I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 262 Return

Just when the two of them were at war, Li Luo sprang out from behind the crowd. After saying a few words to Jeff, Jeff blankly retracted the water tentacles.

After looking at the armor curiously for a few times, Jeff turned around and directed the pseudo-murloc behind him to continue escaping from the moon altar.

Li Luo ran forward and patted Mo Ling's arm, asking him to follow as quickly as possible.

The light on the rune line did not last long, and soon it stopped flowing out and became only slightly brighter. However, Jeff was not at ease and took everyone to escape to the stairs at the edge of the Moon Altar before slowing down. Stopped slowly.

"Go down first, something's wrong." He said cautiously.

After walking down the stairs, Li Luo hurriedly talked to Mo Ling.

"Why are you like this again? Can you change forms at will? What's the deal with this armor? Why is it so similar to the equipment of those pseudo-murlocs? Where did you get it?"

Li Luo blurted out and asked a series of questions with concern. Mo Ling didn't know how to explain for a while. Everything on this island was too strange.

He originally wanted to answer with a stone bracelet, but he was worried that Li Luo would continue to ask questions, so he had to take out the electronic screen from the box and start writing.

"The fishmen are in danger, and there are other things on this island."

Right now, that's the most important thing.

Li Luo looked at the words on the electronic screen with a solemn expression.


"have no idea."

Mo Ling really didn't know what form those ancient fish-men were in now. Without their bodies, it was hard for Mo Ling to imagine how they would act.

After briefly telling Li Luo about the ancient fish-men, she nodded: "Are they a group of ancient dead souls who want to take back their original bodies?"

"Absolutely." Mo Ling wrote a short answer on the electronic screen.

"I'll inform the fishman."

Li Luo quickly realized the seriousness of the problem, found Jeff, and told him the situation.

When Jeff heard this, he was shocked.

"In the village! They must be heading to the place with the most people." He reacted immediately.

He didn't doubt Li Luo and directly called out the group of fake fishmen.

"Can we enter the village? The patriarch will not allow it." After hearing Jeff's words, the pseudo-fish people still hesitated and asked worriedly.

"Are you fish people?" Jeff asked.

"Of course...but..."

Before they finished speaking, Jeff interrupted them: "What's the problem with the fishmen entering the fishman village?"

"no problem."

"That's right, let's go."

Jeff dispelled the hesitation of the pseudo-fish people with a few words and led them towards the village in a mighty manner.

Li Luo and Mo Ling looked at each other and followed immediately.

The road leading from the Moon Altar to the Fishman Village seems to have been smoothed out. It seems that the Fishmen tribe has put a lot of effort into building the Moon Altar.

Along the way, everyone also met some fishmen who were carrying supplies. When they saw a large group of pseudo-fishmen, they wanted to avoid them, but Jeff directly grabbed them and joined the team.

"Something may have happened in the village. Come back with us."


Most of the fish people noticed something strange on the island.

The extra "moon" in the sky and the glowing moon altar are already extremely conspicuous.

After hearing Jeff's words, these fishmen had no doubts and immediately put down their work and hurried towards the village.

The team is getting stronger and stronger, and the fishmen and pseudo-murlocs are mixed together, regardless of you and me.

Soon, the village appeared in front.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the village, screams came from the village.

In the village, a fishman saw the people at the entrance of the village and crawled on the ground trying to run over. Halfway through, he suddenly stopped and stood there.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a small rune part, pierced into his back.

The moment the part penetrated through the back chest, the fish-man stopped moving, as if he suddenly turned into a sculpture, standing firmly.

The stiff fish head shook slightly, its eyes kept spinning, its mouth kept opening and closing, and its gills were flapping violently, as if it was stranded.

Immediately afterwards, the fish-man who was originally like a sculpture suddenly started to tremble again and suddenly knelt on the ground.

He opened his mouth, and a stream of water with black rusty residue spurted out of his mouth and spread in the mud.

After spitting out the last bit of black water, the fish's eyes stopped moving and became sharp in an instant. He wiped his mouth and slowly stood up straight.

First he looked around, then looked at his body, and then pulled off the tattered human clothes on his body.

A piece of parts suddenly emerged from the chest covered with fish scales, trembling and glowing.

The part seemed to be calling for something, and soon, the surrounding ground began to react. Something was fidgeting with the soil, as if it was about to break out of the ground.

Finally, the loose soil exploded instantly, and countless parts emerged from it, spinning and flying into the air, with shimmering edges.

Immediately afterwards, the parts lined up like magnets, aiming at the parts on the fishman's chest, and attached to them piece by piece.

Accompanied by bursts of metal collisions, the cracks at the intersection of the parts flickered with light. The parts that were originally flying in the air were quickly assembled into a pair of fitted armor, wrapping the fishman.

He raised his hand, and parts suddenly emerged from the soil, flying into the air and surrounding him, following him like sentinels.

The light of the runes receded, and the fish-man no longer looked as frightened as before.

The armor's face glowed faintly, staring coldly at the people at the entrance of the village.

Everyone was shocked by the changes in front of them and stood there without daring to move rashly.

Mo Ling looked at the armor and was extremely shocked.

Still too late.

The ancient fishmen have begun to take back their bodies.

"They abandoned their bodies before, and their souls were attached to the parts?"

Nine times out of ten it is.

After the part penetrated into the fish-man's body, it quickly removed the original soul, and then implanted the ancient soul in the part into the body. The replacement speed was very fast.

The technology of the ancient fishmen was truly unexpected.

Even if they have forgotten eternal life, they still have such a deep understanding of the soul. Could it be that they have studied the soul before?

Mo Ling didn't know.

But the current situation shows that it was a very simple matter for the ancient fishmen to regain their bodies.

Their technology makes it easy to do this.

To them, the new murlocs are just fish on the chopping board and have no ability to resist at all.

Just as he was thinking about it, the glowing red armor quickly rushed towards the crowd.

After taking a few steps forward, he jumped into the air and actually flew up. The parts around him were also rolling around, and he was about to rush towards the crowd.

But at this moment, he saw Mo Ling, who was also wearing armor among the crowd.

He was stunned for a moment, and then immediately pointed his palm at Mo Ling, as if he wanted to control the parts on Mo Ling's body.

However, the parts on Mo Ling's body did not move at all, and the ancient fishman's control movements had no effect.

The armor froze, and his hand stopped in mid-air, as if he couldn't believe it.

Immediately afterwards, the parts around him also stopped for an instant, glowing slightly, as if they were forced to sleep, floating motionless in the air.

The armor on the ancient fishman suddenly burst out with light. The light patterns in the rune engravings flowed, and a rune light path like a chain spread all over the body, fixing the armor in the air.

In the long-silent fish-man channel, Mo Ling suddenly heard a long-lost voice, but the voice seemed extremely frightening and even a little trembling.

"Highest authority?"

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