I’m The King

Chapter 282: : Suspicious

; Wrap the treaty, carefully put it into a special scroll, and seal it with wax. Chun Yuyan smiled and said: "The Taiwei is going to get his wish, and it will take a long time for Donghu to get results. Regarding things, Taiwei won't have too many elbows. This is the wish of the entire Yan Dynasty!

Zhou Yuan laughed. As the supreme commander in charge of the nation's soldiers and horses, it is true that only in wartime can his power be fully displayed. In peacetime, many powers are tightly locked in cages. In wartime, a word of war needs can resolve all difficulties invisible.

"Internal history comes from Jicheng, our lord of the country, what are you doing now?"

"What else can I do? Put in cronies and control the court. The Taiwei also knows that the king has a lot of trust in Lord Guoxiang." Chun Yuyan smiled and said: "At this time, Xun Xiu has been appointed by the king. The doctor is now, and Ye Zhong has become the commander of the palace guards, and the three thousand palace guards are already under the leadership of Ye Zhong."

"This is what the question should mean!" Zhou Yuan smiled and said: "If Ye Xiang doesn't take advantage of my absence and do some tricks in the army, then it will not be Ye Xiang."

"Master Taiwei is not worried?" Chun Yuyan looked at Zhou Yuan in surprise.

"What is there to worry about? Don't forget, there is still Ning Zecheng in Jicheng!" Zhou Yuan laughed. "Ye Xiang is doing tricks, but Ning Zecheng is waiting to see my joke? In this way, he will be the first person who can't laugh after that."

Chun Yuyan suddenly became happy. "That's right, Master Ning is acting weird. I don't know what he did in the dark, but a while ago, Ning Xin and Ye Jing'er suddenly got better, and then took Ye Jing'er to go there. Went to Xianyun Tower. Later, the backyard of Ye Xiang's house caught fire. But I heard that there was another big riot, and then Ye Jinger left Xiangfu and ran to Cijing'an and didn't go home. ."

"This guy!" Zhou Yuan shook his head.

"Master Ning's hands are not open and honest, and some are down!" Chun Yuyan said.

"Master Chunyu, you must not be deceived by these methods of Ning Zecheng. This guy must want to hide something underneath when he plays this hand. Everyone only sees these things on the surface of him. I ignored other things. This is what Ning Zecheng worries about." Zhou Yuan shook his head.

Chun Yuyan nodded," Master Tai Wei said yes, naturally I would not be careless. The reason why Master Ning became Master Ning was of course not relying on things on the surface. Oh, speaking of Ye Jing'er, I think of Gao Yuan again. Now, Young Master Lan looks so high, but I am a little surprised."

Zhou Yuan snorted, but did not speak.

"Taiwei, Gao Yuan is really a strong general, a wise general!" Chun Yuyan said. "This person has been fighting against Donghu for many years and has rich experience. The adults will definitely be able to use him when fighting Donghu."

"Master Chunyu, what are you worried about? Don't worry, Gao Yuan is talented, I will use him naturally!" Zhou Yuan burst into laughter, "I will not abandon him because of his relationship with Ye Tiannan, national affairs It’s important, isn’t it?"

"It's so good!" Chun Yuyan clapped her hands and laughed: "National affairs are important, just like I don't like Ye Tiannan, but as long as his actions are beneficial to Yan Guo, I will be able to cooperate very well. Too This time, Wei played for Gao Yuan to ask for the title of the army. He thought he slapped Ye Xiang severely. How could he be annoyed?"

Zhou Yuan smiled, "Why is he annoyed, why should I care?"

"Taiwei, please tell me, after Gaoyuan's entitlement this time, will he really ride a tall horse and take a sedan chair to Yefu to marry?" Chun Yuyan suddenly became happy. "At that time, I must go. Look at the excitement, this stunned kid might be really capable."

"He's not the Lengtou boy, can a Lengtou boy have today's achievements?" Zhou Yuan said: "Yan Guo Zhao Mu, hey, Young Master Lan is a little bit interesting, a bit interesting."

Chun Yuyan stunned slightly, looking at Zhou Yuan's thoughtful face, somehow, an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in her heart.

Zilan stayed in Fangcheng for a day, and then set off to return.Chunyuyan accompanied Zilan to join Handan together. The treaty has been signed and has been sent back to Jicheng, but there are still many details to be finalized in detail. In history, Chun Yuyan is naturally duty-bound. In Fangcheng, the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the State of Yan was sent away a few miles away, and he was extremely a good master. However, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility to greet Gao Yuan. People asked him to also see off this Zhao Guoguo, who admired him so much.

But Gao Yuan didn't stay idle either, because Zilan had indeed left, but Gao Yuan welcomed a guest who shocked him.

"Feng Fayong?" Looking at the Zhao Guo official who appeared in front of him, Gao Yuan could hardly believe his eyes. Not long ago, the mountain bandit who fell into his hands was now wearing Zhao Guo's military general costume. There is a clear eye, and there is no trace of a bandit from that detail.

Feng Fayong smiled, "Lieutenant Gao, don't come here unscathed? Thank you for being merciful last time, because this allowed me to reunite with my family, so I don’t dare to forget it!"

