I’m The King

Chapter 1393: : Hanqi Tianxia (83) Inland Water Division

Fenzhou, Dahan Neihe Water Division Camp. Several navy warships slowly approached the pier, while shouting, throwing cables, dropping anchors, and setting up springboards. The sailors on the ship cheered and leaped. Several days of training on the water, eating, drinking, and sleeping were all solved on the ship. I have suffered a lot, but in the past few years, such days have basically been rotated once a month, and everyone has become accustomed to it. The price of this is that the combat effectiveness of this navy fleet has risen sharply. In the past, they could only suppress water bandits and check smuggling. They were at best a water policeman, but now they can proudly say that they are soldiers.

The leader of this navy fleet is Li Quan.

The name Li Quan is extremely unfamiliar to most people of Dahan, but when it comes to his father Li Can, I am afraid that the whole Dahan is unknown to everyone. When Dahan first established the country, Li $猪$猪$岛$ novel (www).(zhu)(zhu)().() Chan was the first former Yanguozhou prefecture to surrender to the Dahan, and because he was familiar with maritime affairs, after surrendering Sitting in a political affairs hall in the Dahan Political Affairs Hall, he was in charge of maritime affairs. The great man who valued overseas trade and colonization also made Li Canru a fish. In just a few years, Li's maritime strength has also developed in a blowout pattern with the expansion of the great man overseas, and it has become out of the question. The maritime giant, but three years ago, Li Can was suddenly demoted from the seat of Maritime Minister to Cangzhou as the principal of the navy army for no reason, which is astonishing and inexplicable.

Of course, for those who know the inside story, the punishment for Li Can is still light. This is mainly due to the influence of Li’s influence on maritime affairs and their strength at sea. One of the largest foreign trade companies, conspired to destroy another capable fleet in Ryukyu, which led to Gao Yuan's rage.

Li Can was demoted, and Hai’s overseas trade and colonial policies had also undergone earth-shaking changes. The imperial court strongly encouraged private capital to enter the sea, and could obtain sea ships from shipyards with loans and buy artillery from the imperial court. Encouraging joint ventures, etc., stimulated by the imperial government’s policies, and also stimulated by the huge profits of overseas trade and colonialism, the overseas trade of Dahan has entered the period of development of Burpeng, and a large number of hands have accumulated countless wealth, and have entered the land business. The big businessmen in the bottleneck period began to march overseas, and after Li's shipping suffered this blow, they also shrank their necks honestly, and Fenzhou Shipping took the opportunity to rise. Now the joint venture company of the twelve ship owners in Fenzhou can fight against Cangzhou or even surpass it.

When the incident happened that year, Li Quan had already achieved the position of lieutenant in the naval fleet, and was regarded by the navy commander Kou Shuguang as the best candidate to succeed him. However, Li Quan was implicated in the incident and transferred away. In the position of lieutenant admiral, he was placed in the inland water division as a commander.

The navy lieutenant, who had a promising future, was suddenly transferred to a similar position, but power. Li Quan's psychological gap can be imagined for other river navy masters whose prospects are very different, but he also knows very well that the king is already merciful. According to the sins committed by his father, in the past, even the nine tribes were justified.

After a period of frustration, Li Quan cheered up again. He was originally the youngest member of the family, and he was not taken seriously. Back then, his father sent him into the navy. It is more of an expression of showing sincerity to the King of Han, but he was originally a scholar who followed Kou Shuguang in the wind and rain for several years in the maritime military career, but he was born to grind him into a stern soldier. . In the overseas colonization, killing and decisive, you can not tolerate the slightest hesitation at all, the bright red blood has already worn away his original scholarship.

Among the inland navy divisions, Li Quan began to rectify his military discipline and retrain his troops. Even if he could not be a dragon in the sea, Li Quan did not want to be a loach in the inland river.

In three years, Li Quan was soaked in this river navy master and never returned home. First, he wanted to start a new career. Secondly, he complained to his father from the bottom of his heart. Although the son did not say that his father had passed, after the accident, he also went to Kou Shuguang 3617/\'> hoped that the leader could help, but his career suffered a heavy blow because of this, saying that he did not feel resentful in his heart. fake.

In three years, he built an inland river navy division with little combat effectiveness into a strong army. The new minister in charge of maritime affairs, Kou Shuguang, was originally his old superior. He admired him very much. His experience is also more sympathetic, so in the past three years, he has helped him a lot, openly and secretly, at least the current inland water division is equipped with a completely new look compared to three years ago.

Now Dahan’s inland navy division has more than 100 large and small ships, of which ten are three-tier battleships. This is also the core combat capability of the inland navy division. In addition to the conventional configuration of these ten battleships, each ship is An artillery was installed at the bow and stern, which greatly enhanced his combat effectiveness.

