I’m The King

Chapter 1075: : East becomes West (sixty-eight)

Standing in the ruins of a place, Gao Yuan was full of doubts.Looking at this pose, it seems that Qingyuan's research is close to completion, and the power is already large enough, but the problem is that such a powerful explosion, why has that been It hasn't been blown up yet! What has been tinkering with this all the time, and all of this, it seems that only after Yizhen is rescued can we know the truth of the problem, otherwise, everything will return to the previous one.

Many experiments have discovered new things through accidents and even mistakes again and again, and now it seems that this kind of thing is actually happening in front of my own eyes today.

Seeing Cao Tiangang, who was sweating profusely all the way up to him, Gao Yuan walked out of the ruins.

"Is that Yizhen still saved?" Gao Yuan/Pig/Pig/Dao/Novel www.huuo. asked.

"It's hard to say!" Cao Tianci shook his head and said: "Master Qiu and Dr. Ke have already done some necessary treatments, and the injuries have not worsened for the time being. The two are discussing the next treatment plan. Hearing Dr. Ke said, this one Really, the injury is quite complicated. There are not only the trauma caused by the explosion, but also the burn, and the internal organs suffered a severe shock. The various injuries are intertwined and it is very troublesome."

"Is there no way for the two of them?" Gao Yuan frowned: "If you need any precious medicinal materials, you should go to the palace to get it. But you must let this person survive."

"Understood!" Cao Tianci nodded.

"What is Qingyuan doing?"

"After such a big incident, the minister put him under house arrest first, and asked him to retell all the things in his room to me without pulling them, including where those things are placed, I think, this Maybe it will be helpful for us to investigate this problem in the future." Cao Tianci replied.

"Well, it's very good." Gao Yuan nodded slightly. Now Cao Tianci is working, more and more dripping water is not leaking. "After you go down, after Master Qiu and Dr. Ke have discussed the two, you will let Dr. Ke come to me. ."

"Not called Master Qiu?" Cao Tianci was startled slightly.

"Just call Dr. Ke."

Returning to the Qingyuan residence halfway up the mountain, sitting in front of the window, listening to the sound of the pine waves outside the window, the lofty thoughts have flown far away, and today's big man has basically taken a firm foothold, following on the battlefield. With the victory of the connection, the Great Han Kingdom has faintly formed the embryonic form of the world's largest country, and only the last two enemies stand in front of it. But the last two are also the two most difficult to deal with.

Don't underestimate the Chu Kingdom. Now Chu Kingdom seems to have been beaten back by the Han army. It has the style of defeating the army. But for this country, Gao Yuan does not dare to take it lightly. As I know, the era I understand is not the same, but there is one sentence that makes Gao Yuan always reflect deeply.

Although Chu has three households, the death of Qin must be Chu.

This sentence spoken by Chu Nangong of the Chu Kingdom was indeed verified at the end of Qin's death. This sentence contains the tenacity contained in the depths of the Chu people's character. Now Qin is ruining Chu Kingdom. It's impossible.The big man who built it with his own hands set the goal of destroying Chu. Gao Yuan didn't want a certain Chu person to come and shout in the future.Although Chu has three families, the dead will be Chu.

The Kingdom of Chu is now like a sleeping lion. This war has beaten him to half a dream and half awake. When he wakes up completely, Gao Yuan believes that this huge country will inevitably explode terrifying and unexpected combat power. .

Not to mention another opponent, Qin. The Qin army is still the biggest enemy of the Han army on this continent. Although it seems to be scaring the opponents, Li defeats them and defeats them. It's still a long way off! Li Ru's peace talks with himself are more of a slow-down strategy.

At least for Li Ru's promise that he would alliance with him to attack Chu State, Gao Yuan believed that Qin State would not take it seriously, and would even take it seriously. Now the biggest possibility of these two countries is to unite. Keep warm.

Of course, Gao Yuan did not expect his opponents to respect this article. His focus was on the five million taels of cash and trade. As for his opponents did not respect this article, well, Gao Yuan admitted that he had left a small tail on this, because When the time comes to mobilize troops against the State of Qin, I have another excuse for righteousness.

Dahan now has the world's largest power, but his two opponents are not made of clay.Once they unite, Dahan will definitely face the strongest opponent in history.

Moreover, Gao Yuan also knew very well that in the face of Qin and Chu, it would no longer be possible to adopt the method of annexing Wei Qi.The greater possibility is one shot and one shot, one city and one pool of real swords and real guns. Thinking about Gao Yuan, I feel a little distressed.In this era, there are two basic ways to fight fortifications. One is to fill in with human lives, and the other is to adopt a long-term siege, a well-prepared fortified city, surrounded by ten. It is not uncommon in history that it cannot be broken in eight years.

Neither of these two is what Gao Yuan wants to use, especially if it is filled with human lives.The generous treatment of the soldiers and the generous compensation after the war of the Great Han Kingdom are enough to make the Han Kingdom bankrupt.

