I’m The King

Chapter 289: : 1 way flowers

What surprised him was that when he saw King Yan leading the civil and military officials to welcome outside the east gate, none of the generals, including Tai Wei Zhou Yuan, dismounted, and they rode their horses slowly to the east. After dozens of steps outside the door, the horse stopped. Following the ceremonial officer's sing of promise, headed by King Yan, all the civil and military officials of the Yan Kingdom kneel down with their hands folded.

In this instant, Gao Yuan seemed to have an illusion, could it be that Taiwei Zhou Yuan rebelled!

But obviously not, because none of the civil and military officials panicked, and the generals around Gaoyuan were willing to accept it.It seemed that this was a matter of course.

Three bows and nine knocks, the ceremony is over. King Yan got up and smiled at the soldiers in front of him.

Zhou Yuan was the first to roll over and dismount.Behind him, all the generals dismounted amidst the clash of armor, and followed Zhou Yuan to salute King Yan.

Pu fell on the ground, and Gao Yuan only realized that King Yan was not saluting Zhou Yuan just now.He was saluting the banner of the Yan Kingdom, and he was also thanking the soldiers for their triumphant return from the expedition.

Amidst a large group of generals, he is also moving forward.He doesn't understand these etiquettes.Fortunately, there is a Tan Feng beside him. What the other party does, he also does what he does.

Gao Yuan looked a little confused amidst the drum music, such a big scene, let alone this life, it was a past life, he had never seen it before.

Knocking, offering sacrifices to the heavens and the earth, offering sacrifices to the ancestral temple, offering sacrifices to the dead soldiers, one item is gone, and it disappears immediately after a short period of time. I don't feel tired after a few steps on the battlefield. With those civil and military officials, they are all okay, and they can't help but feel convinced.It's amazing.The tossers who climb up and down like this don't really know how they cultivated.

After finally getting to the section of offering prisoners, Gao Yuan heard Tan Feng around him clearly breathe out, and it seems that this old man is also a little impatient. This is the last item. After finishing this item, everyone can do it. Entered the city.

Of course, there are no prisoners. When the two sides signed a peace agreement, all the prisoners were returned to the State of Zhao to show the friendship of the State of Yan. However, in the hands of the Army of Yan, a large number of flags of the Army of Yan were also seized. The private army flags all over the Zhao army also had the more valuable Zhao army standing army flags. The offering of prisoners became the offering of flags.

With Zhou Yuan as the leader, when the ceremonial officer sang the name of a person, the person would hold a banner in both hands and walk to King Yan, and throw the banner at his feet. The pile of flags in front of him is higher and higher, and the joy in his heart is beyond words.After all, he has just taken the throne, and the shame of Xueyan for more than ten years has not only taken back his homeland, but also opened up the territory and expanded Zhao's territory. He also snatched a piece back, which made him a little smug.

Gao Yuan also has a banner in his hand, but he can be ranked first because of his lack of credit.At this time, his official position can only be ranked at the end.After all, the legendary general position has not yet been obtained.

The generals in front finished walking one by one, and in the end, he was left alone holding a flag and standing in front of the soldiers, but what was far beyond his expectation was that when the ceremonial officer read his aloud When naming the name, the other party's voice seemed to be particularly prolonged, and as his name was yelled out of the ceremonial officer's mouth, a uniform exclamation came out from the otherwise quiet crowd. At this moment, Qi Shui focused on him.

The feeling of being watched by hundreds of people is not very good, especially on this occasion, and these people are not his familiar comrades, brothers, but a group of thoughtful guys, high and distant like a thorn on the back, but they are not. Don't bite the bullet, hold the flag, and stride forward.

As he progressed, he marveled at this getting bigger and bigger. At today's height, he was specially wearing a dazzling armor. This thing, he would never wear it in battle, but today, he is under the persecution of Tan Feng. He had to put it on his body, every step he took, the beetle leaf stopped him, and his clear voice made him a little uncomfortable.

Throw the flag at the feet of King Yan, and pay homage high.

Yan Wang Jiping stared at the young general who had caused a turmoil before this man arrived in Jicheng. Sure enough, he was a talent, worthy of a fierce general in the army. On such an occasion, with his identity, he could still travel along the way in such a calm manner. , Above etiquette, no mistakes can be found.

He turned his head and glanced at Ye Tiannan behind him, Yan Guo's face was calm as before, as if this person had nothing to do with him.

Ji Ping smiled, bent over, and helped Gao Yuan, "Gao Yuan, this king has known his name for a long time. When I saw it today, it was really well-deserved, hahaha!" These few laughs, the meaning inside has gone, Ye Tiannan behind Ji Ping , Finally couldn't help but change the color.

"In this war, you have made great contributions, and this king will not treat you badly. I hope to continue to encourage and make new contributions in the future." Ji Ping patted the arm of the lofty arm, with a pleasant face.

"Thanks to the king, Gao Yuan will definitely bow down and die!" On such occasions, Gao Yuan naturally agreed without words, spoke boldly, and burst out without thinking.

"Your Majesty, it's time for the next ceremony." The ceremonial officer on one side looked at King Yan as if he was still not satisfied, and wanted to say something to Gao Yuan, hurried up and said in a low voice.

