I’m The King

Chapter 1408: : Han Qi Tianxia (Ninety-Eight) Heart Shock

The attack surface on the opposite side of Wuguan is narrow, and it is such a small area, which makes it impossible for the side attacking Wuguan to deploy too many troops. If you want to attack, you can only attack from this narrow attack surface. This is also Wuguan easy. One of the most important reasons for defending is that for the defender, the focus and purpose of the defense are very clear. You only need to control this area and the enemy will be able to sigh.

It is also for this reason that Wuguan’s large-scale long-range weapons are not set on the city wall, but on the open space behind the city wall. Rows of modified throwing machines are laid out, and the range is set long ago. Yes, several rows of throwing machines completely cover this area from far to near. The soldiers who operate the throwing machine do not need to see the enemy, they only need to operate according to the command issued on the city wall, and they can throw the explosive package to the place they want to drop.

Another advantage of this arrangement @猪@猪@岛@小说ww.zzhdo.om is to prevent the throwing machine from being suppressed by the enemy's long-range weapons, and to minimize the damage of your own long-range heavy weapons, because there are walls. Blocking, the opponent can't see the setting of one's throwing weapons, can only blindly hit, and the hit rate can be imagined.

But after the Han army occupied Shaoxi Mountain, this problem was solved. On the top of the mountain, the Han artillery knew the position of the throwing machine at a glance. For them, this was just a fixed-point shooting.

Zhang Qian quickly understood how painful it was for him to lose Shao Xi.

The Han army on the opposite side did not launch an attack for a long time. The first to attack was the Han army on Shaoxi Mountain. With a loud noise, smoke rose from the top of the mountain, and a cannonball mixed with firelight shot out, from top to bottom, like a meteor. When it fell, this shell did not hit the position of the throwing machine in Wuguan, and deviated by about tens of meters. With a loud bang, it landed on a nearby area where sandbags were piled up. These sandbags were originally set up to prevent attackers from using fire attacks. In the sound of the explosion, those sandbags weighing tens of kilograms were thrown into the air like toys, and then fell to the ground.

The eyes of the soldiers in the city turned to their backs. Zhang Qian was no exception. His face turned pale in an instant. Although the first shell attack did not hit the target, he immediately understood the intention of the opponent. Where. And above the throwing machine position. As they were busy, the Chu Army throwers stopped their movements in a sigh, and looked to the side of the mess.

Suddenly, these throwers understood a truth. It turned out that their location was not only a safe place, but the enemy's first target of attack.

At the next moment, everyone's eyes turned to Shao Xishan's direction. Zhang Qian's hand suddenly clenched into a fist, and his face became pale.

Above the top of the mountain. Long Bin flattened his mouth in dissatisfaction and looked at the artillery battalion commander: "Ball, this artillery can be ridiculously deviated."

"This first shot was originally to correct the ballistics!" The artillery battalion commander smiled: "Now I understand, Commander Long. Look at it!"

"No. 1 position, trajectory correction is complete, loading is complete!"

"The second position, the trajectory correction is complete. Loading is complete!"

With the raising of small red flags, a powerful report came from more than a dozen gun positions.

"No. 1 to No. 15 artillery positions, fire them one by one!" The artillery battalion commander's smile narrowed. Ordered loudly.

"No. 1 Cannon, fire!" The gunner's hoarse voice sounded, there was a loud noise, and the smoke above the No. 1 position was filled with smoke, and the second gun sounded immediately after the reverberation of the gun sound.

Long Bin covered his ears tightly, stepped back a few steps, and said in a low voice: "It's really loud, it's no wonder that the artillery guys all speak loudly. They have been in the artillery camp for a long time. , You have to become deaf!"

He covered his ears and craned his neck, trying to see the effect of this round of shelling, but there was so much smoke in front of him that he couldn't see clearly.

The second round of shooting from Shaoxi Mountain covered the position of the throwing soldiers in Wuguan City. Rows of neatly arranged throwing machines were like woods. They used to be majestic and beautiful, but now they are like being swept by the wind. However, it has become messy, the wood debris flying in the sky, the parts of the throwing machine, and the throwing soldiers who have not had time to run away, indicating the heavy losses of the Wuguan defenders. If it is only the shelling on Shaoxi Mountain, it will be fine. The key is that the throwing machines have been loaded with explosive packs ready to be launched. These gadgets were ignited by the fire caused by the shelling and exploded. The power of the explosion was not inferior to the attack from Shaoxi Mountain, and it was also increased. The effect of this attack.

The sound of the explosion finally stopped. Zhang Gan stared blankly at the position of the throwing machine that was extremely powerful before. It no longer exists at this moment. Dozens of throwing machines are turned into the residue of a place. At this time, only one is left. The platform stood alone in the corner, and beside it were a few Chu State throwing soldiers who were frightened and stupid.