So using your brain on weapons has become a very necessary thing, and what other weapon is more effective than gunpowder. As long as this thing is made out, it will be much easier when attacking the fortified city in the future. With a sound, a gap is blown, and then soldiers swarm along the gap.It is better than climbing a wall with a ladder.

But how can such a thing that transcends the times be achieved overnight? The formula of gunpowder seems simple, but it is difficult to make gunpowder that meets your requirements, or your own requirements are too high?

There was a soft tapping sound from the door, Gao Yuan raised his head and saw that the famous doctor from the three counties of Liaodong and one of the members of the Great Council, Ke Yuanshan, was standing at the door with some expressions of restraint.

"Doctor Ke, come in!" Gao Yuan smiled and waved, motioning for Ke Yuanshan to come in.

The door closed gently behind Ke Yuanshan, and Ke Yuanshan fell on one knee in front of Gao Yuan, "Ke Yuanshan has seen the king."

Although as a big councillor, Gao Yuan did not show up in the big council.In fact, Ke Yuanshan only met Gao Yuan twice, both during the East Husband War. This time he was suddenly summoned by Gao Yuan alone. When the legendary king, Rao Ke Yuanshan thought that his mind was still strong, and he still couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Sit down!" Pointing to the chair in front of him, he said far away.

"Thank you, Wang Shang!" Ke Yuanshan's buttocks leaned on the chair, sitting emptily, like a horse-striding.

"That Yizhen, are you sure to save it?" Looking at Ke Yuanshan, Gao Yuan asked.

"No!" Ke Yuanshan was frightened. Since Cao Tianci sent people to pile all kinds of precious medicinal materials in front of him and Qiu Debao without money, Ke Yuanshan understood the importance of the patient in front of him, but the more so, the more he became. Worried, because the patient was seriously injured and wanted to tell a lie, but under the gaze of the distance, the words reached the mouth, but he swallowed back.

"Not 10%?" Gao Yuan frowned.

"That's not true, but it does not exceed 30%." Ke Yuanshan replied carefully. In his opinion, the probability of 30% is actually sentenced to death for this Yizhen.

Gao Yuan sighed, "This Yizhen is very important to me, or to the big man."

"My lord, Cao Min will do his best to save him." Hearing this, Ke Yuanshan could only stand up and shoulder the responsibility.

Looking at Ke Yuanshan's bitter gourd face, Gao Yuan smiled slightly, "He was seriously injured, I understand, Dr. Ke, you were originally in the Donghu period and you were one of the most famous doctors in Donghu, right?"

"Xiao has a thin name!" Ke Yuanshan replied cautiously.

"I've read a report. It said that you and Lu Shiren, oh, that was the spy probe of Yan Guo in Donghu who later betrayed Yan Guo to join Miranda and Lu Shiren had a very good relationship." Gao Yuan asked with a smile.

The smile froze on Ke Yuanshan's face, sweating all over, and with a scream, he slid off the chair and knelt in front of Gao Yuan, "The king, I do have a good relationship with him, but, but we only It was a medical exchange, and Wang Shang also knew that Lu Shiren was indeed Donghu’s first doctor at the time. I befriended him and only discussed medical skills, nothing more. I didn’t even know that he was Dayan’s spy. Tan, not to mention that he later took refuge in Miranda."

Gao Yuan stretched out his hand and picked up Ke Yuanshan from the ground, "Don't be afraid, I just asked for confirmation, and I didn't mean to save the account. On the report of the Supervision Institute, I saw one of them saying that Lu Shiren has a set. Needle method is very effective!"

Listening to Gao Yuan's words, Ke Yuanshan's eyes lit up, "I know, I know, I have also consulted Lu Shiren for this set of stitches. He is a strange man, and he doesn't hide himself. I have learned from him, but he hasn't. He is so precise."

Gao Yuan nodded: "At that time, he should have not betrayed Dayan, a spy who lived on the blade all day, and a famous doctor at the same time, he probably didn't want his stunt to be lost due to his death one day. That's why it taught you? How are you doing?"

"Probably has Lu Shiren's seven or eight success power!" Ke Yuanshan was affirmative. Suddenly he understood something. He closed his mouth and looked at Gaoyuan for a long while before he said: "Shang Wang, this difference is 20 to 30%. But it's about a person's life."

"Oh?" Gao Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Lu Shiren uses this set of needles to stimulate a person's maximum life potential in a very short time, but he will not kill people. If he uses this set of needles, the effect will be similar, but afterwards, this People must not survive." Ke Yuanshan lowered his head.

"Yizhen was about to survive!" Gao Yuan stood up, turned around, and looked at the pine forest dancing with the wind outside the window behind him. "But what he knows is too important to us, and I need him to speak soberly. What happened before the explosion."

"Caomin understand!" Ke Yuanshan whispered. Kneeling on the ground, knocked his head to Gaoyuan, turned around, and exited the door. (To be continued...)

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