I’m The King

Chapter 1335: : Han Qi Tianxia (Twenty-five) can't understand

As a loser, when Cang Pan escaped from here, Wang Jian probably did not expect that one day he would re-enter the desert and take the road that he had walked back aside. Of course, the future was dim at that time. , He couldn't see where his path was, but now, he was full of hope, and a golden avenue was paved in front of him.

Wang Hou, general, would you rather have a kind? Niu Ben's hesitant persuasion over Wang Jianliguo made Jianpain make up his mind. Yes, nothing is impossible. How did the ancestors of Qin ever own? Now that the king of the Great Han Kingdom is Gao Yuan, the strongest on this land, what did he have?

This time when he went back, what he sought was the official recognition of the Dahan Kingdom. Now his own country is very small and its strength is very weak. If the Dahan wants to annex himself, Wang Jian sees it really effortlessly. However, in Niu Ben's attitude towards black-clothed food, but he vaguely saw a way to survive.

The big man seemed to be full of fear for this enemy he had never met before, so his own existence had value. Qin State, now it is no longer worth what they should do for them, and they can't help themselves. What can help themselves is the former enemy, the Great Han Kingdom.

Of course, when he went to Dayan County, he had another purpose, which was to welcome back the remains of his father who died in Dayan County. As for the Wang's ancestral temple and clan tombs still in the Qin realm, Niu Ben, the special envoy of the Han State, also promised that after the Han defeated the Qin State, Wang Jianying could return to his own territory.

More than a thousand cavalry guarded Wang Jian and trudged through the desert. Different from the embarrassing escape, this time on the return journey, it was a confident one. Where there is a source of water in the desert, there can be stationed and rested. The maps are clearly marked.

Above a small green state, after several days of trekking, this team finally ushered in the first resting place. It was filled with water and cleaned up with the dust accumulated over the past few days. For those marching in the desert, it is a kind of enjoyment.

Wang Jian sat on the green space. The soldier who smiled and watched himself lifted the water from the well and listened to pour it on him. Drench yourself.

"General Niu, has the Central Plains changed much now?" He asked, looking at Niu Ben sitting on his side.

"How should I say? Of course the changes must be big." Niu Ben thought for a while, and said: "But it is precisely because the changes have been so great that I don't know where to start."

"The changes are too great to talk about!" Wang Jian chewed this sentence carefully, and it seemed to have endless meaning. "These days I hear your guards often talk about the King of Han, but there is one thing I am very strange. I have also asked General Niu to teach me."

"I don't know what the General Wang is puzzled about. Of course, Niu Ben knows everything he can say."

"They often talk about the King of Han, and they do not avoid us. From their words, I can hear that they respect the King of Han very much, respect from the heart, but it seems that they are not afraid of your King of Han, how is this? What's going on?"

When I heard this question, Niu Ben smiled: "Our Dahan Kingdom is a brand-new country on this land. Unlike any other country in history, I will use a word from the King of Han for your question. To answer you, the King of Han said that he does not need the fear of the people, and the people’s respect for him is the greatest praise to him, all the Chinese citizens. There is only one thing to be afraid of, and that is the laws of the big man. There are no rules and no circles. As long as you are within the scope stipulated by the Dahan Law, you can do what you like without any interference. The law does not prohibit it."

"There is no prohibition in the law?" Wang Jian shook his head, "If your law does not stipulate that you are not allowed to scold the King of Han, does it mean that your citizens can scold the King of Han at will."

Niu Ben laughed, "The Dahan Law does not stipulate this, but in Han, anyone who dares to insult the King of Han will be beaten immediately so that his mother will not recognize him. And it will not be the official who beat him. , Because there is no stipulation in the law that it is forbidden to do so, and it will only be the ordinary people who beat him. But you have asked the point. In our big man, in addition to the king and members of the royal family, other ministers, including our first assistant , Are often scolded decently."

"There is such a thing?" Wang Jian asked in surprise.

"Of course, I told you about our Dahan Weekly two days ago. Dahan Weekly has four pages devoted to current affairs and politics. That's also a place that some literati often use to scold officials, but whenever they think something is wrong, Then you can pick up a pen and write an article to be published in the newspaper."

"Your court doesn't care about such humiliating things?"

"The court has a Propaganda Department, and of course it will review publications such as current affairs and political news, but as long as it does not involve state secrets, such abusive articles will not be banned. On the contrary, if a department is scolded, the political affairs hall will immediately look for it. The trouble of the scolded official is not really true in this newspaper. What explanation do you have, etc., so now Dahan officials, every issue of Dahan Weekly, we have to see if we have it. Scolded!" Niu Ben said with a smile.

