I’m The King

Chapter 1392: :Hanqi Tianxia (82) United weak strikes strong

The sudden bad news made the three people who were just immersed in the triumphant thoughts of victory frightened and angry. Although Tan Feng is the character they have been trying to win over, in their eyes, it is nothing but a resource to use. It’s just a more combative dog. In their hearts, you can only want what I give to you, but if I don’t give it to you, you can’t grab it. What's more, Tan Feng sits on tens of thousands of troops. If they can hold on to Tai'an, they will wait until the Chu army has negotiated with Lu Chao after taking the southern part of the Qin State, so that the two countries will reunite and give the Han army in Tai'an, Wulong and Yingchuan. Hit hard, but as Tan Feng gave up Tai'an, this idea became completely fantasy.

"Around Jiaocheng, what other army can we mobilize?" Huang Xie's first reaction was to mobilize the army, counterattack Jiaocheng, and kill Tan Feng, an unfamiliar dog.

"The terrain of Jiaocheng is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Here, we originally had three {pigs} pig islands {small} stationed there. Said 3.zhu thousand troops. Apart from this army, there is no standing army around Jiaocheng, which is even more important. The thing is, Jiaocheng is the wealthy Guangyuan County. This is a land of fish and rice. If Tan Feng takes Jiaocheng and rushes to Guangyuan County, I am afraid that Guangyuan will be difficult to resist." Qu Zhong's face was as gloomy as it was about to drip. "The incident happened suddenly. In a short period of time, we could not mobilize enough troops to launch a counterattack. Even Guangyuan did not have the defensive strength. The current plan is to send someone to negotiate with Tan Feng to see if this person wants. What?"

Huang Xie thought for a moment, and said helplessly: "Now it can only be so. It's best to hold Tan Feng and wait until the war on the other side is over, then look back, and then take care of this white-eyed wolf."

"This can only be done. But we still have to prepare to mobilize soldiers and horses here, so let Bi Xuan prepare. If there is no response, the arrogance will rise in vain." Qu Zhong thought for a while, said.

Bi Xuan has risen all the way since the first battle of the whole city, which severely damaged the new army of the Han army, and now he has become the commanding general of the Yingcheng Imperial Guards. "Bi Xuan led an army of 30,000 to Jiaocheng, while negotiating with Tan Feng. While preparing to start war with him, Tan Feng had only two ways, either completely surrendered to our country, or became a fan." Huang Xie said angrily.

In a few words, the two decided on a strategy, but such a sudden turnout dispelled some of the worries that Qu Zhong had just surrendered to Zhou Yu's subordinates. Zhao Shucheng's mark on the map was only halfway through and then left there. The three of them began to prepare for Bi Xuan's dispatch of troops, and left the matter behind, ten days later. Sorrowful and regretful, he turned his head almost overnight.

If they had done this at that time and Qu Jong saw the situation on both sides on the map, he would have reminded Qu Wan to be careful, because Zhou Yu, who claimed to surrender, and Xuanyi Guard’s post were located. The position of the squad is an outflanking situation against Qu Wan's headquarters.

Of course, by that time, everything is too late.

By the Yingshui River, Dasha Yang stared at his lord as if struck by lightning. After he successfully caught a fish, Gao Yuan also announced to him the task he was going to complete next, but this task seemed so incredible to Dasha Yang.

He actually led his troops into the southern part of Qin State to join forces with Qin Yi. In one fell swoop, the 200,000 elite Chu people led by Chu Jiang Qu was besieged and then annihilated.

For a long time, Dasha Yang felt that Dahan must first destroy the State of Qin, and then slowly plot the State of Chu. Because in any case, the current state of Chu is much stronger than the state of Qin. Whether it is financial or military strength, things are of course easy first and then difficult. But now, the order issued by the king is just the opposite.

"Why, why?" Yang Dasha was really silly, looking at Gao Yuan sluggishly, and asked: "Qin State is vacant now, why don't you kill them first?"

Gao Yuan smiled triumphantly, picked up the fishing rod again, put the bait on, and put the hook into the water. "Qin Guo is now a sickly patient. It can only be said to be a centipede, dead but not stiff. The threat of the big man has been reduced to a minimum. His future ideals are nothing more than self-protection. Even if they only think about this goal, they are afraid that they are not able to grasp it, but Chu is different. Chu has a vast land and a large number of people. Whether it is financial or national power, it is not comparable to the current Qin State. What is even more rare is that under the stimulus of the rise of our great man, the lion that has slept for many years in Chu State has begun to awaken. In the past few years, in Huang Xie, Qu Under the heavy auspices, the state of Chu has been very effective in both military reforms and internal affairs reforms. The national strength is being strengthened step by step. After the country becomes prosperous and the people become stronger, it is natural to think that what we big guys are thinking now and are doing is unification. "Central Plains, build a great country." Gao Yuan said leisurely. "King Chuhuai is not a qualified emperor, but this person can know people and use their elbows. The three monarchs and ministers complement each other. If we continue to develop with this momentum, it will not take a few years for Chu people to become the strongest among us. Opponents, in fact, now they have the capital to be different from us."

