I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 12 The World in the Corner

Is this Dawn City?

Mo Ling remembered what stationmaster Liang said when he first entered the monitoring station.

Dawn City should be the city above the abyss.

Could it be that this black horn took him out of the abyss?

Following the road, Mo Ling walked into Dawn City Library.

The interior of the library is still extremely luxurious, with high ceilings and sunlight streaming through the glass exterior windows.

This is the kind of glass used in monitoring stations. It looks like ceramic tiles from the outside, but it looks like glass from the inside.

There were many reading machines on the first floor of the library, and Mo Ling walked towards one of them.

Sitting in front of the chair, the machine began to operate in a very user-friendly manner, and Mo Ling soon mastered the operation method.

Opening the search box, Mo Ling entered the term "black horn".

The information that pops up is roughly the same as when Li Luo inquired before.

Mo Ling tentatively entered Li Luo's name again, but no information popped up in the information bar.

"Sure enough, you can't check your citizenship status."

After thinking for a while, Mo Ling wrote "Hunter Level" in the input field.

At this time, countless messages popped up:

"Hunters are people who explore the abyss."

"In the beginning, there were no hierarchies among hunters. There was a mix of good and bad."

"But as the exploration of the abyss gradually deepened, someone discovered that the abyss has several layers, and went down to the second layer of the abyss and brought back a relic called the "Scale of Judgment."

"This relic can give each hunter a nameplate, which will automatically display the hunter's level written in the language of the abyss and the title given to him by the abyss."

"Auroville City takes this opportunity to standardize the behavior of all hunters. If you want to enter the abyss, you must carry a nameplate to manage it."

"The hunter level on the nameplate will increase with the number of abyss layers reached."

"Being given the title by the abyss starting from the second level hunter."

That's it, no wonder everyone has a nameplate on them.

At this time, Mo Ling had a sudden idea, walked around the black corner, and started searching for terms about his own experience:

"Black hole/vertigo/loss of memory."

The progress bar moved slowly, and after a while, a message appeared in front of Mo Ling:

[Relic: Dream]

[Price: 500 grams of Korean kimchi in glass jars]

[Ability: Put the user into an irreversible sleep]

[Place of Discovery: Earth]

[Discovered by: Zhou Ming]

This is a relic that appeared at the beginning of the Cataclysm.

At that time, gun smoke was everywhere around the world, and people were panicked.

On Jeju Island, a sect emerged.

——Dream Sect.

Of course, they didn't call themselves the Dream Sect, it was just a name given to them by future generations.

This sect claims that the current world is false, a world in a novel, and artificially created.

There is a need to escape this world and run to another world that the Creator is not in the mood to control.

Very ridiculous statement.

However, in the environment at that time, strange phenomena occurred frequently, and various strange abyssal creatures and relic phenomena impacted people's world view.

So many stupid people believed them.

The Dream Sect organized its members to visualize a black hole that was constantly slipping.

They even printed flyers about the black hole and distributed them everywhere.

They explained to their congregants that they just had to visualize this black hole in their mind's bed, and then put a 500-gram glass jar of Korean kimchi under their pillow.

Then when you fall into a deep sleep, you can escape from this world played by the Creator and go to the promised land, a world without control.

During the Cataclysm, there were many such sects, and this kind of sect, which sounded outrageous at first glance, did not attract official attention at all.

The officials are busy dealing with more important matters and are not in the mood to care about this nonsensical sect.

However, one day, the son of a Dream Sect believer discovered that he could not contact his old father.

He didn't answer the phone, didn't reply to his messages, and even when he knocked on the door of his house, no one answered.

He quickly opened the door and rushed into the room, and then he found that his old father was still at home.

Fell asleep beautifully.

There was a glass jar under the pillow.

The growing number of reports finally attracted the attention of officials.

But it was too late. Almost all the members of the Dream Sect fell into death sleep and could never wake up again.

Nothing could be done to revive them.

When the army stormed into the home of the leader of the Dream Sect.

There was only a smiling corpse on the bed, and a glass jar under the pillow.

Officials urgently destroyed those black hole flyers and encrypted the appearance of the black hole.

I thought it was over, but the team searching for the flyers caught a madman.

The madman kept saying to the closing staff.

This world is a dream!

The finishing staff quickly notified the institute.

The madman told the researcher his experience:

One day, a friend gave him a flyer.

And told him about the philosophy of the Dream Sect and the method of going to another world.

He didn't believe in another world, but he found it very interesting, so he gave it a try.

At first, there was no glass jar at home, so he put 500 grams of kimchi in a bag and put it under his pillow.

I took a nap, but nothing worked.

The next day he doubtfully bought a glass jar.

Then follow the method taught by your friend.

At night, with a wave of dizziness, he felt like he was being pulled into another world by the black hole in his mind.

He also lost his memory, believed that this world was real, and began to live in this world every day.

One night, he went to a bar with his friend, who told him an interesting legend.

"As long as you read this flyer before going to bed, and put a 501-gram glass jar of Korean kimchi under your pillow, you will reach another world after falling asleep!"

He looked at the flyer given by his friend and thought it was so fun!

When he went home this time, he bought a glass jar on the way.

“As long as you read this leaflet before going to bed, and put 1997 grams of Korean kimchi in a glass jar under your pillow, you can reach another world after falling asleep!”

"Can the pillow hold me down? Is it too much? Can I sleep on it?" he asked his friend.

He began to imagine himself with a stiff neck.

At this moment, a strange feeling burst out from his heart, and countless memories poured out instantly.

When he realized he was dreaming, he found he could wake up.

So he started to wake up constantly...

After finishing the story, the madman said to the researcher: "There is no point in telling you, I will continue to wake up."

Then the madman began to distort his face, trying hard to open his eyes wide, as if he was holding back some big move.

Finding no effect, he asked the researcher doubtfully: "In this world, how many grams of pickles should you put under your pillow?"


After hearing this, the madman stared blankly at the researcher, tears welling up in his eyes.

This madman who has been in a dream for a long time is the discoverer of the relic "Dream", Zhou Ming.

Ultimately, researchers defined this event as a relic phenomenon.

Because the price of the 500g glass jar of Korean kimchi is really in line with the style of the relic.

Although the actual relic was not found, the incident was successfully resolved.

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