I’m The King

Chapter 281: : Unpredictable

Tan Feng's two swords are bright red, the general who has always walked with roots, but at this time, his feet are floating and slanting.A few soldiers behind him want to come up to help him, but he waved and opened it. As he approached Gao Yuan, he laughed happily, "I'm here to see Zhao Mu from Yan Country!"

"General Tan is drunk!" Gao Yuan frowned and stepped forward and grabbed Tan Feng. "You guys, General Futan is going back. What kind of style is this look like?"

He shouted to Tan Feng's soldiers.

Tan Feng waved his hand and laughed, "Who said I'm drunk, I can still fight for 300 rounds. Aha, Gao Yuan, dare to drink three more bowls with me? I'm so happy today. For more than a decade, Yan Guo finally Exhales once."

Looking at Tan Feng's model relatives, Gao Yuan dragged him towards his big tent, so that the soldiers could see the appearance of the leader, which was really not good.

"Xiaoyanzi, get some hangover soup!" Gao Yuan turned his head and shouted the moment he entered the account.

When he dragged Tan Feng into the big tent and was about to press him on the chair, Gao Yuan suddenly found that Tan Feng, who was still drunk and drunk, suddenly became clear at this moment, and he was staring at him. , There was still a smile in his eyes, Gao Yuan was taken aback, and he waved his hand angrily: "General Tan, what tricks are you playing? Is it interesting?"

Tan Feng shrugged and looked at Gao Yuan, "Do you know what happened on the table today?"

"It's nothing more than forcing Zhao Guo to sign the alliance under the city. This is a matter of course, what can be guessed." Gao Yuan said.

"Yes, the first half is indeed like this, but the second half is very flavorful. I am still aftertaste of it until now!" Tan Yuan laughed happily, "Gong Zilan is really an amazing person. Gao Yuan, do you know what Zhao Mu said during the dinner?"

Gao Yuan faintly felt bad. Looking at Tan Feng's appearance, he must have something to do with him, but how can he be a small county lieutenant to be the talk of these big people? In the eyes of those characters, isn't it just an anecdote? It's just a joke.

"Facing a room of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the Yan State, if Zi Lan Zhi doesn't see him, he only mentioned one person's name from beginning to end, that is you, Gao Yuan. Do you know who he compared you to?

"Zhao Mu?" Gao Yuan felt a little bit ridiculous. Zhao Mu, a world-renowned general, is so famous that he can be compared with him.

"Zilan said, in less than ten years, you will become the Zhao Mu of the Yan Kingdom. He is full of praise for you, and the Zhao Guang next to him, combined with your battle examples, talks endlessly, look at them. The appearance of the two of you is an admirable five-body cast on the ground." Tan Feng said.

Going far and wide, "That Zilan is purely boring, nothing more than looking for a ballast to despise you, can it be taken seriously?"

"Do you think that a person like Zilan will have nothing to do with what he will do? In the Yan-Zhao battle, if Zhao Guo loses, he will lose. Who is Zilan? He can't afford to lose? People like him can afford it. Let it go, I lost this time, and I immediately figured out how to win back next time." Tan Feng sneered.

"Then why should he tell me about it, I am a small county lieutenant who has no power or influence."

"You really underestimate yourself!" Tan Feng chuckled. "You are a county lieutenant, a small person, but you can affect a lot of people from the Yan Kingdom now! I think Zilan is sure It is the key to figure out this."

Gao Yuan was silent, Tan Feng said it well, he was **** with Ye Tiannan, the minister of the Kingdom of Yan, and Liaoxi County kept Zhang Shou's agreement. Now Ning Zecheng behind Tan Feng also came up to entangle himself with him, if he had to count it. , Jiang Dawei should also be counted, although he is an enemy.

"What does he mean?" Even so, Gao Yuan still wondered what Zilan meant.

"Do you know Zhao Mu?"

"Of course I know that Zhao Guo's famous general can be regarded as a famous general in the world. Comparing me with him is really exalting me." Gao Yuan smiled and said: "It's really with You Rongyan."

"Do you really think so? Do you know what Zilan Neili means? Forget it, you definitely don't know, I will tell you to listen to it!" Tan Feng stretched out his feet with a smile, and looked at Gao Yuandao jokingly.

"Zhao Mu is indeed a famous general in the world, who can fight against Li Xin in Qin State. Actually speaking, if you count the difference in strength between the two sides, Zhao Mu should be better than Li Xin. In Zhao State, Zhao Mu is not a lieutenant. It is better than the Taiwei, not the general, but more powerful than the general. Zhao's Taiwei is just a decoration, and the standing army is in the hands of Zhao Mu. Zilan, in front of our Taiwei, praises you ten Years later, he will become Zhao Mu of the Yan Kingdom, what will happen to our Taiwei?"

"How can you be fooled by such an obvious provocation, Master Taiwei is wise?"

"Well, what you said makes sense. Zilan naturally doesn't expect to see results immediately. He, he just planted a thorn, but then again, Gao Yuan, if you are just an ordinary general, that's fine. Yes, but you are entangled with Ye Xiang again, and with people like Zhang Shouyue who are sent by local strength, this thorn is planted in Taiwei's heart, but it is not that simple." Tan Feng said.

