I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 263 Highest Authority

"Why is the highest authority with you? Shouldn't it have been lost a long time ago?"

An unbelievable voice came from the fish channel.

The ancient fishman seemed to find it difficult to accept this fact and kept questioning Mo Ling in the channel.

"Who the hell are you? Why don't I recognize you?"

Mo Ling didn't answer him.

So the ancient fish-man began to anxiously try various methods to unlock it, and also tried to find information about Mo Ling.

Soon, he found Mo Ling's account.

"500 tourists?"

The voice on the channel became increasingly shaky.

"Why can't I find your identity? What does 500 tourists mean?"

The ancient fishmen were shocked when they saw Mo Ling's "account name".

While continuing to search for information about Mo Ling, he was still struggling to unlock the armor's locking function, but the rune lock could not be opened and was firmly fixed on the armor.

"Why is the authority still not enough? I want to appeal!"

He shouted anxiously at the management system.

"Accept the complaint, we will give you a reply within thirty murloc working days, please wait patiently..."

After a system beep, nothing happened.

The ancient fish-man was still fixed in the air, and the surrounding parts and the armor on his body remained motionless.

At this time, a prompt window popped up in front of Mo Ling:

"Hello, highest authority, the following is a new appeal message, please check it out."

"Appeal account: Yuqun 465."

"Purpose of appeal: to unblock the account."

"Reason for automatic locking: attempt to attack the highest authority."

"Reason for appeal: I didn't do anything, why should I be banned?"


Below the window, there are several eye-catching operation buttons.

Mo Ling looked at it carefully and chose to reject it directly.

With Mo Ling's choice, the operation frame also disappeared.

However, the ancient fishman still did not give up. He kept filing unblocking appeals against the fish system, and rows of prompt boxes popped up in front of Mo Ling.

However, one of the prompt boxes was particularly obvious, with a red light on the edge, and Mo Ling immediately focused on it.

"The Yuqun 465 account is abnormal. You can adjust the permissions of the account through the account management interface and handle violations."

In the small words below the prompt box, the method of opening the account management interface is also carefully marked.

So humane?

Mo Ling quickly followed the prompt box to find the account management interface.

As soon as the interface was opened, rows of accounts were refreshed, densely packed.

Most of these accounts are named after fish schools and numbers, which is very simple.

As soon as he entered this interface, Mo Ling discovered something bad:

This account list is constantly being refreshed, and every time it is refreshed, new accounts will appear.

"The fish school is expanding?"

Mo Ling quickly understood what this meant.

The number of ancient fishmen is still increasing, which seems to indicate that they are racing against time to seize the body.

Whenever an ancient fishman successfully seizes the body and makes armor, a new account will be added to the account list.

Looking at the accounts that were still appearing, Mo Ling became anxious.

The situation in the fishman village may not be optimistic.

Soon, Mo Ling found an account marked red in the account list - Yuqun 465.

This is the ancient fishman who was blocked in front of him.

Mo Ling thought for a while, selected this account, and then quickly found one of the options.

"Do you agree to delete the account?"


Mo Ling agreed without hesitation.

The moment he completed his selection, the interface automatically returned.

The account marked in red has disappeared from the list.

"Is it really okay?"

Mo Ling didn't expect that he could actually delete his account.

But what will happen?

He quickly looked at the ancient fishman locked in the air, and found that deep red light flashed faintly in the gaps in his armor parts.

It didn't take long for the gaps at the connections between those parts to begin to grow, and they slowly began to disintegrate.

The ancient fish-men in the armor also made no movement, as if they were suddenly silent, and there was no sound from the fish channel.

Immediately afterwards, under Mo Ling's shocked eyes, those parts that flashed red light suddenly exploded and disintegrated, scattered and flew into the air.

After they spun in the air a few times, they flew towards Mo Ling, gathered into a dark mass, and hovered above Mo Ling's head.

The fish-man who lost his support suddenly fell from the air and hit the mud.

For a moment, everyone around him focused on the ball of parts on Mo Ling's head and took a few steps back consciously.

Only Li Luo stood beside Mo Ling, staring at the parts with curiosity and surprise.

"Rescue people first!" After Jeff shouted, everyone turned their attention to the fishman who fell to the ground.

After falling into the mud, the fishman seemed to be blinded by the fall. He sat up with dull eyes, and then looked at the people surrounding him with a confused expression.

Several pseudo-murlocs quickly surrounded him and tied him tightly with water tentacles.

Jeff walked up to him and asked, "What were you doing just now? Did you want to attack us?"

The fish-man sat on the ground, still looking confused.


He looked at Jeff blankly, as if he had no idea what was going on.

Jeff stared at him seriously for a long time before speaking again:

"you do not know?"

The fish-man turned his head blankly, looked at the tentacles on his body, then looked at the people aside, and shook his head at Jeff in confusion.

Suddenly, his eyes focused on Mo Ling, who was entangled in parts behind him.

"It's those things that are chasing us!"

Because he was tied up, he could only keep winking and gesticulating to the people around him.

Jeff turned his head to glance at Mo Ling, then turned back to comfort him: "Don't worry, that's a human friend and won't hurt us. Please tell me carefully, what exactly happened?"

The fishman stared at Mo Ling carefully for a long time, and saw those parts hovering quietly above Mo Ling's head, and then he finally relaxed and told Jeff the whole story seriously:

"Those parts suddenly popped out of the ground and hovered over the village in a dark mass. After a while, they rushed down, got into our bodies, and then turned us into armor..."

As he spoke, he was stunned again.

"Did I just get caught by them?"

"Yes." Jeff said, pointing to the parts above Mo Ling's head: "Those are the parts that attack you."

Looking at the hovering parts, the fishman showed an expression of fear again on his face.

He looked at Jeff anxiously: "Did I attack you guys just now? It wasn't me, it was the armor that did it. I was not conscious at all."

"That armor will turn me into someone else!"

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