I’m The King

Chapter 1073: : East becomes West (sixty-six)

Wow, a crisp cry came from the room, and outside the door, it was like an ant on a hot pan, and the clothes were almost sweaty. He jumped up and rushed to the door, raising his hand about to knock. The door, but the door slammed open from the inside, and slammed forward with too much force, and almost hit the person in the room.

"Big brother, what are you doing?" He Lanyan raised her hands with both hands, pressed against Gao Yuan's chest, supported his body, and asked defiantly.

"Is Xin'er okay? Is she okay?" Gao Yuan asked eagerly.

Hearing Gao Yuan’s question, the look in He Lanyan’s eyes was a bit complicated: "If Xin'er knew that your first sentence at this time was to ask her if she was okay, she would definitely be moved and cry."

Pig-Pig Island-Novel.. "What are you talking nonsense!" Gao Yuan said dissatisfied.

"Don't worry, Xin'er is very well, and I want to congratulate you, brother, we have added a little princess to the Gao family!" Helan Yange laughed, behind her, Ye Jing'er hugged a baby in her arms and left Yingying. come out.

"Brother don't worry, there is no danger, this little girl is not a worry-free thing, she can toss her mother so hard, come, come and see your daughter? Hey, don't go in, this is the delivery room, There is a smell of blood in it, what are you doing as a big man, it's unlucky!" Ye Jing'ernian looked at Gao Yuan who wanted to break in.

Gao Yuan smiled wryly, stretched out his hand to take the child from Ye Jinger's arms, looked at the little doll's delicate face, stretched out a finger to gently shave the little guy's nose, "Little guy, will grow up in the future You have to be filial to your mother. In order to give birth to you, your mother suffered a lot. Jing'er, come and see, does this little guy look like me? Look at the eyes, nose, and forehead!"

On the one hand, He Lanyan laughed, "Brother Gao, this little girl is obviously like Xin'er, where is she like you? Like Xin'er will be a great beauty in the future, if she is like you, that would be enough!"

"Why, am I ugly?" Gao Yuan Yangtian slapped a haha. "Gao is still quite confident about his appearance. Even if I can't talk about the dragon among people, it's still handsome!"

Seeing Gao Yuan's narcissistic appearance, He Lanyan laughed and jumped happily.

"Okay, okay, Brother Gao, marry the little girl a name.'' Ye Jinger pulled He Lanyan away and said.

"Just call Gao Ning" Gao Yuan smiled, "My surname is Gao, Xiner's surname is Ning, Gao Ning!"

"I want to hug my sister, I want to hug my little sister!" Gao Zhiyuan on one side jumped anxiously, wanting to see the little sister in his father's arms, but Gao Yuan was obviously too high for him. Two little hands stretched upwards, impatiently.

"That's not good!" Gao Yuan raised Gao Ning in his arms higher. "If you want to hug your sister, you have to grow taller and stronger."

"I'm very strong now!" The little guy stretched out his arms, rolled up his sleeves, showing his bulging muscles, "Daddy, look."

Bend down, stretched out his hand to squeeze Gao Zhiyuan's tight muscles, Gao Yuan nodded in satisfaction, "It's not bad, it's interesting."

"This is my credit!" He Lanyan on one side jumped out again, "Sister Jing'er was afraid that he would suffer a little bit, but I took him to shoot arrows with a horse-riding sword, and that's how to train this muscle."

"You are all there!" Ye Jinger sipped her angrily. "Swallow, I haven't asked you to settle the account yet. What did I tell you before I went to Jishi County, and what happened after you went? Did it? Why did Brother Gao be bait again? How dangerous!"

When it heard that this was the case, He Lanyan immediately backed away, "I'm going to see if Xin'er is better!" Abandoning this sentence, he ran away in a hurry.

"No one is right!" Ye Jing'er shook her head and sighed. "Big Brother Gao, you are too used to her too."

"Good character, good character!" Gao Yuan laughed.

"Brother, tell you something business!" Ye Jing'er's eyes swept around, and the guards around the two of them immediately stepped away intentionally.

"When Zhiyuan and Mingzhi were born, the foundation of our Han was not stable. Everything was in the grass-roots. Both of them were born without any decent celebration. This time the birth of Gao Ning is different. Our Han has just defeated Da Qin. On the battlefield against Chu, now we are steadily victorious. It can be said that it is an unprecedented good situation, eldest brother, this time we have to celebrate, and let the whole man share the joy!" Ye Jinger said.

"Celebrate the whole world?" Gao Yuan widened his eyes and said after a long while: "But I think this is our family affair, there is no need to make it known to the world?"

"If you let Jiang Yizheng hear this, he will definitely refute you, Wang has no family affairs, and family affairs are national affairs." Ye Jinger said sternly.

"Okay, okay, you're right, Jing'er, tell me, how do you have a universal celebration?" Gao Yuan spread his hands together, "I don't have any money."

