I’m The King

Chapter 1375: : Hanqi Tianxia (65) will never admit defeat

The city of Wulong was taken down, and the soldiers of Yin Cuo cheered and rushed into the city along the wide open gate. Soon, soldiers stood on top of the city, and they quickly extinguished the fire that was raging above the tower. , And then stood in rows on the city wall to celebrate the victory. More soldiers poured in. Some areas of fire in the city quickly turned into curls of black smoke, and the plumes of smoke went straight up to the clear sky, bringing the bright sun to the sky. Obscured.

Tan Feng did not enter the city, but sat on the ground in a daze, looking at the Wulong County City not far away in a daze. Wulong had won, and Tai'an had also won, but there was no Yingchuan County, who had worked so hard for many years. To support the transformation of these two counties, how can one stand on it?

What's more, will Gao Yuan give himself another five years to change these two places unhurriedly? Impossible, even if it is high and far away not attacking, that Lu Chao will Rongdao> Novel www.zuzud Shinobu himself entrenched here? It is also impossible. If you have the rich Yingchuan County as your backing, you are not afraid of him, but now, how can two dilapidated counties with withered people's livelihood support their own tens of thousands of soldiers?

They have been raised by themselves in the past few years, but it is not the former Qin army. A little bit of poor salary, three meals a day and a vain prospect can inspire their desperate former Qin army. This army is raised with silver, and after that, it will need more silver to raise them.

It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality!

Suddenly, Tan Feng understood why Gao Yuan was in such a strong situation, but he didn't rush to attack the Kingdom of Qin, because fighting is really expensive, and raising soldiers is really expensive! It's not that Gao Yuan didn't want to rush to take Qin, but because he couldn't fight such an expensive war. With the great power of the Han Dynasty and the vast territory, it takes several years to recuperate from a big battle, and his strength is far inferior to his opponents, so what can he do to fight it?

Tan Feng felt as if he had fallen into a trap of Gao Yuan. Over the years, I have imitated his national policy and tried his best to build Yingchuan into a place that is not much different from that of Han, and build his own army like the Han army, but in the end, he got into trouble. .

Gao Yuan must have targeted his Yingchuan County very early, otherwise he couldn't explain why he suddenly appeared in Yingshui.

"Gao Yuan, you really can look down on me. I only own one of my own counties. I want you to conquer yourself?" Tan Feng suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, all of the soldiers on the side looked big. Change, the general is stimulated, is he going crazy?

Yin Cuo's expression on one side was a little gray and defeated. Looking at Tan Feng, he said fiercely: "General, our main force is here and Tai'an. Concentrate and fight back. Retake Yingchuan." As the general of Yingchuan County, He naturally knew the importance of Yingchuan County to their army.

"Fight back?" Tan Feng sighed: "Do you think Gao Yuan will give us this opportunity? This person makes a plan and moves. Since he has already started, the latter move will inevitably come in endlessly. We shouldn't be thinking about it now. Going back, but how to survive. If I expected well, their follow-up troops would have arrived in Yingchuan County long ago. In the rear, there are still the main forces arriving endlessly. Not only can we not take back Yingchuan County now. , Even Wu Long and Tai'an, who were just shot down. I have to make wedding clothes for others. Gao Yuan is really a good calculation. I tried my best to take Wu Long and Tai'an, but in a blink of an eye, I will give it to him with both hands. ."

"General, even if we can't take back Yingchuan, we can't give up Wulong and Tai'an. If we give up these two places, where do we go? We don't have our own territory. Even if we don't protect Wulong, we have to keep it. Tai'an, Tai'an is at a critical point. As long as we know where we are, we still have a chance to make a comeback. The general can once again make Tai'an into Yingchuan County!"

Tan Feng stood up, "Do you think this is possible? Why is Yingchuan rich? It is because we are constantly trading with the Han people. A large number of Han goods diverged through Yingchuan to all directions, which gave Yingchuan wealth and made us He’s financially ample, this is our capital for managing Yingchuan. Do you think Gao Yuan will give me this opportunity in the future? As long as he touches his upper and lower lips lightly, a trace of Chinese goods will not flow through. Furthermore. Taian is indeed at a critical point. It is difficult to defend because of the critical point. This is a piece of fat. Who doesn’t want it. If you have Yingchuan’s financial support and Wulong’s flanking cover and buffer, I am confident. Defend Tai'an, but these two places are gone. How can Tai'an alone become our foothold? That may only be our dead place."

Yin Cuo opened his mouth and tongue, listening to Tan Feng's words, the bad feeling in his heart grew stronger.

