I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 294 White Ship

"That's the boat you're on, the boat going in the other direction."

Jeff pointed to the white boat docked on the shore and said to Li Luo.

After getting closer, Mo Ling was able to see the entire ship.

The white ship was a bit frightening. Compared with the dilapidated pier of the fishmen, the white ship was like a messenger from another dimension. The entire hull was covered with white ceramics, which looked extremely bright under the sun.

When he first arrived at the third level of the abyss, the transport ship he rode on still matched Mo Ling's impression of a "ship", but the ship in front of him was a bit too "fresh and refined".

The hull of the white boat is very smooth and elegant, with no edges and corners. Instead, it looks like a white sculpture with soft edges, which forms a sharp contrast with the already colorful coast.

After everyone arrived, an opening slowly opened on the edge of the extremely pure hull. A group of robots, all white in color, carried well-packed white boxes and walked out of the opening neatly.

This group of robots are all slender humanoids, but their lower bodies are more like spiders, and their upper bodies have four thick and powerful folding mechanical arms, which look very powerful.

Soon, this group of robots placed the white boxes on the coast one by one, and each box was stacked neatly together, making a perfect fit.

These boxes were also made of white hard plastic. The fish people came forward curiously and touched these boxes with their hands. The robot that was carrying them even kindly made room for them.

Then, a white robot walked up to Jeff, and a calm and gentle voice came from the body.

"Mr. Jeff, where are your goods?"

Not only that, he repeated it in fishman language, still in a very gentle tone.

"Over there." Jeff pointed to the few goods at the back and said: "The fishmen are in some crisis and there is no time to sort out the goods. We can make up for it next time. There are still a lot of parts in the village, so we can get them all next time. Fill."

The white robot just glanced at the goods, without doubting Jeff's words, and spoke again: "Okay, do you need our help to solve the crisis of the fish people?"

"No, it's done." Jeff waved his hand quickly: "There is another human who needs to take a boat to the other end of the route."

The white robot looked directly at Li Luo who was standing aside: "Is this the lady? I understand."

"Please show me the nameplate."

Hearing this, Li Luo took off the nameplate from his neck, put it in his hand, and handed it to the white robot.

The white robot didn't take it, but just glanced at the nameplate, and the gentle voice came again:

"Hello, Ms. Li Luo, welcome to the Paradise."

After finishing speaking, he bent down and saluted Li Luo.

"You can put the nameplate away." It still said in that calm tone: "My name is Ji Ting, and I am the captain of the Paradise. If you have anything on the ship, you can contact me directly."

"Are you the captain?" Bai Zhou from behind heard Ji Ting's words and stuck his head out curiously.

"Yes, I am the captain of the Paradise. This is the ship you saw behind me. Sir, do you want to take the ship too?"

"I don't need it." Bai Zhou waved his hand quickly.

"Okay sir, if you need any help on Fish-Man Island, you can contact me in time."

Its attitude towards humans is obviously much better than that towards fish-men, and Bai Zhou has benefited from this.

Those white robots quickly loaded the few murloc goods onto the ship. Just as Bai Zhou said, they did not count the goods or have any doubts about the quantity of the goods.

It's like completing a mission.

"We will make up for the remaining goods next time." Jeff repeated again.

"Okay, Mr. Jeff, thank you for your hard work." Ji Ting said calmly.

After the robots entered the cargo hold, the machine booth looked at Li Luo, and the robot arm made an invitation gesture.

"Let's go, Ms. Li Luo."


Li Luo followed Ji Ting and took a few steps forward, then turned around, looked at Bai Zhou and Jeff, and waved.

"Come on!" Bai Zhou jumped out. There was no sadness on his face, but instead he was full of excitement: "Go to the bottom of the abyss and bring back some treasures!"

Li Luo was also amused by his appearance and nodded in agreement.

Even Jeff, who had always been serious, raised his hand and waved.

Not only that, the fishmen and pseudo-fishmen who followed all raised their arms and waved to this human friend who helped them tide over the crisis.

The scene immediately turned into a farewell ceremony.

Bai Zhou also kept shouting.

Until Li Luo turned around again and walked slowly towards the boat, there were voices of farewell and encouragement behind him.

This lively scene lasted until Li Luo stepped onto the boat and the exit on the boat was closed, and then it finally ended.

As the exit closed, there was only silence in the white ship, and those sounds disappeared without a trace.

The faint smile on the corner of Li Luo's mouth slowly disappeared.

After letting out a long sigh, she looked back and saw only a white wall.

"Do I need to take you to the deck and say goodbye?" Ji Ting asked humanely.

"No thanks."


"If you don't have any objections, we are ready to set sail. I will take you to the ship to familiarize yourself first."

Ji Ting took Li Luo out of the cargo hold, walked around the ship, and began to introduce in detail the functions of each room on the ship.

The facilities on the Paradise are very complete, and it can even be said to have everything you need. It doesn't look very big from the outside, but the space inside is very spacious and the utilization rate is very high.

There are even some unexpected amenities.

"This is the swimming pool. If you need it, you can come and experience it. It has been empty for a long time."

Ji Ting took Li Luo to a small swimming pool and introduced it.

Li Luo was not shocked, but captured some information in Ji Ting's words.

"It's been empty for a long time? Isn't there anyone swimming in this boat?"

"No, there have been no people on the Paradise Island for a long time. There are only machines like us." Ji Ting explained: "We have been able to complete independent voyages, so there is no need for humans to be stationed. There will only be people when we return to Paradise Island. Perform maintenance."

Hearing this, Li Luo showed an expression of sudden realization.

Mo Ling in the cube also dispelled his doubts.

When he first arrived on the Paradise, Mo Ling looked over the ship and found no one, so he remained vigilant.

Now I finally understand why.

It can only be blamed on Mo Ling's lack of understanding of human technology in this era. He should have guessed this when he saw a robot claiming to be captain.

"No wonder the fishmen never saw humans when they were trading with the Paradise. It turns out there are no humans at all."

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