head and hurriedly walked towards the residence of King Wei and himself.

"The king, the king!" Returning to the mansion, Wu Qi hurriedly went straight to the main hall where the king of Wei lived.

"Wu Xiang, is it easy to eliminate it?" Looking at Wu Qi's appearance, the Wei Wang who heard the sound was happy, "Zhengshitang promised to let this king return to the country?"

Wu Qi shook his head, "No, they didn't see me at all. Then Jiang Jiaquan didn't see me at all on the grounds that King Han was no longer in Jicheng and he could not be the master!"

"In that case, do they still have no intention of letting me wait for my return?" Wei Wang sat down with disappointment.

"Looking at what they mean, I'm afraid I never want to let the king go back!" Wu Qi sighed: "I lost the land that Ye Zhen recovered, and now I have been officially taken over by officials appointed by the Han State."

"How can this be, how is this possible, this is my Dawei's land, how can they take it from the Han country?" Wei Wang cried out. "Isn't Han our friend? Didn't they promise to help us keep Wei? Country?"

"The King!" Wu Qi sighed: "They had promised this way, but the problem is that they didn't hold it, and even the capital of Wei State was taken by the Qin people. Although they have taken it back, they can be righteous. To put it verbally, they were taken back from the Qin people."

"This way, this is also OK?" Wei Wang was dumbfounded.

"Why not? The truth is always in the barrel of the gun. This is what Han Wang Gaoyuan said." Wu Qi shook his head and said, "My lord, how much money do we have?"

"Why did you suddenly ask this? We naturally have a lot of money, but we don't have much on hand. At the beginning, the gold and silver treasures in the palace and the national treasury, and the infantry generals were all registered in a book, and then only the book was registered. I gave it to me and said that I would return it to me after the war subsided. I don't know where it is now!" Wei Wang was startled.

"My lord, give me what you have left."

"Well, what do you want to do?" Wei Wang asked strangely.

"My lord, do you know that there is a big council in Han?" Wu Qi sat down and asked.

"I know this naturally."

"This big council has great power. They can move a proposal as long as they gather a few people. If it is passed on the big council, even the political affairs hall can't deny it. Only Han Wang Gaoyuan has the final veto power. Therefore, I need a large amount of treasure to bribe these big councillors and draw a group of people to speak for us." Wu Qi lowered his voice and said: "Using the terms of the promise that the King of Han Gaoyuan gave us at the time, I asked Han to let the king return to the country and govern ."

"Can these congressmen agree?"

"Wealth is touching. As far as I know, these councillors are not safe for a lifetime. They have to be re-elected every three years. Among these people, there must be those who are greedy for money, and they are not united. He has his own thoughts, so the minister has to try." Wu Qi clenched his fists: "As long as the Great Council can move and put forward a proposal, this matter will be made public and let all the people of the Han country know about it. , To further allow the Great Council to pass a proposal, only Han Wang Gaoyuan will be the only one who can veto this matter."

"What if Han Wang directly vetoed it?"

"If the Great Council really passes, King Han will never deny it, because this is a matter of his face, his honor, and his maintenance of the prestige of the Great Council, and the King of Han has been working hard to maintain the power of the Great Council. Prestige, since the establishment of the Great Council, he has not rejected one thing passed by the Great Council." Wu Qi said.

"Okay, as long as this king can return to the country and re-administrate, gold and silver treasures are nothing, you can just take it, but I don't have much on hand!" Wei Wang said.

"The minister still has some in his hands. Besides, there are quite a few of my big wealthy and wealthy gentry who moved to Jicheng with the king. The minister will find them to beg for alms, which is also related to their vital interests. I want to get all of them to move and go to the congressmen I know to persuade." Wu Qi said.

In the political affairs hall, several members of the political affairs department listened to Cao Tianci's report to Wu Qi's every move in the past two days, and they couldn't help but be dumbfounded. , Are we quite passive?"

"Has any member of the council been moved?" Yan Shenghao asked.

"Of course there is." Cao Tianci grinned, "I have a detailed list everywhere, and I will send it back to a few adults."

Jiang Jiaquan snorted, "God gift, warn these people, especially those who don't want to pay this time, this is a great handle! Hold them in your hand, squeeze them hard, my great congressmen, Actually accepting bribes is a felony. Tell them that if they don't raise their hands in the special war tax this time, then I, Mr. Jiang, will send them to justice!" (to be continued)

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