I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 13 Kimchi

"So, this was a dream?"

The moment Mo Ling had this idea, he found that he could wake up.

The physical sensation gradually returned, and as long as he opened his eyes, he could leave this world.

But Mo Ling did not choose to wake up.

"Why is this world so real?"

His pajamas and block hair are understandable.

But the dream even built Dawn City that he didn't remember, and could he also find information from the library in reality?

Mo Ling was puzzled.

"No wonder so many people are lost in their dreams."

He continued to look at the records and found that after Zhou Ming came back from the dream, he also described to the researcher that information that he did not know appeared in the dream.

Zhou Ming even guessed that the dream was connected.

Everyone who follows this method will reach the same dream!

But none of this has been confirmed.

Seeing this, Mo Ling felt happy.

If this is the case, it means that he can find Li Luo in this world and wake her up!

But how to find Li Luo in this huge Dawn City?

Thinking of his own experience of waking up, he had an idea.

A sense of dissonance.

He wants to create a sense of disobedience in Dawn City that everyone can see.

The moment his consciousness woke up, Mo Ling found that his abnormal perception had been restored, including the ability to teleport.

But now that teleportation is initiated, where will the items go?

In the cube’s head?

Mo Ling left the reading machine, walked out of the door, and came to the park outside the library.

The perception expands outward, and the range has not changed, still 11m*11m*11m.

Trying to aim at a stone, Mo Ling activated the teleportation.

The stone disappeared.

As if he had fallen somewhere, Mo Ling heard the familiar sound of metal.

This sound seemed to come from his own head.

"It's not really in your head, is it?"

Moring focused his vision on the square above his head.

After passing through the metal shell, Mo Ling came to a strange place.

This is a mountain of pickles…

The huge metal ground has no edges visible, and there is endless darkness above the head.

In front of me are piles of tall pickle mountains, stretching into the invisible distance, and pickles are constantly rolling down from the mountains.

Mo Ling tried to pick up a piece and found that the pickles had not gone bad or rotten, and she did not know how long they had been piled here.

The unique sour smell filled the space and went straight to Mo Ling's forehead.

The small stone teleported in by Mo Ling was placed on the metal ground in front of him.

Mo Ling's perception moved very slowly in this space. When he tried to pass through the ground, he came to the park again.

Where was that place just now?

Mo Ling's mind couldn't turn around.

Why did I run into that endless kimchi mountain?

Mo Ling entered the space again and threw the stone on the ground outside.

Just like in reality, his abilities are not affected.

So he set his sights on kimchi.

Following the familiar teleportation operation, a pile of pickles appeared on the ground.

This kimchi, which existed in an unknown place, was brought out by Mo Ling.

“Could these be the pickles that were paid for as a relic of ‘Dream’?”

How did it come to my head?

Suddenly, Mo Ling had a bold guess:

It's not that Kimchi went to his head, but that he went to the place where "Dream" stores the price!

Mo Ling quickly entered the Kimchi space again. He wanted to experiment with something.

Walking to a mountain, he pointed the teleportation frame at the huge pickle mountain, and then kept zooming in.

"That's right, it can still only reach 11m at most."

So Mo Ling walked into the kimchi mountain.

In the park of Dawn City Library, people are strolling leisurely.

Suddenly, a giant pickle cube appeared in the middle of the park square.

The strong smell attracted everyone's attention. After the pickle cube appeared, it hit the ground and suddenly spread out. The wave of pickles rushed to the stunned passers-by.

Passers-by screamed and fled, but were still overwhelmed by the influx of pickles.

Those who managed to escape quickly called the police.

Soon, rescue workers arrived at the scene. They endured the smell and searched for the trapped people in the pickle piles.

Mo Ling, whose body was covered with pickles, was dug out, put on a stretcher and carried out of the scene.

But just as he reached the ambulance, Mo Ling suddenly jumped up again and ran away in the shock of the medical staff.

"It worked! It really worked."

The three-story pickle mountain didn't feel anything when it hit her. Mo Ling was even more convinced that this was a dream.

In reality, when trapped in a block, only small objects can be teleported due to space limitations.

Now that there are no restrictions, he can just show off his talents.

In the dream city of Dawn, a piece of news is playing on the electronic screen:

"A hunter is using relics to create chaos in Dawn City."

"The suspect ran to the top of a tall building and used the relic to create a giant pickle cube."

"The pickle cubes would fall from the sky and scatter in the air, so it would start raining pickles all over the city."

"Citizens please be careful when going out and pay attention to safety."

"Relevant departments are already trying to arrest the suspect, but so far they have not been successful."

"The suspect's appearance is particularly obvious. He is wearing pajamas, has a square head, and is covered in pickles."

"If any citizen sees such a person, please report it to the relevant departments as soon as possible."

"The following is the surveillance video of the suspect."

Li Luo was holding the electronic screen and looking blankly at the content on it:

A square-headed man sneaked in from the back door of a high-rise building, and then climbed to the top of a building several hundred floors along the escape tunnel.

After a group of robot security guards found out, they launched an attack on him, but to no avail.

Cube Head created a pickle cube on the roof of the building, and then fell down with the pickle cube.

Li Luo's expression became even weirder.

Suddenly, she heard strange movement outside the window.

At this time, Mo Ling was standing on the Dawn Tower, the tallest building in Dawn City.

He was going to do the same and create a rain of pickles.

Just as he was about to take action, a head suddenly stuck out from the window of a large flat that looked very luxurious.

A girl was looking at him confused.

It was Li Luo.

Mo Ling was stunned for a moment. He originally planned to use the news media to spread his image to Li Luo.

But I didn’t expect Li Luo to live in Dawn Tower.

He jumped down quickly and stood in front of Li Luo.

Seeing Mo Ling's image, the girl's expression was obviously in a daze.

Seeing this, Mo Ling quickly ran to the table and picked up the girl's electronic screen.

Then he entered the password skillfully to unlock the electronic screen.

Mo Ling entered the content of the relic "Dream" on it, and then handed the electronic screen to Li Luo.

Seeing her expression change from confusion to clarity, Mo Ling knew that she had succeeded.

After Li Luo finished reading, he first looked at Mo Ling's strange appearance, and then asked in disbelief: "Are you here to save me?"

Mo Ling nodded.

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