I’m The King

Chapter 1060: :East becomes West (53)

For a while, Wu Qi was the one who danced most happily in Jicheng. After giving out large sums of gold and silver jewelry and getting promises from many people, he did not stop, and continued to jump up and down in Jicheng for the return of Wei. Working hard and benefiting from the lofty national policy, in Jicheng, a lot of academic experts have gathered. Most of these people teach at Jicheng University. They are different from Qin's domineering Li Ru academics. In Han, although they belong to Jiang Jiaquan Academic schools occupies the mainstream, but other schools can coexist with them. Like Xun Xiu, who was originally an academic master, and Jiang Jiaquan had a lot of academic conflicts, but it did not prevent him from becoming the official book of the Han Dynasty. The university is also under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Etiquette.

This is where Wu Qi ran, and he was looking for these scholars. He very much hopes that these influential figures on the mainland can speak for them. Wu Qi himself is quite knowledgeable in academics, and he is naturally able to interact with these people. Talk about going together easily.

After a hard day, Wu Qi returned to his residence with exhaustion.Wu Qi didn't go to rest immediately, but immediately went to see King Wei.

"My Majesty, today Madam went to visit Princess Han, what's the situation?"

"When Madam saw the Princess of Han, she cried and told her homesickness, but it made the Princess of Han also burst into tears, and the words often expressed deep sympathy, but when it came to actual matters, the Princess of Han could not say anything, I'm afraid She doesn't understand political affairs, it is really difficult to help much." Wei Wangdao.

"That's enough!" Wu Qi was overjoyed. "Let's spread the attitude of Princess Han and say that Princess Han also intends to let the king return."

"But Princess Han didn't say that!" Wang Wei spread his hands together, embarrassed, "We can't make things out of nothing, right?"

"No, we don't need to say it explicitly, just say that Princess Han is very sympathetic to our current situation, and even shed tears about it. As for other things, let the listener use their imagination!" Wu Qi smiled slyly: "My Majesty, now I have contacted more than a dozen congressmen. They are all representatives of congressmen stationed in Jicheng in the land of the wealthy of the Han country. With their support, the proposal can be successfully launched in the congress."

"So, we can expect to return?" Wei Wangxi said.

"Of course, not only these big councillors, these days, I have also contacted some other people. These people are all academics, and there are many supporters on the mainland. When they speak together, they can also There is a certain amount of pressure on the Han Guozhengshitang and the King of Han. The King of Han wants to be a famous emperor. This is a shackle. We can easily take advantage of this." Wu Qi laughed.

"Shoufu has worked hard!" Wei Wang said sincerely.

"The king is serious, this was originally my duty." Wu Qi bowed and said: "I had to contact Wu Yong, but unfortunately he was in Ye Zhen's army and couldn't help himself, so he could only temporarily let go of this matter. After the king returns to the country, we will try to bring back these 30,000 new troops."

"Shoufu is right, now we really can only do enough, we can't really anger the King of Han, the army is too sensitive now, it's better not to touch your hands, and wait for it later." Wei Wang nodded. "Wu Yong is young and promising. In the new army, there should be a group of useful people!"

Wu Qi smiled and said: "That's natural. Although the Han army officers accounted for the majority of the new army, and the army was trained by them, how can we lack loyal and righteous people among the Wei people!"

"It's so wonderful!" Wei Wang clapped his hands and laughed. "When I return to the country, you will be the chief assistant, and Wu Yong will be the Taiwei. Your father and son will help me with one character and one martial arts. It will become a good story in history.

"Thank you Wang Shang for taking it seriously!" Wu Qi bowed.

Seeing that things are getting better, the two of them also relaxed, and talked a few new things in Jicheng.Everything here is extremely fresh to them.Wei Wang listened as fresh, and as Wu rises to say , He wanted to discover the secrets of the rise of Han from these new things, Gao Yuan founded Han, and it only took ten years before and after. For a country, ten years is simply not worth it. Mention, to know Qin State's current power, it has experienced generations of people's hard work.

"The King, Wu Xiang, the Great King of the State of Qi and the Great Master Tian are visiting!" When the two were talking lively, an outsider came in trot and reported to the two of them that there was a visitor.

"Wang Qi, Tian Yuanyuan, what are they doing here?" Wu Qi frowned. Qi has been officially included in the territory of Han. For these two, Wu Qi has no good images." Wang Shang, I will see you See them, forget it."

"No, although King Qi has already gone to the throne, but in any case, he used to be the lord of a country, and he is much stronger than our Wei country. Since he is here, he is reasonable, how can I avoid it?" Wang Wei stood up, "Let's go, Wu Qi, we are greeted together."

The two former kings sat face to face, with wry smiles on their faces, while the young man Tian Yuanyuan and Wei Guo's first assistant Wu Qi, who accompanied him on the lower side, had big eyes and small eyes, and the young man Tian was joking. Lulu, and Wu Qi is full of disdain.

