I’m The King

Chapter 1383: : Compiled by Hanqi Tianxia (seventy-three)

Lu Zhihui stepped into a side room of the county office where Mingtai lived, and saw a person sitting in the room. He was shocked. He slammed his hand on the hilt of the knife and made a choking sound. He just pulled out half of it, his hand was already covered. A hand stretched out from the side held it tightly, and then pushed back the half-knife that had been pulled out.

"Deputy Commander Lu, this is my guest." Mingtai looked at Lu Zhihui with a smile.

Lu Zhihui took a deep breath, nodded, looked at the man, and said: "Gouxin, you are brave, and you are not afraid that the commander will break you into pieces."

Gou Xin smiled **** ho, "If the commander wants to smash my body into pieces, can Deputy Commander Lu see me? Deputy Commander Lu, I am here today, but I have been ordered by General Lu. Changfeng County [Pig^ Pig^ Island^ Novel][www].[zhu][].[] Everyone refers to a clear road."

"Well, you two, don't have to look at each other like a cockfight. Everyone is the important minister of the country, and everything you say and do is related to the country's great affairs. Let's sit down and discuss it!" Mingtai smiled faintly and sat straight. Then he said, "Gou Yi, you can make it clear, what kind of statute does General Lu have for us like Changfeng?"

Gou Yi nodded, cleared his throat, glanced at Lu Zhihui, and said: "Commander Ming, Deputy Commander Lu, now we can say that the general situation is set, although Changfeng still has tens of thousands of elite Xuanyi guards, But there is no food and grass inside and no reinforcements outside. To put it bluntly, even if General Lu does not send troops to crusade, you will not be able to hold on for a few days. I wonder if I am right?"

Mingtai said impatiently: "Our situation is clear to ourselves, and you don't need to remind you of it. You can directly say how General Lu can think easily!"

"It's Gouyi!" Gou Yi bowed, "General Lu's troops entered Xianyang not to rebel and usurp the throne, but to purify the emperor's side and to punish the traitor. Now the traitor Fan Zuo has been punishable, but Zhou Yu's rebellion is a pity. , Causing the great king to suffer, this is what General Lu never expected. But the matter has reached this point, but it is irreversible, and can only try to minimize the loss."

"Therefore, with regard to Changfeng’s 30,000 profound clothing guards and nobles, General Lu has absolutely no malice. This time he sent Gouyi to reassure Commander Ming and Deputy Commander Lu. Our soldiers, yes, I will never come to attack you."

Lu Zhihui snorted, "If this is the case, the first king died, shouldn't General Lu welcome the first king's son Yingji as the king, why did he set up the prince's posthumous son Yingji as the king?"

Gou Yi smiled: "Deputy Commander Lu, the first king favored the treacherous nephew, and the Qin was torn apart, and the war broke out. If the first king is falling, the first king will naturally choose the sage and stand, and the first prince's posthumous son. This I have been under the service of General Lu for more than ten years. It’s just that I didn’t say anything before. The first prince was not guilty and was killed by King Wu Lie. With the intention of establishing a pros and cons, General Lu was appointed as the king. There is no fault."

"No matter who stands, it is enough to sit on the throne." Mingtai glanced at Lu Zhihui and said indifferently: "Deputy Commander Lu, don't you think? Besides, Ying Ji is not here anymore. What's the point of arguing about these? The important thing is how to keep these tens of thousands alive.

Lu Zhihui sighed and stopped talking.

"The general said that if the Changfeng people are willing to submit to the court, they will not be blamed, the official position will remain the same, and the salary will not be reduced. When the government settles down, the new king will certainly have another reward." Gouyi said.

"The general still lets us lead troops?" Lu Zhihui asked in surprise.

"Why not?" Gou Yi said with a smile: "General Lu is a veteran on the battlefield. Now Da Qin is in a time of turbulent weather. He is in dire need of such talents as the old general. Naturally, he needs to use it a lot. If General Lu leads your troops to return, you will be the leader of Xuan Yiwei."

"Me?" Lu Zhihui was taken aback, "Now Commander Yuming Xuanyi is in full command."

"Commander Ming, the general has other arrangements. Commander Ming, what do you think?" Gou Yi turned his head and looked at Mingtai, Mingtai smiled: "Of course I have no opinion. But the general will definitely not go anymore. Let Xuan Yiwei Suwei Xianyang, right?"

Gou Yi nodded and said, "This is natural. I think this matter can be understood by both of you!"

Of course Lu Zhihui could understand that Lu Chao entered Xianyang, and if Xuanyiwei was allowed to guard Xianyang, he would probably not be able to sleep at night. "If we submit to the new dynasty, where are we going to settle next?" Lu Zhihui asked.

"Now that Qin is in danger, how can there be any place to relocate it?" Gou Yi slowly shook his head: "Lord Lu, I'm afraid you will have to fight the Quartet next. I wonder if you still have this ambition?"

"Fighting the Quartet?" Lu Zhihui's heart beat suddenly.

