I’m The King

Chapter 1320: : Hanqi Tianxia (10th) Celebration (Part 2)

Fan Zhuo may be really ignorant, but it does not mean that no one in his mission does not know. Maybe something is an order personally issued by one of them. At least Cao Tianci knows it. In this mission, there are senior officials of the ghost shadow of the Chu secret force. The previously captured Ding Shang lived in Cangzhou for a few years. He came to Jicheng two years ago and spent two years dutifully. But this time, he suddenly had a deadly ambition. He was hidden in the jacket. Once detonated, the gunpowder in it was enough to blow him to pieces.

Ding Shang's bones were not as hard as imagined. Within half an hour of entering the National Security Bureau, he confessed one by one, including his two helpers, who were spies for the ghost of Chu. But when the National Security Bureau came to the door as quickly as possible, the two people were nowhere to be seen. In today's crowded days, it is really difficult to find them in a haystack.

& (Pig) (Pig) (Island) (Novel) www.zhunbsp;As for Cao Tianci, today’s first task is to ensure that nothing happens at the celebration. Such little fish and shrimps ran away, as long as they In Dahan territory, there is always one day to catch them, and the two spies who have already exposed their appearance and their appearance have basically lost their effect.

The sky was already bright outside, and there were faint singing and slogans. Huo Xiaolin rushed in all the way, "My lord, the parade of various blocks has already set off."

"Very good!" Gao Yuan clapped his hands, "Master Fan, today is the day we celebrate the whole nation. The floats from all counties and states will pass under the parliament building after a while, so I asked Master Fan to enjoy it with me. Come on!"

"Naturally." Fan Zhuo nodded repeatedly, throwing aside the embarrassment just now. What Cao Tianci said, Fan Zhuo knew that this must be a ghost made by ghosts. How could a person like Cao Tianci talk nonsense in front of him, and couldn't help but feel angry with some of the people accompanying him. Angry, even if you want to make trouble. Can you tell me first so that you don’t make yourself as passive as you are now. Fortunately, the other party is not chasing and fighting, otherwise, you really will not be able to get off the stage. The small movements are constant, no matter how you look at it, it is a trick that can't be played on the stage.

On the terrace on the third floor of the parliament building, dozens of chairs have been placed, and the middle one is naturally owned by King Gaoyuan of Han and Princess Ye Jinger. Lined up on the left and right are the important officials of the Han Court. Fan Zhuo was invited to sit on the right side of Gaoyuan. This was originally the seat of the first assistant, Yan Shenghao.

From the warm room to the icy cold wind, Fan Zhuo shivered, and he couldn't help but shrank his shoulders. He turned his head and glanced at the heights beside him. He stood upright, as if in the cold wind. A green pine. There was a sudden shock in his heart. He often saw King Chu Huai. Compared with the loose skin of the Chu King's palace, his speech was weak. Forever like the king of Chu who hasn't awakened, at least the external image of this person in front of him is really stalwart.

Standing in this position, it is natural to stand tall and see far. The streets extending in all directions can be clearly seen centered on here, extending to an endless distance. The urban planning of Jicheng has undergone several years of renovation. It's no longer the mess of the past, but neat squares, looking like troops standing in an orderly manner. Broad streets and vigorous roadside trees distinguish these blocks one by one.

Although Yingcheng is not inferior to the current Jicheng in terms of scale and population, it can't keep up with the cleanliness of the city. Jicheng is like a well-trained army, and Jicheng’s The city looks like a group of disorderly refugees.

Fan Zhuo didn’t want to compare, but he had to compare. He was horrified to find that Chu was already lagging behind Han by a large margin. Although the technology of reinforced concrete hybrid structure has now been introduced into Chu, the country is developing. Substantial infrastructure construction, and roads in Yingcheng are also beginning to be renovated, but compared to Jicheng, it is just a little behind.

Fan Zhuo’s heart is even more shocking. The Han Dynasty, from princes to courtiers, is filled with self-confidence from the inside out. For large gatherings of hundreds of thousands of people like this, Han will do it at all. Chu State, this is unimaginable. Who doesn't worry about whether such a large-scale gathering will cause any trouble.

Standing here, looking down, those soldiers standing on duty on the parliament building square turned out to be bare-handed, not even carrying weapons. If this is a rebellion and trouble, how to suppress it? Obviously, Han people are not worried about this problem.

