I’m The King

Chapter 288: : Jicheng

Listening to Xun Xiu's words, Ye Tiannan's face can't help but look a little uglier.

"It's no wonder that Ning Zecheng will spare no effort to show his favor, and Zhou Yuan also promoted vigorously. It turns out that the roots are here!"

Xun Xiu chuckled, "They want to win Gao Yuan, but Tian Nan, why are they your opponents? You shake your finger, and Gao Yuan will naturally come to the door obediently."

Hearing this, Ye Tiannan's face was even more ugly. Unlike Xun Xiu, Ye Tiannan still had a face after all. Everyone in Jicheng knew that he didn't want this son-in-law. , Wouldn't it make the people of the world laugh to death? Gritting his teeth, the noble arrogance deep in Ye Tiannan's heart rose again.

Xun Xiu watched Ye Tiannan's face change. He knew this disciple very well. He didn't wait for Ye Tiannan to speak, he said: "Tiannan, you haven't seen through after ten years of hard work? What is your face? Can he eat and serve as a soldier? We fled all the way back then, wanted to eat, and stole things. Over the past ten years, I have watched you grow up from a young youth. I thought your heart was already Mature enough, now it looks like you are still a bit short!"


"In the past, Gao Yuan was just a small county lieutenant. It didn't help us much. If you don't want it, you don't need it. But now, he will soon become General Zhengdong. Your opposition will not be effective. Will agree, the king also intends to support the new power, this is the general trend, in that case, why don't you catch him back. As long as there is a young lady, Tiannan you can cage Gao Yuan by your side without any effort." Xun Xiu said: "That's a general in the East, a force of thousands of people. Ye Zhong has seen a high soldier and knows how powerful it is."

"Yes, lofty soldiers can afford to be elite." Ye nodded his head.

"Sir, Gao Yuan, now it seems that he is not an ordinary person. He doesn't know what I have done before. Even if I promise his marriage, he will thank me and go to my sect? I think this It's impossible, I don't want to get nothing, nothing at that time." Ye Tiannan said.

"Confused!" Xun Xiu frowned. "The so-called missing relationship, Gao Yuan may be dissatisfied with you, but with such a relationship as a young lady, what kind of contradiction can not be repaired? Then again, even if Gao Yuan does not return to it. Under the Yemen, but it will not be against you. If you have any danger, this person will definitely take action. As long as you have such a relationship with him, he is a powerful weapon. Anyone who wants to deal with you, You have to think about Gao Yuan's attitude first. What's more, I believe that with your abilities, it is easy for everyone to believe that Gao Yuan has already belonged to your sect. Isn't it?"

Ye Tiannan fell silent.

"The prime minister, in fact, in this matter, from beginning to end, you didn't say anything to the young lady's marriage, did you? When I was helping the wind, I was the master of Mr. Xun and Mrs. Xun and it had nothing to do with you. But later, didn’t you give Gao Yuan a chance? Without the chance you gave him, he could soar into the sky and hit a blockbuster. Although there are some arguments outside, as long as we grasp this point, it is easy to refute." Ye Zhong said:" It is said that you are only trying to test Gao Yuan for the sake of hardship. Now that Gao Yuan has passed your assessment, the marriage with the young lady will naturally be a matter of course."

Xun Xiu laughed," Ye Zhong said this well. That's the reason, Tiannan, I will do these things of public opinion. After a few days of keeping them, Jicheng will say you Ye Xiangye’s wise eyes. , I discovered another famous general for Dayan. At the beginning, the lady was famous for her long hair and waist. Now, it's time for lovers to finally get married."

Listening to the words of the two, Ye Tiannan's expression gradually relaxed. At this moment, it seemed that everything he had done to Gao Yuan was really just for training this son-in-law," the gentleman said yes, and he asked his wife to go to Jingci'an. Pick up Jing'er, um, let Feng'er go with her, let Feng'er talk to her."

"It's so good!" Xun Xiu stroked his palm and laughed.

Gao Yuan naturally didn't know that his marriage with Ye Jing'er had already taken a 180-degree turn at this moment.He didn't even know that his title of miscellaneous general had become a reality. General Zhengdong, who was able to open a mansion and build a government office, at this moment, he was like a primary school student, in front of Zhou Yuan, listening to this person's teaching.

Since the end of the war, Zhou Yuan has expressed unusual enthusiasm for Gao Yuan. Since the withdrawal of troops on the Yishui River, Gao Yuan has been greeted by him and walked around. This makes other generals envy and jealous, but they are Can't speak, in this battle, Gao Yuan's performance is indeed impeccable.

Zhou Yuan greeted Gao Yuan to be by his side, naturally it was not aimless.In addition to showing that he valued him, in addition, understanding the details of the Donghu people was also Zhou Yuan's top priority.

