I’m The King

Chapter 1385: : Han Qi Tianxia (seventy-five) fierce battle 3 Chuan County

After looking at the already dilapidated Sanchuan County City, he still stood proudly in front of him. He couldn't help but hate his teeth. The appearance of gunpowder changed many modes of war. Many of his previous experiences were completely useless. Although his side possesses amazingly powerful gunpowder weapons such as dynamite bags, clay pot grenade, etc., the Qin people on the opposite side also have them.

The attack on the southern part of the State of Qin was extremely smooth at first. Zhou Yu took away his main force. Only 5,000 people from the veteran general Tan Wei remained in the southern part of the southern part with strong combat effectiveness. The entry of the Chu army swept the entire area like a windstorm. In the south of Qin State, but the old and spicy Tan Wei did not disperse his forces to support other cities that were destined to be lost. He shrank all his five thousand elites to Sanchuan County, and he even mobilized all the local troops he could mobilize. They were also concentrated in the Sanchuan County City, and a complete defense system was built from the inside to the outside. From half a month ago, they competed for the Sanchuan County City. When they hit the Sanchuan County City, he had already *pig*pig*island. *The novel w.zuzd has cost thousands of casualties.

This ratio of casualties makes Qu Wanxi very painful. If it were still in the Cold Weapon era, the Chu Army, which had an absolute advantage over troops, would definitely not pay such a price, but it is different now, an explosive. If the package hits, a dozen or even dozens of lives can be harvested immediately.

Many of the people who died had no injuries at all. According to the doctors who accompanied the army, they were shaken to death alive, and there was nothing to be seen on the outside. In fact, the internal organs had already suffered a heavy blow, and even people seemed fine at the time. In the next few days, he died slowly and painfully, with no cure at all.

Without taking control of Sanchuan Juncheng, the central city in the south, the Chu people would not be able to control the southern part of the Qin State. Although they felt extremely annoyed, Qu Wan could only gather energy and organize troops. Initiating wave after wave of attacks, I paid a lot of money, but Tan Wei’s deaths and injuries were not much better than his own. Even with the use of troops, he still has the absolute upper hand, and it only takes three or two days. After Qu, he believed that he would be able to take down Sanchuan County and end the war.

Although his men had 200,000 troops, after occupying the vast southern part of the Qin people, their troops would go out like beans. Now there are only 80,000 people gathered under Sanchuan County.

Another wave of offensive was defeated. Every time the city began to attack from a distance, the people on the city were like mice, not knowing where to hide, but as long as the pawns attacked the city, they would be like ghosts. It popped up, like the siege fighters crowded in the city throwing grenades, explosive bags and other weapons, turning the city into a sea of ​​corpses and blood. Attacks again and again. Failure again and again, and then repeat the rhythm of the previous round.

After Qu Wanyao looked at Sanchuan County City, most of the battlements had been destroyed by the explosion and were now on the head of Sanchuan County City. Most of them were temporary walls built with sandbags, but it was such a city that seemed to fall at any time, forcibly shutting itself out of the door.

The news of the Han army's attack on Tanfeng's Yingchuan County and the specific battle report have been sent to Qu Wan, which records the Han army's detailed process of conquering Yingchuan. When I heard that the Han army had captured Yingchuan County, which was guarded by nearly 20,000 people, within a day. Qu Wan's first reaction was that Tan Feng's Yingchuan County was purely good looking. The strength of the Han army in Yingshui is not much different from the strength of Tan Feng staying to guard Yingchuan County. Just like this Sanchuan County in front of me, there are 5,000 regular soldiers, plus some local guards, young and strong, who have not known the number, so I can't make any progress after tossing here for half a month.

But when he read the detailed military newspaper, the whole person was shocked and silent.

The Han army has issued new weapons.

Gunpowder is an invention of the Han people. At present, whether the Chu army or the Qin people, under the Sanchuan County, the gunpowder weapons of both sides play a vital role, but obviously, the Han army has thrown them far away from the use of gunpowder. Behind him.

Like a thunderbolt, the red iron bomb straddled the Yingshui River like a burning fireball, hitting the gate tower of Yingchuan City. Wherever it passed, the wall was destroyed and the column collapsed, and the sky rose steeply. One such ammunition made the city wall. The long distance above is no one inhabited, and the tragic situation is shocking. Although the fortresses and fortifications built by the Yingchuan people are reinforced with cement, they have little defensive power under the attack of such weapons. After careful investigation, the Han people call this weapon artillery.

