I’m The King

Chapter 1413: : Han Qi Tianxia (103) surrendered

The stone cannon was dragged out. This weapon was placed at the head of the city and dropped small stone bullets to attack the infantry attached to the city. The range is limited, the strength is not large, and it is basically unprepared. Can it hit the target? It all depends on luck. The first stone bullet flew out amid Zhang Qian’s roar, and with a bang, it hit a house on the side of the street more than a hundred steps away. On it, several Han soldiers holding crossbow arrows yelled and fell from the roof. Down.

The stone cannon's attack immediately summoned the opponent's revenge. With a bang, a stone bullet fell in front of the warehouse gate and lifted the stone cannon into the sky. After a few laps in the air, it crashed to the ground and changed. It became a waste.

"This is the final warning. If we dare to resist, we will be welcome." A severe warning came from the other side.

+Pig+Pig+Island+Fiction ww.zhom Zhang Qian looked at the stone cannons turned into waste and the soldiers lying in a pool of blood, sighed, turned and walked into the warehouse.

The warehouse was huge. Zhang Gan called up all the remaining soldiers. He leaned against a box of explosives. "Brothers, we can’t hold it anymore, but no matter what, I thank the brothers for their heroic fighting. After two days, we will not sacrifice in vain. It is precisely because of our unremitting efforts that at least the time for them to build the city defense has been delayed a lot. When the general comes back, the attack will be easier. Now, I want to explode. I’ve dropped this warehouse. I can’t leave these weapons to the enemy. You may leave this warehouse and surrender to the Han Chinese.”

Everyone looked at each other.

"No one will blame you, you did your best." Zhang Gan bent down with some effort, and dragged out an explosive pack from a box. He was seriously injured. A fragment fell on his waist.

"Which brother will bring me a torch?" He looked at everyone, "Then you go, go far. I will detonate this warehouse again after you leave."

There was a moment of silence, a soldier threw away the weapon in his hand, and walked out with a loud cry. With the first one, the sound of the thumping was endless. One after another, Chu soldiers threw down the weapon in his hand and turned to Ran outside.

Fan Kui stared at Zhang Qian in a daze, then suddenly stepped aside and took a torch. Stride towards Zhang Gan.

"General Zhang, I will not go, I will die with you!" he shouted.

"Okay, General Fan, you are still a man after all." Zhang Gan was a little surprised, but still very happy in his heart. After all, Fan is a great Chu from the Kingdom of Chu. Although this person is usually timid, he is in front of righteousness. But it is still clear.

Fan Kui's expression was a little distorted, he walked to Zhang Qian, looked at Zhang Qian for a while, but did not pass him the torch.

"General Fan. Give me the torch, do you want to light it yourself? Wait a little longer, wait for the brother to go a little further." Zhang Gan leaned against the box behind him, gasping for breath.

"Okay. Here you are!" Fan Kui yelled suddenly, but what he handed over was not a torch, but a sharp steel knife. This knife. Since the start of the war, he has not killed an enemy, and now the first drop of blood is Zhang Gan's.

With a squeaky knife, he went straight in front of his chest, Zhang Gan said oh, his body suddenly bent forward, his eyes widened when he looked at Fan Kui: "Why, you, even if you want to live, I am not Did you let you go?"

The soldiers who hadn't left all around came up with a clatter, and pointed at Fan Kui with **** knives and guns in their hands.

"You want to die, why are you dragging us to die together? Let us surrender? You bombed the armory, can we people survive? Those Han people refused to use cannons for so long, didn't they just want this? The armory? Without these things, wouldn't they retaliate against us in anger? Can we still live?" Fan Kui shouted. "You want to die, you go to die."

He turned the handle of the knife vigorously, Zhang Gan's face twisted, and his whole body slowly withered on the ground. Fan Kui looked at the soldiers coming up around him and roared: "Do you want to die? Think about your family. Think about your parents, wives and children? We can't bury this madman. We surrendered to the Han army with this armory. For the sake of this merit, the Han will certainly not embarrass us and we can go home."

The soldiers around looked at Zhang Qian, who was lying in a pool of blood, and then at Fan Kui, who was standing with the knife. After a long while, they finally lowered their weapons.

"A quarter of an hour is up, now the countdown begins!" The roar of the Han army came from outside.

Fan Kui took a big step and rushed out, and appeared at the gate in three or two steps: "Don't shoot, we surrendered. I am Wuguan deputy general Fan Kui. We surrendered!"

Above the tower, Mei Hua was a little surprised by the final result. He didn't expect that he had already determined to abandon the armory and granary, but they were all preserved. What fan Kui killed Zhang Qian and brought the armory with him. The man surrendered, and then with the identity of Wuguan lieutenant, summoned the stubborn Chu army in the grain depot. In the end, the remaining Chu army with less than a thousand people lay down their weapons and became a prisoner of the Han army.

