I’m The King

Chapter 1319: : Carrying on the Past (9) Celebration (Part 1)

Ding Shang came to Jicheng from Cangzhou two years ago. In Cangzhou, he owns a silk and satin shop. When he arrived in Jicheng, he still started his old business, renting a storefront in the city and started his old business. With the expansion of Jicheng, the location of his shop has changed from a somewhat remote area to one of the most prosperous commercial areas. With the breakthrough in silk reeling and satin weaving technology in the past two years, silk and satin Prices have fallen sharply, and in Dahan, there are no restrictions on the wearing of clothes like in other countries. The rich Dahan also wear silk and satin. On the contrary, Ding Shang’s business is much better than before. He used to be alone. Yes, now I have hired two helpers.

Ding Shang is just in his early forties this year. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is a successful person. Although he is a little old, he is alone and very wealthy. He has naturally become a sweet pastry in the eyes of many people. A few matchmakers came to propose marriage, but to everyone's surprise, all the marriage proposals were rejected by Ding Shang.

Although Ding Shang opened a silk and satin shop, he usually wears very ordinary clothes. However, today, Ding Shang wears a silk and satin coat for an unprecedented time. The two helpers usually live in the shop. At this time, he also helps Ding Shang buttoned up the buttons of his jacket, then fastened his belt, and took another woolen hat, which he put on Ding Shang.

Dressed out, Ding Shang smiled at the two helpers, patted them on the shoulders, turned around and opened the door, and walked out.

"Oh, Boss Ding, this is so strange today, you are dressed so well? I have never seen you cross this way during the Chinese New Year!" Just stepping out of the threshold, a familiar voice came from my ear.

Ding Shang looked back at Yi Anlin, the owner of the satin business next door, who was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"It's a special day today!" Ding Shang smiled, "Of course you have to dress better, isn't it the same for Boss Yi?"

Yi Anlin laughed: "Yeah, yeah, this is our first celebration since the founding of the nation. I heard that the king will come out at the time, to be honest. Like us little people, there are not many times in this life. If you have the opportunity to see the king, naturally you have to dress better. Maybe the king can see us too. If you don’t dress like this, you will inevitably disappoint the king!”

"With so many people, how could the king see us?" Ding Shang shook his head.

"A heart!" Yi Anlin patted Ding Shang's shoulder. Ding Shang's body trembled and his shoulders collapsed.

"What's wrong with Boss Ding?" Yi Anlin looked at him strangely.

"Where, I have always been a little sore in my shoulder these days. Boss Yi has a lot of hands, and I can't bear it!" Ding Shang explained.

"Oh, this way, boss Na Ding has to be more careful. See a doctor earlier. It's freezing cold this day. If it becomes an old disease, it will be troublesome."

"Yes, yes, but I can't find a doctor for these two days!" Ding Shang said with a smile.

"That's true." Yi Anlin smiled.

The two talked and laughed and walked towards the assembly point. The parade this time is based on blocks. After a block is allowed to participate in the parade, they will start together. When we arrived at the assembly place, there was already a lot of people there. But Ding Shang only glanced at it, and his face changed drastically.

Because two railings have been erected there, people one after another are being checked there before entering the street in front.

"Strange. Why have to be checked?" Yi Anlin muttered to himself, turning to look at Ding Shang, "Boss Ding. What's the matter with you? Your complexion is a little ugly?"

"The shoulder hurts a bit." Ding Shang whispered.

"Are you ok."

"Nothing!" Ding Shang gritted his teeth and followed Yi Anlin.

In the front, Li Xu from the National Security Bureau was holding a big dog in his hand, standing by the fence, his eyes piercingly watching the people under inspection. This block is Jicheng Old Street and the permanent residents living here. I have lived in Jicheng for at least two years. There was no such strict security check. But last night, I suddenly received a notice from the superior that all participants in the parade must go through security check before they set off. He is under A special department of the National Security Bureau.

The big dog in his hand has always been quiet, lying on the ground, his eyes half-open and half-closed, as if he hadn't woken up yet.

Ding Shang walked to the fence and raised his hands high. A soldier fumbled up and down and nodded to indicate that he could pass. Ding Shang sighed with great relief, stepped over the fence and walked inside. Go, when he walked in front of the big dog, he glanced at the big dog curiously.

At this moment, the big dog that had looked half-dead suddenly stood up, with a whimper in his mouth, the man on the front legs stood up, and two dog legs were placed on Ding Shang's body.

Ding Shang was caught off guard and was thrown to the ground. Before he could react, Li Xu's eyes widened and he roared, "Hold him down, hold him down."

Although several soldiers didn't know why, they still rushed forward as fast as possible, holding on to the struggling Ding Shang's legs and feet.

"Guan Ye, Guan Ye, this is Ding Shang in our neighbourhood, the old neighbourhood is gone, what's the matter?" Yi Anlin behind Ding Shang was shocked by the sudden change, and looked at the big dog's tongue. Sweeping on Ding Shang's face, for fear that the beast would bite it down.