With a clatter, a billowing object fell from the air, and it happened to land on the base of this catapult. It turned skeletal. The eyes of several soldiers moved mechanically with it. It was not a cannonball. It was a head that was broken to the sky, and the part below the head was gone for a long time.

Finally stopped turning, the wide-eyed eyes above the blood-stained head stared straight at a soldier directly opposite. The soldier's sluggish gaze finally had a trace of spirituality, and the soul seemed to return to the body, but suddenly In between, it was like a cat and a horse that had been stepped on its tail, with a scream of screams, jumping three feet high, and falling to the ground, it was actually howling and running away, the screaming howling has been accompanied by his disappearance. , Still echoing in the air.

With a bang, there was another loud noise on Shaoxi Mountain. The iron ball with the firelight fell from the sky. This time it accurately hit the only intact throwing machine on the field. The loud noise was accompanied by a clattering sound. , This throwing machine is gone.

"Perfect!" On Shaoxin Mountain, the artillery battalion commander gazedly watched the last throwing machine disappear from his field of vision. This last shot was operated by himself.

"Not bad!" Although Long Bin's ears buzzed, he still couldn't help but exclaimed loudly. In previous exercises, he had only seen a single gun fired at the scene where a dozen guns were fired at the same time. , He also saw it for the first time. "The power is so powerful. With this thing, from now on the world will be extinct, no matter who you are, you can pass it with one shot, and there will be nothing."

Long Bin is a little regretful. With this thing, in the future, the enemy of a hundred people and the killing of a thousand people will only exist in the romance of the storyteller.

"Adjust the artillery position and prepare to attack the city wall. The division commander's general offensive is about to begin." Long Bin ordered loudly. The loss of consciousness was only short-lived, and his thoughts were immediately drawn back to the battle before him.

"Adjust the position of the artillery, change the bullets, prepare to kill the resistance above the city wall, and open the passage for the army!" the artillery battalion commander shouted.

A cannon began to slowly turn the muzzle of the black hole.

On Shaoxi Mountain, a pyrophylloline flew up into the air, with a snap, it exploded into countless bright red flowers, scattered as meteors, and saw the scattered red Han stars, opposite Wuguan, Han Under the banner of the army in the army, the big drum suddenly beat, and the sound of the offensive bugle immediately sounded in the phalanx.

In the whistling sound, the newly spliced ​​siege vehicle slowly moved forward on the push of the soldiers. The Han siege vehicle was not made by temporarily cutting down trees just before the siege, but was prepared in advance. The parts are disassembled into pieces and mounted on the carriage and transported to the battlefield. When the battle is about to be carried out, the parts are assembled again. The basic skeleton of the entire siege vehicle is made of loose steel, and the bottom is installed with tires. It is not wasteful to push it. How much strength, and more importantly, this kind of siege vehicle, which is several meters high and almost flush with the city wall, also has considerable attack power. Above the top level, several sacred crossbows are against the defenders of the city. In other words, it is the death sickle that harvests life.

The newest type of siege vehicle in Han is hung with iron plates on the entire exterior. The iron plates are about finger-thick. Not only can they resist the attack of crossbow arrows, they are also stone cannons, and at most they leave a depression on it. In the eyes of the city soldiers, this thing is a steel monster. If there is anything he is afraid of, it is that he is afraid of artillery like Han, or the dynamite bag that could have been used against him in Wuguan City. This is why Meihua had to destroy all the throwing machines in the city in the first time. The reason is.

In addition to the siege vehicle, the New First Division is also equipped with another siege weapon, which is similar to an obliquely long bridge deck. The front is extremely high, almost as high as the siege vehicle, but the second half is close to the ground. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The entire machine is tens of meters long, with twelve tires on each side of the bottom. The Han army called it a trestle bridge. After he was pushed to the edge of the city, the front end was directly on the city wall. The cavalry of the siege troops can directly rush up the wall along the trestle bridge, and the infantry can also rush up from here.

The cost of these two weapons that made the Chu Army helpless was of course not cheap. The price of each one is staggering. Now it is only equipped with the Young Guards, but the other units are still not equipped.

Zhang Gan stared at the slowly approaching monster. It was not that he had never seen similar weapons, but they were all made with forest heads. There were too many things to destroy him, but the one that appeared in front of him now Something, even the bed crossbow was helpless, the fired bed crossbow hit the target, causing him to shake a few times at most, but the magical crossbow that followed was enough to make no life alive near the bed crossbow.

How to guard? Can't hold it! Zhang Qian shouted wildly in his heart.

"Ready to take the battle, hand-to-hand!" He pulled out the saber around his waist. Now the only way to defend the city wall is for the soldiers to fight hand-to-hand with the Han soldiers who are about to enter the city.

Rows of soldiers from the Chu Army rushed to the city wall with knives and spears. Opposite them was the opponent's large siege machine slowly approaching. (To be continued.)

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