What Wu Qi disdains is that Qi is such a powerful country, which is much stronger than Wei, but after Tian Dan, there is no successor. The two brothers killed each other, and finally Han Guo picked up the bargain without any effort. Young Master Tian is with a joke mentality. For a while, Wu Qi jumped up and down, thinking that he had a plan, but didn't want everything to be controlled by others.He and King Qi came here not willingly, but Cao Tianci Forced to come.

The reason is very simple.The two of them came to make King Wei die and return to the country.

"I should have come to visit the king a long time ago, but I have been too busy for a while, so I came here when I was leaving. Don't blame the king!" King Qi looked at King Wei and said with a smile.

"Go on? Where is Wang Shang going?" Wang Wei asked in a little astonishment.

"According to the generosity of the Han King, he set up a Zhuangzi on the bank of Dayan Lake. The soldiers were in a panic a while ago. The war was going on there, so it was dragged down. Now that Li Xin is defeated, Dayan Lake has returned to calm, so he is ready to go. I have set off, but this day, the heat is getting hot. I heard that my Zhuangzi rises by the side of Dayan Lake. It is a good place to escape the summer heat. In Xia, I want to arrive earlier. Wang Shang, Zai Xia has now gone to the throne. It's just an ordinary one hundred surname in the Great Han Kingdom, the king can just call me Jiang Zhe!" Qi Wang said with a smile.

"Jiang Zhe!" After hearing these words, Wang Wei couldn't help being hurt by the death of rabbits and foxes.

"Let's go, let's go!" Jiang Zhe nodded again and again: "Go to Dayan Lake where you can run horses, go fishing, plant flowers and crops when you have nothing to do, and when you fall, you will be happy and grandchildren, but it is also a great life. Pleasure."

King Wei sighed and lowered his head, but didn't know what to say to comfort the troubled King Qi, as if his own situation was not much better than the other party.

"Young Master Tian is also going to Dayan Lake?" Wu Qi on one side said: "We will be returning to China soon. If the two of you get tired of staying at Dayan Lake, you might as well come to Daliang as a guest. The king of my family is definitely welcome. to."

Tian Yuanyuan smiled slightly, and said, "Thank you Wu Xiang. Naturally, I am going. My father is old, and he lives alone by the Big Wild Goose Lake, so lonely. This time I went with a large family. How can I let my father have a happy old age."

"If that's the case, then I don't have to say more." Wu Qi coldly picked up the tea cup and made a stand-off for the guests.

Tian Yuanyuan laughed, as if he didn't see Wu Qi's indifference, "Wu Xiang, before I came to you today, I saw something, I thought about it, I'm afraid these things are still not related to you. ."

"What's the matter?" Wu Qi was slightly surprised.

"One day Wu Xiang went to Jicheng Comprehensive University to visit those academics. It's no wonder that the Supervisory Office of the Great Han Kingdom brought more than a dozen members into the Supervisory Yuan in one breath. I am afraid that Master Wu also knows. , Although the position of this great councillor has no real power in the Great Han Kingdom, it is a person who can really influence the government. The Supervisory Yuan Cao Tianci arrested many of these people in one breath, and he must have a solid handle. , Otherwise you will definitely not dare to mess around." Tian Yuanyuan looked at Wu Qi, whose face was gradually turning pale with pleasure, "It seems that these people have just been visited by Wu Xiang?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I have visited too many people these days!" Wu Qijing raised his neck.

"It's not good, it's not good!" On one side, Qi Wang Jiangzhe seemed to be able to relieve the siege, but in fact he said: "Our current status, this position, is really embarrassing, Dahan China, I am afraid that the most worried It's that we are entangled with their ministers or these high councilors, so after I arrived in this city, the gate cannot go out, and the two gates are not open, so the affairs are all arranged by the Ministry of Rites of the Han Kingdom, sir, It's not that I said too much. After Han King Han Qiao lived in Xianyang for three years, he died without knowing it. As soon as Han Qiao died, all his family members were thrown out. The old golden branches and leaves were all on the streets, and within a year of effort , There is no one left. I heard from a Dahan official two days ago that the Yan Wang Ji Ma was also dead. Do you know who killed Ji Ma?"

Listening to Jiang Zhe's words, Wang Wei only felt that his whole body was stiff. "Who, who killed him?"

"Tan Feng." Tian Yuanyuan said from one side: "The King of Qin asked Tan Feng to kill Ji Ling, and the Ji clan of Yan Guo was extinct. Zhou Yu and Tan Feng were promoted to generals at the same time, and Meng Tian stayed in Qin. The more than one hundred thousand troops on the border of Chu were divided into two, under the command of these two people.

King Qi sighed: "Although King Han is kind and righteous, he hasn't committed a murder since he started, but we must also understand that we must not cause trouble to the upper body. The king now understands why I should go to Dayan Lake. Is a parlor now?"

Listening to the obvious meaning in King Qi's words, King Wei's teeth actually rattled involuntarily. (To be continued)

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