"Xuan Yiwei is the most elite soldier in the Qin Dynasty. I think that a dozen years ago, the Xianwu Lie King led 20,000 Xuan Yiwei at Hangu Pass, and he forcibly withstood the madness of the tens of thousands of troops of Zhao Guo and Zhao Mu. Attack, such an elite team, how can he stay in the city of Xianyang and get moldy? Right now, the country is full of smoke and the Chu people occupy a large area of ​​my southern territory. Daqin can be described as internal and external troubles. It is time for Xuan Yiwei to contribute, Lu Commander, are you willing to lead the army to fight?" Gou Yi asked.

"Naturally willing." Lu Zhi stood up magnificently.

"Okay!" Gou Yi also slapped the table and stood up. "The general said, as long as Commander Lu is willing to obey the order of the new king, he will immediately be named Changfenghou, and he will be the leader of Xuan Yiwei and lead Xuan Yiwei to the south. , One is to pursue and destroy the king of the assassination, the rebellious Zhou Yu's subordinate, and the other is to resist Chu's invasion and stabilize the situation in the south. Lu commander, Zhou Yu's subordinate is vigorous and capable, and the people of Chu are also long-standing and aggressive. , This burden is unclear!"

"The final general can afford it!" Lu Zhihui swallowed, Zhou Yu assassinated the king in front of Xuan Yiwei, and then smashed the encirclement from Xuan Yiwei, leaving Xuan Yiwei faceless, regardless of Yu Gong Yu Si, chasing down Zhou Yu's subordinates, is what he most wants to do.

"As long as the grain and grass gather and the weapons are replenished, the general will be able to attack immediately."

"Commander Lu is refreshed, rest assured, when Commander Lu launches an armament, the food, grass, and ordnance will naturally be replenished." Gou Yi smiled.

"Congratulations Lu Houye." Mingtai stood up and bowed his hand to Lu Zhihui. "Zhou Yu has already led his troops to flee to his lair in the south. This time Lu Houye led his troops to chase, and he was naturally victorious."

"Thank you Ming Commander Ji Yan." Lu Zhihui clasped his fists in return, "Then I will prepare for this."

"General Lu, please." Gou Yi said in unison with Mingtai.

Lu Zhihui had just stepped forward to go out, and a black ice platform guard hurriedly stepped in. "Commander, Commander Lu, just now, the princess and empress just hanged herself."

The three of them were all startled for a while, and Mingtai smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter if you die. That's it! Find a coffin to restrain him, and then transport it back to Xianyang."

There were only Mingtai and Gouyi left in the room. They looked at each other and both laughed. "The commander has nothing to do. The general admires him very much. When he came, the general asked the humble position to tell Ming. Commander, official position of the new dynasty, what do you want?"

Mingtai shook his head, "I don't want anything. I have everything I want. If the general is not in doubt, I'll do it on the Black Ice Platform! Other things, forget it."

"Sure enough!" Gou Yi said with a smile: "The general had long expected that the Ming commander would definitely demand this. The general asked me to tell you that the Eagles will be merged into the Black Ice Platform from today, and the command will make you unified command. He also named the Ming commander as Yongshouhou, and Yongshou County as the food town."

"Mingtai would like to thank the general for the award." Ming raised a smile and nodded: "The eagle is a sharp blade in the general's hand, but I didn't expect the general to give the eagle to me."

"The general said that he regards the commander as a brother. Since it is a sharp edge, he naturally has to leave it to his brother Fang Shou Anxin." Gouyi smiled.

"You are the commander of the Eagle Department, and the Eagle Department gave it to me. Where are you going to go back to the army?" Mingtai asked while looking at Gou Yi.

"Although Xuan Yiwei is attached, I have to say whether it can be useful or not. The general meant to let me join Xuan Yiwei first, and temporarily take care of all the logistics of Xuan Yiwei in the name of the lieutenant!" Gou Righteous way.

"Mixed with sand!" Mingtai smiled.

"It's already like this. I will join Xuan Yiwei with five thousand people and slowly put this elite force into my bag. Even if Lu Zhihui is attached, there are still many generals in Xuan Yiwei, so I don't have to be convinced. "

"This is a long-term plan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhou Yu's fifty thousand people, don't underestimate it!"

"Commander, you forgot, Zhou Yu's subordinate was formerly under Meng Tian's subordinates. In these years, Zhou Yu just tried to draw them together, did not break them up and reorganize them, and did not mix them with sand. While Meng Tian was still there, he strongly supported him. The prince. This is one of the reasons why King Wu Lie must take Meng Tian away with him in the end."

Mingtai froze for a moment, and suddenly understood, "It turns out that Li Yingzhun is the king and there is this meaning in it."

"Yes, do these old men of Mengtian have some innate sense of intimacy with Yingzhun? The two sons of Mengtian have also agreed to the general and will go south in person." Gouyi said, " Zhou Yu is not worried."

Mingtai said with emotion: "The general's one step is considered three steps. It is indeed a wasteful strategy. After winning Zhou Yu, is the general really ready to fulfill his agreement with Han?"

"The matter has reached this point. Of course, it must be fulfilled. The Chu people have occupied the southern part of Daqin. We must take it back. Otherwise, how can we regain the hearts of the people in the country? I have to swallow it too!" (To be continued.)

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