I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 291 New Leaves


Li Luo said to Jeff who returned to sit on the steps again.

Jeff nodded sheepishly.

"After I took office, I planned to let the pseudo-murlocs return to the village. Now the time is almost ripe."

He looked at the pseudo-fishmen coming and going in the village.

In this incident, the pseudo-murlocs won real recognition with their actual actions. After many murlocs controlled by parts woke up, they saw the pseudo-murlocs who saved them at first sight.

Not only that, they later became comrades-in-arms and joined the united front to rescue other fishmen.

The estrangement has gradually been eliminated unconsciously.

"But they cannot be allowed to flood into the village en masse. The gathering places on the mountain must still be maintained. The ban on mutual traffic must be lifted first and let the two sides adjust for a period of time. Fish-Man Island is not big, and it is only a matter of time before they merge with each other."

"The arrival of humans will also accelerate the cultural integration of Fish-Man Island. Therefore, our trade with humans also needs to increase our efforts. At the same time, we can also get to know other races through humans."

"The fishmen's eyes should not be limited to this island..."

Jeff slowly stated his plan. He had thought it through very carefully. He had just taken office and was already planning the future development of Fish-Man Island.

Unlike the rigid old patriarch, the first thing Jeff thought about was cultural integration and contact with the outside world. He had actually known about the difficulties faced by Fish-Man Island for a long time, but he was unable to use his fists at the time.

Now that he has become the clan leader, although it is a coincidence, it is exactly what he wants.

"You are a very competent clan leader." Li Luo praised while listening.

Work soon came to his door. After a while, a fish man found Jeff and asked him to take a look at the damaged houses. Jeff had no choice but to say goodbye to Li Luo and walked towards the village.

Li Luo waved his hand and continued to sit on the steps, staring blankly into the distance.

As if waiting for something.

It wasn't until she saw the slowly flying cube that her eyes lit up and she stood up suddenly.

When the cube flew in front of her, she took out her handkerchief in a familiar manner and wiped the wet sand on the surface of the cube.

"Did you go swimming?" she asked curiously.

Only then did Mo Ling realize that because the block had just fallen on the beach, the surface was covered with sand.

"Lying on the beach for a while." Mo Ling wrote truthfully on the electronic screen.

Li Luo smiled softly when she saw the answer on the electronic screen. She stretched out her hand and felt the sunshine at this time.

"It's really suitable for lying on the beach now. If it wasn't in the abyss, Fishman Island might actually become a great tourist attraction."

After the fog dissipated, the sunshine on Fish-Man Island was unusually mild. It was neither too sunny nor too gloomy. In addition, the island still maintained a humid environment, which was indeed very comfortable for humans.

After wiping the cubes, Li Luo didn't ask any more questions. He just stood silently and looked at the cubes floating in the air.

After a long time, he spoke again:

"You're not leaving, are you?"


After Cube returned, Li Luo's mood improved significantly, and he took Cube to stroll around the brand-new Murloc Village.

The first place we went to was the Fishman Hospital.

It says it's a hospital, but it's actually just a relatively comfortable shed.

There were many beds inside, and there were many fishmen who had not yet recovered lying on the beds.

Bai Zhou was among them, and a fish-man doctor stood beside him, seemingly checking his body.

The way of checking is also very original.

The fishman doctor skillfully summoned the water tentacles to tie up Bai Zhou, then took out a hard stone and knocked it on Bai Zhou's body.

"Do you feel it?" The fishman doctor knocked Bai Zhou's knee with a stone.


"What does it feel like?"

"It hurts."

After hearing Bai Zhou's answer, the fishman doctor immediately asked: "Why does it hurt? Describe the specific feeling."


Bai Zhou lay on the bed and thought for a long time, his expression twisted, and he finally thought of a suitable answer.

"It's just...the pain of hitting a rock."

The fishman doctor was stunned.

Then he sighed: "No problem, next step."

He untied the current tentacles from Bai Zhou's feet and put his hands to a position that was not too high.

"Put your feet up and touch my hands."

"Okay." Bai Zhou agreed.

Then he lifted his feet up as the doctor asked, and stopped after touching the doctor's palm.

"Hold it and put it down after five seconds."

After Bai Zhou counted down for five seconds, he slowly lowered his legs. The doctor didn't ask any more questions. After seeing that there was nothing abnormal about Bai Zhou, he continued to check other parts.

But Bai Zhou still looked at the doctor doubtfully for a long time.

"Doctor, don't you ask me how I feel?"

"How do you feel?"

Bai Zhou shook his helmet: "No."

Hearing Bai Zhou's answer, the doctor was stunned again.

He just stood there and looked at Bai Zhou for a long time without checking other parts of Bai Zhou's body. Then the water tentacles wrapped around Bai Zhou's body slowly loosened.

"Take off your helmet and I'll check your head."

"Good doctor."

Bai Zhou quickly took off his diving helmet, then puffed out his cheeks as if holding his breath, waiting for the doctor to check.

The fishman doctor stretched out his hand and poked Bai Zhou's bulging cheek.

"I don't remember humans being like this."

The doctor also specifically turned to look at Li Luo beside him to confirm that his memory was indeed correct.

Bai Zhou's face turned red from holding back, and then he spurted it out in one breath.

After taking a few breaths and finally recovering, he puffed up his cheeks again and continued to hold his breath.

Seeing Bai Zhou's awkward look, the doctor had no choice but to pat him on the shoulder: "It's no problem. Just put on your helmet."

After hearing the doctor's permission, Bai Zhou immediately picked up his helmet and ran to the small puddle outside to fill it with water. After a while, he returned to the hospital.

After coming back, I didn't forget to pester the doctor.

"Doctor, is there something wrong with my head?"

"I don't know, I can't understand the human brain." The doctor spread his hands and said seriously.

"But I feel a little dizzy now. There are some shining little stars in front of me. They are dangling around. If I follow them with my eyes, they will run away and avoid my observation."

The doctor was also confused: "When did it appear?"

"Shortly after taking off the helmet, I suspected that it might be related to the crisis on the island. Those stars might be parts left to monitor us." Bai Zhou said seriously.

Just when the two were about to discuss whether to report the matter, Li Luo stepped forward in time to interrupt their conversation.

She apologized to the doctor and pulled Bai Zhou aside.

"Try holding your breath again. Are the stars watching you again?"

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