I’m The King

Chapter 1337: : Hanqi Tianxia (27) Fresh Things

In the desert, he did not hesitate manpower and material resources to build a camp to make up for the difficulties. This news made Wang Jian a little frightened. Huang Xiao around him changed color. Mei Hua looked at his face and knew the other party’s worries, and calmly explained: "Da General, these supply camps are really only for welcoming the general and when the general is returning. We only crossed half of the desert, which is based on this green state. Of course, if the general feels wrong, After the general returns, we will immediately dismantle these supply camps."

Crossing half of the desert, taking the Lvzhou as the boundary, and the other party only welcomes here. The subtext here is that the country established by Dahan later and his Wang Jian will use the Lvzhou as the boundary.

"General Mei is worried, I just think that it is not worth it to spend so much manpower and material resources just for Wang's visit." Wang Jian's face was reddish, and he was a little bit cautious about *pig*pig*dao. *Xiao* said that ww.huzu's heart saves the gentleman's belly and feels ashamed.

"For today's big man, this is nothing." Mei Hua said indifferently, "The general is an important guest of the king, so it is natural to be more serious."

Now that the Han army had arrived, Wang Jian simply rested on this green state for another night, spanning half of the desert, his soldiers were very tired, he didn't want his soldiers to lose face in front of Mei Hua. After a rest of the night, when they were on the road the next day, these cavalry soldiers looked very bright, at least in the slower march now, they looked no worse than the Han army.

Of course, the ordnances of the two sides cannot be compared. The young guards of the Han army are the pro-army of the emperor. It has a water plate armor on its body. This armor has strong protection ability and is heavy and heavy. It is compared with the chain of Qin army equipment. A is better than one grade, as far as Wang Jian knows. This kind of plate armor was extremely expensive. Of course, he didn't know that the Han army had already passed the original stage of hand-made plate armor. It took only a few breaths of time to form a plate armor using a hydraulic-powered punch.

Except for the armor, this Han army can be said to be armed to the teeth, under everyone's helmet. They all wore a thin headgear, and only opened holes on the nose and eyes. Of course, his role Wang Jian knew that it was used to prevent wind and sand on the desert. Unexpectedly, the Han army even unified this. The equipment, the same style and the same color, are customized at first glance, and then look at what you own. But there are so many varieties, some people use silk cloth, others use coarse cloth, and some even tore a piece of linen cloth from nowhere and just put it on the face like this.

When it comes to weapons, it's even more incomparable. This light uniform saber used by the Han army has a narrow blade. Last night, his soldiers saw the sharpness of this saber. Crossbow riding is inserted beside everyone's saddle. This is not a single-shot crossbow riding. It was a continuous crossbow. Mei Hua also demonstrated to him yesterday that this type of crossbow was upgraded from the original Han's continuous crossbow. The range has not increased much, but the weight of the entire continuous crossbow is lighter than that in the past. half. Outside the bag that holds the crossbow, there are rows of crossbow arrows in a special sleeve.

Own soldier. Or just compare with the opponent in the will to fight or the spirit! Looking at his cavalry, Wang Jian sighed in his heart.

When it got dark the next day, Wang Jian saw what Mei Hua said was the supply camp, but it seemed to be a heavily guarded camp. Rows of grass-green big tents are surrounded by fences, and on the fences are barbed wire fences. Every ten meters there is a watchtower tree, but there is no bed crossbow on it. Heavy weapons.

Wang Jian once again cast a suspicious look at Mei Hua. Mei Hua also had to assume the responsibility of explaining once again.

"General, these soldiers who built the supply camp are all from the Third Military Region. In fact, they are no longer considered true soldiers, but Commander Helan is not 3617/\'> I hope they forget their identities, so this time Sending them out also used it as an opportunity to train troops, so everything was done in accordance with the requirements of the war."

"The Third Military Region!" Wang Jian murmured.

"Don’t get me wrong, the general. This third military region is not aimed at generals. When we established the third military region, we didn’t know where the generals were? The purpose of establishing the third military region was only to control the vast northwestern region. , You know, this place used to be a place where bandits used to be. Moreover, it was also for reclaiming the Northwest. These soldiers were all abolished from the guards and government officials and arrested for these people. Although they are paid, they are not regular troops Up."

"How many people are there in the Third Military Region now?" Wang Jian asked.