Gao Yuan stared at him and said coldly: "You can survive because you gave me something that I am interested in. A price is paid for. It is not deceptive. What's the matter with Feng Da, your boss seems not to be embarrassed. How about you! You still have such an air of spirit?"

Feng Fayong laughed, "I have leaked the tiger and leopard riding things. Even if I can't forget the credit for these years, I will sit in the prison for sure, but the Minister of the country brought me out and sent me. Here comes you."

"Send to me?" Gao Yuan laughed loudly: "What qualifications does your country minister have to send you to me?"

"Lieutenant Gaoxian doesn't know? Once the Yan-Zhao treaty is signed and the agreement is followed, the Yanjun will act as an ally of the State of Zhao and open to Hangu Pass. My grandfather specially invited the Taiwei of your country to let Gaoxian As a striker, I was sent by the prince to guide the county lieutenant," Feng Fayong said with a smile.

Gao Yuan's pupils contracted, this young man Lan is really lingering, where did he offend him here, and he tried to count himself again and again.

"You really can look down on me because of your family and country. It would be unwilling to not flatter me all the way to Master Yan!" Gao Yuan sneered.

Feng Fayong smiled and looked at Gao Yuan, "Lieutenant Gao, after the official business is finished, no matter whether the army will start or when it will start, I will always stay here for a few days, Lieutenant Gao, can you let me talk about personal matters? "

"Private matter?" Gao Yuan said hey, "What private matter is there between me and you?"

"Naturally there is no such thing with me, but my master of the country has something for me to bring to Lieutenant Gao. I also ask Lieutenant Gao to listen." Feng Yiyong said sincerely.

"What does he want to say?" At this moment, Gao Yuan had no good feelings for Zhao Guoguo, who was like an uncle next door. He sat back and stared at Feng Fayong coldly.

Feng Fayong was not angry, so he found a chair and sat down and looked at Gao Yuan."My country minister said, Lieutenant Gao must be careful of Taiwei Zhou, who will definitely be disadvantageous to the county lieutenant in the future. "

Hearing Feng Fayong’s words, Gao Yuan burst into laughter suddenly, "Isn’t this the reason your family’s minister of the country contributed to the flames? Why did you come back to me after turning around to sell it? This is bullying me and I don’t know the situation on that day. ?"

Feng Fayong shook his head," Lord Guoxiang knew that the county lieutenant would say this for a long time. In fact, Lord Guoxiang just poured a little oil on the pile of dry wood. With this little oil, it burns more vigorously. Without this little oil, this pile of dry wood would still burn. Lieutenant Gao, you are a wise man, and you should be able to think of the key."

Gao Yuan's heart was slightly stunned. Looking at Feng Fayong, his fists were clenched tighter and tighter.

"You are underdeveloped, don't work hard, Ye Tiannan will not look down on you, and will not marry her daughter to you, which forces you to work hard to broaden your path to promotion. Now, you have done it. At least, where you are now at Ye Tiannan, you are no longer the little county lieutenant of Fufeng, you will soon become a titled general, and you still have thousands of soldiers who can be used to fighting. Yan Guo is already a powerful force. Perhaps Ye Tiannan will really accept you."

"But Lieutenant Gao, have you ever thought about it? Is a son-in-law who can be used to fighting and holds a strong soldier in the country? Is it acceptable to meet Zhou Taiwei? That is why my country’s minister will remind Lieutenant Gao. Don't be blindfolded by some superficial things."

"It doesn't count if your family's state minister has finished the separation with Taiwei, will you come to me again?" Gao Yuan said quietly: "The Taiwei-sama treats me very well, but it is not him. I might get the title of a general. Do you think Taiwei Zhou has thousands of rivers in his chest?"

Feng Fayong is not annoyed," Lieutenant Gao is sure that it would be better, but Lieutenant Gao, the Minister of the State said that if one day you have nowhere to go, when there is no way to go, don't forget him, he The door of is always open to you."

Gao Yuan squinted his eyes and looked at Feng Fayong, with doubts in his eyes.

"There is no doubt about the county lieutenant, the domain of the Minister of the State of my family is Daijun, presumably you know it! Daijun used to face the Xiongnu, and now the Huns are about to die, but the enemy they have to face is Qin, who is more fierce than the Huns. People, so the prime minister of the country is thirsty for talents. If one day, the county lieutenant Gao cannot stay in the country of Yan, he will go to Daijun, and the prime minister of my family will inevitably greet him. To be honest, we do need it. A general like you."

"Didn't Zhao Country have Zhao Mu?"

Feng Fayong laughed, "General Zhao Mu is General Zhao Mu of the State of Zhao, and the Prime Minister hopes that there will be a substitute for Zhao Mu of the county. Moreover, Lord Guoxiang believes that Lieutenant Gao, you must stay in Yan State for a long time because of you. It’s too good. If you are too good behind you but are entangled with too many people with complicated backgrounds, I am afraid that there will be many people who will be against you, and you can’t guard against it.

"Ye Tiannan, Zhou Yuan, Ning Zecheng, no matter which party wants to accept you, the other two parties will try to destroy it. If you want to take refuge in the party, the other two parties will try their best to stop it, Lieutenant Gao, the master of my country said, In the worst case, the three parties reached an agreement for some kind of balance of interests and sacrificed you. If you have reached this point, please make a decision early, leave Yan Country and go to Dai County."

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