"I was regarded by Gao Yuan as a pig. I was fattened and could be killed, so I slaughtered it to eat meat without hesitation. It's ridiculous that I was so smart and smart that I could earn money from the Han people. To equip his own army and manage his own territory. Unexpectedly, this is all done for him!" The smile on Tan Feng's face gradually solidified, bitter and angry, making his face look very distorted, and the painful appearance made The people around shuddered.

Tan Feng thinks that he is one of the few intelligent people in this world, and there are few Liao and Liao who can make him admire. Even Lu Chao is worthless in his eyes. If it weren't for Li Ru's support all the way, the scholar, I don't know how many times I have died. But now, the cruel reality was ruthlessly hitting his self-confidence. It was really ironic that he was raised as a pig for a long time. Not only did he not know it, but he also felt complacent every day. This is really a great irony.

He staggered a few steps, his face turned pale, and suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"General!" Yin Cuo and the surrounding guards were shocked and rushed towards him.

"It's okay, it's okay!" With a knife, Tan Feng stood up straight and looked up at the sky, "I won't give up so easily. I still have tens of thousands of soldiers. I still have a fight. Power, I will never admit defeat, lofty, I still have a chance to compete with you."

Yin Cuo nodded again and again, "Yes, General, although we lost Yingchuan County, our main force still exists, and we did not lose."

"Yin Cuo, order your troops to take away everything Wulong County can take away, food, gold, silver and jewelry, weapons, and everything else that is still useful, including males and males who are higher than the whip, get rid of them. All those old and weak will be taken away, not only Wulong County, but also the Fucheng County below. I will give you one month to move everything that can be moved to Tai'an first." Tan Feng's face flashed. A hint of red.

"Yes, General, I understand." Yin mistakenly thought that Tan Feng finally figured it out and wanted to stick to Tai'an. A smile appeared on his face, but he ignored the first word in Tan Feng's last sentence.

"I want to leave Gao Yuan with a broken Wulong who has nothing. This hypocrite Gao Yuan will definitely slow down his progress and buy precious time for our next deployment. Yin wrong, don't forget. Before I left, I burned all the crops in the field to white ground. I want to make this year's Wulong, after autumn, a grain of grain won't be able to get up." Tan Feng said fiercely.

Yin Cuo shuddered, looking at Tan Feng's red eyes, he said loudly: "Observe the order, the general, and leave nothing."

Tan Feng didn't enter the Wulong County City that had just been defeated. He took his personal troops with him, and hurriedly returned to Tai'an as if he had arrived in a hurry.

In Yingshui County, among the divisions of the 88th Division, Gao Yuan is receiving the latest Han army rushing here, the famous ghost general Guli, the only female general among the active forces of the Han Dynasty.

"Gu Li is worthy of Gu Li, your Huns cavalry division will always advance the fastest. This point makes Gongsun Yi and Agu Huaen convinced!" Looking at Gu standing in front of him holding his helmet. Li, Gao Yuan laughed. "You arrived five days earlier than I planned."

Gu Li smiled, "The independent Huns cavalry division is ready to serve the king at any time. March is like wind and fire, and combat is like thunder. This is the king’s message to the independent Huns cavalry division. We are implementing this sentence all the time. , We can move forward at such a speed, and we can also benefit from the timely supply along the way."

Hearing Gu Fan's words, Gao Yuan laughed again, "Presumably, after you have passed by, the officials at the supply depot will scold you loudly because you made them messy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ They will definitely not think of you. The speed is so fast."

"If they are really in a hurry, I think the king should punish them. They should have an emergency plan. If there is no such thing, the Director of the Supply Department should be replaced."

"That's right, if you can't deal with emergencies, you really should change, but now it looks like they are doing pretty well, Ye Zhong will definitely come to me to claim credit afterwards. By the way, you didn't follow the pre-planned plan. Act." Gao Yuan smiled.

"Gu Li thought, now the king must need a cavalry to become a fast-strike force. So he accelerated the speed of advancement." Gu Li said.

"You are right. Based on my understanding of Tan Feng, he will definitely do something. Yingchuan will not come back. He knows that he will come back with meat buns and dogs. If there is a comeback, he will do everything he can. The most effective way to delay my actions is to destroy Wulong. I need your cavalry division to rush to Wulong and protect it as much as possible. Don’t let Tan Feng destroy it out of control. There, the next thing is our big man’s. Territory, I don’t want it to become a scorched earth.” Gao Yuan said: “In addition, it is impossible for them to get too much from Wulong, and it is also conducive to us forcing him to follow the path we have delineated for him.”

"Gu Li obeyed." (To be continued.)

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