Mei Hua smiled: "In the current control area of ​​the Third Military Region, there are probably millions of people. About half of them are these guards and their families. Their main task is to clear wasteland and farm land. After arriving at the third military region, the general understood at a glance. In the third military region, there are less than 10,000 regular troops."

"So that's it!" Wang Jian nodded and relaxed. The regular army of 10,000 people has to control the places where millions of people live. I am afraid that there are not enough warnings. Where can I expand outward?

Mei Hua was snickering in his heart. The 3rd Military Region did only have more than 10,000 regular troops, but they were not scattered, they were stationed together, because in the Northwest, every farm is a unit, and they have weapons that are enough to self-defense. In addition, these farms based on military combat units do not need the Third Military Region to deal with security and management issues. Now, in the Northwest, everything is managed according to military law.

One supply camp per hundred miles greatly increased their marching speed. Ten days later, Wang Jian's horseshoes stepped on the pace of the Third Military Region, but the sight before him made him feel like he was in a dream.

The huge swaths of poplar trees in front of him blocked his sight. The neatly arranged poplar trees stood upright like soldiers, extending infinitely to both sides in front of his eyes. Although most of them are only the thickness of a wine glass, there are so many, still It shocked him. When he left here a few years ago, there was nothing but some low bushes.

"These trees were planted by the King ordered the Third Military Region. Even now, this kind of work is still being done." Mei Hua looked at the dense forest in front of him, very proud, and in a few more years, here will be Shade the green trees.

"Why do you Han Wang even care about planting trees, and what do you plant?" Wang Jian asked puzzledly.

"Windproof sand!" Mei Hua pointed to the endless desert behind him. The king said that these windy sands will erode our land day by day, "turning the best land into the same desert as them, so we must plant trees and grass. Like a wall, keeping the sand out. People in the Third Military Region said that the windy and sandy days in the Mengchi area have indeed decreased a lot in the past two years."

Wang Jian remained silent, once again shocked by the big man's wealth. These trees, as well as the manpower to plant them, and to ensure their survival, are all white money and need strong financial support.

"The king said, this called the predecessors planting trees and future generations to enjoy the shade. Maybe our generation will not realize their usefulness, but in our next generation, these sand forests will play an important role." Mei Hua smiled.

"Han Wang has always been far-sighted, and what I admire is the five-body throwing to the ground." Wang Jian said sincerely. While he was still considering how to live and how to live better, Han Wang was already thinking about future generations after many years. Obviously it is not above an order of magnitude at all.

After crossing the sand-proof forest, which is not known how long it was, but was a few miles deep, another scene appeared before Wang Jian.

A scene of a paradise.

The crops that had just grown beyond human knees stretched out endlessly in front of Wang Jian. They were swaying in the breeze. A avenue stretched out in front of him. The gray road was enough for two carriages to go side by side. The leveling made Wang really do not understand, the horseshoe stepped on, and the horseshoe made a crisp sound.

Wang Jian stared at this road, staring intently. This is not a slate, which he can still tell.

"General, this pavement is made of cement and is very smooth. With this pavement, we no longer have to worry about muddy roads in rain and snow." Mei Hua explained with a smile. "In fact, in our big man now, many houses have begun to be built with him. They are very strong, stronger than ordinary stones."

"What is cement?" Literally, Wang Jian couldn't think of what kind of thing it was~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Oh, this is a kind of building material. It is my late book Guo Quan from the Ministry of Engineering. Mr. Guo invented it when he was building roads. Our king named him cement. Of course, we don’t understand why the king gave him such a name, but the king is always right, right? "Mei Hua said with a smile.

"Is this expensive?"

"Of course it is not expensive. If it is expensive, how can it be used to build roads. In fact, it is very simple to build." Mei Hua smiled. "However, the Third Military Region is too far away from the mainland, so now only the main road has been built here. Unlike the mainland, this kind of cement pavement has been popularized, and some villages with good economic conditions have also begun. The pavement has been built with cement. But now we have completed the highway from Dayan County to Mengchi, and the conditions here will get better and better. General, you have been away from the Central Plains for several years, and there are many new things Invented, when you arrive in Dayan County, you will see more new things."

"Yes, I've been away from Central Plains for too long." Wang cut his horse and stood up, his eyes crossed the endless green crops, and looked at the sky above the rows of villages in the distance, where, where, there was smoke rising.

A few years ago, here was a wilderness. (To be continued...)

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