I’m The King

Chapter 1124: : Carrying on the Past (14)

I patted the black body of the gun and looked at Ye Zhong from a great distance, "Although this thing is made out, and its power is still acceptable, the body of the gun is too heavy, I am afraid it will weigh a few thousand catties?'

Hearing Gao Yuan's saying that the power is acceptable, all the discussants behind him showed disapproval expressions. If this is only the power is acceptable, what is the power? In their eyes, this is already a rare artifact. Up.

"The gun body is a bit heavier, but with our current domestic roads and the tires just used, it is no problem for two horses to ride this cannon on a hundred miles in a day."

"Did we develop this kind of cannon to fight in the country?" Gao Yuan looked at Ye Zhong with a smile, "Have you considered that in the future, our pig-pig island-fiction.. The battlefield will basically meet." On the enemy’s land, as far as I know, they don’t have the same access roads as our Great Han Kingdom. Even if they do, they are subject to great weather constraints. After a rain falls, the roads will be muddy and muddy. Your gun will be immobile and become a target for your opponent."

"The king said yes!" Ye Zhong was stunned, and the joy of being immersed in the power of the cannon slowly faded."The minister understands the king's meaning, and the weight of the cannon is still going to drop."

"This is just one aspect. You can open up your mind and study other types of artillery, such as infantry artillery, which is the kind of small artillery that can be carried by one or two infantrymen and can fly away. Although the power is small, it is applied. In fact, it's very extensive, right?" Gao Yuan said with a smile.

Ye Zhong's face turned awkward, "Wang Shang, I have been working on this thing for a year or two, and then develop a new gun. I don't know how long it will take?"

Gao Yuan smiled and stroked the body of the gun with remaining warmth: "With the successful foundation of research, it will be much easier to develop other categories. As the saying goes, it's a good pass. Just let go of the rewards. Those who specialize in this stuff will make good grades that will surprise you."

"The security must be done this time, and there must not be another Maowei incident. Don't let us study this cannon with great pains. When we turn our heads, it will be taken away again." Wu Kai reminded. Tao.

"This gun is not so easy to take away!" Gao Yuan smiled: "Gunpowder is only the most basic thing, the threshold is not high, but if you want to build this gun, you need a whole set of related industries to cooperate, if they The technology of iron smelting and steel smelting is not up to our level. They can't make this gun."

"Nevertheless, we must take precautions." Jiang Jiaquan thought for a while, and said: "Wang Shang, this time we are selling the mining rights of mineral deposits in the three counties of Liaodong. The merchants bought the mining rights, and naturally there will be supporting facilities. It’s not ruled out that there will be Qin Chu’s spies in the facility to keep up with the iron smelting and steel smelting. Once the iron smelting and steel smelting technology is opened up, it will be much easier for them to learn."

Gao Yuan scratched his head. Everything has its advantages and its benefits. It is always impossible to be comprehensive. Opening up the mining rights of minerals, allowing private participation, and lifting the ban on corresponding technologies will promote a great increase in domestic production capacity and promote economic growth. Great development will also bring more income to the country, but the downside will also show up.Just like Jiang Jiaquan said, some of the previous unique technologies cannot be kept.

"Mr. is right, but this matter can only be done by tricks. This time the Supervisory Institute should wipe out the people in the Black Ice Terrace in Dahan. I am afraid that it will not be possible to do it in a short time if you want to restore your vitality. When it comes to things, I want to wait for them to get a little bit of strength, we have already thrown them too far, this matter, I will let the Supervision Institute pay more attention to this matter." Gao Yuan said: "Wait for Tang He to recover from his illness. , Let him be dedicated to this matter."

"Tang He just made these mistakes, so I don't need to be punished. It's because he had worked hard before, but let him go out of the mountain to be responsible for such a major event. Isn't it a bit..." Yan Shenghao frowned.

"The Maowei incident is not just his responsibility!" Gao Yuan shook his head. "Tang He is capable, and he has fallen on this once. He is more experienced than others, only those who have failed. , I have more vigilance and strong motivation to do this thing well."

Hearing Gao Yuan's words, Yan Shenghao also closed his mouth, and the Supervisory Council is not under the control of the Chamber.He is independent and under the direct supervision of Gao Yuan, and the only person who has the power to supervise them is the Great Council.

With the excitement of their heads, a group of political discussants gathered around Gao Yuan from the exercise field and returned to Jicheng. The previous dissatisfaction with Gao Yuan's dragging them out of their busy affairs had long since vanished. Along the way, they were all discussing with excitement. The power of this cannon, Wang Wudi is more concerned about the cost of each cannon, and Ye Zhong has always been discussing this issue with Ye Zhong, hoping to reduce the cost of this cannon a little bit.