Li Xu ignored Yi Anlin’s yelling and fumbled on Ding Shang’s body. He didn’t get anything for a while. His face couldn’t help but was greatly puzzled, but the big dog was still picking up on Li Shang’s body, whispering whisperingly. Biting Ding Shang's jacket, he kept tearing.

Li Xu's mind brightened, and with a choke, he pulled out the knife, and with a chirp, he cut off the satin surface of Ding Shang's jacket and tore it abruptly.

Seeing Li Xu's actions, Ding Shang closed his eyes in despair.

Among the thick cotton wool in the jacket, a bag of things was carefully sewn into it. Li Xu tore off a small bag and put it between his nose for a sniff, his face suddenly changed.

"Drag me this bastard." he yelled.

Several soldiers set up Ding Shang, and Li Xu took off Ding Shang’s quilted jacket in twos and threes, and took out a bag of things from inside. This is nothing else. This is a bag of gunpowder. If this **** will have such a large amount of gunpowder. The gunpowder was brought to the parliament building square and detonated with a crash. The fun was great.

Ding Shang, who was stripped of a cotton jacket, closed his eyes, his body was trembling with the cold wind in the early morning, but his inner despair was ten times as biting as the cold outside. Finally, it was still unsuccessful.

"You bastard, spy." Li Xu said, "Come on, take him away."

Yi Anlin stared at all this dumbfounded, "This, how is this possible?"

In an inconspicuous small building not far from the parliament building, Shangguanhong and Cao Tianci sat opposite each other. From time to time, someone hurried in and whispered a few words to Cao Tianci.

"Another one!" Cao Tianci held up a finger and said to Shangguan Hong.

"Eight have been caught." Shangguanhong shook his head. "Are you sure there will be no slippage?"

"It is absolutely impossible. This time, all those who participated in the parade and celebration can finally enter the Parliament Square. The number of people is limited. These people are all blocks of the old city. If they want to enter, they must go through my inspection, or they can hide it. People, but absolutely can't hide from a dog's nose."

"By the way, how did you come up with this trick, you actually trained the dog to smell the smell of gunpowder?" Shangguan Hong asked with interest.

"I didn't think it up. The king told me. The king said that the nose of a dog is many times more sensitive than our human sense of smell, so we can train some dogs like this. It can help us do what many people can't do. Things. That’s why our National Security Bureau trained such a group of dogs, because the destructive power of gunpowder is too great. Originally, I wanted to be prepared and didn’t want to use it this time. These spies would be great, if they didn’t have these. Dogs can really let them in." Cao Tianci stood up. Stretched out, "Okay, Shangguan, now everyone has passed the inspection and should be fine. Go ahead and do your job, I want to interrogate these caught people and see what they are. Sent by one party."

"Does this still need a trial?"

"The trial is still going to be trial." Cao Tianci smiled, turned and walked out.

This small building is the headquarters for the safety protection of this celebration. For ordinary people, they naturally do not know how strict the security procedures for this celebration are.

In the parliament building, Gao Yuan was chatting and laughing with Chu’s envoy Fan Zhuo. Fan Zhuo’s mission to Han was not for this celebration of the Dahan Kingdom. He actually came to propose marriage for Princess Shuyu, but it just happened to happen. He also became a guest invited by Gao Yuan.

The infantry is already in his thirties, but he has never married. It was originally a heart disease of Gao Yuan. However, he was a little surprised when the people of Chu came to propose a marriage, but he laughed at the reason. The princess escorted back to Yingcheng of Chu State, or at that time, Princess Shuyu remembered the iron-footed general. The infantry had been ordered by him to return from Jinyang. If the infantry himself agreed, then the marriage would be considered complete.

Fan Zhuo has a relatively deep relationship with Han. He is the back-end boss of the largest silk merchant in Chu, and Han is precisely the largest importer of silk and satin. Naturally, he has a relatively good relationship with Han. Talkative.

Fan Zhuo was very happy, because judging from a lofty tone, as long as the infantry agreed, this marriage would be no problem. The Princess of Chu married into Han. Although she married only a general, the relationship between this general and the King of Han was different. Ordinary, it can be regarded as adding a little weight to Han Chu Heping, or it will be useful in the future.

When he was happy to talk about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cao Tianci strode in, "My lord, all the people participating in the parade have entered the designated area, and it will start in half an hour."

"Well, everything is going well?"

"It's okay. I caught some guys who were going to make trouble. Some of them were actually carrying gunpowder. If they were allowed to mix into the parliament building square, it would cause a lot of casualties." Cao Tianci smiled and turned his head to look at Fan Zhuo. "After our interrogation, some of these people actually said that they were sent by Da Chu."

"This is absolutely impossible." Fan Zhuoteng stood up, "Minister Cao, this is no joke. How can we Da Chu do such a business."

Cao Tianci chuckled, "Yes, I also think they are talking nonsense, so they tortured, and now they confessed that it was sent by Lu Chao to destroy our celebration."

Fan Zhuo's expression was relaxed, and he smiled bitterly, "Minister Cao, you can't make a joke like this, you scared me out of sweat."

"It's a joke for Master Fan to be so casual," Cao Tianci said indifferently. (To be continued...)

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