I’m The King

Chapter 1374: : Han Qi Tianxia (64) Joy and Anger

Luo Zhongshu felt that he was very likely to be the fastest-promoted official since the founding of Han Dynasty. A year ago, he was just a small county head. A year later, he was promoted because of his predecessor Ling Fangshu. A county chief, and in this position, the **** hasn’t been warmed up yet. He pulled a little, and he was about to become a county guard. Although there was an agent’s name in front of him, if he could do it properly. All things, what's the problem if these two words are removed? He has been an official of the Han country for several years, and he is very familiar with the system of inspecting officials in the Han country.

There is blue smoke on the ancestral grave. Luo Zhongshu felt that the desolation of his first half of his life had been made up in just a few years. It was not that he had no talent, but he had not met a boss who appreciated him. After Yingshui became the territory of the Han people, most of the original officials ran away. They didn’t run. First, they didn’t have a terrible place. They were natives of Yingshui. Second, even if they went to other places [Pig] [Pig] [Island] novel ww.zuhm, what can I do? He has no background, no skills, and knows nothing except being an official. He gritted his teeth and stayed, but he became the first master of the Han people after they got Yingshui. Life seemed to be no different from before, and he was still doing the things before. The first boss is not a person who brings forth the new. He just did his work step by step. And he worked hard for a year under the first boss. Apart from the work, he was trying to find everything and everything. The laws related to the Han country were studied hard, and then, the second county magistrate, Fang Shu, came.

His preparations this year were not in vain. Fang Shu was very young, but very talented and assertive. More importantly, he had served as the county magistrate directly from the political affairs hall and was in his hands. Yingshui County is full of vitality, and in just a few years, it has become a nationally famous city from a small military confrontation on the border.

Fang Shu left, and his assistance to him over the past two years has also gained his appreciation. He insisted on making himself the magistrate of Yingshui County. He once thought that his good luck would be the end of his life. , But never thought that the king was here. With a mouth open, he became the acting county guard of the newly captured Yingchuan County City.

It is not particularly difficult to stabilize Yingchuan. Luo Zhongshu, who has worked in Yingshui County for many years, knows very well that although the opposite is the territory of the Qin people, it is definitely a different territory of the Qin people. They have implemented many policies. Compared with Yingshui, there are many similarities in the same way. To put it bluntly, they are copying Dahan-related policies. For example, land policy and various commercial policies. Where farmers have their own land, they can't run away, because the land can't run away, if people run away. When you come back next time, this piece of land may not be yours anymore. And business people don't know how to run. In this era, business people are mostly well-informed people. Because they travel north and south all the year round, they have a better understanding of Han than most people in Qin. It is even clearer than some natives of Han. After all, Han is too big, and some prefectures have different local policies. There are four major classes of scholars, farmers, commerce and industry. Scholars ran away and ran away. It was no big deal. Luo Zhongshu knew very well that the King of Dahan attached great importance to scholars, but he did not seem to be impressed by scholars who came out of the old system. The studies graduated from universities in China are extremely reusable. Scholars can be ignored, industry, is there any industry in Yingchuan County? They don’t have, and some are just small handicraft workshops, which can be ignored. Merchants and farmers are the foundation of the Han Dynasty. However, the two classes of Yingchuan County are the most like Han. Stabilizing the two classes can be said to be effortless.

All it takes is a piece of an decree to tell the peasants that it is theirs or theirs. In addition, the tax will be reduced to the level of the Han peasants. This fee is only one-third of what they had to hand over to the Tanfeng regime. One, I believe they will burn incense and pray immediately, wishing the king of the big man a long life. As for businessmen, do they need to be comforted? Their noses are better than anyone else, and they look faster than anyone else.

To appease an enemy territory that has just been occupied, in other places, may be a multitude of things, enough to make people crazy, but in Yingchuan, it seems too simple.

Luo Zhongshu left with a happy stomach. After returning, he immediately packed up his parcels, took a few guards and a few civil servants, and immediately ran to the opposite Yingchuan County Town to work.

The presence of the king quietly means that this war is definitely not a trivial matter. Maybe the Han army will have to enter for a long time. Then, the newly occupied Yingchuan County will become an important base in the rear. This is one of the reasons why the king urgently needs Yingchuan to settle down quickly. Otherwise, he wouldn't even be reluctant to wait for a more qualified official from the top, but instead would promote himself.

This is indeed the blue smoke from the ancestral grave.