This is a detailed description of this weapon of the Han army on the battle report. Qu Wan thought about the battle between the Han and Qin armies in Lubin that he had received some time ago. There was also a mention of this weapon called artillery of the Han army. Comparing the descriptions on both sides, Qu found that it appeared on the two battlefields. The size of the guns of Yingshui City is not the same. The guns owned by the Han Army in Yingshui City are obviously larger and have a longer range. This shows that this artillery of the Han army is not a single product, but a series of multiple products with different uses. Just like the trebuchets built by Da Chu, they are assembled into a covering strike net according to the distance of the firing range. But obviously, these trebuchets will become **** as soon as the artillery is released.

After crossing the Yingshui River, the power is still enough to destroy the world, and this range is enough to make any trebuchet of the Chu army helpless.

After Qu found this problem, he read the battle in Yingchuan County carefully, and he couldn't help but sighed. Under that situation, the fighting method chosen by the Dan Feng Department of Gongsunzhi was extremely correct. It was him. The only chance of victory is where he is, and there is only one way to choose, and he is almost close to victory. It's just a pity that where Gao Yuan actually appeared has become the key to regaining this battle.

Why did Gao Yuan appear in Yingshui? Is Tan Feng so worthy of attention in Gao Yuan's mind? Must this heroic founding king of the nation be conquered by himself?

Qu Wan drew a question mark in his heart. The people of Chu have invested a lot of money on Tan Feng. 3617 hope that Tan Feng can become Chu’s help in the future, or Gao Yuan himself has noticed this problem and must first take down Tan Feng. It is said that this There are still some personal grievances between the two. Now Tan Feng is finished, and Tan Feng who has lost Yingchuan will become a homeless stray dog. Lu Chao wouldn't accept him, Tan Feng's only place, or it was really only a way to go to Chu State, but without Tan Feng in Yingchuan County, would it be worthy of Chu State's attention? Even if he still has an army, he can only become a thug.

Qu Wan really didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing for Chu State?

"How many explosives do we have?" He turned around and asked the marching Sima beside him.

"General, we still have enough gunpowder. Together with the war, we have taken control of the city. Now Maowei and all the skilled craftsmen in the city's workshops are in our hands. As long as the raw materials are sufficient, we can continuously make gunpowder. Come." Marching Sima replied.

"Very well, I want to blow Sanchuan County to the ground, and I don't want to delay here anymore. If Sanchuan County does not take it for a day, the southern part of Qin Kingdom will not be able to really settle down. I want to end this war as soon as possible, or next , Our Chu State Council is facing a more significant test." Qu Wan said.

"Understand the general, don't worry, I will go to the whole city to supervise it myself. As soon as the gunpowder there is finished, I will send someone to the general to bring it to the general." Marching Sima nodded.

"Thanks for working hard. After taking Sanchuan County, we can discuss a truce with Qin State. Lu Chao just captured Xianyang, and it must take a long time to stabilize the domestic situation. Zhou Yu and Bai Qi belong to him. He doesn't clean them up. He doesn't have the energy to fight with us, but if Sanchuan County is delayed and we are dragged here, the situation will be hard to say." Qu finished.

As soon as the curtain was lifted, a lieutenant walked in, "General, just received the news that the Battle of Xianyang was over, Lu Chao invaded Xianyang, Xuan Yiwei escaped from Xianyang and was trapped in Changfeng County. Lu The posthumous son of the late prince of the Qin State has become the king, and he is the minister in power."

"Where did Yingzhun come from?" Qu Wan was taken aback, "Why did Lu Chao take Xianyang so quickly?"

The lieutenant shook his head, "What I have received is only preliminary news. It seems that Zhou Yu and Xuan Yiwei have clashed and fought in the city of Xianyang. This caused the Lu Army to take advantage of the void and take Xianyang."

"How is Zhou Yu now? Is he alive or dead?"

"Zhou Yu is still alive~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and his main force has not been damaged much. Now he is taking his troops to Sanchuan County day and night, General, we are running out of time, if Zhou Yu hurried back, we will face the elite tens of thousands of Qin army." The lieutenant looked a little stern.

Qu finished standing up and said, "I can't wait, I can't wait anymore. Send my order, siege the city, take turns, and attack Sanchuan County City without stopping. Before Zhou Yu rushes back, we must take it. ."

The battle for Sanchuan County, which had been silent for less than half a day, began again. This time, Tan Wei clearly felt the difference in the strength of his opponents. The Chu army launched an attack on Sanchuan County like a lunatic, and they even risked their own fire. The risk of accidental injury of the fried bag is forward impact. The opponent's long-range suppression had just ended, and the Chu army had already begun to climb the city wall, and the fastest had already emerged from the city wall.

Although I don’t know what stimulus made Qu Wan go crazy, Tan Wei knows very well that Sanchuan County Town has reached the most critical juncture. If it can survive this wave, Sanchuan County Town may be preserved. If it fails, everything will happen. All rest.

"Kill, kill the South Barbarian down to the city." Tan Wei waved his big knife, and rushed up first. (To be continued.)

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