"Then what if a member of the political affairs hall is scolded?"

"Of course it is the big council. Sometimes it will be the king, but if the king comes out, it may be a major event. But in the past few years, such a thing has not happened, the adults of the political affairs hall I'm still very cautious." Niu Ben smiled at Wang Jian, but at this moment he remembered the Li Can incident the year before. This incident was a scandal of the big man, but he was eventually taken down. As a member of the National Security Bureau, he is naturally one of the few who knows the inside story.

"The officials are so indecent, how to manage the people?" Wang Jian asked another question.

"In our big man, it is not officials but the law that governs the people." Niu Ben put forward another point that Wang Jian could not accept. "The big king often emphasizes that he is not the owner of the big man, but the leader of the big man. Officials are not the parents of the people, but the servants of the people. The king hates the statement of the parents of the officials the most, and he also hates to say that there is a great master in a certain place."

"Well, what is the reason?" Wang Jian asked in surprise.

"The so-called parent officials are to put themselves higher than the common people, and think that they are the parents of common people. Don't parents beat their children or scold their children as they want? In our big men, this is not good. Besides, why do they do so? The appearance of the Great Master Qingtian is because you are a local official who controls the darkness, so there is a person who enforces the law impartially and is worshipped. This is not the glory of the big man, this is the shame of the big man. The big man does not need the big man, but the big man only needs it. Just law and officials and people who act in accordance with the law. Everyone acts in accordance with the law, so why don't you need a great master!"

Wang Jian opened his mouth and was dumbfounded. He had nothing to do these days. He talked to Niu Ben about some things about the big man in detail. Some words and affairs that he could not understand often popped out of Niu Ben's mouth, which made him a little confused, but they were far away. Far less than the shock that Niu Ben gave him today.

The big man is like this, is that country still a country?

But the fact is that Dahan is the strongest country on this land.

"Are you King of Han so serious about etiquette?" he asked eagerly.

Niu Ben chuckled: "Why don't we pay attention to it? We Dahan runs a school. School-age children, regardless of gender, must go to school. These are all free. Where we are, it is called elementary school. You have to go to school. If the parents don’t let their children go to school, they will be punished. Of course, they can only do this now. If they want to go to middle school or take college entrance exams, they won’t be free, King. Whenever I talk about it, I sigh, saying that the money is not enough. If you get richer, the middle school should be free."

"But in my opinion, you guys are already rich in the world." Wang cut.

"But it can't hold up the big site, there are so many people, it's not worth mentioning if it is distributed to every place and everyone!" Niu Ben said. "You need money for everything."

"Now that the big man has formed a crushing advantage over Qin in the military, why didn't your king swept over, but didn't do anything?" Wang Jian asked again, based on what he had learned these days, Qin is already rotten, and the big man is in the sky. In his opinion, this overwhelming advantage is still not ready to be used. Is it still waiting for Qin to catch his breath?

"The first is the question of money. When the army moves, food and grass will go first, weapons, and payment and silver. That money is flowing out. In the eyes of the king~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The most critical issue now is not whether you can get it or not. Qin is down, but what will happen after the Qin is taken? The place of Qin is not down, and the people are so poor that it is unimaginable. Once the big man is taken down, it will be the place of our big man, and the people are the people of the big man. Dahan is treated the same as the people now, how much money does it cost? But now we can’t get it out, so we can only wait for the people of Qin to suffer for a few more days! Second, war will kill people. The people of Qin are not so bad now, and the army is still quite effective. Even if we win, our soldiers will not lose a small amount. The king loves soldiers like a son. If he doesn’t want to die too many people, then wait a little longer. Well, maybe after a while, the Qin people will do it themselves, so let's go pick the cheap ones, and naturally, many people will die." Niu Bendao.

Wang Jian understood a little bit in his heart, the big man was going to drag Qin to death.

"Where are Chu people?"

"Chu people need to be a little more troublesome, but it's impossible to know the details of my position. Anyway, I can do the errands handed over." Niu Ben smiled: "Anyway, Qin Chu also jumped. In a few days, there will be Chinese food on the left and right of our big guys, but it is not in a hurry. The king said that we should lay a solid foundation first, and other things will naturally come naturally."

It's a matter of course! The big man is actually confident to this point, and this time he must take a good look and decide his own national policy in the future.

Suddenly a sharp warning whistle sounded in the distance, Wang Jian stood up all of a sudden, and in the distance, the scout who had also been sent by the king was rolling up the sand, and the warning whistle was sent from the scout. of.

"Enemy attack?" Niu Ben also stood up suddenly. Where did the enemy come from in this desert? (To be continued.)

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