Luo Zhongshu went to work in Yingchuan County happily, but there was another person who was full of anger. This person was the commander of the 19th Army, Chen Bin, who had participated in almost all important battles for the founding of the Han Dynasty. Chen Bin's generals and the qualifications of Chen Bin are only weaker than some old people in the Fufeng department. When he was about to reach Yingshui River, he received a report from the 88th Division that Yingshui County City had been taken. He was very happy at one time. This Ye Feng is indeed extremely capable. Under the conditions, he will take one to two days to win Yingchuan County. Unexpectedly, in a short period of half a day, he will be able to defeat this heavily defended city, even if the 88 Division’s weapons and equipment are incomparable to the opponent. , This is also an amazing city.

But as he read the battle report he sent in detail and asked some questions about the messenger who came to the war station, Chen Bin's face slowly sank, and finally, it was so gloomy that it almost dripped water.

This great victory was once on the verge of failure. If the king hadn't led his troops on the battlefield himself, Ye Feng might have been driven by the grandson to the Yingshui River. The battle report is also a return document from the lower level to the higher level. It records all the details of the battle. In the eyes of a veteran like Chen Bin, Ye Feng made too many mistakes. If it weren't for the soldiers of the 88th Division, they would be tough. It wasn't that the king made the sword himself, this battle would definitely be lost.

To let the king go to battle in person regardless of safety is a failure in itself, and it loses not only the face of the 88th Division, but also the face of the 19th Army. If the big figures in Jicheng knew that the king had swung the knife himself again, their anger would definitely be poured out on themselves instead of Ye Feng. Ye Feng has deep roots. He is the brother-in-law of the king and the younger brother of the queen. He doesn't have such a hard backer. If the big figures in Jicheng are looking for trouble, of course they will come to him.

This made him very angry. In Yingshui County, the 19th army did not stop, but crossed the river directly into Yingchuan County. After Chen Bin went to meet the king, he hurried to Yingchuan County.

The king's attitude was a bit strange, he tried it out himself, and it seemed that he was also a little dissatisfied with the battle, which made Chen Bin a little relieved.

After entering Yingchuan County and setting up his troops, Chen Bin’s first thing was to convene a meeting with officers above the rank of the whole corps. After each war, there was a combat review meeting. This is not only a task for senior officers, This must be done from the upper rank to the lower rank of the Han army. From the platoon to the regiment division, level by level, sum up the gains and losses of their own reviews and submit them, and finally converge them into written text. Military department.

Chen Bin felt that this battle of the 88th Division was very likely to become a classic example in the negative textbooks of the Jishicheng Military University, on how to break the battle among the weapons and equipment with absolute superiority. If this is the case, the 88th Division, the 19th Army, will be stinking for thousands of years. In future meetings of this military area, he will have to wear a mask before going.

Dozens of officers were sitting in the hall, but they were silent. They were all old officers. After the battle report was turned around in everyone's hands, they naturally saw the problems inside. Speaking of which, the officers here are like Ye Feng. There is really no such young person who is the leader of a division. The Nineteenth Army was separated from the New First Army. Basic-level officers in the New First Army graduated from the Jishicheng Military University. However, the Battle of Pengcheng greatly affected the new First Army. The promotion of the original officers of the First Army, and now the officers above the regimental level of the Nineteenth Army, are basically transferred from outside, while almost all the senior officers of the newly reorganized First Army are gathered in the 20th Army. This makes the senior officers of the Nineteenth Army all older.

Many officers felt very embarrassed at this time. The discussion after the war was basically not for praising people. The main purpose of their previous experience was to prosecute people. Even if you win the battle, after the war, after the careful analysis of everyone, you can find out. Many problems, this kind of discussion meeting, for the generals directing the battle, sometimes it is simply a cut.

But today’s seminar is a bit weird~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s different from the past. If you think something is wrong, most of you just point it out directly, but the teacher of the 88th Division is Ye Feng, this person’s. The identity is a bit sensitive to everyone here. They are not Chen Bin, they can ignore Ye Feng's identity. Besides, but the leaders of the military region also have a preference for Ye Feng. Not to mention, the equipment of the 88th Division alone is enough to kill everyone here.

It is impossible to praise this kind of thing. Everyone hasn't practiced this cheeky. But criticize it. It seems that I can't say it. If I offend this person, I might be wearing shoes in the future! So what everyone can do is to be silent, look at the nose, look at the heart, some people concentrate on picking their nails, some people are counting the number of bricks on the ground, but no one is speaking.

Ye Feng's face was flushed. He had participated in such seminars many times before. Every time, he pointed out the faults of others fiercely. But today, the silent silence made him feel extremely embarrassed. Of course he knew it was. Because of his special identity, in fact, over the years, he has been trying hard to get rid of this brand. This stigma made him different, but it also made him a distance from everyone invisibly.

He stood up and took out a roll of paper from his arms: "My colleagues, I, Ye Feng, lost the face of the 88th Division and the 19th Army." (To be continued.)

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