I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 273 The choice of fish

"Get ready, we're going out."

The little fry's firm voice spread throughout the entire dragon, reaching every dragon scale.

The responses from the clones also came one after another.

The little fry recognized the voices of each clone, and it whispered their names quietly in its heart.

It suddenly looked at Zero One again.

"Zero One, if I told you now that I want to become that dragon soaring in the sky, what would you think?"

Zero One was stunned for a moment, and the voice came again.

"You don't have to ask me."

It still does.

The little fry didn't put Ling Yi in trouble anymore. It controlled the giant dragon and once again touched the membrane leading to reality.

This time, it didn't hesitate anymore. The dragon's body slowly merged with the film and gradually blended into it.

But at this moment, the little fish fry said something strange.

"Ling Yi, help me look at the moon..."

"What do you mean?"

As soon as Zero Yi finished his puzzled words, the little fish's vision changed strangely. It seemed to move away from the dragon's head in an instant, slowly retreating along the dragon's body.

It squeezed past the replicas and fell downwards.

During this process, it greeted each copy enthusiastically, as if it was getting to know them all over again.

"297, you always swam faster than me in swimming competitions before. I was so angry that I used my authority to trap you in place. Now I will give you all the authority to control movement..."

"One-three-zero, you always carry things to me from the ruins and build me a dragon palace. Let me think about it and give you the authority to carry it..."

"Reiji, you keep pestering me about research with various permissions. You must be able to manage the permissions of knowledge..."

In this way, the little fry slid to the dragon's tail while dividing his authority, until he was separated from the dragon's body.

It just stayed there, watching the dragon slowly rise up, cross the membrane, and fly into the sky.

The giant dragon outside the film quickly turned around, swinging its body, trying to find the shadow of the small fry, but it seemed that it could not see the film that was so close.

It seems that once we reach reality, this film is no longer visible.

Only the little fry stayed here alone, looking up longingly.

It retains itself within the membrane.

After losing all authority, the little fry's vision became increasingly blurry, and it seemed that he could no longer control his body and fell downwards.

The dragon's figure became farther and farther away, and everything in front of him slowly became dim.

In the darkness, the moonlight once again shone on the little fry's body. After abandoning everything, his body seemed to be much lighter...

Just like that, in the flickering moonlight, everything around him fell silent again.

Until it fell into endless silence.

The darkness and the flickering light inside the armor intertwined with each other. Mo Ling seemed to be in a dream, and he couldn't tell whether the pop-up window in front of him was real or fake.

"End sharing."

The standard fish-man language characters instantly brought Mo Ling back to reality.

Jeff's words came slowly: "This is the last scene of it, and we don't know what happens after that."


That little fry?

Mo Ling had not recovered from the change in perspective and was stunned for a long time.

Before he could react, the scene ended abruptly.

What’s the story after the school of fish comes to the real world?

Shouldn't the little fry control the dragon and see the moon in reality?

Why did it end so suddenly?

"Why did it leave the fish school?" Mo Ling was very confused.

"Because that's the price." Jeff replied helplessly: "The strokes of words will not disappear out of thin air."

"In the process of conquering the world, the school of fish slowly became part of the world of words. While gaining authority, it also replaced those strokes, and its connection with words became more profound."

"If the fish want to escape that world, it means removing the fish-shaped strokes from all the words. That is obviously impossible. There must be a 'fish' in these words."

"When it touched the film, it knew this, so it left itself behind and became the 'fish' in the text. From then on, all the little fry in the fishman language were it……"

After listening to Jeff's explanation, Mo Ling understood everything instantly and was also shocked by Xiaoyu Fry's decision.

"Why doesn't it just leave a copy?"

"I don't know, this is its choice."

The armor on Jeff's fingertips slowly retracted, and he sat up straight, waiting quietly for Mo Ling to digest the information.

"You should know now what the highest authority means, right?"

Mo Ling didn't say anything. He opened the ancient fish-man book on the table and pointed at the small fry on it.

"you understood."

Looking at Mo Ling's movements, Jeff nodded.

"After it left the fish school, it gave me the highest authority, but that was not the pure highest authority. At best, it was an empty shell, with only management rights and no control rights."

"What do you mean?" Mo Ling was a little confused.

"Because when they separated, it assigned specific text permissions to other copies, and there was nothing in the highest permissions. So I can only manage other permissions as the highest permissions, without actual control."

Jeff raised his hand and placed his finger on a word in the ancient book.


"I have the permissions of the group. I can use the permissions of the group to manage other replicas, and then use these replicas to control other permissions, instead of directly controlling the permissions themselves. This is the difference."

He raised his head and looked at Mo Ling seriously.

"And you now have the true highest authority. All authority and actual control are in your hands. Fish School only has the right to use these authority."

"In other words, the entire school of fish is now at your mercy."

After hearing Jeff's words, Mo Ling was stunned. Only at this moment did he truly understand the true meaning of the highest authority.

However, Mo Ling still didn't understand.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Why did Jeff take him through the experience of Xiaoyu Fry and explain to him the meaning of the highest authority in a serious manner?

They should be enemies, isn't Jeff worried at all?

Telling Mo Ling the true meaning of the highest authority, doesn't it mean giving your life to others to control?

"Even if I don't tell you, you will know this sooner or later."

Jeff raised his head slightly and reached out to grab the mist beside him, but the mist seemed to avoid him and did not touch his body at all.

"Although I don't remember what happened on this island and why it took us so long to forget a skill, but in any case, it is a good thing that the highest authority has reappeared."

He put down his arms and placed them upright on the table, and then looked at Mo Ling seriously.

"Let me ask you a question."

"Do you want to completely kill the fish?"

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