I’m The King

Chapter 1336: : Han Qi Tianxia (26) greeted halfway

With the sharp warning whistle, the soldiers frolicking on the oasis put on armor and saddles in a very short time. Niu Ben was also extremely amazed by the quality displayed. The rest of the cavalry soldiers are all elites in his army. Although there are not many old Qin troops under Wang Jian, they are more soldiers recruited from his new territory. In the past few years, they have been fighting against the king. The rigorous training has made these people no less than the most elite Han cavalry.

An attack formation was quickly formed. Above the desert, the fight for the oasis was extremely cruel. In such an encounter, even if the losing party would not be completely annihilated, it was actually a cavalry. , It is also extremely difficult to achieve complete annihilation, unless the forces of the two sides are too far apart, but the loss of supplies is the most deadly, and the next vast desert is enough to kill you.

The distant {Pig+Pig+Island} novel www.hzua enemies came very fast, and in a blink of an eye, they could already see their military flag, Niu Ben’s originally nervous mood suddenly relaxed after seeing the other party’s flag. With a big laugh, he slammed the spear in his hand into the ground, "General Wang, it's his own, I'll go to meet him."

Without waiting for Wang Jian to speak up, the bull rushed to clamp the horse's belly, and the war horse ran forward with a light hiss. On the opposite side, a yellow dragon flag was hunting in the wind, up and down as the rider moved forward.

Hearing that it was a Han rider, Wang Jian's heart also fell to the ground, but the soldiers did not release their guard, and they maintained a fighting formation. Wang Jian narrowed his eyes and looked at the cavalry from a distance.

Wang Jian, who has fought with the Han army for many years, is naturally familiar with the Han army's flag. According to the flag, he can tell which team is coming from the other side. "It's actually the Young Guards." He sighed.

The Dahan Youth Guards, Gaoyuan's most direct line of troops, basically all of its officers come from the Jishicheng Comprehensive University, and the recruits are limited to the counties where Gaoyuan started. And it must have a family and a mouth, this is a force with super combat effectiveness and the highest loyalty.

The Han riders rushed in four columns. The yellow sand carried by the horses' hoof was like a yellow dragon. It rolled up behind the team. As the two sides approached quickly, the yellow dragon flag was raised quickly. The horse rider slammed the horse, and the horse hissed amidst the people standing up. When the horse fell to the ground, it was already stuck there like a nail. The cavalry behind quickly dispersed, two to the left and two to the right. Behind the rider, a cavalry phalanx was formed in a blink of an eye. Seeing the line that was neat and tidy as if a line had been pulled over, the saber held high and cold, Wang Jian's face changed slightly.

"I'm Niu Ben, the envoy of the great man, and the general of the Guards led his troops here?" Niu Ben rode his horse and yelled loudly. Han Qi left and right, and a young general came out more and more, "General Niu Ben. The final general is Mei Hua, the first army of the Youth Guards, ordered by the king. Come to meet General Wang Jian."

"Haha, it turned out to be you!" Niu Ben laughed. Mei Yipo and Mei Pu are both influential figures in Jicheng, one is the current governor of the People's Bank of China, and the other is the chief steward of all the industries of Dawang. The Mei family is also the top business family of the Han Dynasty. The second child, Mei Su, is in charge of the huge home, and Mei Hua is the third child in the family. The Mei family is now the top family of the big man, but when it comes to their rise, it is the Mei Hua who was extremely stubborn at home and was sent to the army. The stubborn boy at the time has now become a major general in the Dahan Youth Guards. He is deeply loved by Gao Yuan, and he has become the second general of the First Army with Wu Ya.

The two of them sat on horses, but they embraced each other enthusiastically. Niu rushed out as an envoy for more than half a year, and suddenly saw his army, the joy in his heart was beyond words.

"Has the king arrived in Jishi County?" Niu Ben asked after releasing Meihua.

"Yes, the king has arrived. I was ordered to come and meet him." Mei Hua smiled. "The opposite is General Wang Jian Luo? The grassland war was a pity, but I didn't catch up."

"It's all the past, there is no need to mention it again. This is a sad thing for others. Don't lift the pot without opening the pot." Niu Ben whispered.

"I know." Mei Hua smiled.

"Let's go, I'll introduce you to General Wang, who is also a figure who is about to establish a country and become a king." Niu Ben smiled.

Mei Hua turned around, raised her hand high, and when she dropped it again, the shining saber with more than a thousand handles immediately dropped, choking, and scabbed it all together, followed by thousands of people turning over and dismounting, holding the horse in hand. Standing on the reins, the movements were neat and uniform, and Wang cut his brows, who was looking across, jumped again. It is easy for a soldier to be brave and good at fighting, but on a team of this size, the simple movements are practiced so as to be like a human Wang Jian, as a general of the army, naturally knew the difficulty of the situation. Although there are only more than a thousand horses on both sides at this time, if you are fighting, I am afraid that he is not an opponent. Thinking of this, Wang Jian's heart can not help but the elite cavalry like the one he brought out, his entire army adds It will not exceed five thousand horses, and the other side, a young guard alone has tens of thousands of such cavalry, which is not considered to be the notorious Xiongnu cavalry in the opposing army, Donghu cavalry.