He took a deep breath, and his heart was full of fear. This is a country with one heart and one mind. This is a country where the people are extremely supportive of their court. Da Chu is an enemy of such a country, and the consequences are really true. Unexpectedly, or after returning home, you should do everything possible to prevent Chu from becoming an enemy of Han.

If Fan Zhuo had incomparable confidence in Da Chu before, he still believed that Chu was not as powerful as Han, but standing here today, he suddenly felt a sense of discouragement.

He sighed, collected his thoughts, and pointed to the glass lamps installed on the parliament building. I don't know what the Han people did. The light in those lamps is extremely bright, and it shoots out from inside. The beams of light crossed and shined, and the entire parliament building was shining brightly.

"My lord, how is this done?" He raised his head and glanced at the still unclear sky, and asked.

"Oh, Master Fan is talking about this lamp. This is a new technology invented by a company in Jicheng just this year. Glass. This is a good thing. Look at the windows of our parliament building. Glass is installed. As for This lamp, haha, this is just a further application of Liuli. Master Fan likes it. When I look back, I will ask the foreign minister to send you a few and install them in the mansion. It is definitely the first one in Yingcheng." Gao Yuan laughed.

"Thank you!" Fan Zhuo hurriedly thanked him. How could the new technology of the Han people continue to be produced like this. It seems that Chu Guo couldn't keep up with the other party's footsteps when he patted the horse.

"No thanks, Master Fan is our good friend!" Gao Yuan turned his head and looked down at the doctor of Chu State. "Just because Master Chong Fan believes in us so much, it is stored in our big man's bank. We should also show the huge sum of millions of dollars!"

Fan Zhuo suddenly broke into a cold sweat. He did have a large sum of money deposited in the central bank of Dahan, but he didn't use his own name. He didn't expect such a thing to let Gao Yuan know.

Glancing at some confused Fan Zhuo, Gao Yuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, Master Fan, it is absolutely safe to deposit the money in our central bank. No one dares to move you alone, even me, we big man. It’s a place of rules. Even if something happens to you in Chu State in the future, the money will still be yours."

Hearing what Gao Yuan said, Fan Zhuo didn't know what to say. He could only bow his hands silently, cunning the rabbit in the three caves, and he was just planning ahead.

"In fact, Master Fan doesn’t need to be nervous. You are not the only minister of Chu State who deposits huge sums of money in our central bank. You are not only Chu State, but also Qin people. Isn’t it the same? What do they value? Naturally, it is our big man’s rule. Even if it is hostile, even if it is war, it will not be changed, because there may be hostility between countries, but it is another matter if it is implemented on the individual. We big man, protect Everyone's private property is sacred and inviolable. Even if this person is our enemy." Gao Yuan laughed.

"A big country with a big mind, fan admires it." Fan Zhuo said heartily.

The singing from a distance is getting louder and louder. Standing here and looking at them, on every street, there are dense crowds slowly surging here. Their ultimate goal is the parliament building under their feet. square.

A torrent of Taoists entered the square and entered the pre-demarcated area in an orderly manner. The singing was still loud. Except for the singing, almost no other noises were heard. Less than a stick of incense, the original empty parliament building Down, there is already a sea of ​​people, but in an orderly manner.

It seems to be louder than trying to sing in that block. Dahan's military anthem is also the sound of Dahan's national anthem. It never stops on the square. Just after singing one block, another block begins.

Rumble of drums began to sound, hundreds of drums were placed on the steps in front of the parliament building. Together, the square where hundreds of thousands of people gathered was silent in an instant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The uniformity made Fan Zhuo tremble again.

The several lights in the flowers under the parliament building all turned around and aimed at the second-floor terrace under their feet, illuminating a person there, that is Yan Shenghao, the chief assistant of the Han Dynasty, and he will celebrate here. Speech.

Under his feet, hundreds of soldiers beating the drums also pricked their ears. In addition to beating the drums, they had to repeat Yan Shenghao’s speech word by word in unison so that more people could hear it. Although they had already memorized the manuscript beforehand, at this time, they were still gathering together.

"My lord, why didn't you do such a thing yourself? This is a great way to gather people's hearts and make the people support you more!" Fan Zhuo asked with some incomprehension.

Gao Yuan smiled: "No, it can make the people live better, they will naturally support me, and the ruling comes is the first assistant's business, these things naturally should be done by him."

"Aren't you afraid that Shoufu's prestige is too high?" Fan Zhuo's meaning naturally meant that the master's power was high.

"Master Fan probably doesn't understand our big man's political system. You will understand later." Gao Yuan said indifferently. (To be continued...)

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