I’m The King

Chapter 1074: : East becomes West (67)

In the entire canyon, it is not just the number of Qingyuan Taoist priests and apprentices. Two years ago, under the guidance of Gaoyuan, the Supervision Institute attacked everywhere, scammed and deceived, and did everything, and collected dozens of people. The Taoist priests who were quite accomplished in practicing alchemy came back.Under the leadership of the Taoist priest of Qingyuan, these people lived in this canyon and specialized in gunpowder research.

As Gao Yuan said, the kind of powerful explosives he needed has not been produced, and many by-products have been produced, and making fireworks is one of them.

In addition to not being able to go out, the Taoist priest of Qingyuan is actually quite satisfied with the life here, no longer worrying about survival, eating and drinking, having everything to play, and all of them are the best. There are still a lot of money every month. Compared with the previous days, Qingyuan's salary was in heaven, but Qingyuan was terrified because he hadn't done what Han Wang wanted.

The King of Han described to him the effect of that kind of thing, and promised that once he made this kind of thing, it was not an extravagant hope, but in two years, he was still unable to experiment with the kind of thing that the King of Han hoped. I am very worried that once Han Wang loses his patience, I am afraid that it is not just as simple as sweeping the floor to go out. In the past two years, watching the increase of houses in this valley, watching the army more and more, and those wearing black clothes The staff of the Supervisory Yuan came in and out from time to time, and Qingyuan confirmed that among those later colleagues, there must be spies from the Supervisory Yuan.

With such a big frame and such strict security, if you can't do what Han Wang wants, I'm afraid that what you're waiting for is to silence your mouth! With a click, there will be nothing left.

Thinking of this, Qingyuan wanted to use one day as two days, soaking in the experiment day and night, he was looking forward to success, looking forward to the seal, when the day came, he must buy it in Jicheng. A big mansion, after returning to vulgarity, married a wife from a house and gave birth to a lot of children.

The dozens of Taoist priests in the entire actual risk group were divided into several groups by Qingyuan.Under Qingyuan's supervision, these people were like donkeys, groping for experience in failure again and again.

"Master, Dean Cao is here!" Apprentice Yizhen rushed in, the loud voice made Qingyuan shiver, and all the ingredients that had just been prepared were spilled on the ground.

"Asshole thing, Dean Cao hasn't come once or twice. He is the most diligent person in this valley. What is there to yell at!" Qingyuan was furious.

"Master, but there is another person beside Dean Cao, it is His Majesty King Han." The apprentice's voice trembled a little.

"What nonsense, if His Royal Highness really wants to come, it must be a front and back hug, how can he come here so quietly? Still following Dean Cao's side." Qingyuan scolded angrily.

"Really, really, Master, didn't I follow you to meet the King of Han two years ago? Although two years have passed, the appearance of the king has not changed at all. Although he is dressed in casual clothes, I still recognize it at a glance. It's coming out." Yizhen said with certainty.

Qingyuan hit a sudden, and ran outside, "Yizhen, you stay here for me and give me a new copy. By the way, I will write the formula on the table."

Turning his head all the time, looking at the table, I was instantly dumbfounded.The table did have various ingredients written on it, but now it is a bit vague, and I can't see it clearly.

"How can this be done?" Yizhen scratched his head, looking bitterly at the rows of altars and pots on the table.

As the person in charge of the experimental group of this secret base, Qingyuan's residence is in a good location. It is located in a pine forest halfway up the mountain. Although the weather outside is hot, in this pine forest, there is a cool breeze. Yuan immediately pushed Jinshan, down the Yuzhu, and Peng Too knelt down in front of Gao Yuan.

"Cao Min has seen the king."

"No need, get up!" Gao Yuan smiled and looked at the elegant decorations in this room. "I don't see it, are you a wild Taoist gentleman, not bad, not bad!"

Listening to Gao Yuan’s words, the sweat in Qingyuan’s vest has come down.” Your Majesty, Cao Min has never dared to forget what the King has handed down. Over the past two years, he has tested thousands of times and has made some progress. , That is, there is still a little gap from the king's request."

Gao Yuan laughed, "Don't be nervous, I am not here this time to urge you. This thing is a bit difficult at first, or my requirements are too high. In fact, what you have made now can be regarded as Not bad."

Qingyuan swallowed and suppressed the fear in her heart. "My lord, as long as the lord gives me a little more time, I will definitely be able to do what the lord hopes for."

"Okay, I give you time, and there is no limit, but the sooner you make it, the greater the reward!" Gao Yuan laughed and looked at Qingyuan, "What are you doing on your knees, get up, get up, I'll come this time," It’s because Godsend came here last time and the gadgets you showed him are very interesting. Well, this time I want you to order a batch of these things."

