I’m The King

Chapter 1412: : Han Qi Tianxia (102) Wuguan Suppressing the Enemy

Mei Hua sat on the high tower, listening to the sound of explosions and fighting from time to time in the city. This is already the third day of conquering the Wuguan wall, but the stubborn resistance in the city is still going on. Said that the Chu army's resistance to resistance was tenacious, fighting from house to house and lane to lane, and the losses caused to the first division were far greater than the losses in conquering the Wuguan wall, which made him a little anxious.

"What other places are resisting?" Standing next to Mei Hua is Gu Li of the Xiongnu Independent Cavalry Division. She and Mei Hua arrived at Wuguan at the same time, but her mission is not to attack the pass, but to attack. Those who might come to reinforce the Chu army in Wuguan, today, her cavalry division in Wujiaya, ten miles away from Wuguan, will wipe out all of the Chu army who came back to reinforce it. This Chu army originally set off from Wuguan and escorted grain and grass. When they arrived in Sanchuan County, they learned that Wuguan had been attacked on the way, and immediately returned to the division for rescue. However, Gu Lihou, who had been waiting for a long time, got a head, five thousand cavalry, launched a sudden attack on the three thousand returned Chu army, and was forcibly The army's Chu novel ww.zhu. The army is like a long dragon-like team, immediately became their saber, the fish under the bow and arrow, within a short time, was defeated and annihilated.

"There is also a grain depot and an armory!" Mei Hua scratched his head with some annoyance, "Zhang Qian, the old boy still has a few brushes, and the remaining Chu army retreats to these two places. The grain depot and the armory are both built. It’s so strong, it’s really a bit troublesome."

"Why don't you drag the cannon up and hit it?" Gu Li looked at Mei Hua and asked strangely.

"Isn't this to take these things as our own!" Mei Hua replied: "It is really not an easy task to transport grain and grass from China to supply us. If we can **** it, our logistics will be under heavy pressure. Will be greatly reduced."

Gu Li shook her head, "Master Mei, I suggest that you cut the mess quickly, with the resistance of the Chu army, I am afraid that the probability of their surrender is very small. Since it is impossible to surrender, they are very likely to be burned at the last moment. The fire burned, and the armory contained explosives. When your army rushed up, he detonated the explosives for you, and you couldn't cry."

Mei Hua was horrified. This Wuguan was really as Gu Li said, hiding a lot of explosives and weapons. If Chu Jun really wanted to jump over the wall and detonate the explosives, the power would definitely not be small, and maybe even his own offensive army would be reimbursed.

He stood up abruptly, "Master Gu is right to remind me, I can't report any illusions anymore."

Outside the city, the sound of horseshoes suddenly came, and the direction of the galloping came from the direction of Sanchuan County. Mei Hua and Gu Li looked at each other and both stood up.

"Master Mei, Master Gu, the Department of Military Intelligence, and the National Security Bureau have all received intelligence. The Chu army has returned to the division, and its leading unit is less than a hundred miles away from us. It is expected to arrive in two days."

Mei Hua and Gu Li looked at each other. "Sure enough, as expected by the king, the Qin people are playing tricks again. If they try their best to deal with the Chu people. How the Chu people can get away so smoothly, it is completely unreliable to count on them." Mei Hua said bitterly.

"I didn't expect them at first. Today, they attacked Wuguan with the enemy. They wanted us to lose and lose. After a period of time, we let them know what it means to raise a tiger and hurt them." Guligge's She laughed, her laughter was crisp, like Huang Yuanqing crying, but with her mask removed, half of her face was really scary, completely out of tune with her voice. "Master Mei, it's time to make up your mind. You have less than two days to repair the Wuguan defense system. How far is the Fourth Division from you?"

"One day's journey." Mei Hua held up a finger, "Wu Ya will be there by this time tomorrow at the latest."

"When Qu rushed to Wuguan in a hurry, and realized that he was facing an indestructible defense group, I don't know how he would feel?" Gu Li laughed, "I'm leaving too. You are here. Here we fight defense, but Aguwine and I are going to harass and attack him. After Aguwine got here, only a few small fish and shrimps were caught. Now he is bulging his eyes and playing opportunities everywhere. I can't lose. he."

"The two should be more careful. Among the 200,000 troops of the Chu army, the cavalry is no less than 50,000, and they are still very powerful. Qu Wan is an extremely experienced veteran. Don’t forget the defeat of General Zhang Hongyu in the past. My memory is still fresh! General Zhang dictated himself and the new army designation was revoked. We must never follow his mistakes again."

"Don't worry, fight if you win, and run if you can't win. I won't fight with him. Let him come and touch the iron hedgehog in Wuguan. I am behind him, hitting his baggage and burning. Burning his food is enough."

"Beware of Qin people, if they have the opportunity, they will never mind biting you." Mei Hua reminded.