"I and Ye are incompatible with fire and water!" Gao Yuan shook his head.

"In the past, fire and water were not tolerated, what will happen in the future?" Tan Feng smiled and said: "Now you have risen to fame. You have fought a few battles beside the Yishui River. It is difficult for you to think of being famous. As I said to you earlier, this time, Finding a miscellaneous general is definitely a nail in the plate. If Ye Xiang is willing to accept you, the title of a general general will be secure. You have military merit, an army, and a husband who is the prime minister of the country. Tell me , What would Taiwei think?"

"Will Ye Xiang accept me? The idiot said Meng, I am afraid that there is no room for reconciliation between him and me, especially now that Jiang Dawei is sandwiched between them." Speaking of Jiang Dawei, Gao Yuan's face suddenly appeared with a layer of murderous intent. "He wants to marry Jing'er as a sequel. I'm afraid that in Ye Tiannan's heart, this Jiang Dawei's weight is heavier than me!"

"I don't know what will happen to Master Ye?" Tan Feng smiled. "Let's go and see, Gao Yuan, you should be careful. Jiang Dawei is indeed a problem, but I think his son Jiang Xinliang is very helpful for you! Ha, I used to think this kid was an embroidered pillow, but now it seems to be very clear, you can use him!"

"What did Tai Wei say?" Gao Yuan didn't care about Jiang Dawei, but he couldn't help but care about Tai Wei Zhou Yuan's thoughts.

"What do you think Taiwei would say?" Tan Feng asked him sarcastically.

Gao Yuan was silent for a moment.A person like Zhou Yuan, even if he had an idea in his heart, would never show anything on his face.Maybe he would go along with Zilan and praise himself, as for what he thought in his heart. , That only God knows.

"Look, you know it yourself!" Tan Feng looked at Gao Yuan's reaction and laughed. "Gao Yuan, I used to bring you the sincerity of Master Ning, please think about it."

Gao Yuan looked at Tan Feng.This guy was the first powerful person Gao Yuan met. He couldn't see his thoughts at all. All his movements were made under the premise of caring for and helping himself. Obvious, but maybe this is the result he wants. He has been in contact with him many times, even blatantly opening his eyes, Zhou Yuan will not know, and who is behind Tan Feng, Zhou Yuan will not know, Tan For Feng's behavior, you can really tell whether he is helping you or harming you.

Looking at Gao Yuan’s suspicious gaze, Tan Feng spread his hands, "Don’t look at me like this, I just bring a message, don’t have any other ideas, you make your own decision. I still want to be friends with you, haha, Yan Guo Zhao Mu, interesting, maybe I will rely on you in the future!"

Yan Haibo slammed in with a tray. On the tray, there was a large bowl of hangover soup, but when he got into the big account and looked at Tan Feng, he was shocked, where is this guy in front of him? What does being drunk mean?

"I'm leaving!" Tan Feng smiled. "Think about it for yourself, Gao Yuan, before leaving, I still have to solemnly remind you that you must have someone to rely on to achieve your goals. Who is this person, you have to think clearly!"

After saying this, Tan Feng strode out, and when he walked past Yan Haibo, he grinned at him, stretched out his hand to grab the sober soup, drank a clean, bang, and threw the bowl on the tray. , "Don't say, I drank a lot of wine today, thank you for the hangover soup!"

Seeing Tan Feng walking away, Yan Haibo was dumbfounded, "Lieutenant, what does this guy want to do?"

Gao Yuan bowed his head for a moment, and suddenly laughed, "Do I have to rely on someone?"

"Lieutenant, what are you talking about?"

"Xiao Yanzi, if you have a choice, do you want to do something, do you rely on the knife in your hand, or do you want to find someone to help?" Gao Yuan looked at Yan Haibo and asked.

"It's still a question. Of course, you have to rely on the knife in your hand and find someone to help. How do you know if someone will help you? Is it really helping you? If you really need someone to help, you may pay far more afterwards. The value of the matter itself!" Yan Haibo blurted out.

Gao Yuan raised his head and laughed, "Well said, Xiaoyanzi, there is progress. This is a good saying. As long as you have the strength and your fists are hard enough, what are you afraid of? You only seek straightness, not tune. Act as it should be!"

Yan Haibo blinked and looked at Gao Yuan.He really didn't understand what Gao Yuan meant.

"It's okay, go out, I want to be alone." Gao Yuan waved his hand and said.

Inside Fangcheng, Zhou Yuan, Chunyuyan and others looked at the Yanzhao treaty spreading over the big case with unstoppable joy on their faces. "Finally, the goal has been reached, Master Chunyu, we can finally free up some Time, we have concentrated our efforts to deal with Donghu. Before there is a result between Qin and Zhao, we have to take down Donghu's heart disease first."

Chun Yuyan nodded and said: "The Taiwei said well, if we win Donghu, my country Yan has the capital to compete with them!"

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