I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 293 Grilled Fish and Distance

As soon as Li Luo took the first bite, he was stunned, and then he started eating without saying a word.

The best attitude towards a delicious meal is to just eat without saying a word.

Bai Zhou was obviously very satisfied with Li Luo's reaction and looked at her happily.

"Don't eat too fast."

Li Luo nodded, still didn't say anything, but took the time to stretch out his hand and gave Bai Zhou a thumbs up.

After Bai Zhou saw it, he began to explain embarrassedly: "Actually, I didn't do so well at the beginning."

"At that time, I just went to the Black Tower and wanted to cook grilled fish for the little nurse, because when I was on the island, I often cooked grilled fish for other companions, but that time I forgot that fish people and humans have different tastes. Different."

"Compared to humans, fish people prefer raw fish meat. They care more about the texture of the fish rather than the taste. The feeling of toughness when biting into it is what fish people like best."

"So that time the little nurse couldn't bite it, but she still looked at me seriously and told me that the grilled fish was delicious and the best grilled fish she had ever eaten."

"But I can see it's not delicious..."

Speaking of this, Bai Zhou felt a little lonely.

"After that, I kept researching what kind of grilled fish humans like, but I never had the chance to bake it for her."

Bai Zhou looked at the bonfire, his eyes a little dull, and the diving helmet reflected a faint firelight. He was silent for a long time.

"Li Luo, do you think I have some disaster star constitution?" he suddenly asked.

"I was in the Black Tower, and something happened to the Black Tower. No one survived. When I returned to Fish-Man Island, something happened to Fish-Man Island as well. Fortunately, the village is still there."

"And I still have no memory at all. Could it be that I would summon some disaster when I lost consciousness, so there would be a crisis in the Black Tower and Fish-Man Island."

Bai Zhou became more serious as he spoke, and seemed to really think this was possible.

Li Luo quickly interrupted his imagination.

"Don't think wildly. The abyss is full of all kinds of dangers. You have also read the information on humans. There are so many weird areas and there are many unknowns. How can it be safe all the time?"

"That's true." Bai Zhou nodded.

He didn't think too much anymore, picked up a few more fish, and started to process them.

"Can you make one for it?" Li Luo asked, pointing to the square.

"Of course." Bai Zhou was stunned and agreed.

Mo Ling finally ate the grilled fish that he had been craving for. He had been floating around for so long, and he almost teleported the grilled fish on the campfire directly into the cube.

After tasting the grilled fish, Mo Ling was once again shocked by Bai Zhou's craftsmanship. After coming to the abyss, this was the second time he ate such delicious food. The last time was the cup of tea he drank in Oasis City.

Thinking of that cup of tea, he felt a little nauseous again, so he quickly suppressed the memory and concentrated on eating the grilled fish.

He has been eating cans stored in cubes recently. Although there are many kinds of cans, he still gets tired of them. This grilled fish really made him appreciate the beauty of the human world again.

"When can I go back..."

While eating grilled fish, Mo Ling also started to have random thoughts...

The sun has turned half a circle, far away, and will eventually fall into the sea.

Bai Zhou and Li Luo sat on the beach, watching the setting sun.

Neither of them spoke, each had their own thoughts.

The bonfire on the shore slowly extinguished, leaving only a few sparks.

The ashes were blown away by the sea breeze and swept into the darkening night.

When the last bit of light faded away, Bai Zhou reluctantly reminded:

"It's time to go home."


A few days later, early in the morning, Li Luo, who had just woken up in the library, saw Bai Zhou running in in a hurry.

"The boat has arrived! Jeff is already waiting at the entrance of the village with his people. He asked me to inform you."

"Okay." Li Luo picked up the backpack he had packed earlier and followed Bai Zhou out.

It was still dazzling sunlight.

The fog on the Fishman Island seemed to have really disappeared without a trace. The weather had been very good these days. Li Luo also followed Bai Zhou to the mountains where the fake fishmen lived for a few laps.

It's very well built up there.

One of the wooden houses that looks like a classroom is very conspicuous. Bai Zhou said that the classroom has been renovated many times and they have been using it. They often take turns as teachers to introduce the cultures and languages ​​of various ethnic groups.

"In the future, people from the village will be able to come and take classes." Bai Zhou said expectantly.

Li Luo also rarely lived a stable life for a few days, but now he is about to embark on a new journey.

She took the cube and followed Bai Zhou to the entrance of the village. Sure enough, Jeff was already waiting there.

"Did you leave anything behind?" Jeff asked concerned.

"It's all packed up. I've left a few packs of seaweed slices for you and placed them on the patriarch's favorite table."

Hearing this, Jeff was stunned.


Seeing this scene, Bai Zhou also came up: "What about mine?"

"Some grilled fish seasonings are also placed on that table. Your taste should be human taste, right?"

"Of course, I'm human."

"Aren't you a fishman anymore?" Li Luo asked in surprise.

"I have thought about it recently. I feel that identity can be flexibly changed. I can be both a fish-man and a human. When I am on Fish-Man Island, I am a fish-man, and when I am in human society, I am a human."

"What the hell is that?"

"There's no need to go into it so deeply. Anyway, identity is just a sign. Just like Jeff said, it's 'recognition'. Whatever you think I am, that's what I am."

At the same time, Bai Zhou looked at Jeff, and Jeff nodded understandingly.

Li Luo looked around the two people who had reached some kind of consensus for a few times, and reluctantly accepted this statement.

"Let's go, it's getting late."

Jeff led a team of mixed fishmen and pseudo-murlocs towards the other side of the fishman island, with Bai Zhou still following.

Along the way, Bai Zhou was talking to Li Luo about all kinds of strange things at sea, as vividly as if he had seen them with his own eyes.

When asked where he knew it, he was stuck again, and finally hesitantly said that the old fish man told him, and he didn't know whether it was true or not.

"Anyway, you just have to be careful. On the third level of the abyss, even the most ordinary storms and waves may kill people. Be cautious..."

"Be careful of those strange races. Many of them are not as friendly as the fishmen." As he said this, he patted his chest.

Hearing Bai Zhou's caring nagging, Li Luo had no choice but to agree again and again.

Jeff kept listening and nodded repeatedly. Unlike Bai Zhou, he didn't say anything and just walked ahead silently.

Just like that, before we knew it, the team had arrived at the beach.

On the dilapidated pier, a white ship that looked full of technology was parked quietly on the shore, waiting for everyone.

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