I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 274 Formula

Kill the fish completely?

Jeff's words stunned Mo Ling on the spot.

"What's the meaning?"

"Literally, kill the fish."


"Because only the highest authority can kill the school of fish." Jeff explained: "In the process of the school of fish conquering the written world, we have become part of the fishman language."

He pointed to a word in the fish-man ancient book and said: "These accounts with permissions cannot be deleted by the 'group', because if you want to delete these accounts, you have to delete the entire text."

"But it's different now. All the permissions are on you, including the 'group', so you can delete any account."

After hearing Jeff's words, Mo Ling suddenly realized.

He had always thought that deleting accounts was a function that came with the highest authority, but he never expected that such a prerequisite was needed.

"So, just deleting all the accounts is equivalent to killing the fish?"

"Yes, it's very simple, right?"

It's really simple.

But why would Jeff do this?

Has he been sleeping for too long and his mind is abnormal?

Mo Ling still didn't understand what Jeff's purpose was. He always felt that there was some conspiracy hidden behind it.

As if sensing Mo Ling's suspicion, Jeff pushed the fish-man ancient book in front of Mo Ling.

"Isn't Murloc a very strange language?" He suddenly asked Mo Ling a strange question.

Although he was very confused, Mo Ling nodded.

"The moon also represents time, and the tree also means soul. The word has multiple meanings. Different combinations of words also have different meanings."

"The meaning is their permissions. Fish schools use these permissions to accomplish many things that are difficult to achieve."

"Cube tribe, do you know how to dry clothes?" it suddenly asked.

Mo Ling was stunned for a moment: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Jeff's fingers began to slide on the ancient fish-man book.

"Sand, dry."

"Sun, heat, destruction."

"Fog, transpiration, dispersion."


He pointed to many words in succession and read them out one by one.

"What does it mean?"

"This is the formula." Jeff said seriously: "The formula for drying clothes."

Upon hearing this, Mo Ling understood something instantly.

"Is this a skill formula? Is this how you record skills?"

"Yes." Jeff confirmed.

"Our skills are to arrange and combine the permissions of words. We can only understand the world in this way." Jeff said with some nostalgia.

He slowly told Mo Ling what happened when they first came to this world.

At that time, they had no bodies and no movement.

After the dragon rushed to reality, it landed on a boulder.

The murloc words at that time were just meaningless patterns on boulders.

But the presence of fish gives those patterns meaning.

Unlike other races, the first skill that fish schools learn is refining.

Because it is very simple, just use the "sun" to burn it, and after the impurities are destroyed, what is left is pure minerals.

In this way, the fish got all kinds of strange metals.

Slowly, they control the metal to fly, exploring the world from a special perspective.

In order to communicate with the creatures in this world, they created "physical bodies", which is also a skill.

In the process of constantly exploring the real world, fish schools have more and more formulas. They use this method to forcefully understand this world that is completely different to them.

Originally, for them, the world is a combination of various scenes, so using words to combine skills is very consistent with their world view.

The fish have invaded so many races, and they have long known that they are different. However, the species in the abyss are all kinds of strange, and the logic of understanding the world is quite different, so it is not anything special.

So, they continued to use this method until the racial lock appeared.

Only then did they realize something was wrong.

"There is something wrong with our underlying logic, or the underlying 'programming method'." Jeff explained: "Because there are limits to the permutations and combinations of text."

"Isn't language infinite?" Mo Ling asked, "You can keep talking."

"But the formula cannot be infinite, or even too long. Long formulas will make the use of skills very slow." Jeff said seriously.

"That's not the most important thing."

Jeff's fingertips began to slide on the ancient fish-man book again.

"Our formulas are conflicting. The formulas for some skills are exactly the same, so we have to add other definition permissions to these formulas to distinguish them, which will make the formulas more lengthy."

"That's why I say that there is something wrong with our underlying logic, and there is something wrong with the way we understand the world from the beginning."

"And we can't reinvent the wheel, as that would revert the entire fish population back to its original state."

Hearing this, Mo Ling also clearly realized the plight of the fish school.

"So, the racial lock is actually caused by your underlying logic?"

"Yes, there are too many formulas and insufficient capacity, so we can only use the previous formulas to refer to new skills, and the original skills will be forgotten..."

Jeff shook his head helplessly: "The current fish school is like an old machine, too dilapidated to be refurbished. The fish school has been invading other races in order to find ways to break this limitation."

That’s why we found the way to eternal life.

Mo Ling also didn't understand why the soul would let the fish escape from this restriction after immortality.

But the current school of fish seems to have lost interest in eternal life.

"What does this have to do with killing fish schools?" Mo Ling still didn't understand.

Hearing Mo Ling's question, Jeff grew another scale-like armor on his fingertips and touched Mo Ling's arm.

It’s still screen sharing.

But this time it’s not someone’s experience, but the scene outside the library now.

Those ferocious armors were locked in place by Mo Ling.

The newly born murlocs are trying their best to dismantle their armor and rescue the clansmen inside.

They used their tentacles of water to pry apart the parts one by one until a mouth was opened, and then carefully moved the body inside.

"I have carefully understood that these souls should be generated independently by the body when we leave the body. They are not some race that takes the body," Jeff said calmly.

"Such a self-generated soul is more adaptable to this body than us."

Mo Ling actually heard a compliment in Jeff's words.

What does he want to do to this new group of fishmen?

Yusho had so many criminal records that Mo Ling couldn't help but start to become suspicious.

However, Jeff really didn't seem to have any hostility towards these new fish-men.

He didn't seem to care that his body was occupied by someone else, and even focused the picture on the new student "Jeff" who was trying to save his companions.

"very nice……"

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