I’m The King

Chapter 1123: : Carrying on the past (13)

The atmosphere in the Yizhen Research Institute is very depressed. After the Maowei incident, the security in the research institute has been upgraded again. Now all researchers are no longer allowed to leave the location of the research institute. A new town was built outside the Yizhen Research Institute, and all the family members of these researchers were immigrated to this town at once to prevent things like Maowei from happening again.

Of course, this matter is still brewing. Tang He, who was hit hard by the Maowei incident, fell ill after returning to Jicheng.Now Niu Ben is in charge of the security work of the entire Yizhen Research Institute.

However, the entire Han Dynasty did not cause much disturbance due to this incident, except for the Great Council which expressed dissatisfaction with the Supervisory Yuan because of this incident and requested to reduce the cost of the Supervisory Yuan, all other ministries and government agencies did not speak. This proposal finally disappeared because of the imperial concubine Ning Xin who took the responsibility for this incident.

The calm of the whole man may be largely due to Gao Yuan’s speech to all officials at a court meeting. Gao Yuan said this to Ning Xin. This time he reiterated it at the court meeting, but it was nothing more than It was a bit more exciting.

The Han army never wins by the sharpness of its weapons, but more on the unparalleled fighting will of the soldiers. Otherwise, the Han army will not go where it is today, you know, from the Fufeng Army to the Zhengdong Army to the present The great Han army, the lofty army basically appeared in front of the world every time, it appeared as a weak person.It was not until this time that the Qin army was defeated in one fell swoop, and it finally established its status as the world's first power.

And another news that was revealed high above the court, even more exciting to the Han country. Gunpowder is only the most basic part of the Han country's research in this regard. Next, the Han country will have more important things. Weapons appeared. Just like when iron tools first appeared, what the people of Qin stole was only a piece of iron embryo, while the Kingdom of Han Dynasty already possessed a sharp sword. And polishing the iron embryo into a sword, there is still a long way to go. The way to go.

In Qin Chu's view, this may be just a tone of shame after the failure of the Han Dynasty, or they have taken a step forward in the research of gunpowder. After all, Mao Wei is only a core group of gunpowder research. The group leader, they are not the real people who invented gunpowder, but whether they are from the Qin country or the Chu country, they are convinced that as long as Mao Wei can uncover the layer of paper in front of them for them, then in the next In time, Qin Chu did not lack skilled craftsmen, and what the Han people could make, they would definitely be able to make.

But I am afraid they would never have imagined that the more powerful weapon Gao Yuan said was not gunpowder itself, but the use of gunpowder.

Two horses dragged a carriage covered with felt cloth and slowly drove out of a warehouse. When the felt cloth was torn away, it was exposed in front of several important ministers such as the political affairs hall and Wang Wudi of the Ministry of Finance, but it was a dark figure. The iron guy. This thing on the carriage is obviously extremely heavy. If it hadn’t been for the wheels of the carriage that had been replaced with the tires that were just developed by Han Guo, it would have been crushed long ago. This can be done from the deep ruts on the ground. figure it out.

"What is this? An iron pipe?" Wang Wudi looked at Gao Yuan with doubts: "Wang Shang, just for this thing, there have been hundreds of thousands of taels in the Jishi City Military Square in the past two years. silver."

Gao Yuan made a gesture to signal him to calm down and not get dry: "My Minister Wang, in a while, you can see if this thing is worth the hundreds of thousands of taels you allocated."

Ye Zhong walked in front of Gao Yuan: "Shang Shang, can you start?"

Gao Yuan nodded, "Let's start, let everyone discuss politics open their eyes."

The horse pulling the cart was quickly pulled away, and dozens of soldiers around the cart pulled down the iron pillars from the cart and embedded them deeply into the ground, making the cart has become a seat in a blink of an eye. Until this time, everyone saw that this scooter was also made of iron plates.

A dozen soldiers retreated, but some researchers from the Yizhen Research Institute came out of the warehouse again. Looking at the things they were holding in their hands, Wang Wudi couldn't help but take a breath. Isn't it dynamite?

The paper bag containing explosives was filled into the tube, and a researcher was seen holding a pestle-like thing in the tube constantly tamping hard, and several discussing politics involuntarily took a step back. They were all insights. People who have passed explosives, but seeing Gao Yuan still standing still standing still, everyone can't help but blush.

"This thing should have been repeatedly verified when it was in Jishi City?" Gao Yuan tilted his head and asked Ye Zhong, who was beside him.

"Yes, at first, although the explosives provided by the Ichizen Research Institute had the same weight in each pack, the power of the explosion was different. We lost a lot of cannons, but later, each pack of explosives they provided was powerful. It tends to be the same, and the error is very small, so that we finally tested the maximum resistance and the longest range of the current type of cannon. Speaking of which, there is also the credit of Mao Wei, and he is studying this." Ye Zhong had a look of regret on his face.

"How is the manufacture of the gun barrel now?"

"This is even more difficult. The barrels currently produced still need to be polished by hand, but they still cannot keep the trachoma inside. The craftsmen are still thinking about improving the process and can only take it slowly."

"In other words, it is not yet possible to mass-produce Luo!"

