I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 295 A piece of news

After knowing that there were no humans on board, the empty Paradise suddenly became a little deserted.

Although every robot he saw would greet Li Luo politely, Mo Ling always felt a little weird.

Li Luo seems to be quite adaptable, after all, he is also a human being of this era.

However, when she looked at the layout of the ship, she would always be in a daze from time to time, as if she had thought of something.

"Did you miss Dawn City?"

Thinking about it carefully, when I saw Dawn City in my dream before, some of the scenes there were very similar to those in the ship at this time. After all, they were all products of human technology from the same period.

These similar scenes probably really triggered some of Li Luo's memories.

The facilities on the Paradise were all new to Mo Ling. It was like coming to a museum full of technology. Many things were seen for the first time.

But for Li Luo, it was all normal.

Those advanced technologies are just commonplace for humans living in this era.

I saw Li Luo skillfully operating the electronic screen at the door of the room and opening the door.

"If you need anything, come to me, or you can ask for help from other machines on this ship. They will meet your needs." Ji Ting said calmly.

"Okay." Li Luo nodded.

"Then I won't disturb you." Ji Ting bowed and walked straight towards the far end of the corridor.

Li Luo looked at the machine pavilion that was gradually going away, her eyes still a little lost. After she sighed, she entered the room.

The room is not big, and there are not so many advanced equipment inside. There are only some neatly packed daily necessities, and a small bed that looks very comfortable.

As soon as Li Luo entered the room, he put down his backpack and sat next to the wall.

"What's wrong?" Looking at Li Luo, who was always lost in thought after arriving on the Paradise, Mo Ling finally couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked.

Li Luo looked at the words on the electronic screen and did not answer quickly. Instead, he searched on the electronic screen.

Soon, some information appeared on the screen.

Then, she handed over the electronic screen.

As soon as he took the electronic screen into his hands, Mo Ling was attracted by the information on it.

In other words, it's not information, it's just a very attractive piece of news.

The news headlines are extremely eye-catching:

"Sixth generation intelligent machines, how far is mankind from destruction?"

Good guys, no matter what era they are in, they can always find a way to catch people's attention.

Mo Ling's curiosity was immediately aroused, and she continued to read along the title:

"As the exploration of the abyss continues to deepen, the technology and relics in the abyss have also been applied to daily life. Among them, the development of intelligent machines is obvious to everyone."

"In the beginning, they just helped humans do some physical work. After a while, they were able to have some very human interactions with humans. Their intelligence is constantly improving, and some of them can no longer tell whether they are real people."

"But we know that these intelligent machines have no real thoughts. Their humanity is based on the integrity of the database, and all responses are calls to the database."

"But recently, Yuanxin Technology introduced their sixth-generation intelligent machine at a press conference. This generation of intelligent machinery abandoned the heavy database. Yuanxin Technology claimed to use relics to simulate the human brain and create a' Digital Brain'."

"This 'digital brain', just like a real brain, can grow on its own, learn and think on its own. Although the growth rate will be slower and very uncontrollable, it can allow intelligent machines to gain a real soul."

"Once digital brains are applied, intelligent machines, or mechanical life, that were unimaginable to us in the past, may appear in the near future."

"The release of this news is undoubtedly very worrying. Fortunately, the regulatory authorities promptly stopped Yuanxin Technology's press conference. Shortly afterwards, they stationed in Yuanxin Technology's R\u0026D department and launched an investigation into the 'digital brain' technology. …”

Then, there were several photos taken from very tricky angles.

As if deliberately trying to create a depressing atmosphere, the shooting angles of these photos are like "candid shots", and the pictures are dark and foggy, with a layer of weird filters added, which makes them look awkward no matter how you look at them. .

The contents of the previous photos are the same, showing a group of staff in suits walking into a building. The subtitle under the photo also reads "Regulators stationed at Yuanxin Technology."

These photos were taken in a car on the road, and the windows were not even cut out, giving people a very tense feeling.

However, this also greatly increases the realism of the photos.

Next are a few photos from the press conference. The robots above have been filtered with black and white filters. In the same frame with these robots, only the backs of the press conference audience can be seen. It is so dark that it is difficult to see clearly.

The moment you see these photos, you will start to want to know the expressions of these viewers.

The next photo was a close-up of the audience. There was no optimism about the new technology on everyone's face, only worries.

Those frowning brows seemed to have seen something unacceptable.

Those vague back figures from before were also answered at this moment:

"It turns out that these viewers are also worried about the sixth generation of intelligent machinery."

The subtitle under the photo is also thought-provoking:

"The effect of the press conference was not good."

This short sentence makes people start thinking about it.

Mo Ling always felt weird looking at these photos and small words.

The photographers of these photos did not seem to focus on the press conference. The really meaningful robots and the large screen of the press conference were deliberately blurred.

Through those slightly blurry photos, Mo Ling also saw what those robots looked like.

Exactly the same as the machine booth.

In other words, they are exactly the same as all the robots on the Paradise at this time.

The slender humanoid figure, spider-like lower body, and four thick and powerful folding robotic arms were extremely distinctive. Although the robots in the photos were blurred so that only a circle of outline could be seen, Mo Ling could still distinguish them.

"The robots on this Paradise are all sixth-generation intelligent machines? Technology that has been stopped by the regulatory authorities?"

Mo Ling was a little surprised.

No wonder Li Luo always felt strange after coming to this boat.

Suppressing her inner desire to ask, Mo Ling continued to look down. Behind the photo was a concise summary.

"Human beings cannot control things beyond their understanding. Just like those relics in the abyss, the price will always come quietly. Facing these unknowns, the only way is to stay away."

“Not to touch, not to understand, not to desire.”

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