Cao Tianci on one side laughed and said, "Last time I came here, you gave me a name for the things you performed. The king named them fireworks. You probably don’t know yet. The king just got a little princess, for To celebrate the birth of the little princess, the king decided to hold a firework party outside the east gate of Jicheng. Naturally, you will be responsible for the production of these things."

"Congratulations to the king, congratulations to the king!" Qing Yuanxi smiled and congratulated Gao Yuan again and again. "The king is relieved, these things, how many things the king needs, even if I don't sleep or eat here, I will make them for the king. In fact, These things, we already have very mature technology here."

"It's not that simple!" Gao Yuan smiled and looked at him. "I don't just want these fireworks to be gorgeous in the sky, I also want them to be combined into various patterns and various texts when they are open in the sky. It is to celebrate the birth of my little princess, but also to celebrate the prosperity and eternal life of my great Han."

"Pattern, text?" Qingyuan was once again clouded.

"Don't worry, about these, I think we can discuss, I have some ideas, maybe I can give you some inspiration!" Gao Yuan smiled and said: "I plan to do this firework party when the little princess is full moon, so, You still have nearly a month to study."

"The king, please give me more pointers. With the advice of the king, the grass folk's spear will definitely be able to stop." Qingyuan nodded repeatedly.

For this kind of technology, Gao Yuan is only a little understanding, but this kind of thing is not a complicated thing in later generations, a small workshop can produce it, Gao Yuan believes that as long as he tells these professionals what he knows. After listening to them, based on their understanding of gunpowder, they should soon be able to produce what they need.

Picking up a charcoal pencil, Gao Yuan talked and painted while Qingyuan raised his ears on one side, staring closely at some illustrations Gao Yuan drew, reaching out from time to time, asking two sentences, or pointing out some questions, it was useless. With so much effort, the panic on Qingyuan's face has turned into absolute self-confidence.

"Wang Shang, this thing sounds very complicated, but when you talk about painting like this, I will understand. Very simple things, the difficulty is that the thin film can't be pierced. Wang Shang is really the world. Wizards, not only to lead troops to fight the common people, but also to rule the country when dismounted, these gadgets are so proficient, they really admire the grassroots!" Qingyuan offered flattering in a timely manner.

You can wear it for thousands of times, and you don’t wear flattery. Even if you are far away, you feel uncomfortable when you hear such words. "These are just trails, I don't say, you can get them out sooner or later."

Qingyuan just wanted to flatter a few words, when there was a loud and deafening noise outside, making the two ears buzzing, and even the table was slightly beating on the ground, raising his head high, and Cao Tianci even more. It was one step earlier that rushed out of the house, and with this loud noise, the high guards hidden in the pine forest outside swarmed out, and further away, the sound of warning bugles continued. In the valley, Suddenly it became noisy.

Gao Yuan's gaze turned to Qingyuan, "Blowing the appointment, have you finally tested it out?"

Qingyuan shook his head in panic, "Cao Min, Cao Min doesn't know."

After a while, Cao Tianci ran back like flying away, "Wang Shang, the house where Qingyuandao Chang's plain experiment was blown up. The power is so powerful. The entire stone house was torn apart and the roof was lifted. I found a seriously injured person, dark and almost invisible. But he hasn't died yet, there is still a breath, and he is now being rescued."

"That's my apprentice Yizhen. Just when Cao Min came to greet the king, he asked him to prepare the ingredients of the recipe that Cao Min just made out. But, why did it explode, why did it explode? "Qingyuan turned around and ran out in a swift way, Gao Yuan made a gesture, brought a group of hands, and followed Qingyuan to the valley.

The clear and round laboratory room was completely unrecognizable at this moment. The wooden roof was gone, and the stone walls were broken everywhere. He smelled the familiar smell of gunpowder at the scene, and Gao Yuan felt agitated. "Explosives, really smells of explosives. , Did it really come out?"

"Qingyuan!" Gao Yuan looked at the Taoist priest who was at a loss at the scene: "What is going on with your new formula?"

"My lord, this new formula shouldn't have such power, because Cao Min tried it in a small dose before. Even if the dose is increased, it will never have such power."

Gao Yuan turned his gaze to the side of a bloody, almost inhumane fellow that several doctors were rushing to rescue, and said thoughtfully: "It seems that the key lies in this Yizhen, Cao Tianci, send someone quickly. The horse returned to Jicheng and recruited Qiu Debao. By the way, Ke Yuanshan should have come to Jicheng, and summoned me together. With the fastest speed, this one is true and cannot die."

"Understand!" (To be continued...)

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