The battle of Yanzhao has ended. In the next step, Zhou Yuan's eyes have turned to Donghu. If Yan Guo wants to make a difference in this era, it is impossible to do nothing without pulling out the nail of Donghu, and Gao Yuan is just like that. One of the best candidates, he was born in a border town, grew up in a border town, and fought with the Donghu people for several years. Last year, he was a thousand-mile raid and burned the Yulin camp of the Donghu people, so that the country of Yan can wholeheartedly carry out the fight with the country of Zhao. This great battle has made great contributions, and when it comes to understanding the Donghu people, I am afraid that apart from Zhang Shouyue, there is only this one in front of him.

Gao Yuan is naturally willing to defeat Donghu. Only in the war can he show his value and he can go further. If the court wants to deal with Donghu, it will be in his arms. For Zhou Yuan's question, he is He knows everything and speaks endlessly. Moreover, Gao Yuan himself has benefited a lot from Zhou Yuan’s current conversation. Aside from Zhou Yuan’s position, he is a lieutenant of a country and stands taller. Naturally, he looked farther, at least for now, Gao Yuan felt that he could not be compared with this person from a strategic perspective. Compared with Zhou Yuan's strategic vision, his previous thoughts were completely children's stuff. Son, it's not worth mentioning at all.

This is the national war! Gao Yuan said in his heart.

In this friendly conversation, this army finally entered the scope of Jicheng, and the Yan Nation's standing army left the army and rushed to the place where they were guarded. Except for the main generals of the ministries, they still followed. Outside Zhou Yuan, when they reached the outskirts of Jicheng, behind them, there was only a force of less than three thousand people left.

Gao Yuan finally saw Jicheng.

This is a city that shocked him. When he moved from Fufeng to West Liaoning, he was once shocked by the majesty of West Liaoning. But now, he saw the capital of Yan Kingdom. Compared with that, West Liaoning is like Fufeng City. It's not worth mentioning at all.

Looking around, he didn't see the edge of the city at all. The towering city walls stretched out infinitely on both sides, seeming to extend to the horizon.

Shuji rushed from the direction of the city on a fast horse, walked to the front, rolled over and dismounted, and bowed before Zhou Yuan's horse.

"Congratulations to Master Taiwei returning in triumph!" the leader said loudly.

Zhou Yuan's face sank slightly, and he returned home triumphantly.Is this the welcome ceremony the king gave him? Looking at the few people in front of him, he started to shout.

"Lord Taiwei, please go around the east city gate, the king will lead hundreds of civil and military officials, and the people in the city, outside the east gate, to pick up the dust for the Taiwei!" The visitor seems to know what Zhou Yuan wants to say, and grabs Zhou Yuan Before the attack, she said it out loud.

"East Gate?" Zhou Yuan was surprised.

"Yes, Dongmen, the king said, non-Dongmen cannot remunerate the Taiwei for his merits!" Come Humanity.

Zhou Yuan's face stretched out, and his face was full of joy.Since Dayan was founded, the soldiers who opened the east gate to welcome the return of the expedition can count them with their fingers.

"The king's love, the minister is very ashamed!" Zhou Yuan took a deep breath, turned his head to look at the soldiers behind him, and shouted: "Generals, the king opened the east gate to welcome you back."

Following Zhou Yuan's shout, countless generals and soldiers behind him all cheered loudly. Now the rest here, except for the generals, are all troops stationed in the city. Of course, they know what it means to open the east gate. It is a supreme honor, and it also means a rich reward.

Only Gao Yuan was at a loss. In his mind, what is the difference between opening the east door and opening the west door?

Tan Feng calmly rode his horse to Gao Yuan's side, and said in a low voice: "Dongmen Avenue is ten miles long, and it is straight. The end of this road is my Dayan's palace. Since Dayan was founded, Kaidong The gate will welcome the soldiers returning from the expedition no more than ten times. This is the highest honor for Dayan's generals on the expedition."

Gao Yuan suddenly realized it. No wonder the expression on Zhou Yuan's face changed from cloudy to clear, just like the sky in June, changing so fast, he didn't expect that King Yan actually valued his victory this time so much!

The troops turned quickly and rushed all the way to the east gate.Because they knew that King Yan was waiting for them at the east gate at this moment, all the soldiers were very excited, and the team walked more neatly than usual.

Going this way, Gao Yuan finally learned about the hugeness of Jicheng. From the west gate to the east gate, they actually walked for a full half an hour, and estimated that, from the west gate to the east gate, I am afraid it will not be lower. Twenty miles.

When they appeared at the east gate, they were prepared and shocked. Above the city head, there were lights and festoons. Above the city head, hundreds of drums lined up sounded at the same time. The horns screamed up to the sky, and Ji Ping, the current supreme ruler of the Kingdom of Yan, did not stand on the head of the city and looked down at his army, but stood in front of the opening of the city gate. Officials, noble ministers are all dressed in new costumes, standing solemnly.

At this moment, Gao Yuan's attention was not on King Yan. He was just staring at a middle-aged man who was one step behind King Yan. Although he had never seen him before, Gao Yuan knew that this person was the person who saw him. It must be Ye Tiannan, Jing'er's father.

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