Yan Wang Ji Ping does want to talk more with Gao Yuan. His long hair reaches his waist, and I don't know how many boys and girls fall over it. Although Ji Ping is the king, his age is not much older than Gao Yuan. For such things, more or less Less, still longing for it.

"Okay, okay!" Ji Ping nodded and looked at Gao Yuan. "There will be more opportunities to talk to Qing in the future."

After listening to Ji Ping's words, Gao Yuan was a little confused.You must know that this Qing was not called casually.With Gao Yuan's identity, he is far from being regarded as the honorary title of Qing.

Ji Ping smiled and walked to Zhou Yuan's side, took his hand, and boarded Wang Yan. Amidst the horse's light hiss, he raised his hoof slowly and went inward. The carriage came one by one, and the generals boarded the carriage. Finally, a carriage stopped in front of Gao Yuan, "General Gao, please get in the carriage!"

Gao Yuan looked to the left and right, the civil and military officials of Jicheng were still standing on both sides of the city gate, watching the generals straddle each other. This is similar to a red parade, boasting martial arts, Gao Yuan thought in his heart, this It's really a showy work. Tan Feng said that from the east gate to the imperial palace, there are dozens of miles of avenues. It is conceivable that there must be countless people on both sides of this avenue. Get ready for the excitement!

He glanced at Ye Tiannan, who was the leader of a hundred officials, his face was still as calm as water, and he couldn't see the slightest waves. In his eyes, it seemed that there was no such person as Gao Yuan.

He snorted high and low, and he held the car's shaft with his hand, and stepped up with an arrow. I said that I would definitely ride a tall horse and carry a big sedan chair to Yefu to marry Jing'er. I said so, just Will definitely do it.

There was a deafening cheering from the front. After driving into the city gate and walking inside, Gao Yuan finally understood what is called a sea of ​​people. The guards of the imperial city with clear flags held weapons, one step at a time, along the straight straight line. The street has been moving forward, and each person's long sword and big halberd is covered with a piece of red silk to wash away the evil spirit of the sword and spear, and behind them are the heads of people who are moving, and what makes Gao Yuan amazed even more. , The buildings on both sides of the street have windows wide open, and the top of the balcony with the sun building is even more crowded with people. Watching the convoy approaching, they kept waving their arms and shouting.

In the past ten years or so, Yan Guo has been a very angry character, and now that the new king has taken office, they have finally ushered in a triumphant victory, but these people are not excited and unhappy.

Walking in the deafening cheers, Gao Yuan suddenly felt a sense of sacredness.Looking at the smiling faces, an idea of ​​wanting to protect them emerged spontaneously. May everyone always be able to With such a happy smile, he said silently in his heart.

Gaoyuan’s carts and horses are at the end, it should be said that it is the most inconspicuous, but the development of things often exceeds everyone's expectations. From nowhere, a scream suddenly came out, "Gaoyuan, the last one is Gaoyuan! "Listening to that voice, it seemed to be a woman.

With this scream, more people screamed.

"High, high!"

"I've come to Jicheng from afar!"

"When my hair reaches my waist, it's nice to come and marry me!"

The sound was getting louder and louder, Gao Yuan was really frightened by this battle, and his head was stunned.

The sound waves were higher than the waves, and among them, the woman's screams were the most. Although Gao Yuan has not been to Jicheng, he is a legend in Jicheng, Ye Jinger's special identity, and the sword is all over the head. Qingsi and the famous sentence that was enough to make all the idiots cry, made Gao Yuan famous in Jicheng.

Riding a tall horse, carrying a big sedan chair, and going to Ye Mansion to marry you! It is the same as treating me with long hair and waist, Jun Lai marry me, it is widely circulated in Jicheng, today, this legendary Gao Yuan He finally appeared. He stood on the carriage of Kwagong parading the street and came all the way.

Under the prestigious reputation, there is no empty scholar, and he has come from a high distance. As he said, he not only rode a tall horse, but also came as a successful general.

A flower was thrown out from nowhere, and it fell impartially on the lofty car. Along with the falling of the flower, a woman yelled: "Lofty!"

Looking up high, between the windows on the high floors, a woman waved at him.

Not waiting for the bitter smile on his face to fall, blossoming flowers, and some unknown things fell on his carriage like raindrops, some hit the armor, clinking, and fell on the car. When Ding Qing looked at it, they turned out to be sachets worn by women.

Fortunately, I listened to Tan Feng's words today and put on the armor, otherwise he would have smashed his nose and face. Gao Yuan was secretly grateful. The road has not been halfway, and the tall vehicles are already full of flowers and sachets. Shao fell on the main road because of his poor accuracy, complaining to the coachman who was driving at a high distance, but he made a lot of mistakes.

The lofty scenery suddenly overshadowed the two of Yan Wang Jiping and Zhou Yuan at the front.

"Gao Yuan, it seems to be really popular!" Ji Ping laughed, Zhou Yuan thoughtful.

But at this moment, above a building, in the half-open window, there was a face, half joy, half angrily watching the high distance that slowly passed downstairs, and there was a person beside her, but he was screaming. He smiled, the person who was smiling was Cao Lian'er, and the one who was half angry and half angry was Ye Jing'er.Her hair still didn't grow up, but her short hair made her look more beautiful and delicate.

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