A glimmer of cold light flashed in Gu Li's eyes, "Qin people really dare to make any small movements, I will let them know what blood flows into a river!"

Seeing Gu Li suddenly exuding the cold air like ice, Mei Hua's heart couldn't help tightening. He also knew a little bit about the deep hatred between Gu Li and Qin. If there is a chance to kill the Qin people without leaving a piece of armor, the ghost-faced teacher with a weak appearance and sturdy heart will never turn a blind eye.

The Huns cavalry division who was watching Guli walked away, Mei Hua turned around, the smile on his face was already constricted, "Go and call me Long Bin."

Long Bin had just been rotated to rest. Hearing the teacher's call, he ran over, "Master, is it our turn to go again?"

"Go, drag me two cannons down from the mountain, I'm going to blast his son of a bitch." Mei Hua said viciously.

"It's a pity that the cannons in the granary and weapons and equipment depots are bombarded." Long Bin smacked his lips. "Anyway, it's also Weng Zhongzhi's turtle. It's stable. It's better to grind them. ?"

Mei Hua glared at him, and Long Bin immediately shrank his neck, "Master, I'll do it right away. When the cannon rang, I guess we won't have to bother the guys for lunch today, and go straight to the Liangku City to stuff our mouths." That's fine." Seeing Mei Hua lift the scabbard in his hand, he wanted to pat it, and immediately turned around and ran faster than the rabbit.

In the armory, Zhang Qian's body was stained with blood, and even the beard under his chin was condensed with blood. Yesterday, he retreated here with the remaining army, and the only ones who were still fighting nearby were the grain depot. Unlike the granary, they only have cold weapons here, but there is no food. Since yesterday afternoon, he and his soldiers have nothing to wrap their stomachs. Right now, they are all hungry and groaning. .

Just after repelling an enemy attack, Zhang Qian sat on the ground panting heavily. Behind him, soldiers were struggling to carry crossbow arrows and grenades, drag them out of the gate, and transport them to the front defensive position. Without these ordnance in the warehouse, I'm afraid they would have been unable to stop it.

The Han army retreated, and the sound of the sound of the sound of killing suddenly disappeared without a trace. This made Zhang Qian a little strange. He staggered to his feet and stumbled to the gate. In front of him, he couldn't see it. There is a Han army. There was no sound from the grain depot either.

"General Zhang, did the Han army retreat, did our army come back?" There was a surprised voice around him, that was Fan Kui.

Zhang Qian shook his head, and a terrible thought came to his mind. Sure enough, when he had just thought about this problem, at the end of the distant street, a horse-drawn carriage drove over, and the shadow of the Han army suddenly appeared. With the busyness, the horse was pulled away, and a black hole artillery aimed at the warehouse. .

"Come on, I need a death squad, who will blow up that stuff for me, otherwise let him attack, we will die without a place to die." Zhang Gan shouted. He wasn't afraid of death, he just wanted to persevere here. As long as he persevered, he might be able to wait for the army to return, and all of them would happen at that time. It would be somewhat helpful for the Chu army to regain Wuguan. Now the Han army must have been unable to wait, not even the mountain of ordnance piled up in this library, from another aspect, that is, Chu's army is not far from here.

A soldier shouted, holding an explosive cannon from the armory, picked up a torch from the ground, and rushed out directly.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Zhang couldn't help whispering as the soldier leaped forward with the help of obstacles on the street.

A hundred steps away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhang Qian stood up straight, and the brave soldier could only see a vague back at this moment. The sound of howling crossbow arrows broke through the air. On the roofs on both sides of the cannon, the Han army also spotted the lone assailant, and immediately vented the rain of arrows at him.

Crossbow arrows swept over, and the soldier screamed frantically, holding the explosive bag in one hand and the torch in the other, and rushed forward. A sacred crossbow showed a hideous face from the side of the cannon, and the sound of morpholine was endless. The street was flooded with arrows in a flash, and the soldier seemed to be hit by a violent attack, and his body unexpectedly flew upside down. A few steps, he fell heavily to the ground with a slap, a few crossbow arrows stuck in front of his chest, the torch was still burning, and the fuse of the explosive pack was lit, there was a loud bang, and thick smoke rose. When the smoke was gone, that There is nothing left.

Another group of magic crossbows emerged from the side of the cannon, and Zhang Qian sat down on the ground.

"Listen to the people in it, now I still have a moment for you. If you don't surrender and burn the jade and the stone, you will not only not survive, but you will not even leave a whole body. Surrender. Our Han army will not kill the prisoners. Now we will start timing!" Opposite, there was a shout from a Han army general.

"Drag a stone cannon over." Zhang Gan gritted his teeth. The stone cannon is not accurate at all, but it is better than nothing. Maybe a blind cat ran into a dead mouse. (To be continued.)

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