Ye Jing'er laughed angrily at the lofty rascal, "What money do you want to pay? You are the king of our big man, this time to celebrate the birth of Princess Ning, you have to forgive the world? Those are not vicious crimes. , Let’s just let it go, or cut taxes for the common people, that’s all right!”

Gao Yuan stared at Ye Jing'er and said helplessly: "Ning'er was born, of course it is worth celebrating, but the two points you just said, it seems that I have no right to make it, this matter involves the world, first of all Through the big council, but according to my estimation, these two items will definitely not pass. Think about it, except for the most vicious criminals, everything else is pardoned, then these big councilors will definitely consider that their hometown will have more money. There are fewer rascals, and tax cuts are reduced. Members may be happy, but the Zhengshitang will definitely not do it. You know, how hard it took Mr. Jiang to pass the special war tax. I will come here. It’s not that their previous efforts have been useless."

Listening to Gao Yuan’s straightforward refusal, Ye Jing'er couldn't help but frown, "Brother Gao, sometimes I really don’t understand why you want to get such a big council out. Isn’t this self-binding? The kings of the past, But none of them do it like this. Which one doesn’t want to hold all the power in their own hands? How can they be like you, actually get some Bodhisattvas to make offerings on their own heads. Every time I hear that for a little thing, they just do it. It’s really uncomfortable to be scolded and beaten in the big council. It’s clear that you will decide things in one word."

Looking at Ye Jing'er from a high level, she reached out and touched the little head of her son next to her, "Jing'er, you don't understand, I am thinking of our son, for the sake of the great man's generations. What you said is really good, the power lies Hands, lying on the knees of a drunk beauty, waking up and killing human rights, that kind of feeling, who doesn't want to! But this way, the power is in control, and I am really refreshed, but there are too many people to covet. Think about it again, this history Throughout the dynasties, how many kings died of unfaithful fate, why, it is nothing more than someone who wants to replace them."

"So you want our son to be a mud bodhisattva in the future?" Ye Jinger said dissatisfied.

"The mud bodhisattva is better than the dead bodhisattva!" Gao Yuan laughed: "Furthermore, the system I designed, if our son is the wise master, he can also control the initiative, if he is a wise man, he can do nothing. People, it is also a good choice to be a mud bodhisattva. At least, you can start and end well, and there will be no accidents."

"I hope so!" Ye Jing'er was a little unhappy," The first two boys were born in a bad environment. Now that Ning girl clearly has this condition, she doesn't celebrate, I'm afraid Xin'er will not. happy."

"Celebration is naturally to celebrate. We can't amnesty the world, and can't reduce taxes and taxes. Those are all national issues. We can't decide in one word, but we still have things to decide for ourselves!

"How do you want to celebrate, get a table of wine and vegetables, how many drinks for our family? I can tell you, Xin'er can't drink right now, you and Yanzi are not my opponents together." Ye Jing'er was in a little mood. Better, looking at Gao Yuan, jokingly and authentically.

"Of course we have to make a table of wine and vegetables for our family to share, but this place can be changed. Let's go up to the gate of the east gate of Jicheng."

"Where are you going for?" Ye Jing'er asked puzzledly.

"Don't you want to celebrate? I will give our Ning girl a firework party!" Gao Yuan said with joy.

"What what? Fireworks party?" Ye Jinger's eyes widened, "What is this?"

"Isn't there a Taoist named Qingyuan who wanted to offer me a pill of immortality in the past two years? I finally detained this fellow.

"This kind of person, don't pay attention to him, what immortality? It's all deceptive things."

"Well, the eternal blessing pill is naturally a lie, but these Taoists are not useless. Their pill practice can be borrowed. After I detain him, let him refine something for me, gunpowder!" Gao Yuandao.

"What is that?" Ye Jing'er asked curiously.

"It's a very powerful weapon of war. If it can be made out, we will certainly be able to do no harm on the battlefield in the future." Gao Yuan stretched out a finger and shook it in front of Ye Jinger's eyes." It's our big man's absolute secret, plus you, no more than five people know it now."

"But what does this have to do with the fireworks in your mouth?"

"Of course it matters, because he hasn't produced what I want in the past two years, but he has produced a lot of by-products. Don't worry, I will tell him to do his best for this fireworks show. By the way, let us The people of Jicheng are very happy and happy." Gao Yuan said proudly: "The celebration scene is absolutely unprecedented. It is much better than your amnesty for the world, and tax reduction!"

"Then I'll just wait and see!" Ye Jing'er smiled: "If this is the case, I think Xin'er will be very happy too."

In a hidden canyon dozens of miles away from Jicheng, rows of stone houses are arranged in a staggered manner. This is not a village from the world, but a heavily guarded military forbidden area. The guards here are all from Soldiers of the Youth Guards. People living inside are not allowed to leave the canyon. They are sent in from outside whenever they need it. (To be continued...)

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