I’m The King

Chapter 1384: : Hanqi Tianxia (seventy-four) no road

Taian County Town.

Tan Feng slowly tore the report he had just received into shreds, and then tore the shreds, and then lifted his hand to sweep away. The sky full of confetti was flying around the room, like snow falling from the sky.

"Brother Zhou, Brother Zhou, if you didn't listen to my persuasion, you ended up with this." Tan Feng was disappointed and sighed up to the sky. Although Zhou Yu has parted ways with him since he killed King Yan Wang Ji Maing and has not contacted him for many years, Tan Feng believes that he has nothing to do with Zhou Yu. On the contrary, if he did not make a decisive decision to kill Ji Maing, now he and Zhou Yu, I'm afraid it is already a pile of bones.

Although Zhou Yu had cut his robes with him, Tan Feng still considered Zhou Yu as his only remaining friend deep down. Zhou Yu is the kind of extremely upright person, what he has identified = pig = Pig=Island=Fiction=www=zhuua=Love, and he will go on forever. He is also a person Tan Feng is willing to believe, because he will not betray himself.

"General Tan!" Sima Yan stepped in. "The army is almost done sweeping in Tai'an. The grain, property, and Ding Zhuang that can be taken away are all ready."

Tan Feng nodded, "It's time for us to leave, the Han army cavalry Guli's subordinate has already appeared in Tai'an, and Chen Bin's subordinate has also moved in from Yingchuan to Tai'an. We can't stay here anymore. Yin Cuo Is there any news?"

"Yin Cuo sent people back and said that there is no defense in Jiaocheng of Chu State. Jiaocheng has only about 3,000 local guards to defend. General Yin has sent about 500 elites to sneak into Jiaocheng. Once we attack the city, Immediately, they will be able to reconcile inside and outside, and take the city." Sima Yan said.

"Jiaocheng is in a dangerous position. Controlling Jiaocheng, the north can stop the Han army from attacking, and the south can enter the hinterland of the Chu people. This is a good place for us to recuperate and rejuvenate now. And where to go, we can consider the situation of the world before making plans. Tan Feng said.

Sima Yan was silent for a moment, "General, we have always had a good relationship with the Chu people. Now that the undeclared battle to win Jiaocheng will anger the Chu people, then we will be defeated by the enemy. And although Jiaocheng is dangerous, But the production is not abundant. Jiaocheng is not enough to feed our tens of thousands of troops. What's more, we have brought so many strong men this time?"

Tan Feng looked at Sima Yan: "Sima, where do you think we can feed our tens of thousands of troops now? No, Yingchuan can feed it, but we are lost. Wulong Tai'an can feed it, but we can’t keep it going. , We can’t support ourselves.”

"What do you do later?"

"Sima, we have soldiers in our hands. Why should I order Wulong to be robbed, and order Taian to be searched three feet high, because we have to hold on for at least one year, during this year. We may fight against Chu people, or fight against Chu people. The Han Chinese fight, but as long as we persist, we will have bargaining chips. Sima. Do you now know why I brought so many strong men? Fighting is killing people, and the army needs to be supplemented." Tan Feng sighed. .

"One year! Whether Han people or Chu people, they are two Big Macs for us. It's really hard to say whether they can survive a year!" Sima Yan shook his head.

"The number of years is just my worst plan, and both Han and Chu. They are also enemies. It is unlikely that they will work together to attack us. It is more likely that one party will fight and the other will fight. But desperately to tear down the platform, this is our vitality! And Jiaocheng is in a dangerous terrain, we have tens of thousands of troops in hand, so it is not a problem to hold."

"The general sees it clearly. From now on, we will have the right and left sides, balance the two sides, and discuss the benefits." Sima Yan nodded again and again, "General, if Lu Chao also comes to us in the future, how should we deal with it?"

"If you take advantage of it, what can't you do?" Tan Feng smiled bitterly, "In the future, let's be the King of Mountain in Jiaocheng."

Sima Yan also smiled bitterly, "I really didn't expect that Lu Chao took Xianyang so quickly, and now Xuan Yiwei has also surrendered to him, Lu Chao's strength has greatly increased, in the Qin State, Zhou Yuchao is not safe, and Bai Qi is far away from Qianshan. Wan Shui, waiting for Lu Chao to vacate his hand, Bai Qi will either surrender or be destroyed. When Lu Chao raised his troops, I never thought of it. In less than two months, Lu Chao won. General, you How did you judge that Lu Chao would definitely win?"

"Lu Chao is not the kind of lonely person." Tan Feng said: "When he brazenly sent troops, I was almost certain that he was sure of winning, but after thinking about it, his only chance of victory should be There is an accomplice with great power in Xianyang City, but I did not expect that it would end in such a way, but I pity General Zhou Yu and become their scapegoat. The world is so big that Zhou Yu is afraid that there is nowhere to go. Up."

"Does the general now know who the helper is? I'm still in the mist, I can't guess it!"

"Now that the matter is up, there is nothing left to guess, it must be that Mingtai is undoubtedly." Tan Feng sneered: "The king is also blind, the commander of the Black Ice Platform, he is more trusted by the king than Xuan Yiwei. The head of his secret army is actually an accomplice of the rebels, and it really makes people laugh out of it."

