I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 292 New Direction

"The human body is really troublesome."

After learning from Li Luo the reason why he was seeing stars, Bai Zhou sighed helplessly.

No matter how experienced the doctors on Fishman Island were, they didn't know that human beings would see stars after holding their breath, and they were almost taken into a ditch by Bai Zhou.

"But it's okay." Bai Zhou twisted his helmet and returned to his nonchalant look.

In this way, after completing the inspection, Bai Zhou and Li Luo continued to wander around the fish-man village.

When the fog filled the air, the decadent and depressing atmosphere of the fishman village disappeared.

At this time, the pseudo-fishmen coming and going added a bit of vitality to the village.

"The village seems to be much more beautiful." After walking around for a few times, Bai Zhou said with some sigh.

While sighing, he patted his helmet.

"I really can't remember anything. Is there really something wrong with my head?"

He looked at Li Luo again and asked seriously: "Is seeing Venus really a common thing for humans?"

Li Luo nodded: "You can see stars when you sneeze. When you were in the Black Tower, weren't you also a doctor? Didn't you know this?"

Bai Zhou was stunned: "How come no one told me when I was in the Black Tower?"

"This is common sense." Li Luo felt helpless.

It seems that Bai Zhou has just encountered a blind spot in knowledge. After all, his cognition is not that of a normal human being.

Hearing this, Bai Zhou shook his head helplessly: "Well, humans are really fragile creatures..."

The two sat down on the steps outside the library again and chatted about their next plans.

Knowing that Li Luo was going to continue sailing to the fourth level of the abyss, Bai Zhou also showed a longing expression, but he quickly sighed: "The village is full of waste, and I can't leave the village now."

"If I have the chance, I would also like to visit other places. Fishman Island is still too small." Bai Zhou looked into the distance.

This island has trapped too many people.

"The fishmen don't even have a decent boat. After the conditions in the village get better, I plan to build a boat of my own. Then I can explore other islands like humans."

He looked at Li Luo and said proudly: "I learned a lot of human knowledge in the Black Tower."

"Including shipbuilders?" Li Luo asked curiously.

"No, I haven't learned how to build a ship. I will learn it again when I have the opportunity in the future." He was quite confident: "Humans will come to Fish-Man Island anyway. At worst, I will be like Jeff and pester the captain every time."

Speaking of boats, Li Luo also happened to ask about the ferry on the other side of the island. After all, the fog had dissipated, and it was time to start preparing for the next leg of the trip.

"The ferry on the other side is very strange. Every time it comes, it's like a routine. The captain doesn't count the goods. He sends robots to transport the goods on the ship to the coast. After loading the fishmen's goods on the ship, they will return directly. , there was no communication.”

Bai Zhou said somewhat strangely:

"And they only come when the weather is good. After the fog on the island started to get worse, they never came again. I heard it was because the fog was too heavy and they were afraid of hitting the rocks."

Speaking of this, Bai Zhou's expression became more and more confused: "But they could obviously go around to the other side to land on the island. It seems that they stopped the ferry just because they were too troublesome and didn't want to go around a long way."

"Just like their trade with Fish-Man Island is just to complete the task, they come when they want to come, and they don't come if they don't want to. It's very casual."

After saying that, he looked at Li Luo again: "But this is also my subjective feeling. Maybe the island over there is really short of manpower, so I didn't take the trade with Fishman Island to heart."

"But you don't have to worry. Now that the fog has cleared, they will definitely send a ship soon."

Hearing this, Li Luo was also curious: "What island does the other side of the route lead to?"

"It seems to be called...Paradise Island? It's a very nice name. It is said that it is far away from Fish-Man Island. It takes a week of sailing on the sea to get there."

Paradise Island?

How come you got such a name?

Mo Ling floated aside, listening to the conversation between the two. The name of this island immediately aroused his curiosity.

Li Luo also seemed very interested in this name.

"Why is it called Paradise Island? Is the scenery there beautiful?"

"I don't know." Bai Zhou shook his head: "This is a human name. There is no record of the fishmen visiting that island. It may be too far away, but the naming of the islands on the third level of the abyss is definitely not random. "

"Maybe the scenery is really good." Bai Zhou guessed.

In any case, after learning where to go next, Li Luo finally nodded with peace of mind.

"When the ship arrives, someone from the tribe will come to notify you. Jeff will also lead a team to pick up the goods. He will definitely call you, don't worry."


The two of them chatted like this until dinner time...

Bai Zhou happily took Li Luo to the beach, called out the water current tentacles, and caught a few big fish.

"I promised you before that I would cook grilled fish for you to eat and show you my craftsmanship."

He was very confident and started killing fish directly.

He was also very skillful in his movements. He cleaned the fish in three strokes, put it on the sticks, set up a bonfire on the beach, and started grilling the fish.

While flipping the fish, he also talked to Li Luo about the techniques of grilling fish.

"The grilling method of each fish is different. The kind of fish I am grilling now is unique to Fishman Island. It has thick skin and lots of meat. Their skin is like a layer of natural aluminum foil, which is very suitable for grilling."

"This layer of fish skin will distribute the heat evenly, but this also has a disadvantage, that is, the innermost layer of the fish will be raw, but this kind of fish cannot be cut and modified because the juice inside will escape, which will not taste good. ”

"So, the best way is..."

Bai Zhou gave up for a while, and then started to operate.

He called out a few water tentacles, shrunk them very thin, and put them on the fire to bake. When the water tentacles were heated to bubbles, he quickly pierced these linear tentacles into the fish.

Then, just like knitting a sweater, Bai Zhou continuously "threads the needle" into the fish meat, guiding the heat to various locations, and using the water flow to accurately control the temperature of each part of the grilled fish.

At the same time, these very thin threads will not allow the juices in the grilled fish to seep out, thus locking the deliciousness in the fish skin.

Bai Zhou concentrated on controlling the water flow, as if he was doing something extremely rigorous.

Li Luo also stared closely and swallowed unconsciously.

Along with the smoke, the unique aroma of grilled fish also spreads around the bonfire.

"about there."

The tentacles of the water flow were quickly withdrawn, and the holes that were pierced were instantly healed by the flames. The slight burn completely sealed the holes, locking all the delicious food inside.

Bai Zhou quickly lifted the grilled fish from the fire and handed the stick into Li Luo's hand.

"Try it, this is something you can only eat on Fish-Man Island."

There was a confidence on his face that he had never seen before.

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