"You're Fan Kui?" Mei Hua stared at the big five and three thick guy in front of him, looking at his body, it was a good frame for a military commander, but he was courageous and honest, let's talk about it, but he likes such Chu people.

"Yes, General, I am Fan Kui, and my uncle is Fan Zhuo, the doctor of Chu State, who has friendships with many important figures in your country, such as Mr. Fu Yan and Mr. Mei, the governor of the Central Bank."

Mei Hua blinked and burst into laughter, "The Lord Mei you are talking about is the father of the final general."

"Oh, isn't that a family? My uncle and Mr. Mei Pu and Mei Su have had business dealings. In Jicheng, I have visited Master Mei many times!" Fan Kui smiled. There seems to be a flower.

"It turned out to be a family!" Mei Hua smiled and looked at Fan Kui: "General Fan, you see that we are going to build a city defense soon, but I don't have enough manpower. Since I'm all a family, you can't bring you back Subordinates, help us do things? Don't worry, as long as we are willing to work hard, we have enough wine and meat, and when we are done, we will let you leave, okay?"

"Fuck, do, don't worry, I will supervise them to do it." Fan Kui pleased.

Looking at Fan Kui's leaving figure, Long Bin spit on the ground fiercely, "Grandma's, I feel like vomiting."

"Don't vomit, the more people like this in the Chu people, the easier it will be for us?" Mei Hua laughed haha, "I know what Fan Kui said about Fan Zhuo. Xie’s family has a lot of power in Chu State, but he has a lot of money deposited in our big man’s central bank. Saying it is enough to scare you to death."

"The general is joking. It's not that I haven't seen money before. Although I used to be a poor boy, I have some wealth now." Long Bin said disapprovingly.

Mei Hua smiled, suddenly attached to his ear, whispered a word, and with a grunt, Long Bin was already sitting on the ground, his eyes full of disbelief.

"You don't believe it? I know you don't believe it. It's because of the unthinkable that my father said it to me. This person walked directly on my father's path. There is a head office, and very few people know about it." Mei Hua laughed, "That person took the astronomical amount of silver and deposited it in our central bank, and exchanged a passbook and returned it. We happened to take this silver to clean up his home country. It's really great!"

"Here, this **** traitor!" Long Bin got up and patted the ashes on his buttocks in a jealous manner.

"In Chu State, they are traitors, but on our side, we have to call them a righteous man!" Mei Huacard laughed.

With Fan Kui’s surrender, Wuguan completely fell into the hands of the Han army. The entire Wuguan repair and reconstruction of the defense system began immediately. Except for the necessary guards, everyone in the First Division went crazy. Invested in the work of building a defense system. The defense system built by the Han army is much larger than that of the previous Chu army. Wuguan is only the last barrier, and in front of him, there is another line of defense. After it is built, it will accommodate the entire guards. Twenty thousand people from the First Army were stationed. This defense system included Mount Shao Xi, forming a three-dimensional defense system with one mountain, one pass and one forward position.

The next day, Wu Ya’s Fourth Division also rushed to Wuguan, and the entire Fourth Division immediately joined the hot construction site. They must fight for as much time as possible. You know, they will face nearly two. One hundred thousand elite Chu army counterattacked, but they only had twenty thousand.

"I'm excited to think about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~200,000 Chu army, this battle, some fight." Wu Ya wiped his moustache, said to Mei Hua: "Three days, a little nervous It."

"For three days of fart, I bet that the time they have been here will at least double. Don’t forget that Gulistan, the crazy lady and Aguwine, two cavalrymen. After succumbing, he wanted to go fast, but he walked. Hurry up? If you don't pay attention, they will take a bite." Mei Hua said with disdain.

"That's true." Wu Ya nodded, "Guri's Qin people are not authentic. If they are willing to cooperate a little bit, this battle will be much easier for us to fight. They can have seventy or eighty thousand people!"

"I didn't expect them. Let's set up an iron barrel formation here. When Qu meets his head and bloodshed, hehe, but there is a good show to watch. Hehe, I want to take advantage of us and let these Qin people Picking up a rock and hitting him in the foot, he will have to come and beg us at that time." Mei Hua laughed.

Mei Hua’s estimate was not good. Qu Wan really wanted to get to Wuguan as quickly as possible, but the sudden appearance of the Han cavalry on the two wings forced him to slow down and only adopt the strategy of taking turns to move forward and alternate cover. Moving forward, the two cavalrymen were like two hungry wolves, always hovering around him. Even if he was anxious, he could only be cautious. Once they were given a chance, they would pounce on themselves like hungry wolves. (To be continued.)

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