The current structure of the Han Dynasty is that the deputies have their own stalls and are busy to death, while the ministries and offices are closely watched by the idle members of the council, and they have tightened their nerves one by one. If you show a little omission, If something goes wrong, in the big council, there will definitely be a big congressman who will come out to accuse you, and the ministries and yas that are accused will have to send someone to explain it.If it is really a problem, then you will have to come back to make corrections in disgrace.

So now the chief officials of the various ministries and yams hate and fear the resident congressmen of these states in Jicheng, but they can't afford to offend them, and they have to carefully do their things well, so as not to be caused by them. Poke the butt.

The Han Kingdom should have been the busiest and lofty, but in reality, it was the most leisurely person in the whole Jicheng. He had a meeting with the negotiators a week to determine the problems that even the negotiators could not solve. The chief officer, unless there is a particularly important matter, generally will not go to Gaoyuan, because even if you do, their king may bring you back in two or two sentences. As long as it is within the scope of your responsibility, you will You have to think about it and try to do it well, and don't expect the king to stand up and support you. If you go to the king to appeal for hardship in three days, it will only leave a reflection of your limited practical work ability on the king.

Only one month has passed since the opening of the annual Great Council. Everyone is very busy, and members of parliament from various states are also beginning to enter Beijing one after another, staring at the eyes of various ministries and offices. , The chief officials of the various divisions did not dare to neglect.If these big councilors caught the mistake, the department budget for next year will definitely be discounted, and many planned things will not be carried out smoothly.

This year is a year of earth-shaking changes in the Kingdom of Han Dynasty. The first is the official implementation of the Patent Law. All inventors will benefit from the promulgation of the Patent Law. This also makes the newly established patent offices in various regions the busiest department. , More and more people are pouring into the Patent Office, hoping to register a patent for a certain thing they invented. Many things make people laugh, but you still have to handle it for him, but Wu Kai was a shrewd businessman after all, and He is also in charge of the party for many years and has rich experience. After a brief turmoil, he outrageously ordered that when the inventor registers his patent, in addition to submitting the necessary materials, he must also pay the registration silver. The registered silver for each patent is as high as Fifty taels of silver.

This threshold has stopped many people at once, unless the inventor fully believes that his invention can be used in practice and can produce higher benefits than fifty taels of silver. Of course, if you have money and are willing to be a fool Big head, the Patent Office will not stop you. If you get fifty taels of silver, you will be registered. As for whether you can make you rich in the future, it's up to you.

In this way, the Patent Office has changed from a pure service department to an income-generating department, but it made Wang Wudi of the Ministry of Finance smile and cocked her mouth, and she was busy sending people to each state to review the income of each patent office every quarter. Seeing whether they are full of private pockets, it also adds a lot of income to the treasury.

The second thing that caused a national sensation was Gao Yuan's public auction of all kinds of minerals in the three counties of Liaodong. As long as they are Han nationals, they are eligible to participate in the auction. Of course, you have to pay a sum of silver in advance to fully prove your strength and obtain mining The rights of mines, regardless of the dynasty and generation, are a profitable business. There is no shortage of rich people in the Han Kingdom. In the land reforms over the years, the original big landlords have collected a lot of money in their hands, especially the new ones. The landlords who returned to the original land of the Han country, the original Wei land, they have a large amount of cash because of the land reform, but the original commercial system of the big Han has been difficult for them to plug in again, even if they plug in. It is not satisfactory to harvest.The newly opened opening of Gao Yuan undoubtedly allows them to see the opportunity to increase their wealth on a large scale. Naturally, they are eager to flock to the three counties of Liaodong to participate in this feast. The scale of this feast made the instigator Gao Yuan unexpected. I have to sigh that the people are really rich now. In this way, it is necessary to invest at least one hundred thousand taels of silver in a project to benefit from it. It's bloodshed.

However, with emotion, Gao Yuan is too lazy to take care of what he is doing next. He just wants to see the final results. Anyway, according to the situation reported by the Supervisory Yuan, Sun Xiao of the Liaodong Duhu Fu is busy. The first three big ones, and the big council and the Supervisory Council also sent a lot of people over to ensure that this tender is open, fair, and fair.

Gaoyuan needs to raise enough money in the three counties of Liaodong to ensure the passage of Guo Quan's east-west arteries. It also needs a large number of people to flood into the three counties of Liaodong to enrich the population there. The three counties of Liaodong are all good places. How can they be made? What about the foreign barbarians in the Central Plains? When these hot money floods into the three counties of Liaodong, earth-shaking changes will inevitably occur there in a short period of time.

On this year's Great Council, Gao Yuan is ready to once again throw out a bill that will shake the world, that is, the inviolability of private property law. If this law is passed in the Great Council, even the country cannot arbitrarily engulf personal private property. , This will be another far-reaching bill, and it will definitely become a milestone above the laws of the Great Han Kingdom. (To be continued...)

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