"Well, you can do two or three every month! This thing can't be sloppy, otherwise the person who uses it will die!" Ye Zhong said. "Wang, you and a few of you should stay a little bit farther away when discussing politics. "

Gao Yuan looked at the dark cannon that was more than ten feet away from him, nodded, and led the crowd to turn back. This thing is that some military industry elites in the Jishi City Military Workshop have gone through a year under their guidance. Shi was trying to figure it out bit by bit, and then he threw it behind his head and handed it over to Ye Zhong. The stability was really unsure, Gao Yuan didn't want to really have any accidents, and he screamed. , Confess the King of Han and his gang of important officials here.

After stepping back several tens of feet, the soldiers of the Young Guards Corps in front of him held high iron shields and blocked a group of people before Ye Zhong turned around and nodded to the researcher who operated the cannon. Said: "You can start."

Backing to Gao Yuan's side, Ye Zhong faced Gao Yuan and a group of politicians: "Your Majesty, everyone, the target of our attack this time is Zucheng, one mile away, can everyone see clearly?"

Everyone looked up, and one mile away, a blockhouse stood there.

"Is it accurate?" Gao Yuan couldn't help but ask.

"It should be no problem, these few people who operate cannons have not known how many cannons have been fired in the past six months. They are already very proficient at this point." Ye Zhong said.

Jiang Jiaquan, Wang Wudi, and the others all opened their eyes and watched the dark guy. When an operator kept shaking a handle next to him, his body gradually lifted up, behind the cannon, another An operator raised his thumbs, gestured to the target ahead, and kept reporting some numbers in his mouth, the muzzle slowly moved up and down, left and right, and finally completely stopped there.

"Ignite!" the person who was gesturing with thumbs said loudly.

The fuse hanging on the ground was ignited, and the hissing sound was so clear that everyone's ears were heard. I saw several operators next to the cannon squatting on the ground almost at the same time, covering their ears, Gao Yuan also smiled and lifted it. With both hands, he plugged his ears. Ye Zhong on one side had experienced such things many times. He had long been accustomed to it. When he stretched out his hands, there were already two more bunches of flowers in his hands. He glanced at Gao Yuan and removed the flowers in his hands. Tuan handed it over again.

Gao Yuan smiled and took it, "You should prepare more."

"Forget!" Ye Zhong smiled, glanced at Wang Wudi, and then quickly flashed his eyes.

Seeing Ye Zhong's expression, Gao Yuan smiled secretly in his heart. This is not because he has forgotten. This is because he wants to rectify Wang Wudi. Who makes Wang Wudi like an iron rooster every time when it comes to appropriation? It was just a disaster.

Gao Yuan gently touched Jiang Jiaquan next to him, and gave a slight gesture.Jiang Jiaquan was shocked when he saw Gao Yuan and Ye Zhong's appearance, but he immediately reacted with his hands tightly blocking his ears. The others But he was not so vigilant, especially Wang Wudi, with his hands on the shields of the young guards in front, staring at the cannon with blue smoke, he was about to see how much he had spent hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. What's really worth it is not worth the price!

There was a loud bang, and Wang Wudi was shaken by the loud sound and sat down on the ground, buzzing in his ears, and apart from Gao Yuan, Jiang Jiaquan, Ye Zhong, several other political discussions were almost at the same time. After shaking back a few steps, all of them looked indifferent.

The diffuse smoke dissipated, and a mile away, the standing earthen bunker no longer existed. Several gunners who operated jumped up from the ground and cheered. Although they had drilled many times earlier, this time after all It was performed in front of the king and the ministers of discussion. I don't know how nervous it is. If it is broken, it is not a play. Fortunately, it is a hit.

Gao Yuan glanced at the young guards in front of him.These soldiers were also the first time to see such a scene, but he was relieved that although these soldiers were also unrecognizable and their bodies were trembling, the whole team However, the shape is still not scattered, and the shields slammed into each other because of the trembling of their bodies, making a crisp sound.

Ye Zhong smiled and walked over, and raised Wang Wudi who was sitting on the ground, "Director Wang, are your hundreds of thousands of taels worth of money?"

Wang Wudi was stunned for a while, looked at the Tulou that had disappeared in front of him, and looked at Ye Zhong who had nothing to do with it, and suddenly angrily said: "Ye Zhong, are you yin to me?"

Ye Zhong laughed, and was about to cover it up with clever words, Wang Wudi suddenly laughed again, and stretched out her fingers to touch her ears a few times, "But if these hundreds of thousands of taels of silver had made this thing, it would be wrong. It is also worth it. If you make this thing in the future, I will give you as much money as you want!"

"Why did you become generous all at once?" Ye Zhong opened his eyes wide and looked at him puzzled.

Wang Wudi stretched out her hand and pointed at Ye Zhong: "If this thing can equip the army on a large scale, then how many fewer soldiers will die? For every one less death, we will have to pay less pensions? Account, do you want me to calculate it for you?"

Sure enough, money is still inseparable, anyway, in the eyes of the finance minister, as long as he can use less money, it is good.

"It's coming, it's coming, at most two or three years of effort, our army can be equipped with this cannon." (To be continued)

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