I’m The King

Chapter 1409: : Han Qi World (Ninety-nine) Seize the Pass

After a hundred steps, the sacred crossbow mounted on the siege truck began to fire, the sound of the morpholine crossbow bolts sounded, and the crossbow bolts rushed towards the city head like poisonous snakes. The gangway still moved forward slowly and unswervingly.

Above the city wall, the Chu army at the forefront shrank under the wall stack, while the one at the back raised one big shield after another, and they were close together. The crossbow arrow shot on the shield. The strong force made the crossbow arrow deep. Deeply embedded in the shield, the hand holding the shield couldn't bear the strength, and frustrated back, his arm pressed tightly to his chest, and several shields touched his face.

The crossbow arrows are so dense that as long as the shield in someone's hand is slightly crooked, the crossbow arrows will come in from the gap and embed in the flesh without mercy. The blood is marked, but the person can't fall down. It was the soldier who was ready to take on the hand-to-hand combat, but was actually caught in it.

Forty steps, the two sides could see each other's faces clearly, and on the city wall, there was a dense drumbeat. With the sound of the drumbeat, a row of Chu troops suddenly stood up from behind the wall, their hands already tight. His grenade was ignited, rounded his arms, and threw it to the lower part of the city.

Hundreds of grenades were thrown from the city wall at the same time, as dense as raindrops. Some leads burned faster and exploded in the air. The air waves caused by the explosion threw the surrounding grenade away aimlessly, in an instant. , A rumbling explosion sounded under the city wall. Whether it was a siege vehicle or a gangway, the outside was covered with iron plates. The grenade made by Chu was not powerful enough to threaten these giant weapons. The broken fragments just clinked these iron plates, and the air waves that set off were just to make these heavy guys sway from side to side, but for those soldiers. The damage is still great. Even if he is wearing armor and holding a shield, this kind of irregular flying, and even the broken tiles that explode in the air, still cause great damage to the siege soldiers, one by one. Go down.

The **** machine crossbow on the siege platform fought back angrily. No matter how fast the hands and feet of the Chu army threw the grenades, they couldn't compare with the speed of the crossbow arrows. The grenade had just been shot, and the people had been shot through by the crossbow arrows.

However, there is always a gap in the shooting of the **** machine crossbow. Once the shooting stops, some soldiers of the Chu army leaned out wantonly and threw out the grenade in their hands. Some clever ones have already seen the siege vehicle. Suppressing shooting is too sharp. When the grenade was tossed, it aimed at the siege vehicle. At this time, the distance between the two was only more than 30 steps. The height of the siege vehicle was almost at the level of the city. A dozen grenades were thrown over, and a half of it fell. After a loud noise on the siege engine, there were no more people in the siege engine. Several sacred crossbows were also blown up and down, and the suppression shot was suddenly stagnant.

The siege vehicle misfired. The Chu army above the city head immediately became relaxed, and more people leaned out and threw the grenade at the Han army soldiers who were moving under the city wall.

On Shaoxi Mountain, Long Bin looked at the scene of the city and jumped anxiously. He yelled at the artillery battalion commander with a pale face, "Hurry up. Haven't adjusted it yet? Seeing that, what a lot of casualties we have. what?"

"Long Commander, why is this anxious? The previous shots were aimed at the city, where there are only enemies. Now the distance between the two sides is so close, if a shot misses and hurts himself, the commander won’t cut his head back. My head." The artillery battalion commander was also anxious, and while answering Long Bin, he turned around and yelled at his subordinates, "Okay, no, okay, no, you can shoot me when you are done, and they will shoot at the city. Crowded together, what a good target, one shot will be a big piece!"

Amidst the anxiousness of the two, a cannon finally adjusted its angle, the gunner raised a thumb, narrowed his eyes for a moment, and yelled, "Fire!"

With a roar, a black cannonball gushed out from the barrel, and fell down the mountain like a meteor. This is a flower bullet specially used for killing.

At the head of Wuguan, the sound of the explosion of grenade made the roar of the cannons on Shaoxi Mountain no longer appear so abrupt. The Chu army above the head of the city tried their best not to let the siege vehicles and gangway of the Han army reach the head of the city. On, because if that happens, they will have to face-to-face with the Han army, which is the number one in the field in the field. Whether it is weapons, armor or personal abilities, the Chu army knows that they will not be the princes of the Han army in front of them. The opponent of the army.

At the moment of dying and forgetting to die, they completely forgot that there was still a sharp sword hanging above their heads, enough to destroy their death sickle.

The first blooming bomb fell among the dense crowd on the city wall and exploded. The explosive air wave and the whizzing fragments instantly emptied all living creatures within a few meters of the explosion point. .