"How could it be Mingtai?" Sima Yan said in surprise. "As far as I know, Mingtai has been in the king's mansion since childhood. They grew up almost together. They have deep feelings. Mingtai is extremely trusted by the king. Once the king became the throne, he could not wait to replace Zhongli. How could he be a spy if Mr. Zhong Hou let Mingtai be on top?"

"If you replace Zhong Houye, you are doomed to fail for the king. I calculated that Zhou Yu was stolen. Who can do it except Mingtai? The Xianyang mess, if the 30,000 Xuanyiwei reacted properly, as for Abandoning the city and fleeing? If Xuan Yiwei fights to the death, and Zhou Yu escapes from Xianyang, in order to prove his innocence, he will inevitably lead his army to attack Lu Chao, the whole battle still has a turning point, but Xuan Yiwei just fled 30,000 Xuanyiwei, Qin’s strongest armed forces!" Tan Feng laughed loudly: "Here is a prince’s posthumous son who will be the king. Over there, the prince’s elder son wins Ji. Just hit Liu Shi and died, Sima Yan, if Mingtai is not a spy, and he flees with troops, Gongzi Ji should be the object of his efforts to protect. This is the basis of his counterattack. You can imagine the boy under the protection of heavy soldiers. Ji died in the middle of the arrow?"

"The general really makes a lot of sense to say so." Sima Yan said in a dumbfounded manner.

"Although I don't know why Mingtai wants to help Lu Chao, I firmly believe that Mingtai is the spy." Tan Feng sneered, "Sima, send a few people to the south to see if you can meet General Zhou and let him come. Let me come here!"

"General, although General Zhou is currently in trouble, he still has tens of thousands of troops capable of conquering and fighting. Although the Chu people have captured most of the southern land of the Qin State, Tan Wei is still insisting on Sanchuan County. As long as he returns to Sanchuan County, General Zhou will have someone There is a place, Lu Chao wants to repel the Chu people and regain the lost ground, but he still has to win over him. How will he come to us? How do you think General Zhou’s situation is much better than ours, but the general sent someone to contact Zhou. The general is also a good thing. The general and him are brothers and friends. If they can unite and support each other, they can do both."

"If you really want to be like this, that's fine, but with Zhou Yu's temperament, I'm afraid that he can't do this, and Lu Chao, how can he tolerate him returning to Sanchuan County as an enemy? Sanchuan County may not be able to defend the current offensive." Tan Feng shook his head and said, "You send a few proper people. If Zhou Yu can return to Sanchuan, we will contact him to help each other. If he is in trouble, think The way to save him, Zhou Yu is a rare fighter. If our brothers can join hands again, life might be better!"

"Yes, General, I'll do it right away."

Watching Sima Yan go out, Tan Feng sighed lightly, Brother Zhou, I hope you can hold it.

In the south of the Chu Kingdom, in Sanchuan County, Tan Wei was standing at the head of the city. His armor was stained with blood and damaged everywhere. Chu's army was 200,000. When Lu Chao launched a mutiny, he also suddenly sent out. The thunder could not hide his ears and captured most of the southern part of the Qin Kingdom. What Tan Wei could do was to shrink all his forces and defend the core city of Sanchuan County in the south. If the city of Sanchuan County was lost, it represented the entire south. Fall into the hands of Chu people.

"General Tan, they are going to attack again, so they should go and hide for a while." A separate soldier took Tan Wei's arm and said loudly, in the distance, the drums of war in the Chu army camp ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A new catapult was pushed out, but now, these catapults are not throwing stone bullets, but explosives. When Mao Wei was kidnapped, he finally set up a workshop in the whole city on the border of Chu and Qin. Apprentices on both sides were sent to learn how to prepare explosives. This also made both sides not lack of gunpowder and weapons. This time the Chu people were in the process of attacking the south. Gunpowder weapons were used in large quantities, which is why Tan Wei was able to defend Sanchuan County until now with only 5,000 people. Otherwise, with nearly seven or eight times the strength of the Chu army to Tan Wei, Sanchuan County would have been taken down long ago. But until now, Tan Wei has reached the end of the mountain. Gunpowder weapons are sharp to defend the city, but the siege is also powerful. Until now, Tan Wei has only less than a thousand soldiers left in his hands, and the rest are in Sanchuan County. Temporarily recruited young men.

"Everyone hides Luo, packs up our weapons, and lets them take prestige for a while, and then blow them to death when they attack the city." Tan Wei shouted angrily.

One by one, explosive bags were thrown into the sky by slings and landed on the county city. The city’s head was already torn apart by the bombing. Now many places are gathered by temporary barriers with sandbags, and the soldiers hide behind the barriers built by sandbags. Avoid bombardment.

After several rounds of bombardment, the war drum was beaten again, and the Chu army pushed the siege truck, and carried the ladder, swarming. In these days, the Chu army had used all sorts of tricks to capture Sanchuan County, but Tan Wei was a veteran on the battlefield, and his defense was so dripping that he could only rely on this pile of lives to attack Sanchuan County. . (To be continued.)

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