"In the case of Qin, the situation is just the opposite. Dasha, you said that we are uniting with a guy who is not threatening to us now and in the future to kill a guy who is very threatening to us now and in the future. The threatening guy joins forces to kill the weak guy in front of us who is not a threat to us, okay?"

This passage was like a tongue twister, and it made Yang Das' eyes turn white when he heard it, but he understood what it meant. Qin had no threat to Dahan. Now he unites them and kills Chu, and he will be the rising of Chu. Guo Ge went on the ground, then turned around and slowly cleaned up the weak and sick beast Da Qin.

"Does the Qin people agree to unite with us?" Yang Dasha asked weakly.

"Lu Chao had no choice. Either he agreed to join hands with me to overthrow the Chu Kingdom, or I would join hands with Chu to carve up the Qin Kingdom. How to choose? Isn't it difficult to make a choice?" Gao Yuan laughed. stand up.

"But the king, even if Lu Chao had no choice, Qin Guo didn't understand that we would still deal with him after all. He did this to quench his thirst by drinking a dove. Lu Chao is not an idiot. He doesn't understand the truth. !" Dasha Yang raised another question.

"Of course he understands, and he understands the principle of drinking a dove to quench thirst, but he may not die if he drinks this glass of poisoned wine, but if he doesn't drink it, he will die immediately. What's more, you think he doesn't have a child of his own. An abacus?" Gao Yuan laughed. "The result of the discussions between Lu Chao and us was that he only promised to get rid of the 200,000 elites who had been defeated with us. As for the future, it is all on our own. After this battle, Lu Chao will take back the occupation of Chu. As for the entire southern part of the Qin State, he did not take any of the Chu State's land. But he would also withdraw from the war."

"You promised?"

"Accepted. Chu was originally a big country with a million armours. After the reform of the military system, the standing army was no more than 300,000. After this time, Qu brought to the southern border of Qin to account for a third of the Chu people's standing army. Second, if we destroy this army, we will break the backbone of Chu State. Will we be able to withstand our offensive next? Even if they mobilize across the country, those farmers who have just put down their hoes can be fully armed and trained. The opponents of the plain army, not to mention, our work in Chu State has not been done in vain over the years. Their most prosperous Jiangnan region has never stopped fighting riots."

Dasha Yang has also heard about this. Among the senior officials in Han, this is the case of the famous silk eaters. They were imported into Chu through the improved machinery of Han, which made Chu's expertise in silk weaving. With the advancement of science and technology, the price of silk has fallen sharply, leading to a rapid increase in sales. A large amount of land is used to grow mulberry trees, raise silkworms and reel silk, and the efficiency of the factory has been greatly reduced, and the hand-workshop-style home weaving has been greatly reduced. The industry was almost completely run down. While the merchants and the government were making a lot of money, ordinary people fell into the abyss of pain, and the riots began. It can be said that this in itself is the perfect implementation of Han's deliberate and long-term subversion plan.

In Han, they have also experienced this stage, but they have a big king Gao Yuan who understands this process~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Therefore, in this process of transformation, Han has done a lot of work in advance. , And other major developments in industry and commerce have also made great efforts to divert manpower and solve the problem of feeding the population. This makes the Han country pass this pass without any surprises. On the other hand, Chu country, because of the single industry and commerce industry, it is impossible to be like Han. In the same way, if manpower is diverted and employment is resolved, contradictions will inevitably arise.

In other words, a few years ago, Han had basically established its own grand political strategy and determined the process of unifying the world from Chu to Qin. In good terms, this is far-sighted, but Yang Dasha felt at this moment. What I think is, ah, it's so insidious, so insidious, but I like it.

"The conditions for cooperation proposed by Lu Chao are that he feels that the Chu Kingdom’s 800-year dynasty, five thousand miles of rivers and mountains, even without these 200,000 elites, it is absolutely impossible to be destroyed by my big man in a short time. If we Han Guo can get into a stalemate with Chu State, which makes it difficult to ride a tiger. It is too beneficial to his Da Qin Ke. He has a lot of time to regain the old mountains and rivers, rectify the national strength, and even between the two of us. Going both ways to get the best benefit." Gao Yuan laughed.

"He wants to be beautiful." Yang Dashao eagerly got up, "My lord, when will I leave? I can't wait. After that, it's the **** who designed to harm our new army. I'm about to Find him to settle an account. Just like the king said, eat my food and spit it out to me, and take mine back to me, plus interest." (To be continued.)

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