This is not the end, but the starting point. After the first bomb exploded above the city head, from Shaoxi Mountain, two or three artillery shells flew down above the city wall. Every time it fell, the city head would be destroyed. It cleared out a large area of ​​vacant land. Of course, it wasn't really an open space, but the people who were standing there were all lying down. Some are dead, some are still twitching on the ground, but more people are lying on the ground and rolling.

Zhang Qian looked at the mountain with blood red eyes. He couldn't resist this attack at all. "Back, back, hide, hide." He shouted loudly.

There was a panic on the city wall, and there were running Chu soldiers everywhere. The desperate attack just now was because the enemy's casualties could be seen, and it could reflect their own value. But now, this kind of beating is not enough, and it is also The casualties were huge, but they showed signs of collapse in an instant.

"Boom, boom!" On Shaoxi Mountain, Long Bin shouted and jumped, and the artillery continued to roar. One after another, the shells cleared everything on the city wall. With the sound of banging, the siege vehicles were heavy. Leaning on the city wall, the Shenji crossbow began to shoot frantically, the trestle bridge also hit the top of the city, and the avenues of siege had been opened up by the Han army.

The cannons on Mount Shao Xi finally stopped roaring, and at this time, the Han army had swarmed up on the trestle bridge. On the siege vehicle, the Han soldiers were also climbing up the ladder inside. Before the Chu army had recovered from the panic, the Han army had flooded the city wall in large numbers.

The two sides finally confronted and killed together. From the first shot on Shaoxi Mountain to the Han soldiers attacking the city wall, they only spent half an hour of work. This may be the fastest attack Zhang Qian has ever heard. The city speed, let alone a dangerous city like Wuguan, is an ordinary small city, in the past, it was impossible to win it easily.

Above the city, the soldiers from both sides fought together. The flustered Chu army had not recovered yet. Facing the Han army, which was like a wolf and tiger, there was absolutely no power to parry. They were beaten back and forth, leaving all over the place. Dead body.

Zhang Qian sighed, knowing that the city wall could not be held at all.

"Retreat, retreat to the pass, fight lane by lane, fight house by house, without death, no truce." Zhang Qian shouted, "If Wuguan is lost, I have no place to die for 200,000 troops. ."

On Shaoxi Mountain, the artillery battalion commander watched the Han soldiers climb up the city wall, and the heavy gates were also bombarded by explosives. When more troops poured in, he couldn't help but burst into laughter, "The city is broken, broken. It’s a city, what the world is, it’s not worth mentioning in front of our big guys."

Long Bin was not as optimistic as he was. As a commander, he could see clearly on the mountain that although the Han army rushed to the wall, the Chu army did not completely collapse, but retreated into the pass in an orderly manner. After the organization is broken, but inside the pass, there are intricate streets, houses, and large complex areas that will become the next battlefield.

"There is no such easy thing. The city wall is indeed occupied, but the next street fighting may be more cruel. The enemy did not have the power to fight, but took the initiative to give up the city wall. They knew very well that they would fight our army on the city wall. They can’t get the upper hand at all, but when they enter the pass, they are more familiar with the street and the structure of the house. The fierce battle is still to come!” Long Bin said, “I will leave you five hundred people to guard the cannon, I I'm going to join the war, how about it, no problem!"

"Okay, no problem. Now that the two sides are fighting together, my artillery can no longer work." The artillery battalion commander nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Qian, who retreated to the pass~www.wuxiaspot.com~, looked at the generals large and small in the house, and sternly said: "Everyone, raise soldiers for thousands of days, use them for a while, the Han army has sharp artillery fire and excellent individual combat capabilities, but we guard the walls. If you don’t stop, it doesn’t mean that we have failed. We are still concerned about this battlefield. From now on, I can no longer direct you directly. Everyone will take his subordinates and occupy an alleyway or a house, inch by inch. To fight with the enemy, every inch of land must be stained with the blood of the Han army. Everyone knows that if we abandon Wuguan, even if we can escape back, the 200,000 troops of General Qu will be gone. It’s the essence of our country. They’re over. Are we Da Chu still far from the subjugation? Then even if we can survive, we can only become subjugation slaves. I don’t want to say any more. Please fight, the sons of Da Chu, unless When you fall, you can no longer hold your swords."

"The longer we fight, the more likely it is that reinforcements will come. Don’t forget, we still have thousands of troops escorting food and grass. They are not far from us. When they get news, they will come back to help us. After General Qu gets the news, he will return to the army at full speed. If we support one more day, the more likely it is that the army can withdraw from Wuguan safely, for the sake of Da Chu!"

"For Da Chu!" the generals in the room shouted angrily.

Zhang Gan hit the ground, all the generals turned around and left the room one by one, leading their subordinates to their battlefield. (To be continued.)

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