The strength gap is too big, Wang Jian lamented in his heart!

"The commander of the First Division of the First Army of the Youth Guards of the Last General, Mei Hua, has seen General Wang." Mei Hua, who was riding his horse, turned over and dismounted, and neatly cut a military salute to Wang.

He acted as the general military salute of the Han army. Wang Jian also got the horse, but he clasped his fists in his hands and paid a salute: "The general has worked hard. The desert is hard and the journey is long. Wang Jian really can't be treated like the King of Han!"

The other side led an army to come, naturally to greet him.

"The general is overly modest, and the king said, the general was on a solitary expedition. He opened his eyes for the people of the Central Plains outside the territory and laid down a huge territory. Although we are not part of the same country, we are of the same race, so the general can naturally afford it. "Mei Hualang said.

"Does your prince really say that?" Wang Jian asked in surprise.

"Naturally, where will the general dare to fabricate the words of the king?" Mei Hua said with a smile: "The king said that although we were opponents before, it was our own brothers who were fighting behind closed doors. It was an internal conflict among the people, but the general was on an expedition alone. But for the people of the Central Plains, I have gained great ambition, which is respectable and admirable.

Wang Jian shook his head and smiled bitterly. What a lonely teacher expedition. Back then, he was beaten and fled in embarrassment. There was no way to go to the sky, no way to the ground, so he could only rush into the desert and beg for survival.

Turning around, shook his head, the thousands of cavalry behind him lowered their weapons, rolled over and dismounted.

"The general has been working hard from afar, let the brothers be stationed on the oasis, and wash away the dust." Wang cut.

"Thank you General, it is really uncomfortable in this desert." Mei Hua shrank his neck. "At the end of this body, it seems to be filled with sand everywhere, which is really uncomfortable. "

As Wang cut to the Lvzhou, the more than a thousand guards were composed and naturally divided into ten small teams of one hundred people. Every two teams were flushed, and the remaining teams were still fully armed. Occupies half of the oasis. Compared with Wang Jian's cavalry, they are obviously more orderly. What's more rare is that they can hardly hear their noise. Even in this relaxed situation, they still keep most people in a state of alert.

"Han Wang is a good soldier. No wonder the world is invincible. We didn't lose injustice back then!" Wang Jian, who was sitting on the grass, looked at this scene with emotion, sitting beside him, this time the general who came with him. Huang Xiao also has a heavy face. Both of them are characters who have experienced **** battles in the grasslands.

Mei Hua smiled, but this time he was not humble. The big man was invincible.

"How is everything at home?" Niu Ben asked with concern. He had been away from home for more than half a year, and was a foreign land thousands of miles away. He really missed his hometown in his heart.

"Everything is fine. There are two happy events," Mei Hua said with a smile: "Minister Cao gathered the princess of the original Zhao country as his wife during the Chinese New Year last year. The king personally presided over the wedding, and the infantry and infantry commander also met with him. Princess Shuyu of Chu State is engaged, and it is estimated that she will get married this year."

"Oh, I didn't catch up with Minister Cao's wedding. This is really true." Niu Ben was a little upset. Cao Tianci is his immediate boss, and the two have been fighting side by side for nearly ten years.

"Don't worry, you are indispensable for wedding wine." Mei Hua said with a smile.

"The infantry is engaged to Princess Chu State Shuyu?" Wang Jian was taken aback, "Is the Han Chu alliance now?"

"No." Mei Hua shook his head and said: "It is still the Qin Chu Alliance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but I heard that Princess Shuyu is in love with our infantry commander, although we are still in a state of hostility. , But for this kind of thing, our king is still happy to see it happen, these are two different things!"

This is of course not two different things. In Wang Jian's view, this is naturally a tacit attitude between Han and Chu, and this is obviously even worse for Da Qin.

"General, I will finally come to greet him this time by the order of the king. When we set off, the team was mighty, but when we got here, only these people were left." Mei Hua said.

"Oh, why is this?" Wang Jian asked puzzledly.

"The rest of the people I brought are all logistical equipment. They were transferred from the Third Military Region. Every 100 miles, they set up a supply point so that your team can rest and replenish at any time, and you don't have to work so hard." Mei Hua He smiled and said, "This way, not only are there more than a thousand cavalry left, the rest are all in the supply point!"

Hearing Mei Hua's understatement, Wang Jian and Huang Xiao's breathing became heavy. This is not to establish a supply point, but to show them their strength naked and explain to them that Da Mo will not become a Han army. If they want to beat them, the Han army can easily cross the desert. (To be continued...)

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