"Commander Li, you are back!" This is a military terminal, and the officer on duty greeted him graciously.

"Yeah!" A smile appeared on Li Quan's bronzed face, rubbing a pair of callused hands, and asked with a smile: "What happened these days?"

"Nothing big happened. It's just said in the internal military newspaper that my Great Han Army Connection took down Yingchuan, Wulong, Tai'an, and Tan Feng. The boy was beaten to desperation and went to Chu to grab a piece of land. Hahaha !" The duty officer laughed happily. As an officer of the Dahan, the news of every victory of the Dahan army would make him very happy.

"Oh, so fast!" Li Quan was slightly taken aback. Didn't he always say that the Yingchuan soldiers trained by Tan Feng are quite good? Why are they so unsuccessful? But he was so surprised. He didn’t care much about the army’s affairs. What he cared about was when the big man would fight Chu State. Li Quan knew very well that he could only fight Chu State, his navy might still be useful. Because Chu also has a navy. But until now, I haven’t heard any news about the attack on Chu State. It is true that Dahan has always regarded Da Qin as his biggest opponent, or before he wiped out Qin State. Let's go to war against Chu State. I have to endure more and continue to train soldiers, patiently waiting for that day to come.

"Today the Ministry of Defense brought a batch of weapons, including artillery and ammunition." While walking with Li Quan into the barracks, the officer on duty said, "The person escorting this batch of ammunition must be signed by the commander yourself. I said the commander. You don't know if you can come back, but he said no hurry, he can wait, he is still in the barracks now, I arranged for him to live first, and now these weapons have not been delivered because they do not have your signature from the commander!"

"Artillery, ammunition?" Li Quan was stunned. Artillery, a new type of weapon, has always been the best equipment for the navy, and then the army. The inland navy has always been out of the ranks. Now he owns ten three-story ships. The artillery was still obtained through the old boss opening the back door. How come a batch of artillery and ammunition have been brought in for no reason?

"Who came from? Do I know?"

"He said he was a chief of the Ministry of War, but I don't recognize it." The officer on duty shook his head and said, "Is it an officer from Jicheng after all. That degree, that degree, is really not comparable to ordinary people."

"Well, I'll go back to the public room first. I won't come back for a few days. I must have accumulated a lot of official documents. I will deal with these first. After you go back, please ask the principal to come to my public room. I will sign him immediately. The artillery and ammunition, these military heavy weapons, must be in the warehouse first."

"Subordinates understand, commander, don't you take a break first?" the officer asked.

"What is there to rest? On the boat, I was resting." Li Quan looked back at the battleship on the pier and sighed: "This inland river is calm and the waves are comparable to the rough waves in the sea. On top of this, As far as I am concerned, I am resting every day!"

Hearing Li Quan's sigh, the officer lowered his head. He knew a little bit about Li Quan's experience.

He returned to the public house, untied his armor, and sat down before the big case. As expected, in front of him were piles of accumulated documents to be processed. Reaching out and opening the top copy, Li Quan picked up his pen and began to review it.

"Commander, the chief of the Ministry of War is here." Less than a stick of incense, the officer's voice came from outside.

"Please come in." Li Quan put down the pen and stood up. The light at the door dimmed. A middle-aged man appeared at the door. Seeing the man's face, Li Quan could hardly believe his eyes, and blinked a few times. He reached out and rubbed his eyes again.

"Li Quan, you are not mistaken, it's me!" The visitor said with a smile.

"Leader Kou!" Li Quan walked quickly to Kou Shuguang, snapped a military salute, wanted to speak, but his throat choked up, and he didn't utter a word.

"You are much older." Looking at his favorite subordinate back then, Kou Shuguang was very emotional, "You are ten years younger than me. Why do you look older than me?"

"Leader~www.wuxiaspot.com~Leader!" Li Quan choked up, "It's been more than three years, and I finally saw you again. In the past few years, if it weren't for your support, I really don't know how to survive."

Kou Shuguang patted Li Quan's shoulder vigorously, and Kou Shuguang smiled and said: "You are doing a good job. Not only I see it, but the king also sees it. The king said, this kid Li Quan did a good job. Surprised, to do things honestly, the big man needs his servants. This is the original words of the king!"

"The king is absurdly complimented. Li Quan is just doing his part." Li Quan said excitedly.

The officer who came with Kou Shuguang was shocked when he heard the person's true identity. He stood there like a clay sculpture of wood.

"Where are you still stunned? Don't hurry up and make some tea, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. He came to lead me." Li Quan said repeatedly.

"Got it!" The officer agreed, and ran out.

"You are still so careful." Kou Shuguang glanced at him appreciatively. (To be continued.)

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